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Sassy Ever After: Northern Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Sugar Shack Book 1)

Page 10

by Élianne Adams

  “Were you planning on telling me at all?” she asked without opening her eyes, the hurt in her voice cutting him to the core.

  “I was. I swear I was. I didn’t know how to tell you without freaking you out. I thought if I did that, you’d head back to New York, and I’d never see you again.”

  Maple yawned, then winced at the movement of her jaw.

  “Did you take anything for that? Did anyone bring ice to put on it?” he asked. When she’d pushed him out of the emergency room and told him to go home, he’d asked one of the nurses to take care of her. Maple had been adamant about her uncle being the only one who’d needed care, and he suspected she likely refused again after he’d gone.

  “It’s fine. My jaw hurts a little, but it’s okay.”

  Jaxon swallowed his growl. She was a grown woman with a mind of her own, but that didn’t mean he had to like it that she was still hurting after all those hours. “I’ll get you something when we get home,” he told her.

  She turned to look at him in the dim light of the truck. “Grandma told me something odd and said if I had questions, that I should ask you.”

  He glanced over at her before pulling his gaze back onto the road. “Okay.”

  “She said that you’ve known I was the one for you for a long time. What did she mean by that?”

  He gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. She was going straight to the heart of the matter. “I knew twenty years ago that you were my fated mate, Maple. My wolf recognized you as the other half of its soul back when we were kids. I’ve been looking for you, and waiting for you, ever since.”

  “Since we were kids? It’s why we left here and went to the city, isn’t it?”

  “I never got those answers myself, but I imagine it is. You were way too young, and so was I. Having you so close and being kept from you would have been torture, but not having you near at all… It all but destroyed me.”

  “What am I supposed to say to that?”

  “No need to say anything. It’s part of our history. All that matters now is what we make of the present.” He pulled the truck into his driveway and parked close to the door. He’d carry her inside so she wouldn’t have to expend any more energy if he thought for a second she’d let him.

  Her heavy sigh filled the cabin as he killed the ignition.

  “I’ll tell you what… You’ve had a hell of a day. Let’s get you inside. I’m going to get you some pain killers and pour you a hot bath. If you feel up to talking afterward, then I’ll answer every single question you have.”


  Too lost in thought, Maple hadn’t noticed much about the outside of Jaxon’s house other than the fact that it was a lot bigger than the cabin. Of course, it didn’t take much to top that. He took her through a large open living room with leather sofas and a huge fireplace. Every surface was neat and tidy, but not overly so that it looked sterile. If anything, the warm tones on the walls made the room rather cozy.

  Careful not to touch her, he led her up a wide staircase and down a dimly lit hall toward an open door at the end.

  “You’re taking my room tonight. I’ll sleep in one of the others,” he said as he crossed the threshold.

  “No. Really, I can take a guest room, or a couch even,” she protested immediately, though she could have remained quiet for all it did to stop his progress.

  She waited just inside, more awkward than she had ever been with him, as he disappeared through another door. A king-sized bed covered with a deep maroon bedspread sat between two floor-to-ceiling windows with matching coverings. The dressers, handcrafted, showed the character of age, along with timeless beauty and elegance rarely found in modern pieces. One dresser drawer jutted out a little, making her itch to get closer and have a peek inside, but she stayed where she was.

  A moment later, the sound of running water drifted through the door Jaxon had gone through. “Go ahead. I’ll get the pain killers,” he said, making her jump. She hadn’t heard him come back into the room.

  Maple waited until he was gone to cross to the bathroom. Where the décor was soothing and classic in his bedroom, the washroom was bright and shiny. A long, double-sink vanity with mirrors going up to the ceiling graced an entire wall. On the other side, a glass-enclosed shower that could fit a small party gleamed. But what drew her in was the long claw-foot tub at the end. Already, the water had half filled it. There was no denying her exhaustion, but climbing into that gorgeous bed with all the dust and grime of her time at the Sugar Shack had her skin crawling. Not to mention how good a hot bath would feel on her sore muscles.

  What the hell. Stripping down in record time, she lowered herself into the water, moaning at the luxury of it all as she submerged her body up to the neck.

  She listened for Jaxon’s steps and was rewarded a few minutes later when she heard him cross the bedroom. He hesitated for a moment, then a soft knock came at the door. “Can I come in?”

  Maple had half a mind to say no, but considering all they’d done together, it seemed silly to keep him from seeing her naked.


  He opened the door and came to her, holding a tall glass of water in one hand and two white tablets in the other, all the while keeping his gaze locked with hers. With the pain in her jaw and her head aching as it was, she didn’t hesitate to take what he offered. Part of her wanted to run with the out he’d proposed and delay their talk, but that was all it would do—delay it. She needed answers only he could provide.

  “Would you stay and answer some of my questions?” she asked before she could lose her nerve or he could leave.

  “Sure, what do you want to know?” He crossed the room and dimmed the lights. Not so much that she couldn’t see him clearly, but enough to help her relax a bit more.

  “What’s it like? Being a werewolf, I mean?” It was as good a place to start as any.

  Jaxon ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s like having a second being inside of you, only it’s a part of who you are. The wolf is territorial and possessive. It acts and reacts on instinct for the most part, but I’m still in control. I know it doesn’t make much sense, but it’s the closest I can think to describe it. It’s nothing like what you read about in books or see in the movies. Although the full moon makes us feel things more deeply, it doesn’t turn us into monsters that go on killing rampages.”

  “Am I in danger?” She didn’t feel threatened by him, but she had to ask. It wasn’t every day a girl found out she’d been sleeping with a werewolf.

  “No one else will ever be safer from me or my wolf than you.” Truth and conviction resounded with his declaration.

  “Because we’re mates?”

  “Because I love you.”

  Maple gasped.

  “I don’t need you to say it back, but I won’t lie to you about it, either,” he hurried to add before she could say anything at all.

  As shocked as she was by his declaration, it didn’t scare her nearly as much as him being a werewolf did. Jaxon took a fluffy white facecloth and dipped it into the water, then handed it to her along with a bar of soap that smelled like him.

  She’d almost lulled herself into a somewhat calm state until she dragged the soft material over her chest and saw the pink bite mark Jaxon had left on her chest. “You bit me!” She all but screamed at him as she straightened in the tub, bracing herself to get out.

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, you bit me. Am I a werewolf now?” She would have tried to stand, but her knees shook. A girl could only take so many surprises in one day.

  “Maple, look at me,” he commanded, his voice deep and sure. “You’re not a werewolf or a wolf shifter, as we prefer to be called. The bites I gave you when we made love marked your skin. They marked you as mine, but they weren’t enough to change you. I’d never give you a claiming bite without your consent.”

  She took deep lungsful of air in an attempt to keep the panic at bay. “But it can happen? If you gave me one?”
r />   “It could. Not all humans who are claimed can shift, but many can. If you ever decided that you wanted me to claim you, we’d have to wait and see if your wolf ever emerged. That’s not something we need to decide now, though.”

  What little energy she’d had left seeped out of her as she leaned back. Jaxon moved to the head of the tub, and she twisted to see what he was up to, her muscles tense. “What are you doing?”

  Leaning forward, he placed a chaste kiss to her forehead. “Lie back. I’m going to try to work some of the kinks out of your neck, then I’m going to put you to bed. You’re done for the night.”

  She should have protested his high-handed decision, but he was right. She couldn’t take anything else. At least, not tonight.


  Once Maple had relaxed a little, Jaxon took over. He kneaded her neck and shoulders until she was limp and barely awake, then bathed her with a soft and gentle touch one would reserve for a newborn. As alluring as Maple’s body was, this was about taking care of her and maybe making up, even in this small way, for the part he’d played in the stressful day she’d had. He dried her with a soft towel, then pulled one of his T-shirts over her head to sleep in.

  She mumbled a half-hearted protest when he scooped her up and carried her to his room, then another when he straightened and stepped back from the bed. Her eyelids drooped as she snuggled deeper beneath the covers. “I don’t mind if you stay. I won’t have sex with you, but you can stay,” she said, the last words ending on a yawn.

  “I think it’s best if I don’t. After you’ve had a good night’s sleep, we can see how you feel, okay?” The last thing he wanted was to sleep in the guest room when he could have her in his arms, but she’d been through enough. Giving her some time and some space to sort through her feelings was a good idea. Right?

  His wolf grumbled its annoyance with him at the prospect of being without her and fought to stay, but as Maple’s eyes finally closed, he knew it was the right decision. She hadn’t run away screaming yet. He’d give her some time to rest and digest what he’d told her, then all bets were off. He’d win her back.

  He left her door open a crack, as well as his own, so he’d hear if she needed anything before settling himself into bed in the room next to hers. It was past midnight when he finally closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  The clock on the bedside table showed 5:47 when Jaxon woke with a start. One sniff and he knew what, or rather who, had woken him. “Are you okay?” he asked softly, not wanting to frighten Maple as he sat up to see her standing next to his bed.

  Still wearing his T-shirt with her arms crossed under her breasts, she looked so cute he almost grinned, but her furrowed brows and scowl stopped him.

  “You saw me shower.” She huffed. “You sniffed my ass. You licked it,” she accused.

  He had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. He’d done a hell of a lot more than sniff her ass since that first day, but now wasn’t the time to remind her of that.

  “Do you do that often? Sniff and lick women you don’t even know?”

  If only she knew that scenting was part of the mating process. In that moment, his wolf had claimed her as his and would never accept another. “No, you’re the first.”

  She squinted her eyes at him. “And I suppose being mates makes it okay to do that?”

  Crap. In the shifter world, sniffing one’s mate was natural. For a human, not so much. “Not really. It’s normal behavior for a wolf, but I’m sorry if it offended you. In my defense, you smelled so damned delicious that I couldn’t help myself, so really, it’s your fault,” he said, teasing her, hoping he wasn’t pushing too far.

  She turned her head to the side and covered her mouth with her hand as her shoulders shook. Her small giggle drifted between them, and some of the tension coiled tight inside him loosened.

  “Is there anything else you need to confess to?” she asked, her voice not nearly as serious as the question demanded.

  He paused, thinking back to their time together. Might as well make sure there were no other sins to atone for. “I think that’s it,” he finally said.

  “Good. Now move over. I can’t sleep in that big bed alone, and I’m still tired.”

  Hope sparked inside him. They still had things to work out, but she wasn’t pushing him away. Unwilling to give her the opportunity to change her mind, he scooted to the other side and lifted the covers.

  “Keep your hands to yourself, wolf man,” she warned, but already, she was snuggling against him, her head resting on his shoulder.

  He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close, settling his wolf for the first time since he found out she’d gone missing. Kissing the top of her head, he closed his eyes. They would be okay. He’d make damned sure of it.


  Maple woke to the smell of coffee, a rumbling stomach, and an empty bed. She hadn’t eaten anything since her burger at the diner the day before. Stretching, she looked around. Tan walls and yet more beautiful antique furniture adorned it, but it didn’t have anything personal to make it homey. It wasn’t Jaxon’s.

  Sitting up, she stretched, then winced when her neck and jaw ached.

  “Here, take these,” Jaxon said as he came in. In one hand, he held two more white tablets, and in the other, a tall glass of orange juice. “It’ll take a couple of days for the soreness to go away.”

  She downed the tablets with a few sips of juice. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ve put your clothes in the bathroom if you want to have a shower. Your grandmother called and said they were allowing family in to see your uncle at nine.” Jaxon looked at her as though he expected her to bolt, but truth be told, she had no desire to.

  The clock on the bedside table said it was almost nine already, and as much as she wanted to go to the hospital, they had to talk. What she needed was a few minutes to gather her thoughts. “Great. I’ll make it quick,” she said as she brushed past.

  Other than the fact that he hadn’t told her he was a shifter, what had he done that was so wrong? He’d gone out of his way to make sure she could stay at the cottage, and although that might not have been entirely altruistic, he hadn’t had to do it. He’d arranged for her car to be fixed, at no cost to her at all. Maple smiled as she remembered him coming to her rescue when she’d been stranded on the side of the road. He’d protected her from the wolf in her yard, then again at the Sugar Shack yesterday. Okay, so not telling her about the shifting into a wolf thing was a big deal, but it’s not like it was something easy to bring up in everyday conversation.

  Last night, he’d said he loved her. His actions from the moment he’d pulled her off the hood of her car had reinforced those words. Her heart thudded against her ribs. They’d only known one another for a short time, but she couldn’t deny there was something there. Every fiber in her being screamed that there was.

  Back in her early twenties, Maple remembered a time when she’d been questioning whether to move forward with a guy she’d been dating. Mike had been a little possessive, but a nice guy. After days of trying to make heads or tails of it, her grandmother had given her a piece of advice that had all but sealed the fate of the relationship. She’d said, “If you woke up tomorrow, and that man wasn’t in your life anymore, how would you feel?” The answer back then had been simple. Maple had known in that instant that she’d be fine. She would move on and find happiness elsewhere. She’d broken it off with Mike that night and had never regretted that decision.

  Her heart squeezed tight, stealing her breath with the ache rushing through her at the idea of not having Jaxon in her life. If, suddenly, he was gone, part of her would be lost, and she’d never be the same. Crap. Falling in love hadn’t been in the plans, but there it was.

  She finished her shower and towel dried her hair, still no closer to having answers as she had been when she’d gone in. If anything, more had arisen.

  Her heart was here in Dexter. She’d never forgotten the little town
or the cottage that had always been home to her, but more than that, Jaxon was here. If the men who’d attacked her uncle had been telling the truth, Jaxon was the local Alpha. That had to be a big deal, and she couldn’t imagine it was something he could do remotely.

  A heavy weight settled in her chest. He couldn’t leave. She couldn’t stay. Her throat ached, and her eyes burned as the realization sunk in. She would have to wake up without him and figure out how to move on.

  She found him sitting in the kitchen with a travel mug and a huge muffin in a baggie sitting on the table in front of him. Jaxon looked up when she entered the room. He opened his mouth to say something, but then sighed. “Come on, I’ll take you over there.”

  Other than Jaxon’s couple of attempts at conversation, which she shot down, tense silence filled the truck on the way to the hospital. Her heart ached too much for meaningless chatter. Maple ate the muffin, glad to have something in her stomach, even if she couldn’t recall what kind it had been once she was done eating it. The coffee he’d made her was perfect, just the way she liked it. Of course, it was. The man always paid attention to the little details.

  Jaxon pulled up to the front entrance and glanced her way, his hands tight on the steering wheel. “Do you want me to come in?” he asked.

  “No, that’s okay,” she finally managed. Even if she knew what to say, she doubted she could get the words past her lips.

  He nodded but didn’t say anything else as she got out. She closed the door and stepped back, watching as he drove away. Maple swiped a tear from her cheek and hung her head. Her tomorrow without him had cruelly morphed into today.


  Maple sat at her uncle’s bedside, holding his hand. The swelling to his face had gone down, but the dark, ugly bruises would take a while to heal. The nurse who’d come in with some pain killers fluffed his pillow, checked his IV, then left.

  “I’m sorry for everything that happened, Maple. It was all my fault,” he said, his voice still hoarse from his ordeal.


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