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Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1)

Page 23

by D. Camille

  Lana shook his hand. “It’s good to see you too Brian.”

  “Let’s talk in the conference room Brian,” Derek told him and Brian lifted a brow at his tone.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  Derek shook his head. “No, I just want to talk with you about a few things.”

  Brian paused. “Dina?”

  “That’s on the top of the list,” Derek told him.

  Brian nodded. “She came in town and we hit some spots. The last time she was here at the office, we chatted it up and I told her whenever she was in town and didn’t want to hang out with her little brother, I’d be glad to be her escort.”

  “Nothing more, nothing less. She’s your sister,” Brian told him. “You think I don’t know you by now?”

  Derek listened and stroked his chin. “That’s not a line you want to cross.”

  “I know that.”

  “Okay, let’s talk about the fundraiser later, because I’m taking Lana sightseeing today.”

  Brian smiled. “Have a good time. The dinner went fine, I’ll fill you in on the details later.”

  Derek held out his hand. “Good work Brian.”

  “I work for the best.”

  Lana watched Brian leave the office and stood. Derek turned to her and sighed. “I’m glad I didn’t have to beat his ass. That’s not good business.”

  She came to him. “You have a good rapport with your staff. Brian knew exactly what you expect of him.”

  “I sure as hell don’t expect you to be sleeping with my sister behind my back,” Derek told her.

  “I’m sure he understands that.”

  Derek placed a hand on her waist. “Are you going to let me take you sightseeing today?”

  “It wasn’t my fault that we didn’t go out yesterday,” Lana reminded him.

  “We’ll call that our rest day,” Derek told her.

  Lana smiled. “But we didn’t rest…”

  Derek laughed softly. “I know. Come on baby, let me show you your Capital.”

  He opened the door and she followed. “We can skip the White House,” she told him and he laughed.

  “I agree, no need to go up in there.”

  The couple stopped again at Gina’s desk where she was on the phone. “You can tell Dina I’m taking my baby out on the town and Brian is safe…for now.”

  “How do you know I’m talking to Dina?” Gina asked.

  He shook his head. “You’re always talking to Dina.”

  Gina smiled. “She says have fun!”

  They exited the building and hit the city. Derek took her to the well-known tourist spots before they stopped for dinner in an upscale restaurant.

  The host greeted Derek by name. “Mr. Wells, good evening. Would you like your regular table?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  He walked behind Lana as they followed the host to a table with a view. Once they were seated, Lana looked over at him.

  “Your regular table?” Lana asked lifting a brow.

  “I have lots of meetings and I use the window as a way to tune out when the conversation gets too boring,” he confessed, then reached for her hand. “But tonight I don’t need that distraction.”

  “I’ve had a wonderful day. Thank you,” Lana said softly.

  Derek held her gaze. “I want to make every day wonderful, baby.”

  “It’s going to be so hard to leave you,” she confessed.

  He sighed. “Let’s not think about that yet.”

  The waiter arrived to take their drink orders then discretely disappeared, leaving the pair alone to soak in each other.

  “So what do you think of D.C.?” Derek asked.

  “I actually liked it,” Lana answered. “It’s very historical.”

  He nodded. “We’ll visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture this week.”

  “I can’t wait for that,” Lana said excited. “I have to take souvenirs back to my family.”

  Derek watched her for a moment. “I imagine that it’s hard running a black-owned business in that area of Michigan.”

  Lana agreed. “You don’t even know. My grandfather was able to stay open primarily because a lot of the people down in Detroit would come up for holidays and family reunions. Now with the city being built up so much in that area, there’s really no need for anyone to drive over three hours to get to us for a weekend.”

  She smiled at him. “But your mother has given me some really good ideas.”

  “My mother?”

  Lana nodded.

  “How did my mother help you?”

  “She talked about the healthcare crisis that we’re going through and how people will be looking for healthier alternatives.” Lana explained. “We already use only locally sourced, organic foods but I realized that we could do so much more.”

  He agreed wholeheartedly. “The people in charge in Congress don’t give a damn about healthcare, not when their rich buddies are on their asses for tax cuts and their own healthcare is guaranteed,” he added. “People fought tooth and nail against the Affordable Care Act and now that they realize it was almost the best thing that could have happened to some of them, it’s a one-eighty, with no apologies to the originator.”

  “That creates a very precarious situation for many people and their well-being is in the balance. Lorna talks all the time about how our people must take control of our own health by eating better and working out. That was one of the reasons that I put in the pool, so that the guests could also get some exercise while at the Inn.” Lana explained.

  Derek smiled. “I appreciated the pool, very much. Especially the time I spent there with you.”

  “Other guests don’t get that, but they can put in a few laps.” Lana laughed.

  “Are you putting in a gym or something?” Derek asked.

  Lana shook her head. “I don’t know, because people normally don’t have very long stays at the Inn. You were the exception.”

  “I was going to stay as long as necessary to get your attention.”

  Lana gave him a look. “Baby, you had my attention when you interrupted my book club.”

  Derek kissed her hand. “And I want to keep it.”

  “What I’m thinking is to maybe host some health camps. Open the Inn up during the week for groups that want to come and learn about health and healthy eating. They can enjoy the outdoors for their physical health, and the peace for mental health. I’m going to contact some massage therapists, yoga instructors, and meditation specialists to provide different types of wellness.”

  “Wow baby, that’s amazing!” Derek complimented and she beamed.

  “We can only accommodate twenty-five occupants at a time, but I think it’s a start,” she said with a shrug.

  “I think that’s brilliant and I can’t wait to see you put it in action,” Derek told her.

  Lana held on to his hand. “Although your mother gave me the health aspect, it was really you who inspired me to even think bigger and outside of Grayling.”

  Derek smiled. “You do a great job and I’m so proud of you. Pretty soon, people will be flying into Michigan just to visit the Sable Inn.”

  Lana blinked back tears. “I hope so. This is our legacy and I never want to lose it.”

  “I promise you that the Sable Inn will still belong to all of Lloyd Sable’s grandchildren,” Derek told her.

  Lana’s eyes popped wide open.

  “What’s wrong?” Derek asked.

  Lana scratched her head. “Lavender also said that you’d protect the Inn. I was worried that you would do something that would hurt your reputation.” Lana told him. “Are you still keeping tabs on Robbie?”

  “Of course I am,” Derek admitted easily. “And when he makes the wrong move, I’ll be on his ass.”

  “What is he doing?”

  Derek sat back. “He’s even more determined to hurt you and your family. I’ve learned that his investor partners are really upset with him because he’d p
romised it would be easy to gain control of the Sable Inn, so he’s in deep to them.”

  Lana shook her head. “How do you know all of this?”

  “I have a P.I. on my payroll,” he told her. “People don’t always tell me the truth, so I need to have a mechanism to find that out on my own.”

  Lana lifted a brow. “Did you investigate me?”

  He smiled. “No baby, there was no need.”

  “You didn’t know me. I could’ve been someone planted to frame you or something,” she pointed out.

  Derek leaned forward. “I pursued you. You pushed me away at every turn.”

  “Maybe I was playing the game,”

  He laughed. “Once you served the chocolate buffet, it was quite evident that you didn’t have ulterior motives.”

  “Do you trust women that serve buffets that easily?” Lana folded her arms.

  “I’ve never had a buffet like that.”

  Lana frowned. “So it was the sex?”

  He pinned her with a stare. “The sex is incredible because the connection is out of this world and has been since I first heard your voice.” He told her quietly. “I trusted you because you are an honest person and my instinct told me that from the beginning.”

  “If I had to have you investigated, then you wouldn’t be a woman that I should’ve even considered giving my heart to,” he stated. “Tell me if anything I’ve said is wrong.”

  Lana unfolded her arms and placed her hands on the table. “I can’t argue with that, but you really should be more careful.”

  “Well since I won’t be meeting any more women to give my heart to, I’d say that’s a done deal.” He said plainly.

  “Your heart nor anything else,” Lana corrected.

  Derek leaned across the table. “Why not?”

  She held his gaze and met him in the middle with her lips inches away from his. “Because it’s all mine,” Lana whispered.

  Derek touched his lips to hers for a moment then sat back watching her, as she did the same. “I’m going to make you tell me that again later.” Derek said slowly.

  Lana licked her lips as she kicked off her shoe and ran it up his leg underneath the table. They continued to watch each other as she slid down slightly in her seat to get a better reach to his lap. When she felt what she sought, she pursed her lips and blew him a kiss before licking out her tongue.

  Derek continued to watch her, as her foot massaged his lap. “You know that you’re going to get it,” he told her.

  “I’m ready…” she whispered.

  The waiter returned and sat their drinks down before looking at the couple.

  “Would you like to order now?” he asked.

  Derek looked at him and felt the foot in his lap. “We’re ordering this to go.”

  Chapter 19

  Derek stood checking his phone in front of the glass looking out at the people who were entering and exiting the airport. He looked up as Lana approached after checking her bag, and could see the sadness in her eyes.

  “I’m done,” she announced softly.

  “You know I could’ve gotten you a charter and you could’ve skipped all of this,” Derek told her.

  Lana put a hand on his chest and caressed it gently. “I already had my ticket.”

  Covering her hand with his, Derek said, “Next time, you’ll let me know and I can arrange everything.”

  “Then I can’t surprise you,”

  Derek held her gaze. “I don’t like you traveling alone, until you become more familiar with it.”

  Lana smiled. “You’re so protective.”

  “With everything that I love,” he affirmed and they both went silent.

  “I should get to the security line,” Lana whispered sadly and looked away.

  He lifted her face back to his. “Don’t do that.”

  She closed her eyes. “I hate goodbyes.”

  “It’s not goodbye, baby…it’s just ‘see you later’,” Derek told her softly.

  Lana blinked back tears. “It feels the same.”

  Derek took her into his arms and held her close, inhaling the scent of her hair. “I promise that I’m working on not making this a common occurrence.”

  With her cheek against his heart, she snuggled closer. “I’ll do my part, because I don’t like this.”

  “I know, and I don’t either.”

  Lana pulled back and stared up at him. “Tag, you’re it…”

  Understanding her meaning, he nodded. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  She lifted her face to his and he kissed her, lifting a hand to cradle her face. Sliding an arm around her waist, Derek pulled her firmly against him. Showing her how much he was going to miss her, he continued to pleasure her mouth until she couldn’t breathe.

  Lana smiled and licked her lips. “I can’t wait.”

  Derek took her hand and walked her as far as he was allowed to go. “Let me know as soon as you land,” he requested.

  “I will,”

  Touching her hair, he said, “I love you, Lana.”

  “And I love you, thank you for this week.”

  Lana kissed him one last time before heading to the long line of passengers waiting to be checked. Derek stood watching as she moved forward, and they would lock gazes until it was time for her to move again. Lana reached the front of the line and waved before she disappeared out of his sight, while Derek remained in the same spot.

  A few minutes later, he turned and walked out of the building to his car. Inside he sat quietly for a moment reflecting over the last seven days he’d spent with the woman he loved. They’d toured the African American Museum, in addition to a boat ride along the Potomac. Lana had refused to eat out each night, so they’d made a few meals together and eaten in his dining room, or in bed.

  Derek knew he’d never sleep in his bed the same again, without Lana there. She’d left her mark on both him and his home. He wanted to see her hair spread out on his pillows and her brown skin against the white sheets.

  Taking a deep breath, he pulled out his phone and made a call.

  “Hey Derek,”

  “Hey Brian, I’ve decided to meet with the two black candidates so have Gina make us arrangements to go to California and Georgia over the next two weeks. I need to put something solid in place,” Derek told him.

  “Okay that’s cool,” Brian responded. “How’s Lana doing?”

  Derek sighed. “I just dropped her off at the airport. She’s on her way back to Michigan.”

  “So how is that going to work?” Brian asked.

  Derek stared out of the window. “That’s the problem I need to solve.”


  On the plane, Lana looked out of the window and told herself that she would see the man she loved again soon. The past week had been like a dream and she’d enjoyed every minute of it. Along with Derek’s bed, she’d fallen in love with his home.

  Once she’d gotten over the initial shock of his lifestyle, she’d found that his ‘connects’ served a wonderful purpose. From dinners, to shows, private cars, and boat rides, everything had been amazing.

  Being with Derek, sharing his home, bed and his life, had felt so right. Lana sat back in her seat as the attendants asked for all devices to be shut off. She reached for her phone just as a message came through and she began to read…

  I’m still sitting in my car at the airport because I can’t get myself to leave. Girl, I love you so much. I’m on my grind to get to you, but I won’t come until I have a solution to this dilemma of being separated. I know you hate goodbyes and I’m starting to hate them too, when it comes to you. I miss you already and I can’t wait to wake up next to you and take a picture of your beautiful face, my pretty country girl.

  “Miss, I’m going to need you to power off your device,”

  Lana looked up as a tear slid down her cheek. She swiped it away quickly and responded, “Sure, I’m sorry.”

  Lana wanted to respond to Derek’s text, but instead s
hut her phone down and held it to her chest. “I can’t wait to wake up next to you, my city boy,” she sniffed and said to herself.

  A short time later, Lana landed in Michigan and was met by her sisters. “Lana!” they yelled and she ran over to them.

  “Hey Sis!” Lana hugged them both. “Did you miss me?”

  Lena shrugged. “Nope, there was nobody bossing us around.”

  Lana smiled at her. “Well I’m back, and bossier than ever.”

  Lena laughed and hugged her sister again. “You know we missed you Moe.”

  “Okay Curley,” Lana responded. “And what about you, Larry?”

  Lorna smiled and hugged Lana. “You know I missed my big sister.”

  Lana looked at Lena. “See, that’s how you greet somebody.”

  The three walked to the waiting van where Willie stood at the door.

  Lana looked at her sisters. “Is the whole town here?”

  “Nah, they’re getting ready for the fish fry,” Lorna told her and Lana paused.

  “We’re having another fish fry?”

  Lena laughed. “You know Daddy and a fish fry. His daughter is home so we have to celebrate.”

  “I was only gone a week,” Lana protested.

  “For the first time in forever,” Lena pointed out.

  “Did you have a good time?” Lorna asked as they neared the van.

  Lana smiled. “Yes, I did. Derek is a wonderful man.”

  “Hey boss!” Willie greeted as he came to take her bag. “Welcome back!”

  “Hi Willie, thank you.” Lana patted his arm. “I missed you guys.”

  He smiled. “We missed you too. Glad you’re back to get things in order.” He glanced at Lena, and Lorna laughed.

  “Well, I’m here now.” Lana told him, glancing at her sister.

  Lena frowned. “Anyway, back to your trip…”

  The women climbed inside and took seats on the benches. They huddled together so that Willie couldn’t eavesdrop.

  “So what happened?” Lena questioned.

  “Everything…” Lana answered softly. “If I had any doubts about being in love with Derek before I left, he’s erased all of them.”

  Lorna smiled. “What is his place like in D.C.?”

  “It’s incredible. Derek rides around in private cars and chartered planes. He has a huge walk-in closet filled with clothes. His home is professionally decorated and his bed is heavenly.”


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