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Dirty Boss_The Maxwell Family

Page 84

by Alycia Taylor

  She raised her eyebrows. “Oh, that’s definitely on my hotel agenda. And, just so you know, I happen to tip very well.”

  I felt my body stirring with excitement. I took a deep breath and tried to put her naked body out of my mind. I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

  “I’m going before I jump into bed with you and miss my meeting with Nick. Bye, Blaire.”

  “Bye, Ryan. See you later. And thank you again for everything.”

  It was strange to be back at the training facility. Even the smell of the place made me feel strange, and as I looked around me, I felt a pang of sadness for what I was going to be leaving behind. Being with Blaire had helped me forget about my problems for a while, but being back at the facility brought it all flooding right back to the forefront of my mind. I found Nick sitting in his usual spot, reading a newspaper. He smiled when he saw me.

  “So, are you here to tell me about this secret wedding? I cannot believe you’d leave me out of the loop like that. I thought I was going to at least be your best man. I had my speech prepared and everything.”

  I groaned. “Seems the media knows things in my life that even I don’t know.”

  “So it’s not real?”

  I looked at him. “Are you serious? Of course it’s not real. The photo they used was from the night that you and I went to see the fight, and we bumped into Blaire. The doctored a ring on her finger and everything. Amazing how much time people have to spend on something so frivolous.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “Did you really think I would get married without telling you?”

  He laughed. “I hoped not.”

  “Just for that accusation, you can make me a cup of tea. Also, can we talk without anyone around?”

  He gave me a strange look and then nodded. “Sure. The office is free this morning. Meet me there. I’ll make the tea first.”

  I made my way to the office, saying hello to some of the guys as I walked past. I took a seat and tried to calm myself down before Nick came in. I wasn’t a very emotional guy, but for the first time in a long time, I felt close to tears.

  Nick came in moments later with the tea and handed me a cup. I took a sip, just grateful for something to do.

  “So, good vacation?”

  “Uh, yeah. It was great seeing my brother again and so good to see little Trinity again. Every time I see her, she seems to have grown. She took a shining to Blaire. The two of them were inseparable the whole week.”

  “Does that mean things are going well between you and Blaire?”

  “Well, we are married you know,” I said and chuckled. “Yeah, things are going great. Although, she’s been having a rough time lately.”

  I told him everything that had been going on with the threatening letter, calls and the knocking the on the door, and Nick shook his head.

  “That’s crazy. So, she’s staying with you now? And you don’t mind having her there? I mean, you’ve lived alone for such a long time.”

  “And so has she. But, I don’t know man . . . it’s strange . . . she’s just so easy to live with. Maybe it’s because so much is going on, but we both just feel better being together.”

  Nick nodded. There was silence for a while before he spoke. “And what exactly is going on? Because I’m assuming you didn’t want to talk in quiet about Blaire. Something else is happening, isn’t it?”

  I gulped. “Yeah. Uh . . . Nick, remember those headaches I was telling you about?”

  He frowned. “Of course. But you said they weren’t anything serious.”

  “Well, I sort of lied about how bad they were. I didn’t want you to worry. I didn’t want to worry about it myself, to be honest. But, they’ve been getting worse. So I went to see Reed while I was in Seattle. Nick,” I said, “I have a contusion.”

  “A what?”

  “A contusion. It’s the result of a direct impact to the head. Or in my cases, many impacts to the head. It can cause bleeding on the brain.”

  “Shit, Ryan. That’s not good. What does this mean for you?”

  “Well, Reed says I should give up fighting. He says that one big blow to the head could cause some serious injury, if not death. I . . . I haven’t really thought about it much. I mean, with everything that’s been going on with Blaire, I’ve tried to put it out of my mind. But now that I’m back, I know I can’t ignore it forever.”

  “Ryan, I think you need to listen to your brother. I know this is not what you want to hear. But what’s the point in continuing to fight if you’re only going to injure yourself? Head trauma is not something that should be taken lightly.”

  I nodded. “I wish I didn’t agree with you. But I do.”

  “Shit, Ryan. I’m so sorry.”

  “Now I know what you went through. It’s the worst feeling in the world. You know, I thought I was going to be okay. But coming here has made me realize just how much fighting means to me. What am I going to do without it in my life? I don’t know anything else. It’s not like I can just suddenly change my job. This is all I know.”

  “You know, Ryan, just because you’re not fighting doesn’t mean you don’t have to be involved in the business anymore. I mean, look at me. I’m making better money than I was when I was fighting. And, as it turns out, I actually love training. There’s some sort of satisfaction to be had helping other guys reach their full potential. I used to think that I’d get so angry at helping someone else live their dream, but it’s not like that. I love it. And I get to go home and still enjoy a great life without all the pressure that fighting brings along with it. You and I have always been a team. So, why don’t we continue to be one? I could definitely do with someone to help me with the training. There are more and more guys coming in, and I’m starting to have to turn people down. Anyway, I know it’s a lot to think about right now, but will you give it some thought?”

  I nodded. “Thank you, Nick. I’m not sure I even need to give it some thought. I think that’s the only thing that I can really do right now. I can’t leave this world. It’s who I am. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else but this. I remember my brother Grant sitting in an office for a full year before changing his life. A full year of being miserable. I’m not meant for anything else. I won’t be happy unless I’m here. This isn’t going to be an easy transition though, but I think I’ll take you up on your offer.”

  “Good, I’m glad to hear it. But don’t join just yet. I think you need a bit of time off. Like you said, the transition is the hardest part, and there’s no need to rush it. And anyway, you can be there for Blaire for now.”

  The two of us sat there for another half an hour while we drank our tea and talked over the logistics of the whole thing. Nick had certainly helped to make me feel better about everything. I felt sad about not being able to fight again, but the thought of at least staying in the business brought me a glimmer of hope. I just hoped I wouldn’t become bitter, but that was something only the future would tell. I couldn’t imagine being nearly as upbeat as Nick was. But I definitely admired him now more than ever before. I had no idea how hard this must’ve been on him.

  “Anyway, I better go. Blaire is at my house, so I think I’m going to go check on up her. Thanks for listening, Nick. It’s been a tough week. I’ve been trying so hard not to think about it all even though, in a way, it’s been the biggest thing on my mind. Between that and Blaire, it’s been emotionally draining.”

  “I can imagine. And trust me, I know all about it. I’ve been through this exact thing.”

  That cheered me up slightly. Knowing I had someone like Nick on my side. We shook hands, and I walked out. But the moment we walked out of the office, a reporter came running up to me and shoved a microphone in my face. It took me by complete surprise. I took a few steps back and regarded the man in front of me.

  “Ryan Maxwell, what do you think about The Prowl’s recent comments? What do you have to say about it?”

  I frowned at the reporter. I had no idea what
he was even talking about. I looked at Nick and then back at the reporter. My head was filled with too many things, and nothing was making sense. What did I think about The Prowl’s comments? I thought back to the interview that I had seen. Wasn’t that old news now? I was grateful when Nick came forward and pushed the microphone away from my face.

  “I’m sorry, but you are not allowed here. This facility is only for the trainers and their clients. You do not have permission to be here. You’ll have to leave.”

  After a bit of back and forth, the reporter finally left. I turned back toward Nick in confusion.

  “What the hell was that all about?”

  Nick sighed. “I didn’t want to say anything to you after you’d just shared your news with me. But Ron is still going on about wanting to fight you. He made a declaration recently that he wanted to set a date to fight you once and for all. I’m sure you’ll see the video in due time.”

  My head was reeling. “What? Are you serious?” I groaned. This was really the last thing that I needed right now. “Why are so many damn things happening at once? Man, that guy does not give up.”

  “Yeah, he’s such an idiot. I actually thought that was what you wanted to talk to me about today.”

  “I wish. You know, I don’t even feel angry right now. I don’t actually care about Ron the stupid Prowl. I just want everything to go back to normal. What should I do? Because I’m assuming the media are not going to give up. Ron is going to go on and on about how I’m too scared to fight. Do you think I should go and speak to the reporter?”

  “I’m not sure if that’s going to help.”

  Just then another reporter came in, shouting through the doors and asking me what I was going to do. I opened the door, despite Nick telling me not to, and glared at him. If I wasn’t angry before, that was certainly changing by the second.

  “Ryan, what do you say to the allegations from The Prowl? He says you are too scared to fight him. He said that he is the best fighter in the world and that you are nothing but a fake.”

  I stared at the reporter. His beady little eyes were bothering me. Everything he was saying was bothering me.

  “The Prowl has nothing on me,” I said and slammed the door in his face. Then I turned around to a shocked looking Nick. “Nick, I’m going to do this one thing whether you like it or not. If I’m going to stop fighting, then I’m going to go out with a bang. I need to hold a press conference, and I need to do it right now.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  After Ryan had left, I finished my coffee and then went back to sleep. I found myself not being able to concentrate on my book, and for some reason, I was so exhausted even though I’d just had a full night’s rest. I just felt emotionally tired, and that seemed to be manifesting in a physical way.

  When I woke up, I saw that almost two hours had passed and I figured Ryan would be home soon. I climbed out of bed and made my way downstairs to watch some TV. Reading wasn’t working for me, so I needed some other sort of distraction. I flipped through the channels trying to find something decent to watch when I suddenly saw Ryan’s face flash onto the screen. I sat up and turned the volume up. I wondered if Nick had put him up to this, to let the world know that he was going to have to retire. It was a good idea, but it couldn’t be easy for him.

  Ryan had a strange look on his face that I couldn’t quite comprehend. I figured it must be his nerves. I couldn’t imagine how terrifying this must all be for him. I was surprised that he hadn’t told me that he was about to give the conference, but I figured he didn’t want to worry me. I groaned when they cut to breaks, which seemed to go on forever. When it finally turned back to Ryan, I sat close to watch.

  “Thank you all for being here on such short notice,” Ryan said. There was a strange clarity in his voice that I hadn’t expected.

  “You’ve got this, Ryan!” I said to the screen.

  Ryan cleared his throat and looked into the camera. He spoke for about fifteen minutes, looking calm and confident even though I was sure he was anything but this. Then, just as I thought he was about to finish things up on a high note, he looked into the screen and said, “As you all know, Ron Matthew, or The Prowl as he calls himself, has challenged me to a fight. He has been running around talking behind my back and putting words in my mouth that I never said. We all know that those are words of a very scared man. So, I’d like to put it out there on national TV . . . I will happily take on the challenge. And . . .” he said as he leaned into the screen. “I will win.”

  I sat in shock and sat staring at the screen long after Ryan had gone. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Reed had told him that he could not fight again. Was he really going to take the chance just to prove a point? I wondered what Nick thought of the whole thing. I’d be angry if I were to discover that he had been the one to spur it on.

  I was still sitting in front of the TV when Ryan came home, even though by then I’d long switched it off. I don’t think I even realized that I was in such a daze until I heard the front door open. Ryan walked in and frowned when he saw me.

  “Blaire? What’s wrong?”

  “How could you?”

  “What are you talking about?” he asked. He walked into the living room and sat on the sofa opposite me. He clearly didn’t realize that I had seen him on TV.

  “I saw the press conference that you held. You told me that you were just going to tell Nick about what had happened. The next minute I see you on TV telling the whole world that you are going to fight The Prowl and beat him. What’s that about? Did you think that I wasn’t going to see that?”

  Ryan sighed. “I didn’t realize you saw it. And no, that wasn’t my intention at all. I was supposed to go and speak to Nick and then come straight home.”

  “Didn’t you even talk to Nick?” I asked.

  “I did. I went straight there, and we talked for a long time. He was very understanding. I mean, he’s been through it all himself. And he offered me a position as a trainer so that I wouldn’t have to be out of the game completely.”

  “That’s a great idea, Ryan. Please don’t tell me you turned it down.”

  “I didn’t. I thought it was a good idea too. And then . . . well, apparently Ron has been going around telling people that I refuse to fight him. He said he wants to finally settle on a fight date so that he can prove to the world that he is better than me. This all happened while we were away, so I had no idea. And then this reporter came and asked me what I was going to do. I was so taken aback by the whole thing.”

  “So, you decided to fight him?”

  “I know it sounds crazy.”

  “It sounds more than crazy, Ryan. Didn’t you hear what Reed said to you? Don’t you care at all about your health?” I asked. What I also wanted to ask was whether he cared at all about me, but I didn’t say that. I knew that this had nothing at all to do with me, but it didn’t make it any easier.

  “Of course I care. And yes, I did hear what Reed said to me. And he’s right; I need to stop fighting. And I’m going to. But I need to do this. This is something that will torment me for the rest of my life unless I do something about it. I need to fight this guy. And I promise you, Blaire, this will be my last fight. I will beat him, and it will be the one fight that everyone remembers me for.”

  I wanted to tell him that it shouldn’t matter what some idiot like Ron thought about him. I wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to prove himself to rest of the world. I needed him to know that he didn’t have to prove himself to me. I already knew what sort of man he was, and I didn’t need a fight against his enemy to show that to me. I wanted to tell him that by fighting Ron all he was doing was giving in. But I knew it wouldn’t matter what I said. I could see that Ryan had made up his mind. I knew that in his world, all of this was important. And it didn’t really matter how much I tried to convince him otherwise. It wasn’t my place to tell him what to do. In the greater scheme of things I actually barely knew the man. It wasn
’t my place.

  I forced myself to smile, even though I was hurting so much on the inside.

  “Okay,” I finally said. “I’m not happy with it. But I’ll support you. I’ll always support you.” I knew that it was all that I could do. I was not married to Ryan, and I had no right to tell him how to live his life. And I wasn’t lying; I would support him through it all.

  “Thanks, Blaire,” he said, and I could see that he was relieved by my reaction.

  “What about Nick? What does he have to say about all of this?” Part of me was hoping that it had been Nick that had forced this on Ryan. At least then I would have someone that I could be angry with because it was turning out too difficult to be cross with Ryan.

  Ryan sighed. “Same as you. He’s not happy. He tried to convince me not to do it. But even he knew that if the roles were reversed, he would do the same. He’s not pleased, but he’s going to support me.”

  I should’ve known that Nick wouldn’t have wanted him to fight. Now I had nobody to be angry at. I just had to accept what was going to happen and do my best to get through tit.

  “Don’t get hurt, Ryan. And do me a favor,” I said.

  “What’s that?”

  “I don’t want you doing this, but I’m going to support you. So please just beat him and never fight him again.”

  Ryan beamed. “That’s exactly what I plan on doing.”

  I walked up to him and took him in my arms. “You’re a pain; you know that, Knuckles?”

  He laughed. “I know. I know. So, did you have a nice morning? Other than watching me on TV of course.”

  I groaned. “Don’t remind me. I still can’t believe I switched on the TV at exactly that moment. But yeah, everything is fine otherwise. I pretty much slept the morning away. I tried to read, but it just wasn’t happening. I cannot believe how tired I am. Not even the coffee kept me awake.”

  “Stress can do that to you. So, what should we do about this letter? I’ve been thinking about it since we got it. Maybe we should go back to the police with it. I mean, isn’t this proof enough? Don’t you think they might finally listen to us?”


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