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In My Arms Tonight

Page 12

by Bailey Bradford

  Glenn didn’t hold anything back, the honesty of his reactions, verbal and physical, touching James in a way nothing else ever had.

  That honesty kept him from speeding up, from thinking of the pleasure he could feel pushing into Glenn’s virgin ass. A long, low groan that sounded like it was torn up from Glenn’s stomach poured from his lips, and James had to look, had to see Glenn as he rubbed the tip of his finger over Glenn’s hole and engulfed the tip of his dick. The salty sweet taste of pre-cum on his tongue hit him almost as intensely as the dazed look in Glenn’s eyes. Dazed, and that soft emotion James didn’t want to think about. He closed his lids until he could barely see, then slowly swallowed down Glenn’s cock, teasing the hood with his tongue.

  Glenn was so thick, it made James’ jaw ache, and it also made for the sort of messy, wet blow job he had always loved to give. There was something so arousing about the slurping, sucking sounds, spit slick skin and, yes, sweet fuck, the push of fat crown into his throat. He brought his fingers up, sliding them through the saliva coating the front of Glenn’s balls then moved his hand back, pressing lightly on Glenn’s taint before seeking out his puckered entrance.

  Glenn’s strangled shout cut off abruptly when James slipped the tip of his thumb into Glenn’s ass. The tight ring clenched around it as he sucked back up Glenn’s length. When he dived down again, he pushed deeper into Glenn, and was rewarded with a needy sob as Glenn quaked, his hands fisting tight in James’ hair.

  James sucked Glenn down to the root, swallowing around his tip as he worked a second finger past Glenn’s ass hole. Glenn’s hips bucked, shoving his dick deeper into James’

  throat. James breathed through his nose and twisted his wrist, his knuckles grazing Glenn’s prostate.

  “God—James!” Glenn’s voice held a warning, and James backed off, tonguing Glenn’s slit as he gently stretched Glenn, opening him up and treasuring every second of feeling his


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  silky inner walls rippling. He peeked up at Glenn, his heart tripping at the expression he saw, at the sheer beauty of Glenn, cheeks ruddy, lips dark, parted as he panted, his eyes—

  James didn’t think he’d ever get enough of seeing them, or of the adoration that both scared him and made him crave seeing it more.

  He lifted his lips from Glenn’s dick, then unable to resist, laved a dangling string of pre-cum from the tip. He stilled his hand, keeping his fingers deep inside Glenn. “What do you want, Glenn?” James knew what he wanted, but this wasn’t about him, not really, not when Glenn was falling apart for him so perfectly.

  Glenn made a raspy noise, then shook all over. His hold on James’ head loosened, and he stroked James’ hair instead of practically yanking it out. Damn it, had he hurt the man?

  Glenn tried to think, tried to find any bit of discomfort or pain in James’ eyes, but all he could detect was a willingness to give Glenn what he wanted.

  At least, sexually. Glenn wasn’t so sure about anything else, but with James’ fingers inside him, and his dick aching with the need to come, Glenn wasn’t capable of thinking much beyond his body’s demands. He knew he could take a risk, one that might leave him broken and bleeding inside—or might bring him closer to what he wanted more than his next breath.

  Or he could weave his fingers through James’ luscious curls, pull his head forward, and come until his eyeballs rolled back in his head. James wouldn’t demand anything from him. Glenn knew it as sure as he knew that wasn’t what he wanted at all. He’d spent too many years hiding, and too many months being too scared to go after the man he wanted.

  And James was worth any risk.

  How he kept from squeaking it out, Glenn didn’t know, but he made sure he didn’t so much as blink as he stared James in the eyes. “Fuck me,” he said, and it even came out raspy and sexy, and Glenn was proud of that, glad for it, although he’d rather have asked James to make love to him. He was too afraid—something he’d have to work on, because fear hadn’t helped him in this situation at all—to ask for what he wanted, afraid James wasn’t ready.

  Knew James wasn’t ready. They had so much to discuss, not the least of which was what had


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  happened in the front yard, but Glenn couldn’t prioritise just then, not when he was finally, finally going to have James inside him.

  “You’re sure?” James asked, sounding reluctant when he did so. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to—” James huffed and eased his fingers out. “And maybe I should have done that before I asked.”

  Glenn’s knees gave and he slid down the door, kneeling in front of James. Instead of answering, he cupped James’ jaw and kissed the man, infusing all the desire he could into the kiss. James vibrated against him, a rumble tumbling from his chest through his mouth and into Glenn. He gripped Glenn’s shoulders then slid his hands down, grabbing Glenn’s ass.

  Glenn kissed James, harder and desperately, clinging to him, his hands on those slender hips as James in turn kneaded Glenn’s ass, squeezing and spreading his cheeks, dragging the tips of his fingers over Glenn’s hole.

  It was maddening, the slight touches there, and Glenn wanted to climb James and impale himself on the man’s cock. He brought his hands around and started working the fastening of James’ pants, almost laughing to discover the man was still dressed. James released his hold on Glenn’s ass, bringing his hands instead to halt Glenn’s as the kiss eased up.

  “Bed,” was all James said, but his eyes drilled into Glenn’s, looking, he thought, for any hint of doubt or regret.

  Glenn knew James wouldn’t find any. He let James help him up—his knees just weren’t what they used to be. Instead of releasing his hand once he stood, James wove his fingers between Glenn’s and, with a heartbreaking half-smile, led Glenn into the bedroom.

  Maybe he should have felt awkward, being completely nude while James was clothed, but Glenn couldn’t bring himself to do so, not when he had a sublime view of James’ ass lovingly cupped in soft denim. Glenn couldn’t think of anything just then, other than the perfection flexing in front of him.

  Inside the bedroom, James stopped beside the bed. He turned and studied Glenn for a long moment. Glenn didn’t flinch or fidget, just let James look at him. “Are you sure?” James asked again, and Glenn, needing to reassure James as badly as James needed to be reassured, nodded, letting those tender feelings he had for the man show in the soft smile he gave James.


  Bailey Bradford


  He wasn’t surprised at all that James would ask, not after—Glenn shut the thought down. This was about them, what they would do and maybe could be together. “Can I undress you now?” He wouldn’t make another move unless he was sure it was okay with James.

  James held up a finger then turned and dug through the night stand drawer. In quick order, a tube of lube and strip of condoms was laid out, and Glenn felt a knot of tension he hadn’t been aware of unwind in his chest.

  “Now you can,” James said when he had the supplies laid out. His lips cocked into that half-smile again, stealing Glenn’s breath with the rest of his heart. “And you can touch me however you like.”

  Glenn’s cock couldn’t possibly get any harder. He started working James’ shirt off, then moved in and kissed the soft pale skin of James’ throat, sucking slightly at the pulse fluttering beneath the surface. James made a soft, sweet sound that tore at Glenn, made him want to hear it over and over again. He scooted even closer, dragging his dick across James’

  groin, the friction of the material, the feel of James’ hard length stimulating enough that Glenn had to stop before he embarrassed himself. Again, but at least James didn’t know about him coming in his pants…

  Glenn stripped James’ shirt off, adm
iring the milky skin. Patches of red-gold hair swirled around his nipples, were sprinkled in the middle of his chest—and trailed down the most enticing path. Glenn’s mouth watered as he reached for James’ waistband. He wished he could take it slow, but he needed this, needed James too badly to be patient. This time. But next time… and there damn well would be a next time. Glenn couldn’t believe otherwise.

  James cock sprung out, bouncing up from a nest of thick curls. Long and wide, the cap particularly broad, flared beautifully, and already slicked with moisture, it was perfect.

  Glenn wanted to touch and taste everything at once. James had small, tight coral nipples that he longed to suck, but he was dangerously close to coming as it was, and if he had to choose—

  Glenn slid to his knees, wincing as they popped, praying James didn’t suddenly think Glenn an old geezer—but he wouldn’t. James wasn’t a shallow man, wasn’t a user, either.

  That he happened to prefer older men was fine with Glenn, it actually eased some of his worries about their age difference. Then Glenn let go of every thought except getting James’


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  cock into his mouth. He remembered how James had cupped his balls, and how good it had felt, how different from a woman’s touch. James’ sac was already pulled up tight, wrinkled, smattered with that red gold hair. Glenn fisted the base of James’ cock with one hand then gently pressed his palm against James’ balls. He darted a glance up at James, nearly came again at the look the man gave him, then Glenn tipped his head and opened his mouth, sucking hard on James’ crown.

  Which James apparently liked, a lot, because he cursed and moaned and gripped Glenn’s shoulders, folding over him almost. “Fuck, Glenn, I wanted to…to let you,” James stopped, panted, pushed his hips forward a little, spearing his cock into Glenn’s mouth.

  Glenn was in heaven. “I can’t—Fuck!”

  Glenn was pretty sure James didn’t mean that like it sounded, but he pulled off enough to ask. “Can you get hard again?” Hopefully soon?

  James’ laugh sounded a little wild, and it made his cock bump Glenn’s cheek as he shook slightly. “I don’t know, I don’t know, Glenn. I could—” he stopped, cleared his throat,

  “I’ve been hard more often than not since I tried to get your attention in the yard.”

  And Glenn, to his mortification later, blurted out, “You did, James. Made me come in my work pants just from that little bit of touching yourself.”

  “God,” James groaned out, “oh my God, what you do to me!”

  Glenn hoped he was doing something good, something really good, but since he hadn’t done it before… Still he opened his mouth and sought out James’ dick. He’d take his chances on James getting hard again. Right now he wanted to hear more of that breathlessness in James’ voice, more of those sweet sounds.

  This time when he sucked on the crown of James’ dick, Glenn poked at the slit with the tip of his tongue. James grunted, and his hips twitched, thrusting gently. “Sorry,” James rasped, but Glenn merely hummed—which made James whimper and clench his fists on Glenn’s shoulders. “Fuck, fuck, fuck Glenn! I can’t—do it again, please!”

  Glenn hummed again, then inhaled deeply, letting the scent of man and musk wrap around him until he was light headed from it. Then his sucked down the underside of James’

  dick, nuzzled his tight sac while pumping his hand. James gurgled and straightened up, bringing his hands to cup Glenn’s face. Glenn took it for a silent plea, or not so silent considering the way James kept saying pleasepleaseplease until he’d stop and gasp for air.


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  Excited by the sounds, the scent, the taste, Glenn bobbed down enthusiastically on James’ cock—a little too enthusiastically, gagging when the tip triggered his gag reflexes.

  “Sorry,” he muttered, cheeks burning even as he tried again. James murmured something soothing, S’okay, good, and honey, which made Glenn feel so light and happy he thought he might just float up and away. He fisted James’ length tighter, sucked harder, willed himself not to gag, and took James in deeper. Glenn rumbled his approval, and James squeaked, tightening his fingers as, Glenn hoped, James struggled for control.

  Glenn knew what had pushed him so close to the edge, and his excitement, his eagerness, almost obliterated his brain. He caught himself before he slid his fingers to the back of James’ balls, and for a second, James’ past abuse slammed into him, chilling him through and through. James grunted, and Glenn looked up through his lashes to find the man frowning at him in confusion.

  There was no way Glenn wanted James to know what he had almost done, what thoughts had crossed his mind. Glenn sealed his lips tighter, pressed his palm against James’

  balls, and sucked the man’s cock like his life depended on it. In a way, he supposed it did, at least the quality of his life. He wanted James, not just tonight, but for as many nights as he could get. That meant never letting James think Glenn thought he was weak—he didn’t—or damaged—never—or anything less than the wonder he was.

  So Glenn sucked and licked, traced the thick vein on James cock with his tongue pressing here and there, lipped his frenulum, and did everything he could think of with his limited knowledge to drive James over the edge.

  And it worked. James bellowed, gripping Glenn’s face almost too hard, holding him still as James poured spurt after spurt of cum into his mouth. Glenn swallowed quickly, but not quickly enough. Spunk bubbled from the corners of his mouth, running down his chin—

  and Glenn had never felt more like a lover than when James shattered into a thousand blissful fragments.

  Afterwards, he suckled James until he whimpered and pulled back. Glenn noted every detail in his mind so he’d know when to quit next time. James stumbled back, reaching for Glenn, and this time Glenn didn’t care so much when his knees popped, not when James had such a sated look on his face. James tumbled them onto the bed, pulling Glenn onto his side.

  Glenn thought there’d be some cuddling, maybe a bit of napping, and that was okay, he


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  could wait a while to come. He was still riding the high of James’ taste, the sweet, sweet sounds he made.

  So the hand on his cock, still hard and wet-tipped, startled him somewhat. James scooted close behind him, his limp cock nestled against Glenn’s ass. The heat from the younger man’s body, the soft, pale skin pressed against Glenn’s back, felt like something from a dream Glenn had never thought to attain. James’ arm around his waist, his hand on Glenn’s cock, felt so much better than Glenn’s hand ever had.

  “Take care of you now,” James slurred, dropping a wet, sloppy kiss on the back of Glenn’s neck. “Fuck you later, m’kay?”

  Glenn started to answer but James began stroking him, smearing the pre-cum that had slicked the head of Glenn’s cock all down his length, and Glenn’s brain short-circuited, frying the route to his mouth. Instead, Glenn gasped, making a garbled noise as he tried to say something, anything, but James tightened his grip and nudged his ass, wedging his cock, now firmer, between Glenn’s ass cheeks.

  “Mmm,” James mumbled, a sleepy, happy sound that Glenn took to mean the man was only semi-aware of what he was doing. Glenn was wrong, but then he didn’t have any experience at this, did he? “Want in here soon,” James added, prodding Glenn’s ass, dragging the head of his dick over Glenn’s hole. Glenn reached down, pulled his top leg up.

  James grumbled, and Glenn put it back down.

  “Yeah, just like that,” James said, and Glenn squeezed his ass, his thighs, his stomach, since James twisted his hand over the tip of Glenn’s cock. James’ was hard now, slick, and rutting furiously against Glenn’s ass. The tip nudged the back of Glenn’s ball
s, sparking a bite of pain as James pumped his hand faster, tighter, harder. The pain burst into sparks of white and grey and orange behind Glenn’s closed lids, electricity tingled and spread up his spine. James grunted and thrust and pumped—and bit, hard and wonderfully perfect where neck and shoulder join, and Glenn’s brain blared static, loud, buzzing and white and black and grey as his balls tightened, sent cum racing up his cock.

  “James,” he gasped, hissing at the end, grabbing covers, pillows, arms—whatever he could reach, Glenn couldn’t even tell what it was. Yet he knew without fail when James came, spunk splattering Glenn’s ass and thighs and balls. Glenn matched him spurt for spurt, shuddering so hard with each burst he thought his bones would rattle right out of his body.


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  It was ecstasy so brilliant and encompassing that Glenn wasn’t sure he’d survive it, until he did, coming back down to earth after having become a part of the heavens. Being in James’ arms was even better than that, though, but as his breathing returned to normal, worries and doubts began to sink in and eat away at his contentment. Had James got all he wanted from Glenn, release, or proof that he was still able to give lease to his sexuality? He didn’t think James had used him, but he didn’t know what James needed, if it had just been this, or if it was more. Glenn hoped it was more, a lot more. He reminded himself he’d come here for answers—not that he regretted anything that had happened so far, not even blurting out that he’d come in his pants, because that had lit James up like a fireworks stand, set to flame.

  But, if he wanted to know, he was apparently going to have to ask—and maybe, if he could figure out how to do it, he could ask James how soon it was he wanted to make—to fuck Glenn.


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