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Bear's Temptation

Page 18

by Fay Walsh

  “Oh, that’s pretty cool! Do you go hiking or any of that weird nature stuff,” she teased.

  “Yeah, on occasion,” he stated.

  He did think that his rounds did count as that because he liked looking about.

  “Well shit, it’s nice to finally have someone here that isn’t boring or a stick in the mud. I’ll definitely be trying to get more shifts then. You come often?”

  “As often as I can. I don’t want to stay in the house at the moment, so I try to get out when I can,” he said.

  “Well shit, I feel that. I hate being at home too. I told James that I would run the bar for hours on end if it got me out of there. He didn’t let me take all the shifts, but a good chunk of them are mine, so you better get used to my face,” she teased.

  The smile she had made Billy feel happy with the way this whole interaction was going. It felt so right, and he wanted to stick around. Speaking with Nikki felt natural, normal, and it was rare for him to feel that way about someone. She was so sweet, and it felt like it was well, normal to talk to her like this.

  “Anyways, you seem a bit unsure of what you should be doing with your life. I can tell,” she said.

  “Yeah. In a sense, I feel that way. There are a lot of concerns, a lot of issues that I have with myself and my, well… future I guess. It’s just nice to finally get away from it all. Bit of a relief actually,” he said.

  “Well, I’m glad that I can help with that then. You look a lot calmer now. I noticed when you first walked in you were a tense wreck, but I can see the difference,” she told him.

  “Yeah, you’re telling me. I feel a lot better, and a lot happier,” he replied.

  “Well, I’m glad. At least I could make someone’s night a decent one,” she said with a chuckle.

  The next couple of hours were spent flirting, and Billy stuck around until nearly closing time, something that he rarely did. When it was all said and done, Nikki looked at him and smiled.

  “So, did you have a good night?” she asked.

  “Yeah, but I should be getting home soon. It was really nice meeting you. Nice to talk to someone different for once. And a cute girl, even,” Billy said.

  She laughed, and he could tell that she wasn't put off by those remarks.

  “You flatter me. But I ain't that cute,” she said.

  “No, you are. I mean… I wanted to give you this,” he said.

  He handed her his business card. She looked at it and smiled.

  “If you want maybe we can… get some dinner at a different time. When you’re not working,’ he said.

  “Oh, you're sweet. But unfortunately, I don’t do dates. Plus, I don’t want to piss off James or anything,” she said to him.

  The disappointment that he felt when he heard those words immediately washed over him, but he simply smiled back, keeping himself together.

  “Understandable. Well, if you ever change your mind, you know where to contact me,” he said.

  “I do sweetie. Anyways, have a good night,” she said.

  It was the first time in a long time that Billy had asked someone out, and the disappointment that he felt definitely washed over him. It was a bit sad, but he had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last that he would see of her. In fact, he had a feeling that this was the beginning of something, whatever it might be.

  Chapter 2

  Nikki almost wished she had taken Billy’s offer. It would certainly keep her away from him. The rest of the shift was pretty simple, even though it was mostly just cleaning the bar and locking up. However, Nikki enjoyed these simple times, for it meant she would be away from him, and from the mess at home.

  When she finished, she looked at the time. It was almost 2 am, and she hoped that at this point, her dad would be asleep. He did have to work in the morning, and it made Nikki wish that he would just leave her be, but that would never be the case.

  “God, I wish I could just stay here,” she said.

  Maybe James would have an extra room upstairs, and she could live here for free while she got her life together. It was a pipedream, but it did make her smile.

  But for now, she needed to go home. She felt tired. She wondered what she would be coming home to this time.

  When she drove in, the light immediately turned on. It was her dad’s automatic timer, and although she got why he had it, that didn’t make it any less stressful. When she walked in, she stepped into the foyer, only to hear the clicking of the light.

  “You're late,” he said.

  “I work at a bar dad. Don’t expect me to get home early. You know this. James and I switched shifts, and I don’t plan on leaving patrons until it’s over,’ she said.

  “Well, you were clearly too loud. This home needs to be quiet if you’re going to be coming home late. You’re already trying my patience. Besides, can’t you get a better job,” he said.

  “Dad, that’s what I went to school for. And you guys asked me to move back. You asked me to help because your business isn’t doing well. I know that the luxury meats’ industry is definitely hard, but no need to ask for your daughter to come back if all you're going to do is bitch at me,” she said.

  “Your mother is sick, and you need to realize that you need to pull your weight in this family,” he said.

  “I’m sorry if I was loud, but my mom should be well asleep. It’s you who is causing the trouble. Besides, why do you care if I have a job working at a bar or not? I’m a grown adult dad, not some little child that you can order around!”

  “Don’t use that tone with me, young lady!”

  “Don’t act like you're high and mighty towards me! Since I’ve come back, both you and mom have been acting weird,” she said.

  In truth, Nikki started to notice this change the moment she came back home. When she got back, her dad was much ruder, more serious, and generally meaner. Her mother, although being strong all up until this point, was sickly. Her dad said she would get better, but it would take time. Regardless, there was something that bothered Nikki, and coming home to her dad being an overbearing prick towards her was not what she needed.

  “You should know better than to mouth off at me.”

  “I don’t take kindly to you thinking you’re the boss of me just because you run the household. You may have helped in creating me, but I’m a goddamn adult, and you need to treat me like one. I came back to help, and I can just as easily leave if that’s the case. I didn’t get this treatment back in Missouri,” she snapped.

  It was something Nikki honestly considered for a while, that is until she met him. That guy from the bar, Billy, or whatever his name was. She remembered she kept the card in her hands because she thought that it might be a good idea, but now, now she was wondering if she could convince this man to leave with her. Or at least listen to her story.

  Her father looked at Nikki, red in the face, and Nikki simply sat there, grinning at him.

  “Don’t patronize me, father. I can be just as mean right back at you, and I won’t hold back,” she said.

  “If it weren't for the fact that you're kind of useful, I would’ve kicked you out the second that you showed up. But, I don’t take kindly to you thinking that you’re someone just because you work at a bar, and I don’t like that you think it’s okay to come home late like this.”

  “Well, I don’t like being treated like some goddamn child! And would you rather I be coming home late, or not working at all? I could just, you know, come here and be a bum. But instead, I work. I provide for the family. You take so much from me, dad, and your weird ass… hippie business isn’t going to pay the goddamn bills!”

  She knew her dad sold some luxury meats, that’s what he claimed, but she also knew her mom was in one of those shitty MLM scams. She knew that, if her dad was going to hit below the belt with working, she would do the same goddamn thing.

  “You will regret saying that,” he said.

  “Make me dad. What, you gonna hit me? Because I can call the cops on you
for that. Don’t think I won’t either,” she said.

  He grimaced at her, and she could see the anger in his eyes.

  “Still doesn’t excuse you coming home late. It’s disrespectful and rude.”

  “What, like how you treat me, and how you treat mom,” Nikki spat back.

  She could tell her father was getting angrier by the second, but Nikki didn’t care. She didn't like being treated like some garbage by a man who bored her.

  “You little shit. You know, you better cut that attitude my dear, or else I’ll-”

  “Or else what? You’ll hurt me. Not in front of mom, you won’t. She’s sick, and you need to keep your image, so you won’t,” Nikki said.

  Her father looked at her, and for a second, Nikki saw a different look to him. It was almost… evil in a sense.

  “I’ll teach you to regret the moment that you mouthed off to me,” he said.

  He stepped forward, and Nikki looked at him with shock on her face. Would he really do it? Would he actually hurt her? It was shocking to see him like this, but then, as he got closer, she heard a sound.

  “Darryl, don’t touch her,” the sickly voice said.

  He whipped his head around, looking at the source of it.

  “Oh Margie, don’t worry about her. She is just being a brat, and I was teaching her to respect her elders,” he explained.

  “It looked like you were about to hurt her, Darryl. Which I don’t condone,” she said.

  Darryl looked at Nikki, and Nikki could feel his gaze boring into her.

  “You’re lucky this time, you little shit. Mommy dearest is here to save the day,” he said.

  She glared at him, but not before feeling that gaze practically penetrate her body. She didn’t like that her father was like this, but at the same time, she almost expected it by now. He’d been like this since she got back. She figured that it was due to the job, but something about his actions always felt a little off. It was as if he was someone else. However, as he went upstairs, she saw her mother coughing.

  “I’m sorry to have woken you up mom,” she said.

  “It’s fine dear. Sorry, I just don’t like it when he acts that way. He should know better than to be rude to his own daughter. You’re helping us a lot, and I thank you for that,” she said.

  “No problem mom. But, are you okay? You look like you’ve been through hell,” Nikki said.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. But, don’t let him get to you,” she said.

  ‘Mom, dad and I fight constantly. I don’t know why either. I mean, we used to be close. It’s like he’s a… different person. I don’t like it. And honestly, I feel like his attitude is bringing the whole house down,” she said.

  Her mother paused when Nikki said those words, and Nikki caught the look immediately.

  “Did I say something-”

  “No, you didn’t, Nikki. You didn’t at all. I’ll talk to your father. He’s probably just stressed about his business. No need to worry yourself over him,” she said.

  The tone of her voice was obvious dismissal, and Nikki pursed her lips.

  “If you say so. Anyway, it’s three a.m. I need to sleep,” Nikki said.

  “Go to sleep. If you need anything, let me know. I’m here for you,” she said.

  Nikki nodded, climbing up the stairs to her room, which was across the way from her parents’. She didn’t like the way that they were acting. Something about both of them seemed off Something about her father felt different, as if he was hiding the truth from her.

  Nikki felt flustered, and as she stayed in bed, she couldn't find the urge to fall asleep. Everything felt different, it felt off. She wanted to talk to someone, and even though it was three a.m., she felt like she couldn’t get her mind off of anything.

  Why was her dad acting this way? Why did she feel like she was being attacked in her own home? This all felt so weird, so strange, and Nikki needed answers.

  She felt the card in her pocket, the one that Billy gave her. It had been a couple of hours since they parted ways, and she doubted that he would be up. But, maybe it was worth a shot to talk to him. It would help her get her mind off things, and, if she did have someone to talk to, she wouldn't have to worry about all of this as she slept.

  “I mean, he’ll either answer, or it will go to voicemail. I guess I’ll need to take a chance and see what happens,” she said to herself.

  She grabbed her phone, which was still half-charged, and she dialed the numbers. She didn't think anything would come out of this. There was no way in hell that Billy would respond to her. But, as she sat there with the phone ringing in her ear, she had a strange feeling of hope. When she thought about Billy, she was happy, but she felt like she would just cheat herself if she did go forward with a relationship. She felt that she couldn't really be who she wanted to be with him, due to how her family was, but maybe, just maybe, there was a chance.

  She hoped he would respond. At least, that’s how she felt deep down.

  This Book will be Live Soon!

  About Fay Walsh

  Fay Walsh loves to write about curvy heroines and their hot alpha males. Her paranormal romance stories are sizzling hot with lots of action, humor, and a happily-ever-after! Current obsessions: bears and dragons!

  Right now she lives in Northern California with her husband and their grey ball of fluffiness, Shadow. Besides writing, she can never say no to chocolate and a big cup of coffee.

  Also by Fay Walsh

  ● Book 1: Bonded to the Bear




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