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Creatus Series Boxed Set

Page 51

by Carmen DeSousa

  Jonas’ phone buzzed. “Yeah?”

  “I found a new safe house. It’s not under any of the accounts we’ve used in the past. It’s completely under the radar of anyone in the family or the government.”

  “Got an address?” Jonas typed the address into his phone. “Thanks. I’ll call everyone and let them know. How many will it sleep?”

  “Everyone in New England. It’s an office building.”

  “Sweet. I’ll bring everyone in, then. See ya.”



  “I’m sorry about your brother and mother. I really am. I loved them too.”

  “Yeah, I know. I guess we have to expect casualties in war.”

  “It’s still not easy.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be in touch.” As much as Jonas didn’t want to be under anyone’s thumb, something he’d made clear, he still needed connections, so he’d be as respectful as possible without bowing down to anyone.

  His army was growing. Little by little, he’d started to make connections within the government. Each time he recruited one creatus, they worked to get additional family members to come with them. He’d been right. Creatus didn’t want to live in hiding anymore, but they also knew that they had to have complete control before they took over. They’d have to gain the love of the human race while they infiltrated the government. Then, creatus would finally be able to live, act, and eat as they were meant to.


  Per Victoria’s urging, before he showed up for his meeting with his new boss, Reece called Derrick. She hadn’t wanted to say anything to Derrick at the hospital, where other creatus would overhear, and she didn’t want to call from her apartment.

  Reece found a clean room—one he knew had been swept for bugs—and made the call to Derrick.

  “Don’t say my name,” Reece said as soon as Derrick answered his call. “Find a safe place and call me back.”

  “Got it,” Derrick responded.

  Reece waited, tapping his foot, bored. He’d never been able to sit idle long. Not a good trait when he had to stake out a house, one of the reasons he’d learned to infiltrate instead of just watching. Five minutes later, his cell buzzed. “Thanks,” Reece said.

  “No problem, but I have to get back soon,” Derrick responded. “What’s up?”

  “Victoria’s concerned…about Dean—”

  “Oh,” Derrick interrupted. “I thought Dean said he didn’t want anyone to know.”

  Reece leaned forward in his chair, wondering what Derrick knew but had failed to tell anyone. “She wasn’t sure, so she asked me to call.”

  Derrick laughed. “She’s such a worrywart. He’s fine. Just a little under the weather, but doesn’t want to admit it. He’s still young by creatus standards, but at a hundred and twenty, he says he’s starting to feel it. He hated missing the match last night.”

  Reece released a breath. “Oh, okay.” Without talking to Victoria, he’d rather not say anything else if Dean had just been sick. After all, who was he to cast an accusation? Dean certainly fit the profile of the mole. As one of the five men in the New England council, Dean was privy to everything, but then again, so were Derrick’s father and uncle, and so were Mike and Derrick for that matter. Then there was Rebecca, their mole within Boston PD; she knew everything that went on behind closed doors. Although, she seemed too young. What would she have to gain? Victoria wasn’t on the council, but she too was privy to sensitive information. Thankfully, he knew beyond a shadow of doubt that she was innocent.

  “Why did Victoria have you call?” Derrick asked. “Isn’t she on her way to work? And why did that question require me to get to a private place?”

  “Great questions, Derrick, but can we discuss them later? I have a meeting I have to make. Also, don’t mention anything to Victoria at the office. We’d like to meet you for lunch, though, and discuss it further, if that’s okay with you?”

  “Sure. Tomorrow work for you?”

  “That’d be perfect. I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “Hey…Reece. Great job yesterday. I always knew you had more in you than you’d revealed. I’m proud to have you in the family.”

  Reece smiled, even though Derrick couldn’t see him. “Thanks. That means a lot. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Reece clicked ‘end’ on the screen, then made his way to his office to meet his new superior.

  Retired Army Ranger Colonel Tomas Branson sat across from Reece, flipping through a legal pad. The man couldn’t be more than forty, so he must have started his career right out of high school.

  The dark-haired, trim, and perfectly postured man—typical of ex-military—made a few notes, but otherwise just perused a hundred or so pages before finally looking up. “So, this gang of vigilantes, how many of them did you say there were?”

  “I didn’t, Sir.”

  The colonel nodded. “How many do you think there are?”

  “I’m not sure, Sir.”

  “And yet you think you can infiltrate them on your own? Haven’t they seen your face?”

  “No, Sir,” he lied lightly, knowing it didn’t matter that they’d seen his face. “Agent Cooper was the man out front. I’d been dark for weeks. He told me to remain in the shadows until he signaled me.” Reece dropped his head. It wasn’t difficult to look upset. He hadn’t wanted Cooper to die, even though he’d been the one to originally kidnap his daughter. “The man came at Cooper so quickly that neither of us had a chance to react.” Which was true, Reece thought. He’d honestly tried to get Cooper to back off.

  “That’s how Frank Cooper’s bullet ended up in your chest.”

  “Yes, Sir. He shot the one perp as he charged him, and then reflexively fired off his gun once he’d been hit, which hit me.” He’d been trying to hit Victoria, Reece seethed inwardly. Whether to step in front of the bullet or not had never been a question; he’d done it on pure instinct. No way would he have let Victoria die. But truly, because of his training, if he’d been able, he would have taken the bullet intended for Ry.

  Colonel Branson shook his head, evidently recognizing the holes in Reece’s story. But since Reece had repeated the same story nearly a hundred times without any variances, his superiors weren’t sure where to start. The problem was that it was all true. The only thing that Reece had left out was the fact that creatus and his daughter had been involved.

  For whatever reason, Frank Cooper had believed. He’d also known what to look for. At one point, Cooper had mentioned that his higher-ups had believed so he would do his job. Whether that was true or not, Reece would never know.

  Branson picked at his teeth, stared down at his notes, and then glanced up again. “Did you discover who leaked the seal?”

  “No, Sir. Reporter’s not talking. Just said it came in anonymously, but you know how cops are. Some of them trade favors with local reporters.”

  The colonel nodded. “I’ve got a team working on tracking down its origins, so I’ll let you know. What about the doctor who saved the girl?”

  “They’re clean. The hospital’s clean,” Reece stated firmly, hoping to convince Branson. “The doctor had been driving over the bridge when he saw the girl jump. They formed an almost instantaneous relationship based on him helping her, and now they’re married. I’m guessing the tape had been tampered with.”

  “Hmm…” Branson responded. “Well, this vigilante ring really isn’t our concern, but since we’ve been working it, I want you to stay on it, just stay below the radar.”

  Reece smiled. “That’s the one thing I’m good at, Sir.”

  “I’m sure you are.” Branson slid a card across the table. “Call me at least once a week, or if anything comes up. I don’t want to be caught off guard. Other than that, I don’t want to see you. Nor do I want anyone else to see you. Live up to your name, Eidolon. I don’t need the FBI questioning our involvement.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Reece responded. He liked this guy. Now, if he could onl
y live up to his hundred percent clear record. He couldn’t. Not this time. Exposing the rogue creatus would be exposing himself, along with Victoria, Derrick, and the rest of the family he’d come to love. Not to mention his own daughter.

  Reece and Victoria sat side by side in the booth, waiting for Derrick.

  She squeezed his hand, then leaned against his shoulder. “I’m going to miss you.”

  Reece touched her face, coaxing her to look up at him. Her eyes were glassy. “Don’t cry, darlin’. I swear I’ll never be too far away. I’ll show up when you least expect it.”

  She smiled. “Yes, those surprise visits are rather fun, but I’d prefer to have you with me…every night. All night.”

  “Do you mean it?”

  “Yes… How many times do I have to tell you that you are the only man for me?”

  “A few thousand more would be good.”

  Victoria sat up. “I didn’t know you were insecure.”

  Reece shrugged. “I’ve never been insecure. But when you’re in love with the most beautiful woman in the world, knowing that several others are too, it sort of keeps you on your toes.”

  “Good!” She pecked him on the cheek. “I like you on your toes.”

  “I’m sure you do.” Reece looked up as Derrick approached.

  “Yes, she does,” Derrick agreed, sliding into the booth across from them. “You already order for me, Vic?”

  “Don’t I always?” Victoria said.

  “Yes, you do. Thanks. So, what’s up?” Derrick wasted no time in getting down to business.

  Victoria sighed. “I’m worried about Dean.”

  “Vic,” Derrick said, reaching across the table, “have I ever lied to you?”

  She shook her head. From what Victoria had told Reece about Derrick, he’d never lied to her. Even about their relationship, which had been long. Although most of their relationship hadn’t been physical, they’d been together for more than twenty years before Kristina had come along.

  “Your uncle is fine,” Derrick continued, “just a little under the weather.”

  Victoria shook her head again. “No, Derrick. It’s more than that. He’s not telling us something. I think he knows something about Jonas. Think about it. Who has better connections and motive than my uncle?”

  “Victoria, do you realize what you’re accusing Dean of?” Derrick whispered.

  She nodded. “Yes, I do.”

  “What Jonas did to Kristina—to me. You think he would be part of that?”

  “No, but maybe he didn’t know. Maybe he’s just been helping them?” She exhaled a deep breath. “He was ticked that you chose Kristina over me. He’s been upset since you chose her over the family’s safety fourteen years ago.”

  Derrick shook his head. “I can’t believe it.”

  “And you think I want to? I know you are close, but he’s my uncle,” she spat. “The last thing I want to do is think that anyone in my family would endanger us all. But, Jonas can be convincing. You know that. He has a plan, and I can see him talking others into joining him.”

  Reece watched the volley between the two of them. It was obvious they were close. The way they said whatever they wanted, remained focused on each other’s eyes, as if they’d forgotten he was sitting beside them.

  Derrick finally nodded. “All right, I’ll have Mike do some digging.”

  “Maybe not Mike,” Reece cut in.

  Derrick narrowed his eyes. “Reece, I like you, I really do, but my brother is the one person you can scratch off your list. He has a lot of faults, but he’d never do anything to hurt me or the family.”

  Reece merely nodded. Mike had told him practically the same thing, and he believed him. His cop mentality kept him from trusting anyone completely, though.

  The waiter brought their plates, and the three of them mostly stayed quiet the remainder of the meal. When Derrick finished, he pulled out a bill and tossed it on the table. Since his funds were rather tight at the moment, Reece didn’t bother to balk. He hadn’t been using his debit card, for fear that his superiors would track him, and he only kept so much cash on him.

  Derrick leaned over and kissed Victoria on the forehead. “Everything will be okay.”

  “Thank you, Derrick. I hope so.” She squeezed his hand. “I’ll be in soon.”

  “Thanks for lunch,” Reece added.

  Derrick nodded and strolled off.

  Victoria turned to him. “So, this is it?”

  Reece leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. “For the moment.”

  She pulled back, then reached inside her purse. She pressed something hard and cold in his hand.

  Reece opened his hand and stared down at the key. “Thank you.” If she were giving him a key, she wouldn’t be allowing other men to sleep over. Not that she usually allowed men to sleep over. She’d only been with two men in her forty-four years. “So, I should just stop by anytime?”

  She leaned against his shoulder again. “Yes.”

  This was the reason he’d shied away from relationships. When he went dark, it could be months before he popped up. But he didn’t have a choice. Victoria had hooked him completely.


  Jonas stepped back. “Nice work, Meghan. Did your father teach you to fight?”

  “Reece didn’t teach me anything, other than to keep secrets.” Meghan wiped her brow with her towel, then tossed it back on the bench. “I taught myself to fight. My gran’s trailer was literally in the sticks, so I’d go back in the woods and beat up a few trees. It was the one place I could be myself. I’d watch YouTube videos at night, then practice the next day after school. I knew my strength was important, that I had to hone my skills.”

  Impressed, he nodded. For the first time in a while, he felt a smile threaten to emerge as he thought about her as a hormone-filled teenage girl kicking trees. “So…you ever have to beat up a date who’d gotten fresh?”

  A trace of pink rose on her high cheekbones. She had fairer skin than most creatus women did, and yet, she still had the olive undertones. If it weren’t for the skin-tight, all- black jeans and long-sleeved shirts she always wore, she’d look like a Greek Goddess with her chiffon-white hair against bronzed skin. He hadn’t thought the goth-looking beauty was capable of blushing. She always put on a hard edge, as though she hated the world—and her father. “Why the blush?”

  Meghan squirted water into her mouth, then threw the empty sport bottle beside the towel. “I didn’t blush.”

  “Umm…yeah, you did.”

  “Whatever. No, I’ve never had to fend off guys.” She leaned down to pick up her bo staff. “I’ve never actually dated.”

  Jonas followed her lead and picked up his staff too; evidently, she wasn’t finished training. “You’re kidding. Why?”

  Meghan shrugged. “Guess the guys at my school didn’t want to date an Amazon. I’ve been five-eleven since the ninth grade.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Yeah, well.” She swung without warning. Only the whoosh of the rod slicing the air alerted him.

  Jonas jumped, scarcely evading her attack. “Dang, girl. Don’t take it out on me.”

  She laughed. “You said you were always supposed to be ready.”

  “That, I did.” He walked to the shelf that held all of their sparring equipment. The office building had an enormous basement and parking garage. He’d set up half of the space as a training area, left part of it for vehicles, and then he’d hired crews to design a few extra rooms. “You ready to go out with me tonight?”

  “On a date?” she crooned. “And here I thought you were gung-ho over that Victoria chick you keep rambling on about.”

  Jonas rolled his eyes. “Not on a date. To watch.”

  “Really? You think I’m ready?”

  “You were born ready, Meghan."

  “Ready?” Jonas asked, surveying the empty rooftops ahead of him. He always looked several buildings ahead. Not that anyone would see him agains
t the blackened sky. He always chose moonless nights to watch. Strange that the myths about his kind and other fairy-tale creatures always hinted of a full moon. He preferred to move anonymously across the rooftops and streets in search of his prey.

  Meghan shook her head.

  “Come on. It’s easy.”

  “Easy? What if I fall?”

  Jonas shrugged. “Just soften your knees when you land. I’ve jumped from two hundred feet and have never hurt myself. That’s the farthest I’ve tried, though.”

  “I’ve only jumped out of trees…about twenty to fifty feet. Are you sure? I don’t have as much creatus blood in me as you do.”

  “I’m stronger than the average creatus. It seems it takes several generations to dissipate, so my guess is that you’re just as strong, if not more so than Victoria, and she’s the bomb.”

  A low rumble emanated from deep within Meghan’s throat, and then she took off for the side. He figured that’d get her. She was jealous of a woman she’d never met. He hoped if they ever met, she wouldn’t challenge Vic. Yeah, Meghan was strong, but Victoria had experience. And experience beats enthusiasm and strength any day.

  Jonas clenched his teeth together as her feet left the roof. He hoped he’d been correct in thinking she had enough strength as her body soared through the air. At the falling rate of thirty-two feet per second, if she didn’t exert enough force when she jumped, she wouldn’t make it to the building below them.

  He released a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding as she landed in a run across the rooftop, heading toward the next. “Meg, no!”

  She stopped, skidding on the gravel, but then glared at him. “Why?”

  Ignoring her, he followed her hurdle, landing like a cat on all fours. He’d trained himself not to need to run, in the event he didn’t have the room. “Because you need to make sure you scope out several buildings at once. Too many people camp out on rooftops anymore.” He walked over to the edge of the building. “Listen.”

  Meghan followed, but peered up at him, cocking her head. “To what?” she whispered.


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