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In My Arms Tonight

Page 3

by Bailey Bradford

  Chase quirked an eyebrow at him. “Done having fun in there?”

  Fuck. There’s goes any chance of me getting to sleep any time soon.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Four

  “Do you think you were followed here?” Chase asked before Glenn could organise his thoughts.

  “Can I maybe get dressed?” he snapped, too tired to even try to be polite. Besides, they broke into his hotel room; why the hell should he be worried about being polite?

  Because they will make it damn near impossible for me to see James if I piss them off. Still, there were some things a person just couldn’t tolerate, and for Glenn, what was happening right here in his hotel room was one of them. Maybe if he’d had some sleep, if he wasn’t so confused or stressed or whatever, maybe he wouldn’t be curling his hands into fists as he imagined strangling both men.

  “Go ahead,” Chase said with a wave of his hand. Something in his expression came across to Glenn as a dare, and while he normally wasn’t anything near juvenile in his behaviour, and he acknowledged that he could be reading Chase wrong, Glenn still stood up and whipped the towel off, throwing it towards the bathroom and trying not to blush from ass to forehead as he strode over to his suitcase. Really, he’d already been humiliated to the core upon learning his unwanted guests had heard him whacking off in the shower. So what if they saw him naked? He simply wasn’t going to be intimidated by anyone, at least not right now.

  And he had to admit, it felt pretty good to hear Chase and Xavier’s sharply indrawn breaths. They must have not thought Glenn had the balls to drop the towel.

  Well, he did, and they were swinging moderately with each stomping step he took.

  Glenn pulled out a pair of sweats and put them on, realising the gasps may have been because of the scar, still puckered and pink, on his abdomen. The thought made him feel a little nauseated, and a sudden wave of self-consciousness slammed into him. He grabbed the first shirt he spotted. Once the scar was covered he turned and gave Chase an arch look and shoved his brain into gear.

  “No, I don’t believe I was followed, but it wasn’t for lack of trying.” Glenn filled the two in on the PI. “I don’t see where there’d be cause for anyone else to follow me, but I


  Bailey Bradford


  imagine eventually, someone will figure out where James is. Really, all they have to do is follow you,” he pointed at Chase. “Have you done anything that could be used to trace you back here?”

  Chase paled and his eyes rounded. Xavier draped an arm over his shoulder and murmured something in Chase’s ear. “I opened up a bank account here,” Chase said so softly Glenn had to strain to hear him. “And I ordered a few things online… Damn it!” Chase snarled, springing up off the bed. “What the hell was I thinking?” He slapped his hands to his hips as he started pacing. “I knew they’d—James’ parents—would come looking for him!

  And duh, they’re going to know wherever he is, I’m not going to be far away, so yeah, they’ll find me.”

  Glenn’s stomach dipped to his ankles as his blood chilled. “And where is James now?

  Is he alone?”

  “No, no he’s actually visiting with a friend,” Chase said, his guilt vanishing almost completely from his features as he watched Glenn. “But it’s not like we’re trying to keep you from seeing him. It really pissed me off when everyone was hyper-protective of me and wouldn’t let me wipe my ass without checking in with them first. We won’t do that to James.”

  Glenn scratched his head as he looked from Xavier, who gave him a tight grin, to Chase, who had that whole neutral expression thing going on. Finally Glenn propped his butt on the dresser and braced his palms beside his hips. “All right, then. What exactly are you doing here, if not hovering and trying to intimidate like some overprotective pissy mama wolf?”

  Chase’s back went so straight so quick he rocked on his heels. His bright green eyes shot sparks as his lips thinned. Glenn tensed, fully expecting to be attacked by the smaller man—and to have his ass kicked. Hopefully Xavier would pull Chase off him if Glenn was getting too severe a whupping—not that Glenn was a wuss in any way, but he still hadn’t fully recovered and Chase was…well, he was a pit bull on crack when it came to fighting, from what Glenn knew of the man.

  So he was tensed and trying to prepare himself for a fight he didn’t think he could win and was too fucking tired to think of an exit strategy when Chase’s shoulders drooped and he all but crawled onto Xavier’s lap. The bigger man cradled Chase gently, murmuring softly


  Bailey Bradford


  to him as Chase whispered furiously. Glenn did his best not to listen, then gave up, went into the bathroom and shut the door. He’d meant to shave earlier anyway.

  Glenn turned on the water and gave himself a once-over in the mirror. He looked every bit his age, probably even older, with those dark circles under his eyes. When had he got crow’s feet, and the furrow that was etched into his forehead? Along with all the new-ish wrinkles, he was also getting those lines he always thought of as parenthesis around his mouth.

  At least he still had his dimples…although they were harder to spot with the fuzz on his face. Glenn brushed a hand over one of his temples. And a lot of grey hair. It looked like more had popped up in the past few days, even. He wasn’t sure about the bullshit that said men looked dignified with grey hair. I just look old, period. And James is twenty-nine… Fuck, what would he want with an old guy like me?

  Maybe that’s why James always had seemed so skittish around him. Maybe he read Glenn’s attraction, and was totally grossed out at the thought of hooking up in any way with someone so much older. Fifteen years was quite a difference, there was no denying it.

  Granted, James had refused to talk to just about every other FBI agent besides Glenn, which had, admittedly, given Glenn some hope, but he’d always had the look of fear bordering on panicked terror about him when Glenn saw him—unless he was doped to the gills. Even then Glenn swore he could see the terror in the man’s pretty green eyes. But age difference shouldn’t make anyone that scared and Glenn just didn’t know what the hell to think right now. I’m too tired to try to figure this out. I just need to shave and get those nosy mother hens out of my room.

  Glenn had just splashed his face in preparation to lather up his burgeoning beard when the bathroom door flew open, nearly scaring him into making a definitely unmasculine noise. He glared at Chase and Xavier where they hovered in the doorway. “Do you two mind?”

  “You’re not going to shave that off, are you?” Chase asked, walking right in, his gaze somewhere on Glenn’s face. Xavier followed Chase, stopping behind him so that the three men were crammed into the tiny bathroom. Chase reached out and touched Glenn’s fuzzy cheek, his eyes meeting Xavier’s in the mirror. “You should grow one, Xav. You’d look sexy as fuck with a beard, or a goatee at least.”


  Bailey Bradford


  Chase dropped his hand back to his side and looked at Glenn. “You should leave it.

  The grey makes you look all dignified and like someone dependable and strong and like a great big bear. James needs someone like that, and you know his folks. He grew up surrounded by these wealthy, clean cut, groomed to a T men. They’ve never really been his thing. Just thought you should know.” Then Chase shrugged and waggled his eyebrows at Xavier. “You, of course, look sexy, period. But I’ve always loved the way that scruff feels on my skin—”

  Xavier was reaching for Chase before the man finished speaking. “Glenn, all we really wanted to do was to make sure you weren’t followed, and to ask you to give us some warning before you show up. Or at least, show up at my place, not James’. I’m
sure you know he’s in the garage apartment, but I think he’s still very scared, and a bit of a mess.”

  Glenn nodded as he shut off the water. “All right, I can do that. I do only want what’s best for James.” And I just hope like hell that’s me.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Five

  James closed the door and leaned against it, his heart racing so fast his head was swimming. He didn’t know why, exactly, he felt a trill of fear every time he thought about Glenn Shearing, except every time he did, the memories of his captivity slammed into him.

  He was thrown back into that dark room, bound and hurting, terrified, waking to find a strange man staring at him. Really, he thought he should feel relief or something like that, because Shearing had, from what Chase told him, worked tirelessly to find him.

  And he had. Shearing had seen him, chained and abused like some wild animal, almost feral in his fear. He’d seen James, weak, dazed, more than half out of his mind. Then Shearing had almost died, and James didn’t know how to deal with the guilt he felt over that.

  Everything that had happened, all the bad shit, all of it was James’ fault. If he’d just left Mitch Rollins alone, he and Chase and so many others wouldn’t have paid such a high price for James’ righteous attitude.

  Other people would have, though. Mitch Rollins would have continued raping and assaulting young men. If James had done nothing, there’d have been more victims, his daddy’s money getting him off the hook for it time and time again. James couldn’t have lived with himself if he’d done nothing, but the outcome, the pain caused to his friends…

  The guilt was often overwhelming, and every time James had seen the big FBI agent, he’d bordered on panicking. Being drugged at the ‘rehab clinic’ had helped curtail that somewhat, but James didn’t have any of those hated drugs in his system now, and Shearing was here, wanting to see him.

  James couldn’t figure out why. What would Shearing want with him? Did he want a pound of flesh for having been hurt trying to rescue James? Or did he think James a weak, simpering fool who would be easily controlled?

  The man Rollins Sr had paid to kidnap him had known how to control James. All of James’ pride, all that he thought he was—strong ethics, morals, the things that he’d have said made him who he was—had ended up costing him and those he cared about an


  Bailey Bradford


  unfathomable price. James wasn’t sure he wanted to be that man anymore, not if it caused so much pain for others.

  James didn’t know who, or what, he was, other than scared all the fucking time. And now Shearing was here, or at Chase and Xavier’s, rather, and he wanted to see James.

  “Why?” James murmured, his voice hitching as fear sped through his bloodstream.

  Why had Shearing followed him? Did he think James owed him for the injury? Why was he here? James couldn’t figure it out.

  Perspiration made his hand slippery on the door knob. James huffed and wiped his hands on his sweats before straightening and trying to find his backbone. Surely it was somewhere in there. It will be fine. Chase will be there, and Xavier, and nothing bad will happen.

  Except I’ll look at Shearing, and I’ll remember everything I want to forget, and probably end up screaming and curling up on the floor like a nut case. Like what I am.

  He looked around the small living room. He felt safe here, at least a little bit. The locks on the door were heavy, good, but not good enough to keep Chase out. And Chase probably wasn’t the only person with that level of lock-picking skills, sure, but it couldn’t be very common, either. The windows were equipped with quality locks as well. This was quickly becoming his sanctuary, and James didn’t know if he could leave it.

  “It’s just a short walk to Chase’s house,” he told himself, but his hands had started shaking and those tremors were quickly spreading up his arms. If he didn’t get himself under control, he’d soon be the curled up ball of crazy he’d envisioned himself being.

  James took several long, slow breaths, making sure to exhale in the same manner. He forced his mind to focus on calming things—the sound of ocean waves lapping at the sand, something he had loved hearing the one time he’d gone to a beach, the way the early morning sun warmed his skin through the window before the day became so miserably hot, the fact that Chase would kill someone before he let them hurt James. That last one was a little drastic, but it soothed away a big chunk of the fear that had threatened to overpower James.

  Once he had managed to keep from shaking into a thousand pieces, James went into his bedroom and changed clothes. He’d been living in sweats and baggy T’s, but for this meeting—or whatever it was—he didn’t want to be quite so casual. James wished he had one


  Bailey Bradford


  of his suits; he’d worn his Armani like a suit of armour. A bitter laugh slipped free. None of those suits would fit him now. He’d look like a kid playing at being a grown up.

  Instead he pulled on a pair of loose jeans and a slightly less baggy T, one that didn’t cling to his skinny frame yet didn’t swallow him up either. Once he had his Vans on he was pretty much ready to go.

  Except maybe he should check his hair and brush his teeth again. James went into the bathroom, aware that he was stalling but unable to get past it. Then he looked in the mirror and wished he had just left, or cancelled this whole stupid thing, because even he couldn’t miss the haunted look in his eyes or the way his cheeks were hollowed, the bags and pinched look and the pallor—

  “Stop it!” James slapped a hand over his reflection and dropped his head down. This wasn’t helping him at all, and he just could not refuse to go to the house. Chase would want to know why, and James didn’t want to tell him about the fear, no, the terror, that tried to claw at his chest at the idea of leaving the little apartment. Or the way James couldn’t think about Shearing without feeling scary things inside, things so jumbled it was easier to lump them all in with the fear that was so familiar to him now.

  James tried to breathe past the tightening in his chest. It seemed the more he tried the more he panicked because air didn’t seem to be getting down into his lungs. His mind raced faster than his pulse and he couldn’t fucking think! Not past the fact that he didn’t want to leave, didn’t want to face what had happened to him, and he’d have to if he saw Shearing.

  There was just something that pushed at him, and it was, at this point, pushing James towards thoughts and memories and fear and pain…and the realisation that he wasn’t a strong man, wasn’t able to keep himself safe, that he could be hurt and used and—

  That strangled sound couldn’t have come from his lips. It couldn’t have been him, any more than this body sinking to the floor could have been his. He used to be strong, he wasn’t afraid of anything, he had wanted to make a difference in the world—but now, all he wanted to do was hide from it.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Six

  Glenn shifted uncomfortably on the couch and wished he’d remained standing in the first place. He looked at his watch. 6:18. Not quite twenty minutes late. Maybe James got a phone call or something. Except who would be calling him? Glenn knew the names of James’ friends and family, even a lot of his clients, and he couldn’t think of anyone the man would be in touch with right now besides Chase. Unless he’s hit it off well with Nick? He knew the man had been by, Chase had said as much at the hotel yesterday. It had surprised Glenn, since as far as he knew neither man had met more than once, but he supposed it was possible he didn’t know everything about James’ life before Rollins had steamrolled over it. Glenn wondered if there was something more there, despite knowing this Nick guy had a boyfriend. It was
n’t like that meant instant monogamy.

  Glenn rubbed the back of his neck and tried not to think about the dark-haired cowboy touching James, stroking his pale skin that looked so soft, so inviting. It made him ache inside, and want to put his fist through something—preferably Nick’s face.

  Chase’s worried voice snapped Glenn out of his brooding. “He’s not answering his cell. Maybe I should go check on him.”

  Glenn stood up then, shoving his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. He’d thought it best to dress casually so James would hopefully understand this wasn’t a case-related visit.

  Xavier watched him expressionlessly and Glenn felt a twitch develop beside his mouth. He struggled to stop it but gave up and scrubbed at the spot. “I’d like to go with you,” he finally said when Chase started to head towards the door.

  Chase stopped and looked at Glenn. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I told you, James hasn’t been…he just hasn’t been anything like himself. I don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t know if I should push or back off or what.”

  Glenn nodded but started walking in the direction of the door. “I wouldn’t expect him to be like himself.” Not when he knew things that had happened to the man, things he wouldn’t tell anyone else unless James’ safety hinged on it. “But I’ve never hurt him, never spoken a harsh word to him. It’s true he’s always seemed skittish around me, when he


  Bailey Bradford


  wasn’t stoned out of his mind, but I don’t know why—and I need to know, and I think James needs to realise I’m not out to hurt him.”


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