F*ck Club: Riley
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F*ck Club: Riley
Shiloh Walker
F*ck Club: Riley, © 2017 Shiloh Walker
The Virgin’s Night Out © 2015 Shiloh Walker
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.
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Riley Steele was balls-deep inside a beautiful woman.
She had her hands in his hair, her wide blue eyes locked on his face and her cupid’s bow mouth parted, a delighted moan escaping her as he dragged her up, then down his cock.
But just before he would have gotten her off, she shoved her hands against his chest. “Not yet. Not yet…”
Candi Lowe—born Candace Wicklow—believed in getting her money’s worth. Something she’d told him more than once.
And seeing as how Riley was being paid—and paid well—to screw her, he would make sure he did just that. He’d give Candy her money’s worth.
He eased her down to her feet and braced his hands on the wall beside her head, waiting for her to nudge him in whatever direction she was ready to go.
Riley was by no means a submissive sort of guy but when he was being paid to give a client a certain sort of service, well, that was what he did.
Candi slid her tongue along her lower lip, her chest rising and falling as she struggled to catch her breath.
“Are you looking at me?” she asked, her voice breathy.
He knew his part. “Do you want me to?”
She slid her hands down her chest, then crossed her arms over her not-unimpressive breasts. “Boys like you only look at girls like me for one reason.”
Riley was well past the age when anybody would consider him a boy, just as she was certainly no girl, but this was part of her game. Part of her twisted little game that let her find a bit of escape from the shadows in her head. She wouldn’t like knowing he’d figured out that part, but Riley had always been good at looking beyond the skin.
“And just what reason is that, sugar?”
“You want to…” She bit her lip and then slid her gaze down his chest, down, down, down…
His cock perked up at the interest. The talking part of her games had long since ceased to interest him. Sometimes she could draw it out and he’d listen patiently, do as she asked, patiently. But just because he could do that didn’t mean his cock was going to stay in the act.
She reached out and closed a hand around him, tight enough that it might have made him wince if he hadn’t already inured himself to such things, especially from her.
“You want to stick that dirty prick in me again, don’t you?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He bent his head and nuzzled her neck. She hunched away for a second, only to shiver and sigh and all but melt against him, her hand working his cock all the while.
“That’s the only reason boys like you like me. So you can fuck me. Is that what you want, Riley? Do you want to fuck me?”
“Absolutely.” He met her big blue eyes solemnly. She’d never guess that he was thinking she’d be better off talking to a counselor, rather than coming to see a whore—and that’s what he was. It wasn’t his place. If she wanted to use him to chase her demons away, then who was he to say otherwise?
“Tell me…” She swayed closer.
He caught her hip, squeezed lightly. “I want to bend you over that couch behind you and fuck you. Hard.”
Her eyes lit up even as she made a moue with her lips, shaking her head. “You…what… What if I don’t want it?”
“What if you do?” He didn’t let himself think much past this part. He knew the rules, and what she’d do if she really did want to end things. It was hard enough to get through some of the more twisted games she liked and still even pretend to have a soul left.
“I don’t think you can do anything to me that I’d like.” She licked her lips and backed away—directly to the couch. “If you bent me over it and fucked me, I wouldn’t like it. I bet I’d hate it…especially if you put that dirty prick in my ass.”
“I bet you’d love it.” He approached her slowly.
Her lips spread in a wicked smile and she shook her head. “No…”
She reached out as he stopped in front of her again, catching his cock in her hand, pumping once more.
“I wouldn’t love it. At all. I’d scream. And fight. And you’d make me take it anyway.”
Riley clenched his jaw and wondered what sick bastard had hurt her so bad that she needed this.
It wasn’t a fantasy for her.
He’d had more than a couple clients who did get into the rough sex area, and fine, so be it. This wasn’t that.
With Candi, even as she smiled and teased, there was pain in her eyes.
Sometimes she just wanted him to hold her while she cried. Other times, she paid him double so she could hurt him—nothing bad, but she had an unending well of pain in her and he was a safe target.
“Won’t you…” She started to draw the condom off.
He caught her wrist. “Don’t, Candi. You know the rules.”
“Oh, come on… And we were having so much fun.” She pouted for a few more seconds, then turned around and bent over, baring her naked butt. “Hurt me, Riley. I need it.”
He closed his eyes.
What in the hell was he doing?
* * * * *
She was crying when he came out of the shower.
Hesitant, Riley lingered by the door to the bedroom, staring inside.
Arms wrapped around her mid-section, she rocked herself back and forth.
He didn’t know if he should leave or stay.
“Stop it,” she whispered through the tears. “Stop staring at me. Stop feeling sorry for me.”
He dropped his bag and went over to her, sinking to the floor in front of her. “You think I feel sorry for you, sugar?” he asked, summoning up the cocky smile he used to cover everything else.
“Why wouldn’t you?”
He scooped her up into his lap—gingerly. Once the clothes went back on, she didn’t always welcome physical contact and he knew it. But tonight, she clung to him.
“What’s going on, Candi?” he asked, rubbing his chin against her hair. “Are the nightmares back?”
He’d stayed a few nights with her, at her request. She’d told him the nightmares were better when she wasn’t alone.
“They never went away.” She sniffled.
A few moments later, the storm started to ease and he continued to rock her, stroke her back and wonder.
“You want to tell me what’s going on? Can I fix it?”
“Can you help me bury a body?” she asked with a watery laugh.
He tensed.
“Relax, babe. I’m not serious.” She looked up at him, the makeup she’d worn smeared. She was still beautiful, though.
Candi had once been in the running for a national beauty pageant. The pictures were all over her apartment. She still made a decent living off
endorsements and worked with kids who were hoping to start doing that sort of thing themselves. A pageant coach, she called herself.
He didn’t know shit about any of that, but he knew she had that indefinable beauty that would make men, and some women, flock to her.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he said again.
“I saw him,” she said simply. “The man who…”
Without finishing, she closed her eyes and looked away. A moment later, she whispered, “He saw me, too. He came up to me, Riley. He told me how much he’d missed me.”
He held her as she started to cry again.
Three Months Later
“Did you forget what the first rule was?”
Riley Steele’s voice was level as he stared at the younger man standing across from him. He was distracted, pissed off, and the last thing he wanted to be doing was dealing with somebody who should know the rules.
He never should have taken on somebody outside the family.
All there was to it.
But that was a mistake he was going to rectify, starting now.
“Look, Ry. I don’t see what the big deal is.”
Of course you don’t, dumb-ass. He didn’t say anything, just waited it out.
Eventually Lee Billings looked away, his hands jammed into his pockets. “What’s the big deal? So I mentioned it to a friend of mine at the gym. He’s always ragging on me about how I have money, asked if I was dealing or something.” He smirked. “This is way better than dealing.”
“I don’t care if he asked if you were selling meth out of your mama’s trunk.” Riley crossed his arms over his chest. “You knew the rules coming in. I wasn’t big on the idea of giving you a shot anyway, but I tried it. And you fucked up.”
“Hey, I’ve been making you a lot of money.” Lee puffed out his chest while jabbing a thumb toward himself and sneering. “You know that.”
Riley could have told the idiot that he made more in his three routine monthly hook-ups than Lee had in the three months he’d been there, but that was bragging. And he wasn’t about to be an arrogant asshat just because this guy was one.
“You’ve been making yourself a decent share of money.” Riley lifted a shoulder. “And you more or less barged your way in. I told you I’d give you a shot. I did. You blew it.”
“How’d I blow it?” Lee demanded.
“There was a cop in the dressing room at the gym, dumb ass. One who told me all about what he heard you two talking about.” Riley braced his hands on the table as he leaned forward, staring down Lee.
He didn’t let the fury he felt show. He couldn’t do that because he was still trying to make sure he had his ass—and therefore, the asses of his friends—covered. But he was enraged.
The only good thing that had come of it was the fact that Riley knew the cop. Riley and Kyle Mobley had been in school together, played sports and had even gone on more than a few double dates.
Maybe that was why Kyle had felt the need to come to Riley and talk to him.
Riley had totally bullshitted his way through it. Sure, he felt bad about lying to somebody who’d once been a good friend, but the two of them had gone down very different paths. Riley doubted Kyle would understand what his life had been like when he’d been forced to leave college, and a promising football career, after his parents were killed in a head-on collision.
He went from being a kid to an adult almost overnight, forced to handle a funeral and mounting bills after his parents’ business fell apart, while still having to take care of his siblings.
Riley had finally managed to get things level within the past couple of years and he wasn’t going to have some idiot rock the boat.
“You’re out,” Riley said, jerking his head toward the door. “I’ll make sure your next client is taken care of.”
“Hey!” Lee took a step forward, jabbing a finger in Riley’s direction. “You can’t do that.”
“Yeah? I just did.” He sat down behind his desk, the same battered, utilitarian piece he’d picked up at a garage sale when he’d decided he needed to…expand his business of operations.
“Let me rephrase.” Lee braced his hands on the desk and leaned forward, keeping his voice low. “You don’t want to do that. I’ll bring this shining little castle crashing down around you, bro.”
Riley lifted his head and met Lee’s eyes. “Bro?”
Lee continued to stare at him.
“Okay…bro…let me tell you what’s going to happen.” Riley leaned back, lacing his fingers over his belly and staring down the younger man. “You’re going to turn around and leave this office, and you’re going to forget you ever issued a threat to me. Because if you don’t…”
Riley reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, unlocking the drawer that held bits and pieces of vital information. Vital to him, at least.
“This is the information that will be sent to the school, to the medical board, to your mommy and daddy, and it will also be blasted on social media.”
Lee’s arrogant look flickered, but didn’t fade. At least not until he looked down.
“See…if you want to take me down, you’re going to go down, too.”
Lee picked up the copy of the contract he’d signed—one that was legal as hell, although it probably wouldn’t hold up well in court. Still, Lee had willingly and knowingly signed on as a male prostitute, agreeing that he wouldn’t reveal the nature of his work to anybody, even in the event that he was released from the company.
“I’ve also got records of the money you made, the dates you were paid. I’ll include those, too.” Leaning forward, Riley smiled. “You’re not the first schmuck who’s wanted to see me crash…bro. And I’m not a third-year medical student. If I go down, it will hurt, yeah. But it ain’t going to cost me a medical career. And I wonder what your daddy will think. He’s talking about running for mayor down in Turner Grove next year, isn’t he? How will this go over?”
For a minute, Lee didn’t even speak. As he stared at everything Riley had spread out, his face got redder and redder. “You’re an asshole,” Lee said.
“I am. And maybe you should have remembered that before you threatened me.” Riley nodded at the documents. “Take them if you want a copy. I keep the originals locked up in a safety deposit box.”
* * * * *
“Is he going to cause problems?” Connor Steele, Riley’s younger brother, sat scowling into his beer.
“I don’t think so. I’ll send that information out, exactly like I said I would, and I think he knows it.” Riley jerked up a shoulder and looked across the table at the third employee of his little group.
Max Schaffer—aka Shame—shook his head. “I never liked the bastard, personally. I know he had a way with the ladies, but he was a prick.”
“So are you,” Con said. “Shit, Riley. I’m sorry. It’s my fault he found out.”
Neither Riley nor Shame addressed that. It was over and done and Con wouldn’t be so stupid as to discuss business where somebody might overhear it again. After a few seconds, Shame slanted a look at Riley. “You got Lee’s clients handled?”
“He only had one on the schedule. I can get her. I’ve already called her and let her know that Lee is no longer available and I’d be happy to handle the appointment.” Riley usually only dealt with his regulars now, but since he had to let the idiot go, he was the one who would step up and fill the gap.
“I can do it.” Shame met Riley’s gaze. “It’s tonight, right? I’m open.”
“You haven’t had a night off in a couple of weeks.” Riley wasn’t surprised by the offer. But he wanted Shame to occasionally have a life outside of…well, fucking.
“Hey, I get off every damn night. How many guys can say that? And get paid for it?” Shame shrugged. “Let me take her. I’ll bet you anything she’ll be a repeat client.”
“You saying I can’t do the same?” Riley was almost amused at the idea, but before Shame had a chance to res
pond, his phone rang, and it was a unique ring, one saved for a select few people.
Neither of the men said a word as Riley picked up the phone and answered, rising from the table at the same time.
“Hey, Ry. It’s me. I need…” The woman on the other end of the line paused, her voice unsteady. “I need help.”
“Bree.” Everything in him went on red alert and he tensed. “Where are you?”
“I’m at the hospital.”
The hospital. Brianna was in the hospital. “Are you okay? The kid?”
“I…yes. Mostly. Riley…” She sucked in a breath and her words trailed off.
She was trying not to cry. He knew it, and it gutted him. If that bastard had hurt her… “Where are you, Bree? What hospital?”
She told him and he did a mental calculation, figuring out how long it would take him to get there. “I need forty-five minutes, maybe an hour.”
“You don’t…”
“If you didn’t want me there, you wouldn’t have called, Bree. I’m on my way.” He disconnected and turned to look at his friend and brother. “Shame, you can have the appointment tonight. Con…”
His brother shook his head. “Go on, I’ve got everything. I can handle opening the pub by myself, big brother.”
Riley nodded and strode for the door.
Bright morning light shone in his eyes as he left the dark interior of the pub he’d opened with Con just six months earlier. Eventually, he planned on focusing his interest completely on the pub and he’d stop worrying about his…other source of income.
But things just kept coming up.
That, and there was the miserable fact that he just didn’t know how to say no. Plus, it wasn’t as if he had anything else better to do with his time.
The woman he loved had made it more than clear that she didn’t want him the way he wanted her.
Of course, that never kept her from calling him when she needed him.