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Filthy, Fire Hot, And Forbidden

Page 8

by Rachel Thornhill

“Gee… Thanks, asshole.”

  “Well, I don’t know too well if you have been riding anyone else’s freaking cock while I’m at work for us, how am I supposed to know?” He asked her as he was trying to get rid of some of his guiltiness.

  She was almost offended by this, she had never even looked at other men. She was just a typical stay at home mother and she wanted nothing but a quiet and happy life.

  “You’re never home when I need you. What is going on here?” She asked.

  “Why do you always have to lie to me? Be honest with me this time.”

  “There must be something or someone that I don’t know about.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Spit it out.”

  “C’mon!” She said as she was waiting to get a good response from him.

  She did not get a good response. He had been cheating on her since they were young, and this was one of the hundreds of occasions.

  “Okay…” He started off.

  “I have been cheating on you with a few women from work,” he said.


  “I’m pissed off. Well, I mean I kind of knew. A few?” She asked.

  “4 to be more precise. I just got finished with my favorite.” He said to her.

  He did not want to rub the other women in her face too hard since he knew that she was enraged. He wanted to be honest with her at the same time.

  “I can’t believe this shit, you shouldn’t have done this to me.” She said to him.

  She got angry with him and she made him leave the room. However, she did not break up with him yet.

  They went separate ways for the night. She went to work the next day.

  When she was at work, she was thinking about all the ways that she was going to get back at him. She was even thinking about sucking a big cock and then coming home later to kiss him on the lips.

  She was plotting on what to do. She wanted to make sure that she got him mad.

  She wanted her revenge on him for being such a pig. It was her turn to get even.

  He wanted to cover herself in the seed of another man. Preferably one that was taller than him, he was so short compared to her fantasy.

  She told her friends at work and they were all surprised that she didn’t know already. She was innocent and too pure for this world.

  “You really should do something about it.” Her best friend said to her.

  “Maybe you should get a dating app for your phone.” She added.

  “Okay, maybe I’ll do that one of these days when I am bored.” She said.

  She didn’t want to sound very excited, she tried to sound reluctant. The reason for this is that she was so excited to get some dick.

  She downloaded the Tinder app as soon as she got home. She set up a typical MILF profile that would attract all the young men to her.

  Fortunately, she matched up with a few young men. They must have had their settings on older women so that they could get a cougar.

  She matched up with many older men, but they came across as creepy. The younger men were charming and seductive with her.

  She got a lot of messages as a pretty woman should on a dating app. Men were thirsty for some good ass.

  She disregarded the older men. She was more focused on the young studs because she knew that they would be more fun for her.

  Both won. She was going to get some young cock and they were going to get some well-aged pussy.

  She messaged them and two of them were ready to meet her. She met them that night.

  Luckily, she still looked good in her work clothes. She wanted that cum all over her makeup that she had on.

  She met two young men that were ready to fuck her. They made it obvious.

  She figured that she would ask. They were down for a threesome with her.

  All three of them had a lot of fun. The boys loved fucking her in the ass.

  It felt so naughty for all 3 because they had just started talking ours before. So naughty.

  They put the big loads of cum all over her face. She loved it, but before she ate their seeds she asked one of the guys to take a picture.

  Then she got one of them to send the picture to her cheating husband. She felt like he deserved it for being such a liar and a manipulator.

  They couldn’t wait to get to pounding her again. They would be more relaxed after the first time.

  They got back to banging her for a second time. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

  Book #3 – Cougar Collection


  Rachel Thornhill

  Story #15

  Already Taken by Him


  Rachel Thornhill


  Already Taken by Him – Ali is not one to follow the rules. She is her own woman and she is a modern career woman. She is also a spicy cougar. Her coworkers always flirt with her and give her sexual innuendos because she always looks fantastic. However, she feels obligated to stay loyal to her handsome and strong man. What will she do in her situation?

  Ali had a certain aura about her. She knew how to seduce a man no matter what the conditions were. She was not the type to follow the rules.

  She was wild for just a young lady. She was not to be underestimated.

  She was starting her new career. She was excited about this new opportunity to help people.

  Church life was very important to her so she was always busy on Sunday. Helping was her passion.

  She found it harder and harder to move forward with people in her life because she would not always have the time to spend with them.

  However, when she did get time, either her girlfriends would flake on her or her boyfriend (soon to be husband) would only come over for sex.

  They were not that close with each other. In fact, they only spoke a few days a week. This mainly came from the fact that she had a dysfunctional family growing up.

  She did anything to avoid pain and she cared about her physical and mental health like none other.

  She always looked fantastic. This was why. She was the female catch.

  She had a marketing job at a giant corporation. All the men there lusted after her.

  ‘How bold and confident. Wow, I wish those men would ask me out on a date rather than just staring at my body. I mean, I know that I look great.’ She thought to herself.

  “What’s not to like?” She said out loud to herself while she was still in her bed. She did not have to go to work for another 2 hours or so.

  She must have had some sort of dream about this or something, even though it also consumed part of her days. She hopped out of bed.

  She hopped in the shower and shaved her long, thick, and tan legs. She used dove soap over her whole body. She knew that this made her smell good.

  She smelled like the epitome of an Irish queen. It was one of her many secrets. She wanted to be fresh for the manly men at her occupation. She then spent the rest of the time getting her hair ready.

  She had sexy black hair. It was actually dark brown, but it appeared to be that way. She had the most magnificent bright green eyes.

  Those green eyes are what held all her secrets in this world. She knew how to get by in this life.

  She knew she had to find a man who was well off while she was working on herself. That was all part of the healthy plan and final goal.

  After about an hour her hair was finished. She had a tall handsome man named Brian, but she was not happy with him.

  They planned to get married to him sometime in the foreseeable future. They did not even live together.

  It seemed like Brian only wanted her for sex and nothing else. She did not yet know how to leave.

  ‘I feel like I need to stay loyal to him, but I am not happy. I guess I am already taken by him. He just my perfect match. He means so much to me. He has a perfect body that is just for me.’ She thought to herself as she left her house.

  She left the house before she got to horny for him. She was ready for a morning spread
ing. Anything to make her happy. When she got in her car she called him on the phone, too scared to say how she really felt about him.

  *Dials phone*

  *A few rings go by*

  He answers the phone is genuinely excited to hear from her. It had been a few days since shad had sex with him. It had been a couple days since she had talked to him. He could tell that she needed to tell him a few things.

  “Hello. Ali?” He said.

  “Hey baby.” She said with a fake enthusiasm.

  “Can we talk?” She said.

  “Sure, what’s the problem?” He said.

  “I feel like you do not give me enough of the attention that I deserve. I work hard to try to pay my bills and buy you nice things.” She said.

  “You give me nothing but that cock of yours. It’s not even that big.” She added.

  “Can’t you just understand that I love you and give me something more than sex? I mean, it is great and you have a flawless body for such a young guy.” She also.

  “You know that I am always really busy trying to help my family with their concrete business.” He said.

  “Is it possible that we can take a break from our relationship and just have sex?” He said.

  “NO!” She screamed at him.

  “That’s not the plan at all, I just want you to be someone who would be a good father to my children.” She added.

  “How does that sound?” She stated.

  He paused for a second and for about 10 seconds there was an awkward silence.

  She hung up on him.

  ‘He is such a piece of garbage. I don’t know why I stay with him.’ She thought to herself.

  The absolute nerve of him. He was just hurting and using her to get what he wanted, but the thing is that Ali did not understand this fully yet.

  The concrete was not the only thing that was hard when it came to Brian. He was the definition of someone that was deserving of any woman.

  Unfortunately, he took advantage of this and he slept with dozens of other women. Nothing could satisfy his thirst.

  That is probably why he was not very successful in life. Well, not as successful as Ali. She was beautiful. He was a bad boy.

  She was a little bit older than Brian was. This gave him some leeway. This bad boy needed some correction from Ali. It was all that was necessary to make him the perfect boyfriend for her. She wanted to marry him so badly.

  She was waiting for her prince charming. Her knight in shining armor. Her kryptonite man. Not a white knight to kiss her ass. He would only end up in the friend zone. It would then be up to him to get out of it.

  Eventually, after sobbing for what seemed like an eternity, she drove to the train station to ride the train to work.

  One the train, she noticed a younger man giving her a sexy look. He had to be in his early 20s.

  She kind of brushed it off and looked at them as a wounded duck. She did not want to embarrass or flatter herself.

  It is obvious that internet porn is not real life, and it is obvious that he thought he could just have sex with a cougar that he sees in a public setting. Wrong.

  He approached her before the train departed and he ended up getting her phone number. He was her weakness because of her possible falling out with Brian minutes before. He was sexy and he knew it. His name was Brandon.

  It was up to him to make the next move. She then got to work some way or another.

  As she walked into her office, she noticed that she had a ton of work to do on her desk. As the day went by, she did all of it and even got to call Brian once or twice.

  It turns out that the college boy from the train was going to be interning there and it was his first week. Boy was she excited to be able to get revenge on Brian for being such a jackass.

  She hooked up with him every day for 3 months. This was sort of her revenge.

  Clearly Brian was having sex with plenty of other women. Women that he was being deceitful to. Ali thought to her delusional self ‘I am already taken.’.

  Story #16

  Blast from the Past


  Rachel Thornhill


  Blast from the Past – Two people in their 40s who dated back in college have recently got back in touch with each other.

  Kevin and Madison went to college together. They were good friends and they even dated for a while.

  They dated for about a year. They had the perfect relationship in the beginning.

  Nothing could get in the way of it. Then some guy named Andrew came along to wreck their relationship.

  He started hooking up with her behind his back until he stole her away from him.

  They would do this almost every day. Andrew wanted Madison all for himself.

  He was a bad person. What made it worse was that they were friends up until this point.

  Their relationship was never the same. This broke them apart for the rest of their time at the university.

  This was in the mid-1990s. At the time of this story it is 2018. They were now in 0their 40s.

  They were both wondering about each other were doing. Madison was training for a marathon on the first weekend of the summer.

  When this event rolled around, Kevin saw her there. He didn’t quite recognize her.

  She was in shape in 2018 and she was a little bit overweight in 1994. He recognized her beautiful face and red hair.

  He wanted to go over to where she was and get reacquainted with her. He was going to leave the past in the past.

  ‘It’s all water under the bridge. She is so freaking sexy.’ He thought to himself.

  He was stain at one of the tents on the side of the road. He made his way over to where she was standing. He walked up to her and she was excited as usual.

  “Oh my goodness Kevin, what has it been like 20 years or something?” She said.

  “Yes! We have a lot to catch up on. Are you free to go get coffee tomorrow?” He asked.

  “Yes. What about 9?” She asked.

  “Yes.” He said.

  She gave him a hug. They exchanged details for their meetup and they went on their way.

  He was at the marathon for work and she was at the marathon to celebrate her competitive spirit. He met her at the coffee shop the next day.

  He didn’t even get anything because he just wanted to talk with her. He wanted to catch up on the times.

  She got a latte. They had an amazing conversation to kick off the day.

  “Well, what are you up to these days?” She asked.

  “I am working for a marketing company and I was actually at the marathon for my company. It is not the best job ever, but it is good enough for me.” He said.

  “What have you been doing all these years?” He asked.

  “I am a school teacher. I teach kindergarten and I love it. There is nothing else that I would rather be doing.” She said.

  They both told each other that neither of them had ever gotten married. They both still had feelings for each other.

  For over 20 years without speaking, they seemed to really get along well. They knew everything that there ever was to know about each other.

  They had a good time with each other, but he assured her that he had to get going.

  She was sort of upset about this. She gave him a quick kiss right before he left.

  They had one of those relationships where she liked him so much that the option of being just friends was never an option to them.

  She knew that they were probably going to have sex later. She knew that she would have to set a date because he was so busy with work.

  She asked him to come over to her apartment later that night.

  “Can you come over to hangout later tonight?” She asked him.

  “Sure. As long as we can catch up some more. I think your job sounds very interesting. Let me get your address.” He said to her.

  She gave it to him. He needed to see her after all these years.

  “Come over
at 6.” She said.

  He came over at this time and he even brought her flowers.

  They had another conversation over dinner in an effort to catch up with each other. It was on from there.

  She was on top of him and grabbing him as she kissed him. They got into their favorite old sex position.

  She loved missionary because she got to see his handsome face. She loved almost every sex position that they had tried back in college.

  He had a huge package. He was quite the man to work with because he was so charming and to the point.

  He was always so decisive. He was so well rounded, and he wanted to satisfy her in every way.

  He would always be doing his best in the bed. He would always take his time to make sure that he could give her a good time.

  He thrusted in and out of her crevice. It was just like old times.

  Nobody else could hit it this good. He hit all the right spots in her.

  He hit her g spot until she moaned. She did not have to fake it anymore.

  She just got what she deserved. She was so stressed out and she just wanted a man to give her his goods.

  He was a man with a lot of sexual experience. He wanted to share another sexual experience with her.

  She was glad they got to see each other and get back to hooking up. They decided that they were going to move this party to the couch.

  It made sense to move to the couch since they were having sex on the dinner table! They moved to the couch and he finished there.

  He had finished inside her and it felt fantastic for him. They decide to take a break and she started cuddling with him.

  They were nice and comfy on the couch. She was going to ask him what kind of movie that he wanted to watch, but before she could say anything, they were back at it again.

  “Give it to me good baby.” She said to him.

  He gave it to her for as long as he could. It was almost like these old lovers were completely reunited with each other. This was a night to be remembered.

  Story #17


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