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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance

Page 13

by Tia Siren

  I pressed my hand deep into his cock and listened to Grant groan. His hand finally cupped my pussy, allowing me a bit of friction as I ground down against his hand. My eyes raked over the man of my fantasy, his hand only having punished me moments before. I wanted him to do it more. I wanted to crawl into his lap and feel his hand crack against my body again.

  “Keep going,” he commanded.

  “After he would be done spanking me, he’d peel me off his knee and fuck me right there on the kitchen floor, all bubbles and suds gathering around us as he fucked me all across his floor, cleaning it the way he wanted while spreading my scent everywhere he needed it.”

  “You seem to have a thing for authority figures,” he said.

  I was panting as his hand slowly massaged my pussy. I felt a wet spot growing underneath my hand on his pants as his eyes flickered down to me, and as I raised my eyes to his and caught his gaze, I was suddenly that high school girl again, drooling over my dad’s best friend as I watched them laugh at the kitchen table. If Grant only knew the scenarios I’d had him in during my dreams. The places I’d envisioned us traveling to. The nasty things he uttered to me in my ear at night. This man, with his hand against my pussy and his cock against my skin, had pervaded every fantasy I’d had until I hit college.

  Then he became the measuring stick I didn’t realize I used with every encounter I had with a boy in college.

  He had soaked himself into my life without even realizing it, and I had to peel my gaze from him and look out the window so he couldn’t see the desperate tears lining my eyes.

  “Especially your boss,” he said.

  I giggled, trying to play off the fact that he’d caught me. I ground down into his hand again, my heels planting into the floorboard of the SUV as we rocketed down the road. I felt exposed again. Vulnerable. Raw. Underneath that damn microscope he kept bringing out.

  “Well,” I said through my giggles, “at least you’re perceptive.”

  He grinned as we continued to ride down the highway. Half an hour later, we pulled into the Sheraton French Quarter, and I could see our balcony. It overlooked Bourbon Street and sat right on the site of the Old French Opera. I wasn’t sure if Grant was into that kind of thing, but listening to opera was a hidden passion of mine I didn’t dare boast of.

  We removed our hands quickly from one another as we parked the SUV. The porter came to us, helping us remove and carry our bags up to the luxurious suite I’d booked us. I took in the beauty of the suite while Grant dealt with the porter and tipped him. I slowly walked over to the glass double doors, throwing them open before I gasped at the view. The bustling of New Orleans was only feet below us as a table with beautiful wrought iron chairs provided a place to sit. I could hear a premier soprano singing out her beautiful notes from the Old French Opera across the street, and I closed my eyes to take it all in. I allowed the air of the city to swirl around me, filling my nostrils with the sweet decadence of its history. The notes wrapped my body in a warmth not unlike Grant’s arms, and soon, I felt his hands slip around my waist before he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

  “There’s just enough time for that dance,” he said.

  I wanted to stay on this balcony. I wanted to drink in the beauty of the city and listen to the soprano’s last notes. I wanted to enjoy a glass of wine with him on this porch and simply watch people pass by. I wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him as he pinned me against the balcony that separated us from the history that blanketed this entire town.

  But the moment I turned around and caught his luscious stare, I realized I had no choice.

  And I didn’t really want any when it came to him.

  Suddenly, music came on in the room. I scanned the walls as he took my hand, leading me back into the room. I clocked the Bluetooth speakers stationed in a few corners that filled the room with a song probably playing from Grant’s phone, and I watched him sink down onto the velvety couch in the middle of the room as the wind poured in from the street.

  “Dance for me, Miss Marks,” he said.

  Then, my hips began to sway in happy obligation.

  Chapter 21


  I watched her with half-hooded eyes as my cock throbbed against my pants. Crissy’s hips were swaying as the light breeze fluttered her hair in all directions. She looked gorgeous, smoking hot even in the sweatpants she was peeling off. I was an incredibly lucky man to be able to experience a woman like her, and my fingertips shook with anticipation. I wanted to sink them into her body as she slowly pulled her tank top over her head. She had on a lacy red bra underneath, one that matched the crimson dress she’d worn to the restaurant during our first lesson.

  I shifted, trying to take the pressure off my cock as it began to leak into my clothes. I could see the imprint of the barbells behind that bra, and all I wanted to do was wrap my tongue around them. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her sweatpants as she swirled her hips. Then, when she had her back to me, she slowly pulled them down over her ass.

  Her beautiful, bouncing cheeks came into view, showing off the matching red lacy thong she had on. Holy fuck. Had I known she was traveling in something like that, I would’ve taught her this next lesson while I was driving. Orgasm denial was probably something she wasn’t familiar with, but the loose waistband and the skimpy fucking underwear would’ve eased the tension on my fingers while I drove.

  She slowly stepped out of her pants before she began to jiggle her ass at me. I breathed deeply, my fingertips curling into the couch. I was ready to pop. I couldn’t take it anymore. I stood to just as she did, but before she could turn around, I picked her up in my arms.

  “Grant!” she squealed.

  I barreled her into the bedroom I’d claimed as mine and tossed her onto the bed. Every single curve jumped for me, enticing me to come closer as I ripped the clothes off my back. I shredded every single layer until my cock was standing at attention, bare and ready for the taking as her eyes took it all in. She licked her lips slightly, waiting for my command even though she had desires of her own.

  She was such a good little girl like that.

  I charged at her, crashing my lips onto hers as my hands palmed her breasts. I ripped the skimpy bra off her, the tattered remains crashing to the floor as she whimpered and begged. I nipped at her neck, marking her until I got to her beautiful tits. The disco ball barbells shimmered for me with every heave of her chest, and I wrapped my tongue around each of them and teased her until I could feel her dripping onto the bed.

  I slithered my leg in between hers, feeling her grinding down on my skin. My lips continued to play with her tits as my fingers found their way between her pussy folds, and I knew she was close to coming. I looked at her face, watching it scrunch as her lips puckered, and just before she threw herself over the edge, I backed off.

  She whimpered at the loss of my touch as I released her nipple with a pop. Then my lips found the shell of her ear, and she shivered at my touch.

  I grinned at her. “Lesson number two: orgasm denial.”

  “What?” she asked.

  I kissed down her stomach, feeling her reddened skin jump underneath me. My fingers kneaded her excess, relishing in the softness of her body before I sank between her legs. Her clit was so swollen. I could see the tip poking out between her thick pussy folds. I couldn’t help but groan before I started in on my meal.

  She whimpered as I pressed my tongue deep into her pussy. Her juices were already soaking the bed. I’d have to change the sheets before I lay down for the evening, but it was a small price to pay. I swirled my tongue slowly, feeling her legs hook over my shoulders as they shook. I was going to make her beg, beg for mercy and for her orgasm. By the time I was done with her, she would know what it meant for me to be in charge of her.

  In charge of her body.

  In charge of her pleasure.

  Her hips began to rock, and her pussy began to heat. The juices flowed along my tongue as I slurped
her down. Her hand curled into the tendrils of my hair, but before she got going, I pulled back again.

  “Grant, please,” she whispered.

  “You sound so wonderful when you beg.”

  I teased a finger at her entrance. She bucked lustfully into me, no longer caring about how she looked in the process. Her hands clamped down on her tits, massaging them for release as the barbells played between her fingers. I slid a finger inside her, feeling her soft heat vibrate around me before she started bucking into me even more.

  I buried my tongue deep into her, hearing her pant as her hands squeezed her tits. She looked so beautiful, flushed the way she was for me, but by the time I was done, she would be crying tears of frustration before I let her come.

  “Please, Grant. I’m so close. I’m gonna come. I’m gonna come. I’m—”

  I pulled back just before she flew over the edge, and she slapped her hands onto the bed in frustration. She groaned out into the room as her legs fell from my shoulders, shaking with their weakness as her pussy taunted me. The silken juices pouring from her slit beckoned to my cock. I was leaking onto the sheets, my precum going to waste as my tongue became greedy with its own desires. I rushed up her body and encapsulated her lips, allowing her to lick herself off my skin as my cock teased her swollen entrance.

  “Please, Grant,” she whispered desperately. “Just…just let me come.”

  “In time, beautiful,” I said. “In time.”

  I slowly slid into her and watched her beautiful back arch off the bed. She clung to me, her fingernails digging into the muscles of my back as her hips bucked selfishly into mine. I held my hips in the air, just watching her buck against my skin as I smirked down at her. She had her eyes squeezed shut while her jaw clenched, but the moment she realized I wasn’t moving, she opened her eyes and huffed.

  She looked adorable all frustrated and upset.

  Then I plunged into her. She threw her head back and moaned as I sank my teeth into her neck, pummeling into her so my cock could feel her. Her entire body shook at my assault, my skin smacking hers as her legs locked around my waist. Her hands fell from my back, squeezing her tits again as her eyes opened to view mine. I couldn’t help but hold her gaze as I pounded my hips into hers.

  Time and time again, I sank my dick into the depths of her warmth. Time and time again, her pussy juices dripped down, soaking my balls. Time and time again, she moaned my name while she writhed on the bed. Sweat peppered her brow, and her skin began to glisten, but when I felt her pussy clamping down on me, I pulled out and stilled my movements.

  “What the fuck, Grant?” she asked. “What the hell’s wrong with you?”

  Her eyes glisten with tears, and I knew she’d had enough. She closed her eyes, trying to swallow them back. I leaned forward with a smile on my face and pressed kisses to each of her eyes. Then I placed my cock back at her entrance. She opened them, those half-hooded eyes that were dazed with her exhaustion. I pressed my lips to hers as her hands slowly wound into my hair.

  “Beg,” I commanded.

  “I’ve been begging,” she said breathlessly.

  I bit down lightly on her lower lip in punishment, and she conceded. She thrust her hips forward, engulfing my cock with her pussy as I bottomed my hips out into hers, and then the words poured from her lips.

  It shook even me by the time she was done.

  “I don’t know what you want from me, and I don’t know what it’ll take for you to allow me to have my orgasm. But I swear to you Grant, I’ll do anything. Just please…don’t send me to this meeting without an orgasm.”

  I drew my hips back and slammed into her body. She cried out, her tits lurching from my action before I did it again. Her legs jiggled around me while her fingernails raked down my arm, and her pussy was already clamping down around me. She was so tight and so wet, and the sloshing sounds as I dove into her swirled around my head. Her jaw was unhinged as I raised up onto my heels, pulling her closer to me before I grasped her hips.

  I had to still my movements for a second, allowing myself time to breathe before I blew my load right then and there.

  “You beg so wonderfully, Crissy.”

  I ratcheted up my assault. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as my cock plunged into her depths. Her legs were thrown over my shoulders as I gripped her hips tightly. Her excess molded around my fingertips, wrapping me up in her softness as her juices poured from between her legs. Never in my life had I seen a woman so wet and ready for me. The sight alone tugged at my balls, threatening to push me to my climax.

  Her orgasm began to creep up on her, and her walls began to clamp down so hard on my cock, it became hard for me to move. If I tried to pull out, it tried to pull me back in. Her entire body was begging for me, desperate for me, wanting me to spill myself into it so it could gobble my cum down and never let me go.

  And the heady feeling that realization gave me popped the rubber band inside my mind.

  I slammed into her, and the sound of skin slapping skin ricocheted throughout the room. Juices splattered, and my fingertips left marks. I could see the bite mark on her tit I left behind, and it was hot as fuck.

  Her sounds became silenced, caught in her throat as my dick choked the life from her body. Her pussy clamped down harder. Her body shook as her legs pulled taut. I could see her contracting, tears rolling down her face as her orgasm rendered her speechless.

  Then her pussy sucked me in, and I couldn’t help but come deep inside her body.

  I held her close to me, diving my cock deep into her warmth as I clenched my jaw. My name finally fell from Crissy’s lips, choked and whispered, like someone had her around her throat. Her entire body was red and pulsing while her pussy sucked down my cock. Before I knew it, my come was trickling out from between her legs as I filled her to the top. I couldn’t think, and I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t know where I was or what time it was. All I knew was the pleasure rolling over me as Crissy’s pussy massaged my cock for all it was worth.

  Never in my life had I felt something so tight around my body.

  Chapter 22


  I was surprised I could actually piece myself together for this meeting. My shower had to be quick, and Grant had to physically hold me up the majority of the time. I couldn’t stand after the lesson he’d taught me, and for a moment, I actually thought I was going to have to stay behind. It wasn’t until we pulled up to the meeting spot that I was able to get out of the car by myself.

  “You all right to do this?” he asked. His eyes were searching me, looking for obvious marks as I gathered my things. I left my phone behind, but I did pull out my laptop, readying it to take notes before we headed into the meeting.

  “Yep. I’m good,” I said, grinning. “Are you all right to do this?”

  “I’m always ready, for anything and everything,” he said. “That’s my job as CEO.”

  “And as a professor,” I said, winking.

  We walked into the room, and he automatically commanded everyone there. He stood at the front of all the investors and board members of the company he was trying to acquire, and my panties started growing wet for him. From the moment he started talking, his shoulders rolled back and his eyes became stern, and everyone in the room understood who was the boss.

  “Good afternoon, gentlemen,” he said. “I’ll cut right to the chase. J&M is looking to acquire Tike Oils. We believe we can take your company to the heights you wanted to be at before everything went south with your previous CEO, and we’ve got a few ways we can accomplish this.”

  “What were you thinking?” someone asked.

  “One, we could buy you outright. Now, I know that deal has already been denied, but hear me out. If we take over your company and put you underneath the umbrella of J&M, you will reap many benefits. Our stock will skyrocket, giving you more bonuses and financial stability in your pocket. We have better deals with insurance companies, so your employees will have better coverage. We al
so have a much better reputation, so you will see profit much sooner than if the Tike Oils name were to stay in the Midwest.”

  “You’ll have to trim too much of the company,” someone else said.

  “There are downsides to every transaction, including the hostile takeover you guys seem to be more interested in.”

  “Well, we’d get to keep our name, so the history of the place won’t be lost. Our stock options aren’t doing terrible for what’s happened, so repairing our reputation might not be as rough as you think.”

  “But,” he said, “your stock options will remain mediocre, and if we absorb that many employees, we can’t open things up for them how I would like. If I’m going to take over a company, I want to take over their wellbeing. That means stock options, 401(k)s, retirement plans, wonderful health insurance. The works. If we keep on this many employees by just doing a hostile takeover, I can’t take care of them like I’d be able to if I just bought the company outright.”

  The nerdy, aspiring businesswoman in me was getting so fucking turned on by Grant. Most people might get bored and tune this information out, but not me. The way he knew his information was soaking my panties.

  He was powerful, but reasonable. Stable and kind. They were idiots if they didn’t side with him on an acquisition instead of doing a hostile takeover.

  I found my mind wandering to other things. He was trying to teach me how to command, how to take charge, how to negotiate without being overt. It got me wondering if I could take control in the bedroom. I thought about what that might mean.

  I began daydreaming of him on his knees, clad in nothing but a collar as I ordered him around. He licked my pussy with a vengeance while I squirted all over his lips. He begged for me to suck his cock after delivering several mind-blowing orgasms. I thought about tying him to a bed and teasing him relentlessly, until he was so frustrated, it made him angry.


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