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Submission MMA Shifter Urban Fantasy: (The Unleashed Book 1)

Page 6

by Mandie Stevens

  “I think everything pisses Tallulah off.” Especially anything that had to do with Lyla.

  “You’re probably right about that, except for you. She has a soft spot for you.”

  “Don’t all the ladies?” I fist bumped Jose. “All right man, since I’m banished from the kitchen, I’m going to find Odecir and see if he needs any help.”

  “Didn’t you clean the mats this morning?” Ramirez untied his shoes.

  “Yeah, but Odecir had some private lessons earlier.” I sprayed the mats and squeegeed them.

  “Well, I’m a private lesson now. You going to mop around me? And after me too?” Ramirez shook his head.

  “Train, that’s what you will do,” Odecir said from behind me. “I appreciate a clean gym, but this is ridiculous, man. If you mop any more, there won’t be any coating left on the mats.”

  My body was tired. I’d trained this morning, and I knew I was training with the pack tonight, but what the hell else was I going to do?

  “Ramirez, your private is rolling with Jack today. Don’t be easy, man.” Odecir laughed. I put my gi on and got ready to roll.

  We bumped fists, and he came straight at me. We’d rolled before, but not like this. He took me down, and I slammed into the mat. Scrambling, I pulled him into my guard, holding him there and playing defense, but he passed my guard. I scrambled, but he caught me in an armbar.

  We stood and adjusted our gis. Ramirez pointed to me. “You’re almost there, but you’re missing something. Your wolf is a monster. You need to tap into that. Rely on your intuition, like your wolf does. The longer you do this, the more you’ll anticipate my next move.”

  The buzzer rang.

  Odecir stood over us, clapping his hands. “Again.”

  Tallulah came in and sat across the gym against the wall. I was used to seeing her here every day, but what time exactly depended on her schedule. If she worked the dinner shift, she came in before, or if it was her day off she’d come and eat dinner with me and hang out when I trained.

  As soon as I quit going to work, Rocko told her where I was. I had to admit, the company was nice. She wasn’t really my type. Maybe for a good time, but nothing more, and I wouldn’t do that to her. She was my friend. One of my only friends, besides Odecir, but then he had to put up with me. Tallulah was cute and sweet, and it was nice to talk to someone other than these oafs. Most importantly, she caught me up on Lyla.

  I walked over to get a huge gulp of water after class. She stood up. “Looks like you got some good rolls in.”

  I stretched out my hand, putting it into a fist and back again. “Yeah, if you consider getting my ass handed to me repeatedly, then yes.” I laughed.

  Odecir threw his arm around me. “Nah, man, you’re finally catching on. Your defense is getting much better. You’re making these guys finally work for it, a bit.”

  I had come close to submitting Ramirez twice, but he was just too good.

  Odecir threw his arm around Tallulah. “What about you, Tallulah? When are you coming to train?”

  She perked up. “Don’t I have to be in the pack?”

  Odecir tapped his chest. “I know people, but yeah. When you joining The Unleashed?”

  She shoved her hands in her pocket and looked to her feet. “My daddy would hunt me down. I was lucky enough to get away to go to school. I’m not sure what it is for jaguars, but if you haven’t noticed, there are many more male wolf shifters than female. Women carry the gene, but don’t always turn. I did, so I’m some sort of prize for my pack since there aren’t too many of us. I’m expected to go back at the end of the year.”

  “Where is your pack?” I asked. I couldn’t believe I’d been so self-absorbed, I really didn’t know that much about her at all.

  “Idaho. I’m expected to go back and marry someone from our pack or bring someone in.” She looked at me shyly. I stiffened.

  “But that wouldn’t be ideal, right?” Odecir asked, “They’d want the pack stronger from within?”

  “Yes, ideally,” she said. I stared at her. I’d never really thought about it before. Female wolf shifters weren’t very common, and in some packs they were basically pup factories. Even I, as a second-born son from an alpha, was expected to marry a full-blooded shifter. There was no such thing as love for us, only politics.

  “See, I’m learning some of this wolf shit.” Odecir slapped me in the stomach.

  “Man, it has been three weeks of nothing. Am I supposed to be stuck in here the rest of my life?”

  “As long as it takes, bro.” Odecir shook his head while laughing.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I hear you are getting antsy,” Corbin said but didn’t look up from his book as I entered his office.

  I stood across from his desk. “It has been two months with no word of my brother.”

  Corbin slid a bookmark into his book then closed it. “Please sit. Your mother still hasn’t heard anything, and she is growing concerned. You’d know that if you would call her. She wants to send a team down to assist and draw him out.”

  I leaned forward. “She is sure he’s here?”

  “Probably, but I’m hesitant to allow another pack into my territory, especially if some are loyal to him.”

  I nodded. Corbin had to protect what was his, and he’d already stuck his neck out by allowing me to join this pack to begin with.

  “It’s true, my brother has his followers, but my mother has always been alpha, and she knows who to trust. I can’t say she’s ever really trusted Charles, even though he is her son.”

  “If she has always been in charge, then why not go back as alpha and just let her lead? It is the most powerful and largest pack around, and it’s being practically handed to you. Yet you run away like a cur pup with your tail between your legs.” His voice rose. I wasn’t quite sure why he was upset. He was already an alpha and had a great pack.

  I wasn’t going to lie. His words stung. “Some people are born to lead. That’s you, Corbin. You have charisma and strength. You are a born leader. I have never wanted this life. I just want to be left the hell alone.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose. “You underestimate yourself, Jack.”

  I tossed my hands. “Maybe. Why are you willing to help me so much? To stay on my mother’s good side?”

  He patted his hand on the desk. “Partly, but I believe you’ll be a very powerful alpha one day. Not yet, but one day, and I want you to remember this.”

  I shook my head. “You’ve got me wrong, Corbin. I’m not who you think I am.”

  He sighed. “Maybe. Maybe you’re right. Either way, we need to deal with your brother. It is in neither of our best interest to allow him to become alpha.”

  Corbin was right about that. Charles was despicable, and a part of me had hated him for a long time. Even before he’d tried to kill our father. He was cruel and manipulative. I’d followed him around when I was a young child, but I’d grown weary of his torment. My father had known how Charles was. So did my mother. Yet they never dealt with him until it was too late. Maybe they’d been biding their time. If my father hadn’t died, he’d still have had a century of rule in front of him.

  Corbin was smart. I had to give him that, and he was right, Charles had to be dealt with. “What do you propose?”

  “We have a were-bear who just joined our pack. Mike Budnik has a fight next week. His first as an Unleashed fighter. It’s a big deal; he’s the first were-bear fight in MMA. Plus Mike’s old pack is flying in, and Team Summit from Miami will be here since they have a few fighters who are debuting, too. I’ve already spoken with their alpha, and they will offer their support if we need it. Of course, if you think it’s a good idea, we’ll have the members your mother sends as well. We’re covered if he tries anything.”

  I leaned back. It could work. “So, you want me to come to the fight so we can draw him out?”

  Corbin nodded. “Precisely.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Why Jack,
don’t you look like a big boy tonight.” Jonathon took a swig of his beer, my wolf growled, I tugged at my shirt.

  Ignoring him and his three-piece suit, I turned to Tallulah. “You look nice.”

  She ran her hands down her skirt. “Thanks for inviting me. I’ve never been to anything like this before.”

  “Me, neither.” Well, other than recon.

  I scanned the crowd. Corbin had told me the other packs surrounded us although I couldn’t place them, and I had seen no one from my former pack yet. I didn’t see my brother or his crew. If they were using magick, they could get through undetected, although I didn’t think even he’d cause a scene here, especially with so many people on our side.

  “It gets loud, but it’s fun.” Odecir leaned toward us. Corbin’s immediate crew filled the front row, and I sat there, too, since Corbin wanted me close to him, Jonathon, and my babysitter, Odecir. His nephew and the blonde woman I saw on occasion occupied Corbin. Tallulah and I were positioned between Jonathon and Odecir. “We have a couple of guys who fight before Mike. He’s on the main card tonight.”

  The lights lowered, and the music rang out. The first fighter came down the aisle and into the cage. I glanced over my right shoulder to get a better look at the fighter and locked eyes with Vonny sitting several rows back and across the aisle. Her eyed bore into me. She glanced over her left shoulder, and I saw Lyla coming down the aisle, carrying drinks.

  My heart jumped at the sight of her until I saw the man walking with her. I growled at the guy’s hand on the small of her back. He was tall, dark-haired and good-looking.

  “Stop that,” Tallulah hissed.

  Between gritted teeth, I said, “You didn’t tell me she was seeing someone.” My fists clenched.

  She narrowed her eyes. “Pardon me for my life not revolving around all things Lyla.” She turned around and crossed her arms in front of her.

  “Pardon Jack for being such a dick, but he can’t help it, because he is.” Jonathon leaned over. “Stay down. Maybe she won’t notice. It’s dark in here, and she’s human.”

  The truth was, I wanted her to see me. She deserved to know that I was okay even if she hated me for leaving. Although it looked like she was doing just fine without me.

  I bit down my jealousy. “I have to use the bathroom,” I yelled toward Jonathon.

  “Right now? We have fighters about to fight,” Jonathon said. I held up my empty beer cup and shrugged.

  “Whatever. Odecir go with him.” Jonathon shook his head.

  “Man, I’m going to miss the fight.” Odecir pointed toward the cage.

  “Blame Jacky boy. Come right back. Miquel’s bjj is strong and so is Mike’s, so they probably won’t need you, but just in case you need to hurry. Jack, don’t talk to anyone. Got it? Especially not the girl. Go around the other way, understand?”

  I nodded. I couldn’t fucking stand Jonathon. I didn’t know what his problem was with me, but he was relentless.

  “Want me to come with you?” Tallulah asked.

  “No, we’ll be back soon.” As soon as we stood, so did Veronica.

  Odecir patted my back. “Don’t go thinking I’m stupid, bro. You may have Jonathon fooled but not me.”

  “I really have to piss.” I headed toward the bathroom.

  “And then?” Odecir asked as we entered the bathroom. “Hurry, it stinks in here.”

  The restroom was packed, but I didn’t see my brother anywhere. I did my business then washed my hands. We walked out, and Vonny was waiting outside.

  “I’m, uh, going to grab us another beer while you handle your other business.” Odecir looked Vonny up and down then headed toward the concession.

  She reached up and smacked me. I closed my eyes at the sting.

  “What the fuck happened to you? Do you have any idea what I’ve had to deal with? I told you that if you hurt Lyla that I’d kill you.”

  Vonny pushed me against the wall, pressing her forearm to my larynx. Odecir raised his eyebrow, smirking, and turned around in line again.

  I placed my hands on her waist and shoved her away. “Dammit, Veronica. Do you think I would hurt Lyla on purpose? Smell me, you know I’m telling the truth. I’ve been in hiding. Why didn’t you come by the compound and try to find me or ask Tallulah?”

  She crossed her arms. “Tallulah? Nice, Jack, and really? Like I could get anywhere near a pack of shifters.”

  “You’re resourceful. You could have figured it out.” I scanned my surroundings. I didn’t see my brother anywhere.

  “She was devastated, Jack. I held her as she cried, as she was depressed, and then she became angry. She doesn’t understand why you’d leave without saying anything. I almost erased you from her memory just to give her some relief.”

  I leaned against the wall and put my hands on my hips, leaning back. “Maybe you should have.”

  She crossed her arms and shook her head. “You don’t mean that. That’s why I didn’t do it. She loves you, Jack. She’s angry, but she’ll be okay. So I see you’re out of hiding. Will you be around soon?”

  I looked down and shook my head. “It depends. My brother is after me. You and Lyla need to get out of here.”

  She narrowed her eyes, “No, Lyla will be fine. He’s after you, and I’ve kept her safe long before you came around. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get back to Lyla and our dates. I suggest you stay gone. I’m thinking she is better without you, Jack.”

  My eyes met Vonny’s. She was right. I was no good for Lyla and she deserved better.

  I felt her presence and smelled her before I even saw her. I looked up to Lyla coming down the hall. Her eyes locked into mine, glaring at me.

  “You son of a bitch!” Everyone turned to watch us. As soon as she reached me, her hand whipped across my face. “Where have you been? Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through? I imagined you were dead, Jack.” Her eyes teared up, and her bottom lip trembled.

  I reached out for her hand, taking it in mine. “I’m so sorry, Lyla, it wasn’t my fault. I swear. I’d never intentionally hurt you like that. My brother . . .”

  “Uh Jack,” Odecir said from beside me. “We have trouble, man.”

  I looked up and saw my brother, my childhood friend, and another wolf coming down the hallway. They had yet to see me, but it would happen any moment.

  “Oh, fuck.” I grabbed Lyla’s hand. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

  Veronica looked over her shoulder. “You go. I’ll stop them.”

  “Yes, go! Get to Corbin,” Odecir said. I nodded and ran down the hall. Turning the corner, I paused and looked around. I had no clue how many wolves my brother had brought with him. But I knew I had to get Lyla safe and away from here. I didn’t have time to get to Corbin.

  Lyla paused, yanking her hand away from mine. “What the hell is going on? Who was that, and how is Vonny going to save us?”

  I ran my hand through my hair. I didn’t have time for this. We had to get the hell out of here. “That’s my brother, and he’s trying to kill me. We need to get out of here. Did you bring your car?”

  She looked from where my brother was to me. “Veronica drove. She has the keys. Oh my God, we’ve got to go back and help her.” She turned around. I caught her and pushed through the door to outside. Pulling her down the stairs, we headed towards the street.

  “Veronica can handle herself, I promise. Where did she park?”

  “Down—down the street to the right, about half a block. We parked right on the street. Dammit, Jack, you say your brother is trying to kill you and yet you think Veronica can handle herself? What kind of delusional planet are you living on?”

  “Come on. We’ll talk on the way to your apartment.” I looked behind us, but no one was following. Lyla reluctantly followed me. I wriggled the handle, but the Tahoe was locked. “Come here and stand by me. I need to pick the lock, and I need you to block me. All we need right now is the cops to get involved.”

  Lyla crossed h
er arms. “Sounds to me like you need cops involved, Jack.”

  I opened my wallet, pulled out my tool, stuck it into the car lock and jiggled. “No, we take care of our own.”

  She tossed her hands up in the air. “What the fuck does that even mean? And why do you have a pick in your wallet? Who are you?”

  The door unlocked, and I opened it, pressing the button to unlock the other side. “Get in now.” I pulled the plastic cover off the steering column and pulled the wiring out. “Let me see your house keys.”

  She handed them over with a sour look on her face. I took them stripping the insulation from the battery wires then twisted them together.

  “I see you’ve done this before.”

  The car cranked and I put it in drive. “Yeah, a time or two.”

  “You can tell me what the fuck is going on.” Lyla’s eyes narrowed.

  I took a deep breath. “My brother tried to kill my Father so he could inherit the pack, but he didn’t finish it, so I did. And now the pack is mine, so I joined a new pack so I can hide, but my brother found me. Even though I don’t want the pack, he still wants to kill me.”

  Lyla’s mouth opened, then quickly closed. “You killed your Father? Wait, what the fuck is a pack?”

  I swallowed. “We are werewolves.”

  Lyla stared at me. “Let me assume you’re not completely delusional, Jack. Why would you think Veronica could handle werewolves?”

  I blew out. “Because she’s a vampire.”

  She moved the door handle, trying to get out. “That’s it. Pull over and let me out, you lunatic.”

  I held my hand up. “No, Lyla, I’m serious. I wanted to tell you about myself the moment I met you. And Veronica, she doesn’t love the sun, does she?”

  She turned and stared at me. “No, she doesn’t love the sun, but that doesn’t mean she’s a freaking vampire, you kook. I’m serious. Let me out. I’ll jump if I have to.”

  I panicked. I’d wanted to tell her for a long time, and now she thought I was crazy. All I ever wanted was to share my world with her.


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