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Marked at Midnight--Mark of the Dragon, Book 1

Page 11

by Claire Conrad

  Thank God.

  He didn’t look good. Too pale. Covered in blood and filth. But he was all in one piece, which gave me hope.

  Inch by inch, I clawed my way to Garrett. As I neared him, I looked back, stealing glances as the Riven paced at the opening of the cave entrance. We were in his lair. His den.

  Zach and Iavo would come for me…and it appeared the Riven knew it.

  When he disappeared on the other side of the cavern, I crawled the rest of the way to Garrett as quickly as I could, not caring that my head spun or that I scraped my forearms raw. He was breathing, but it was shallow, and his head was still oozing blood. Even with all that, it looked as though he had a fighting chance. He probably had a concussion, but a concussion was the least of our worries.

  Pulling Garrett’s head onto my lap, I held him so he’d know he wasn’t alone.

  The Riven turned, saw what I had done, and smiled. “Bond with your human. It will cause him more pain when I kill you.”

  He was an asshole. Certifiable, and a complete asshole. I didn’t respond. I wasn’t stupid. I knew my mates would come for us. They had to.

  Closing my eyes, I called them to mind. Their touch. Their scent. The pleasure I found in their arms. I thought of Zach’s gentle kiss and Iavo’s rough fingers tangled in my hair. I thought of Iavo collapsing in the hospital room, the grins on both of their faces as they confused the poor nurse, the way they’d always tried to take care of me.

  Iavo. Mate. I am here. I need you.

  I willed my mind to focus, to call out to the dragon who was our only hope of survival. Tears slipped down my cheeks and fell into Garrett’s hair. I need you, Iavo. I need you so much.

  I am here, love. We are here.

  I had to bite my cheek to keep from yelling out in relief, but my captor must have sensed something in the air. His eyes began to glow and he paced like a caged tiger, starved, hurt, and full of rage.

  He’s crazy, Iavo. Be careful. We are in the back of the cave. By the dead bodies.

  The Riven transformed into the beautiful jade dragon he was. He was stunning to look at. It made me sad that something to beautiful could be so evil.

  He roared so loudly that I thought he was going to blow my ear drums. I covered my ears the best I could, but it didn’t seem to do much good. It echoed off every wall, every stalactite and every stalagmite, damn near piercing through my hearing with every vibration.

  I crawled behind the boulder, taking Garrett with me and laying him down so he didn’t get hit by any falling debris.

  I tucked my legs into my chest and hid my face on my knees. My skin was covered in grey dust.

  Drying my tears with my dusty shirt, I pulled Garrett into the nook of my arm. As I did, he moaned in pain and I slapped my hand over his mouth and leaned over to whisper in his ear.

  “Shhh, we’re not safe here. I need you to be quiet. Just for a little while. Help is coming, but you can’t make any noise,” I whispered to him as I softly brushed his dusty blond hair out of his face.

  My fingers were gentle as I tried to soothe him, careful not to touch the open wound he had from getting pistol whipped in the parking lot. Garrett laid against my bruised arm and I stared off into the darkness of the cavern in a daze.

  I wasn’t sure if he’d heard me or was unconscious and I prayed that I hadn’t found my brother only to lose him. If he died, it was my fault.

  I’d led the Riven right to him.

  Chapter 12


  * * *

  The Riven used Brittany’s scent like a lure, laying a trail for me to follow back to his lair. Zach clung to my back with a fury I’d rarely felt from him as I used my large wings to fly faster than I ever had before.

  Brittany was hurt. Bleeding. Dying.

  I knew the Riven would keep her alive to torment me so he could kill her and make me watch. It was a sick and twisted truth that the Riven loved nothing more than to cause others pain.

  Either the dragon wanted to die, or it was a trap. And option number one would make my life too easy.

  With dragons, things were never that simple.

  “How close are we?” Zach yelled the question and I swooped down out of the clouds almost on top of the dragon’s killing den. The stench of dead bodies and dragon so strong I was surprised that Zach couldn’t smell it, even with his pathetic human senses.

  We are here. I dove down upwind of the dragon’s den and tilted my shoulder so Zach would roll onto the ground as I passed by. Get off. Sneak inside and find her. I’ll kill him.

  “Done.” Zach rolled, hitting the ground with a grunt as I pumped my wings and rose back up into the air. The moment I sensed Zach was hidden behind the small rise, I bellowed my challenge to the other dragon.

  I would strike his heart with my claws, rip his throat from his body, incinerate his wings with my fire. He’d dared touch my mate.

  He would die.


  * * *

  Holy hell, I’d never seen Iavo like this. Iavo’s scream echoed across the water like a cannon, the boom of his power making the surface of the lake ripple as far as I could see.

  He was in a killing rage.

  When the green dragon roared an answer, I ducked down as low to the ground as possible, fairly certain the Riven would be focused on the golden challenger, but not willing to take any chances. Dragons could smell better than any bloodhound and had better vision than the eagle. They were extremely dangerous, and I was too close to the Riven to do anything stupid.

  I didn’t dare breathe until the green dragon leapt to the sky with a roar and the two collided in midair.

  Horrified and unable to look away, I watched as they ripped at each other with vicious claws, Iavo heaving fire into the other dragon’s face with no effect. The green dragon was breathing ice, steam rising and water falling like rain from between them.

  Go! Iavo yelled and I bolted from my hiding place to run inside the cave. I found Brittany huddled protectively over her brother. They were both covered in blood, but at least my mate was conscious.

  “Brittany, baby, I’m here. We’re here.”

  She started crying but wiped the tears away with a stubborn glare. “Garrett is really hurt. That asshole pistol-whipped him. I think he has a concussion.”

  I gathered her brother in my arms and waited for her to stand. “Can you walk?”

  “Yes. I think so.”

  “Good. Let’s get out of here.”

  She gagged as we passed the pile of half eaten dead and placed a trembling hand on my shoulder.

  “Don’t look at them, baby. Just look at me.”

  “I can’t believe this. How do people not know about this?”

  We neared the entrance and I peeked outside, checking the positions of both dragons. They were still locked in combat, wings beating frantically as they darted at each other, each going for blood. “What do you think would happen if regular humans knew about dragons?”

  Her silence was telling and I knew she wouldn’t skirt around the truth. “They’d hunt you down and kill every dragon and rider they could find.”

  “Yes. All of us. Good or bad.”

  “Iavo is good. And so are you, Zach.”

  I carried her brother’s unconscious body out onto the shoreline and hoped she was right. About both of us.


  * * *

  Knowing something and seeing it are two different things.

  I knew dragons were real.

  I knew that Iavo was a dragon.

  But I fell to my knees on the wet ground as the two dragons, one sparkling emerald green and one shimmering, vibrant amber, locked talons, or claws, or whatever they were called on a dragon—and dove head first into the freezing cold lake.

  “Iavo!” I yelled for him as Zach put Garrett down gently and stepped in front of both of us, acting as a shield, watching the fight play out.

  “He’s okay, but he’s going to be angry.” Zach looked down at me
over his shoulder. “He hates cold water.”

  Zach’s laugh distracted me enough that I could ignore the anxiety caused by seeing the large revolver in his hand. The gun was ridiculous, with a barrel that looked at least eight inches long and polished silver. “What are you, the Lone Ranger?”

  “Laugh all you want, but this little beauty has saved our lives more than once.”

  I studied the gun and pulled Garrett’s head into my lap. “So what are you waiting for? Shoot him.”

  “It’s a last resort. It won’t do much, just piss him off.”

  The dragons chose that moment to burst from the water and rocket straight up into the air. The green one was bleeding. I could see the dark liquid sliding down his back. One of his wings was torn, almost in two, but it was holding together, and he was going for Iavo’s neck with his massive green maw.

  I screamed, the vision of Iavo’s ripped throat clouding my mind.

  Zach stepped forward and raised the gun in one smooth motion, firing as if he’d done it a thousand times.

  The green dragon veered off his attack with a scream and turned his eyes on Zach as Iavo recovered.

  But it was too late. The Riven changed direction and dove for Zach, a wall of ice pouring out of his giant mouth like white fire.

  “Zach!” I screamed even as I rolled away, putting my back to the dragon, trying to shield my brother with my body.

  But Zach was running, firing the revolver as he went. The gunfire was loud, almost as loud as the dragons’ roars had been, but the green monster kept coming.

  And then Zach went down under a wall of ice.

  NO! Iavo roared in my mind even as my golden dragon dove hard and fast at the Riven’s back.

  Lifting my head enough to watch, I saw Iavo land on the other dragon’s back, dig his claws into the strong, green neck, and twist.

  I winced, turning away as the loud snap and crack of bones filled the air. The green dragon heaved a sigh and flopped to the ground, dead.

  Not sure, I looked at my mate. Iavo, can he heal that?

  No, he cannot.

  Iavo landed at once and a swirl of light and color nearly blinded me as he shifted from dragon to human.

  Gently, I lay Garrett’s head on the ground and rushed to Zach’s side. Half of his body was covered in ice, the skin already peeling from some of his flesh, burned from his body as if the ice had, indeed, been flames.

  Iavo knelt beside me, and knelt down, placing his forehead to Zach’s, his hands on Zach’s shoulders. Hang on, brother. The queen comes.

  “Can’t you heal him? Do your dragon thing?” I asked Iavo.

  He shook his head. I am keeping him alive. It is all I can do. This is too much, even for me.

  “But the dragon queen is coming?”


  “And she can heal him?”

  If she finds him worthy.

  “What?” What the hell was that supposed to mean? But Iavo was done, moving along the shoreline to check on my brother as I knelt beside Zach. “I love you. Hold on for me, baby,” I whispered to him and hoped that somehow he could hear me.

  Your brother is stable. Iavo returned and leaned down to gently scoop Zach up into his arms. He led me farther away from the cave entrance and the carnage that was buried within. “What about my brother? We can’t leave him out in the open like that.”

  Come with me. I will come back for him, and I do not wish to leave Zach alone when I do.

  “Why don’t we just stay here?”

  He sniffed, as if the very air was offensive. My mother would be offended.

  “So? I don’t want to leave him.”

  Come now. We will not go far and I will know if your brother is disturbed.

  Well, I didn’t want to leave Garrett alone with the pile of dead bodies and a dead dragon just a few steps away, but Iavo didn’t leave me much choice, taking off at a steady pace with Zach in his arms. It was either follow, or get left behind. And he was right, I didn’t want Zach to be left alone either. At least I knew that everything in the cave was too dead to crawl out and kill my brother. Disgusting and sad, but dead.

  Unless zombies were a real thing, too. Which was ridiculous and stupid, but that’s what I’d thought about dragons a few days ago. God only knew what other myths or legends were true. Werewolves? Vampires? Aliens? Reptile people? Fairies?

  I’d ask my dragon later, when we were alone and there was no one around to laugh at me.

  I followed Iavo, who was stark naked and covered with muscle. I’d never been granted an extended view of his backside, but I was so worried about Zach and Garrett that every footstep felt as if I dragged a hundred-pound weight.

  When we reached the scruff of woods lining the shore, Iavo carefully placed Zach on the ground and went back to the shoreline for Garrett. I was so grateful for him, for his calm and his strength. He was steady, and he made me steady. Soon, he returned with Garrett and gently laid my brother on the ground next to Zach.

  I hunkered down and sat next to Zach and Garrett, taking their hands gently in mine. I used the edge of my shirt to wipe away the blood and dust from Garrett’s face. He slowly started to come around as I finished wiping away the evidence of the cave. I really hoped he wouldn’t remember anything from that place.

  “Shhh, just rest. You’re okay,” I whispered to Garrett.

  Iavo stood up and walked away from us, as if he were headed into the woods. “Iavo? What are you—” The words died in my throat as a stunningly beautiful, voluptuous woman with scarlet red hair, eyes the color of garnets, and skin the color of caramel walked out of the shadows surrounded by two sets of identical twins.

  They were all naked. Their bodies? Perfect. Of course.

  Good God. More dragons.

  The woman was striking, and the only one who was obviously not human. She looked like a fairy queen, an elf, some kind of mythical creature.

  Like a dragon. She was honestly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. A walking, breathing goddess. Without introduction, I knew she had to be Iavo’s mother, the Dragon Queen.

  She turned her eyes on me as she walked up to Zach’s prone form on the forest floor. Iavo bent and dropped to one knee before her, a noble son bowing before his queen.

  Mother, Zach is mortally wounded. I beg your assistance.

  I heard your call, my son. I am here.

  Thank you.

  I mimicked my mate’s words. “Thank you.”

  She arched a red brow as if my words were an insult.

  She placed her hands over Zach’s body and the entire area glowed red with her power, the light from her ruby red eyes. She was stunning and frightening to behold.

  When Zach’s breathing eased, she turned a curious eye to my brother. Who is the half-dead human? Why is he here?

  She spoke to Iavo, but I answered, prepared to beg. “He’s my brother. Please save him.”

  Again, she ignored me, turning to her son for an answer. Iavo obliged. He is Dragonborn, Mother. A born rider.

  Very well, my son. But he has seen too much. If he lives, he must choose to live with us.

  I was shaking my head before my mind processed her words. “No. He’s in school. He wants to be a lawyer. He has a life. A fiancée. He has plans.” He was my baby brother and the instinct to shield him flared to life stronger than ever. I didn’t care that he was a grown man. He was still mine to protect. And this world, these people, Iavo and Zach were my choice, not his.

  The queen turned to glare at me and I wished she hadn’t. Her voice was like a thunderclap inside my head. Not anymore. Now he’s mine.

  If she hadn’t just saved Zach’s life then laid hands on my brother and healed him, I would have punched her in the face.

  Chapter 13


  * * *

  The queen refused to allow Garrett to return to his dorm. I had to watch as one of her naked dragon men turned into a fantastic sky blue and silver dragon. His rider scooped my brother up into his
arms, put him up on his dragon’s back and took off. I had no idea where they were taking him or what would happen next.

  Iavo was watching me with an unreadable expression on his face. Actually, he was watching both of us, me and Zach, as I knelt beside Zach and tried to get him to wake up.

  “Why won’t he wake up?”

  He needs sleep to complete the healing. He will be well by morning. The queen’s voice was not so loud this time and I swallowed every last bit of pride and anger I had. She was a dragon, and she’d just saved the lives of two men I loved.

  “Thank you.”

  She nodded her head regally and turned away from me to face Iavo. He immediately dropped to one knee.

  Thank you, Mother.

  The queen didn’t respond but nodded her head slightly before lifting her arms over her head to…transform.

  My jaw dropped, I felt it happen, but there was nothing I could do.

  Iavo was beautiful in dragon form, shimmering gold and amber, his scales practically glowing whenever the sunlight hit him. But he was different. His dragon jaw made of course angles and sharp teeth. His entire body seemed created for battle, for tearing apart enemies. He was hulking in his size and brute strength. A gorgeous monster, but a monster nonetheless.

  This dragon was just as deadly, but everything about her was refined. Beautiful. Ethereal. She was a goddess, a myth come to life. She was a deep, vibrant red, the color of rubies. He scales glowed, but it was as if the light came from within and she needed no external source to make her body shimmer. The red dragon’s wings were tucked neatly away, but she was huge, larger than both Iavo and the green dragon he’d fought. And her teeth, although not as big and bulky, looked needle sharp and very deadly.

  The other two men she’d brought with her, a matching pair of dragon and rider, dropped to their knees next to Iavo.

  If I hadn’t already been on my ass on the ground, I think I would have fallen over. The air grew heavy with power and I had to force air into my lungs as she turned her head and stared down at me.


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