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Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1)

Page 25

by D. Camille

  Derek laughed. “That’s why I pay you.”

  “Very well, too.” The investigator agreed. “Welcome to the Golden State.”

  Putting on some shades, Derek nodded. “Thanks, my business here is done, but this was the most important part.”

  “I see. I knew you had that gangster in you.”

  Derek laughed. “When necessary.”

  Touching his cap, the investigator nodded. “I’ll be in touch.”


  An hour later, Lana was still angry from her conversation with Robbie. How dare he call her after what he’d attempted to do? Her phone rang again and she snatched it up quickly.


  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  Lana stopped and sighed. “Derek…”

  “What’s the matter?”

  Lana dropped back into her chair. “I just had a call from Robbie.”

  “Did he upset you?” Derek asked.

  “I despise even hearing his voice,” Lana told him. “After what he tried to pull.”

  “He won’t bother you again.”

  Lana shook her head. “That’s what he said, too.”

  She froze and her mouth dropped open. “Where are you?” she demanded.

  “Taking care business,”

  “Derek Wells, are you in LA?” Lana questioned.

  “Not anymore.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You were there?”

  “I was…taking care of some business.”

  “You made him call me to apologize, didn’t you?”

  “I made sure that you knew you didn’t have to worry about him,” Derek informed her.

  Lana smiled. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “You don’t know yet?” he asked.

  “I have a pretty good idea,” she responded. “Where are you now?”

  “Charter to San Francisco, to meet with another candidate.”

  Lana rested her elbow on the table and placed her chin in her hand. “You’ve been away for so long, aren’t you tired?”

  “The price you pay to be great,” he commented. “At least I have something to look forward to when I’m done.”

  She touched the chain around her neck. “Yes, you do, and when is that?”

  He let out a breath. “Not quite sure yet.”

  “Okay, as long as I know you’re safe and anxious to get back to me,” she whispered.

  Derek leaned back in his seat and stared out of the window at the clouds. “Anxious is not the word.”

  “I’ve got a surprise for you when I see you,” Lana said softly.

  He smiled. “Does it have something to do with dark hair and chocolate?”

  “That’s definitely a possibility.”

  “I need to hurry the hell up.”

  “You’re just figuring that out?” Lana teased.

  Derek laughed. “Trust baby, I’m working this as quickly as humanly possible.”

  Lana swiveled in her chair. “Just so you know, you’re not allowed to stay at the Inn anymore.”

  “I’m banned?” he asked playfully.

  “My man will be sleeping in my bed,” she told him. “And the Inn is booked solid in the coming weeks.”

  He smiled. “Congratulations baby, I’m happy for you.”

  “You’ve been so instrumental in this and I can’t wait to thank you,” she purred.

  Derek squirmed in his seat. “See, that’s just wrong.”

  “No baby, we’re just right.”

  “Are you wearing your necklace?” Derek asked quietly.

  “I don’t take it off,” Lana confessed. “It feels like you’re here with me.”

  “Hey, we’re preparing for landing,”

  She sat up. “Okay, I’ll talk to you later. I love you.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  Lana went back to her work until Mrs. Langston popped her head inside the door.

  “You busy girlie?”

  Lana smiled. “I’m never too busy for you. Please come in.”

  Mrs. Langston walked in slowly and took a seat. “You got this place on fire. I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you.”

  Lana flushed. “Daddy and my sisters have done a lot.”

  “Well, we’re having a fish fry on Saturday,” Mrs. Langston told her. “So I need you to order some things.”

  Lana frowned. “What is up with all these fish fry events? What is my Daddy doing?”

  “Lloyd says we’re having fish fry, then we’re having a fish fry.” Mrs. Langston told her firmly.

  Shaking her head, Lana responded, “I guess that’s true. I wonder if Lavender’s coming back?”

  Mrs. Langston shrugged. “You know your Daddy don’t tell nobody what he’s doing.”

  “I know, he reminds me a lot of another man that I happen to love,” Lana commented.

  “Now that’s a fine man, too.” Mrs. Langston commented.

  Lana smiled and picked up her pen. “So tell me what we need for this fish fry…”

  Mrs. Langston began rattling off items until Lana looked up. “Since when did we have all of this for a fish fry?” she questioned.

  “Take the list, girlie,” Mrs. Langston threatened.

  Frowning, Lana went back to listing her requests until she was done.

  “This isn’t in the budget, Mrs. Langton.” Lana told her.

  “Take that up with your Daddy, then.” Mrs. Langston got up and headed to the door. “I need all of that by Friday.”

  Lana watched her go then went to find her father. She found him down by the river sitting on the bank. Quietly, she joined him and he placed an arm around her and kissed her head.

  “There’s my pretty Princess. Are you looking for me?”

  Lana smiled and nodded. “I had some questions for you.”


  “Mrs. Langston said you ordered a fish fry for Saturday and she’s requested a long list of items that aren’t in the budget,” Lana explained.

  Lloyd smiled and took her hand. “Don’t worry about budgeting this one. I’ll take care of it.”

  Lana looked confused. “What’s the occasion?”

  “I’m proud of my daughters and their love of family,” he told her then turned to the water.

  Lana followed his gaze. “What are you doing out here?” she asked softly.

  “I used to bring your Momma here. This was one of her favorite spots.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Lana said looking around.

  Lloyd lowered his head. “I know. I didn’t talk to you girls a lot about your mother. I think because the pain was so deep. Sometimes, just the mention of her name, would break me down.”

  Lana squeezed his hand as tears came to her eyes. “It’s okay Daddy,”

  “She was an incredible woman, and I see her in all of you, every day,” Lloyd said quietly. “She’d be so proud of you all.”

  He turned to Lana. “So smart, strong and beautiful.”

  Lana wiped at her eye. “We had the best Daddy in the world,” she said hoarsely.

  Her father wiped another tear from her cheek. “I want you to be happy, Lana.”

  “I am,” she sniffed. “And I want the same for you. Lavender is a very special woman.”

  He nodded. “She is, and I love her.”

  Lana’s eyes widened. “Is this event for her? Are you asking her to marry you?”

  Lloyd winked at his daughter. “All in due time, but can you make sure Mrs. Langston get everything she needs?”

  Lana hugged him. “Of course.”

  “Now sit out here with your old Daddy, for old times’ sake.”

  She cuddled next to him and he put an arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I love sitting with you on our land.”

  “And it’s always going to be ours…” he promised.


  On Saturday, Lana looked around at the decorations for the fish fry and shook her head. She continued on looking for her father whe
n Lena walked by with a grin and Lana stopped her.

  “Was all this really necessary?” Lana asked.

  Lena shrugged. “Daddy and Mrs. Langston’s orders.”

  “It looks more like a reception than a fish fry,” Lana said.

  “Stop complaining,” Lena told her. “It’s beautiful.”

  Lana frowned. “Yes, it is, since when did you get so sentimental?”

  “I guess love is in the air,” Lena said before she floated away with a chuckle.

  Lana headed to the kitchen and spotted Mrs. Langston running the kitchen.

  “Hey girlie,” she greeted Lana.

  “Where’d my father go?” Lana asked. “I’ve been looking for him.”

  “Don’t you worrying about that man. Let him do what he needs to do,” Mrs. Langston admonished.

  Lana lifted her hands in the air. “I mean he ordered this thing and he’s not even here.” She glanced at the table full of fresh fish on ice. “All the fish is here.”

  “Go, get out of here,” Mrs. Langston said, fanning her away. “You’re in my way.”

  Lana pouted and walked to her office. On the way, she spotted Willie. If anyone knew what was going on, it was him.

  “Hey boss!” he greeted with a wide smile.

  “Hi Willie,” Lana replied. “What’s going on around here?”

  Willie looked confused. “I thought it was a fish fry?”

  Lana gave him a look. “Where’s my Daddy?”

  “At the airport, picking up a lady.”

  “The airport?” Lana questioned. “Is he picking up Lavender?”

  “That’s all I know,” Willie told her then headed toward the area for the dinner.

  Shaking her head, Lana followed him and ventured to find her other sister. Lorna was helping Jamal with the elaborate flower arrangements on the tables.

  “Hey, you two,” she greeted.

  “Hey Lana,” Lorna smiled.

  Lana looked at the flowers. “Wow, Jamal, you really outdid yourself on those. They’re incredible!”

  He smiled. “Thanks, this was a special order and I take care of family.”

  “Lorna, did you know Daddy was picking up a woman from the airport?” Lana asked.

  Lorna nodded. “Uh, huh.” She continued with the flowers.

  “Is it Lavender? Are they getting married? Why is everyone acting so secretive?” Lana questioned becoming frustrated.

  Both Jamal and Lorna turned to her. “It’s a fish fry, Lana. Don’t stress yourself,” Lorna told her.

  Lana threw her hands in the air. “It’s a fish fry…okay.”

  Walking away, Lana got the sense that her family was keeping something from her which wasn’t like them, because they’d always shared everything. She walked back inside and through the lobby with a pain in her heart. Why would they shut her out?

  The door opened and her crew walked in. “Fish fry!” Nadia yelled. “Girl, yes!”

  Lana couldn’t help but laugh as her friends came to hug her.

  “Hey y’all. I knew you’d be here.” Lana told them.

  “When Lloyd Sable says fish fry, you drop whatever you are doing,” Tiffany said with a smile.

  Nadia cleared her throat. “Actually anything that Mr. Lloyd Sable said, I’d drop a lot of things,” she said in a sexy voice.

  Lana looked at her. “See, you want me to hurt you.”

  Debra laughed. “Girl, you got a man, why you hating?”

  Tiffany shook her head. “How’s Derek?”

  “He’s in Atlanta, hopefully this is his last stop and I can see him.” Lana explained.

  “I want a man that hops planes,” Debra said. “I think that’s sexy.”

  Lana looked at her. “What’s sexy about walking on a plane?”

  “Just the fact that he can buy the tickets, girl.”

  Tiffany turned to Lana. “How is everything working out with him?”

  Lana smiled and touched her necklace. “Good…”

  Nadia peeped the chain and moved closer. “Oh, I see! Damn!”

  “It’s a gift from Derek.”

  Debra examined the necklace. “Okay then, he gets my vote.”

  “He had your vote from the start, Debra,” Lana reminded her.

  “Well he wins the election now,” Nadia added and laughed.

  “Everything is set up out back,” Lana told them. “Let’s get some seats, because I think it’s going to be crowded tonight.”

  “I know,” Tiffany said. “Your Daddy said everybody needed to be here.”

  Lana smiled. “I think he’s going to propose to Lavender.”

  “Lawd, no!” Nadia said putting a hand over her heart.

  “Girl, stop,” Lana told her before they all went to the party area.

  The girls were joined by Lana’s sisters as the festivities began. The fish was frying, music was playing and the crowd was large. Lana sipped on her drink and swayed to the music.

  “When did you start dancing?” Lena asked and Nadia co-signed.

  Lana took another sip. “My man’s been teaching me.”

  All the women lifted eyebrows at her response as Lloyd asked for everyone’s attention. The music stopped and all eyes were on him.

  “I’d like to thank everyone for coming out tonight to celebrate with the Sables. You all know how much we love and appreciate all of you.”

  “We love you too Mr. Sable!” Nadia shouted and all the Sable sisters turned to her.

  Lloyd laughed. “Thank you Nadia.” He went back to his announcement. “I wanted to say that I’m sorry for being late but the traffic from the airport was a mess, however it was worth it to pick up the women that I was there to get.”

  Lloyd looked at Lana. “One thing I’ve learned over the last few years is that home is not where your things are…home is where your heart is.”

  Lana smiled at him then turned her attention to the women walking over to Lloyd. They waved at her and she put a hand to her mouth. “Oh my god!”

  Tiffany looked at Lana. “Who are they?”

  Lana blinked as her sisters smiled. “They’re Derek’s family...” Lana stared at Mrs. Wells and Dina along with the three other women, who she presumed were his other sisters, from the family resemblance. As she sat, shocked and confused, he walked in and headed in her direction.

  “Oh snap!” Nadia yelled as she watched Derek approach their table dressed in an expensive, dark tailored suit, complete with a bowtie. He stopped in front of Lana and when he kneeled, she couldn’t stop the hot tears that dropped down her face.

  “What are you doing?” she choked out.

  “I’m asking a pretty country girl to marry me,” he answered and Debra fell back in her chair.

  Unbothered, Derek reached inside his jacket and produced a dark velvet box. He flipped it open and Lana closed her eyes, causing more tears to spill over.


  Feeling the familiar heat, she lifted her lids to meet his gaze.

  “Lana Sable, I love you and I want to be with you, wherever we are.” He took her shaking hand and kissed it.

  “Will you marry me?” Derek asked and slipped the radiant diamond onto her hand.

  Lorna and Lena couldn’t contain their own tears at their sister’s happiness and each wiped their faces, along with other people in the crowed.

  Lana looked at him. “Where are we going to live?” she whispered.

  “Does it matter?” Derek asked softly.

  Sniffing Lana shook her head vigorously. “No,” she choked. “Not at all.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  Lana took him into her arms and whispered into his ear. “Yes, I love you…”


  Lana stared up at the night sky as Derek carried her across the grass to her home. Her shoes swung back and forth from her hand and he moved at a steady pace. The festivities had finally wrapped up late into the night, with the entire town, friends and family. The well-wishes and hugs filled with joy, con
tinued during the whole evening and both Lana and Derek were overwhelmed by the love that was shown.

  “Was it really necessary for me to take off my shoes?” Lana asked happily.

  “Yes, it fulfills my dream.”

  She looked at him as he focused on their destination. “What dream is that?”

  “To carry my barefoot wife-to-be.” He kissed her cheek.

  “That’s very cliché,” Lana told him with a smile.

  Derek chuckled as they arrived. “At least I didn’t say barefoot and pregnant,” he commented.

  Lana looked at him as they stood at the door. “You’d be right on all accounts, if you did.”

  She screamed as he almost dropped her on the doorstep. Derek was able to regain his composure before she hit the ground. Steadying her again, he stared into her eyes.

  “Are you serious?”

  Lana laughed softly. “You’re not the only one full of surprises tonight.”

  He smiled at her. “Is this my dark hair and chocolate surprise?”

  “I told you that was definitely a possibility… if he takes after my side,” she whispered.

  Derek turned serious. “Is that why you said yes to my proposal?”

  Lana returned his sober expression. “Let’s go inside, please.”

  The coupled entered the home and Derek carried her over to the sofa then sat with her on his lap. He turned to her and waited.

  “What?” Lana asked.

  He gave her look. “Girl, don’t ‘what’ me?” he told her. “When were you going to tell me this?”

  Lana touched his face. “When you came to tell me how we’re going to be together.”

  “You’re sure that’s what I’ve come to do?” He lifted a brow.

  She nodded. “Positive…that’s what you told me and I believed you.” Lana put her arms around him. “You’ve shown up here and asked me to marry you in front of our families’ and the whole town. That had better be what you’ve come here to do.”

  Derek looked at her for a minute, then kissed her softly. “Yes, baby, that’s exactly what I came here to do.”

  “I know my man,” she whispered then caught sight of the ring on her finger. “At least, somewhat. When you walked in, I couldn’t breathe…”

  He smiled. “That’s the reaction I was hoping for.”

  “Your family came all the way to Grayling,” Lana said amazed.

  “When I told them I was proposing, nothing would have stopped them from getting here. Your father was kind enough to pick them up and set them up with rooms at the Inn,” Derek explained.


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