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How To Tempt A Crook

Page 15

by Linda Verji

  But eventually they caught her.

  “Nooo!” She wailed dramatically as they pelted her with blue paint. In slow motion, she fell to her knees, drawing laughs from her enemies and teammates alike.

  But it was too late for the enemy. Because of her and Spencer’s strategy, most of them were taken down. Once Kelly was out, Spencer, Marie, Duke and Angelina finished off the last two struggling members of the opposing side and captured their flag. Victory!

  Kelly was so happy, she didn’t jerk away when Spencer draped his arm around her shoulder as they received their trophy. In fact, she only realized that she was still plastered to his side when Marie oohed over how close they were. They quickly stepped away from each other. Still, that brief contact haunted Kelly the rest of the day, taunting her with how pleasurable it’d felt to have him so close even if it was just for a moment.

  Because of the day’s exertions, most people went to bed early. Unfortunately for Kelly, sleep didn’t come easily. She just couldn’t shut off her brain. There was no need to ask why. It was obviously Mr. Tall, Dark and Dangerously Handsome next-door who was ruining her sleep. Every time she glanced at that wall between them, she imagined him in his room, in his bed, sleeping, naked…

  Frustrated, she shoved her covers back and stood. Her bare feet padded lightly on the carpeted floor as she strode to the glass doors that led out to the balcony. Those doors barely made a sound as she slid them open. The balcony’s linoleum floor was almost as cold as the night breeze that bit into her bare arms and legs. She should’ve put on a gown over her indigo camisole and sleep-shorts, she thought as she rubbed her palms over her arms.

  Her gaze instinctively slid to the balcony next-door. Though the doors were closed and the drapes pulled, light still spilled from several crevices. It looked like she wasn’t the only having trouble sleeping. Good. She smiled evilly. If she couldn’t sleep because of him, then it was only fair that he have a sleepless night too.

  She almost jumped out of her skin when the glass doors leading to his balcony were suddenly drawn apart. Instinct told her to run, but for some reason her legs refused to follow the order. Seconds later, Spencer emerged. He was just as startled by her presence on the balcony as she was by his. Surprise flashed in his eyes and his steps halted as his gaze riveted on her.

  For a moment, a very long moment, he just stared at her. He started at her face then drifted downwards towards her camisole. Though the top covered her important bits, its neckline was low enough that the tops of her breasts were visible. Even worse, she wasn’t wearing a bra, so he could see the shape of her tits and their swollen tips pressing against the fabric. It was obvious he appreciated the sight because unabashed hunger flashed in his dark eyes. That hunger was enough to make her pulse race and her nipples harden like little bullets.

  His gaze lingered on her breasts for quite a while before lowering down her torso to her shorts. When she’d packed the shorts, they’d seemed decent enough, but Spencer’s pierce stare left her doubtful. It almost seemed like he could see past the flimsy fabric to her core. Kelly shifted on her feet as a painful yet pleasurable need stabbed at her pussy. By the time his gaze lowered to her exposed thighs, she was wet, and her inner walls were contracting achingly as if pleading to be filled.

  Slowly, he brought his eyes back to her face. He didn’t even bother hiding the dark lust that shadowed his gaze. Now was a good time to go in, right? She’d given him enough of a show to keep them both awake for months. Unfortunately, her feet refused to move and her traitorous lips parted. “Couldn’t sleep?”

  “Um… yeah.” Spencer swallowed convulsively as he stole another glance at her breasts before coming back to meet her eyes. “You too?”

  “Yeah.” She nodded. “Don’t know why.”

  That was a damn lie! But how could she tell him the truth without revealing how much she missed him? Silently, she took him in. Like her, he was in his sleepwear; a t-shirt that skimmed his broad chest and sweatpants that sagged at his waist. The sweatpants drew her attention, not because they were anything special, but because they did nothing to hide the already swollen rod beneath them.

  Her already tingling core began to heat up as her eyes lingered on that part of him. Even covered, his cock looked so long, so thick, so hard. Already, she knew how filling it could be and that Spencer was a master at working it. She bit her bottom lip as she imagined him hauling her from her balcony to his. He could just pin her stomach to the railing, yank her shorts down, bend her over and ram that thick shaft into her.

  “Don’t!” Spencer’s strangled voice called her attention back to his face. His hungry expression left no doubt that he knew exactly what she was thinking.

  Embarrassed heat flushed up her face as she realized that she’d been caught looking and fantasizing. Without another word, she whirled around and scrambled back into her room. Her breath coming in loud gasps, she closed the glass doors. Goodness, what had she been imagining? Was she really that horny?

  Yes, you are, her pussy contracted needily. Why did this only ever happen with Spencer though? There were so many men in this hotel, a few who’d already expressed interest in her, yet only Spencer was capable of making her feel this… this… this jittery. She dropped her hand when she realized that she was unconsciously caressing her breast.

  She needed to stop feeling this way, she thought frantically as she sat on the bed. No, she needed to stop him from making her feel this way. She shot to her feet. Yup, that’s what she needed to do. She needed to scold him for turning her on like this when they’d promised to keep away from each other.

  Without debating the rationality of what she was thinking of doing, she put on her silk gown then headed for the door. But she didn’t even get to turn the knob. A sharp rap on the door brought her to a shocked standstill.

  She didn’t even need to peer into the peephole to know who was knocking.

  It was him.

  She considered not opening the door. It wasn’t too late to stop this madness, her common sense screamed, but the hungry wolf within her quickly shut it down. She was only opening the door so she could scold him, the hungry wolf insisted. She turned the knob and threw the door open.

  As expected, Spencer was at her doorstep.

  Once she saw him standing there, all the very logical reasons why she’d opened the door disappeared. Like chaff in the wind, her reason vaporized, and excitement and anticipation flooded in.

  “What are you doing here?” she somehow managed through suddenly dry lips.

  “What do you think I’m doing here?” Spencer countered.

  She glared at him. He stared right back, his eyes leaving no doubt that he hadn’t come to talk. She should’ve slammed the door in his face right then. Instead, she just eyed him. Spencer took a step forward. Kelly instinctively took a step back. Closing the door behind him, he walked into the room, she backed deeper into it. He kept moving forward, she kept backing up until her calves bumped into the bed. She could’ve moved sideways, gotten further away, but she stopped.

  Deep inside, she already knew that she’d regret this moment tomorrow, yet she couldn’t bring herself to care. Not right now, not when the heat circling her body was so overwhelming. Not when need had already incinerated every one of her defenses. All she cared about right now was Spencer and what he was going to do next.

  Her nerves jangling, she stood still and dared him to close that last foot between them. He did. Then they were close to each other. Closer than she’d imagined they’d ever be again. So close his breath whispered over her forehead as he stared down at her. Though their bodies weren’t even touching, her breasts swelled as awareness flooded her senses. It felt like her heart would explode if he didn’t do something, anything.

  When Spencer started to lower his head, her breath caught in her throat and every muscle in her body froze. He paused with his lips an inch or so from hers, giving her time to back away, run. If she was in her right mind, she would’ve grabbed that
opportunity. But she wasn’t. She was the one who lifted on tip-toes to close that last inch between them and seal their lips.


  Describing their kiss as heated would’ve been an understatement. It was fiery, scalding, scorching. Their lips met, held and melded with breath-taking forcefulness. Kelly tore her mouth from Spencer’s so she could drag in a shaky breath, but Spencer yanked her right back into the kiss. His arms came around her upper back, drawing her closer to him.

  “Ah!” she whimpered at the immediate pleasure that pulsed through her when her body met his. He was everything she needed in a man; muscular, warm and hard. She gripped the sides of his t-shirt, pressing herself even closer to him so she could feel more of his delicious length riding against her body as they kissed.

  Damn! The man could kiss. His lips teased hers mercilessly as his tongue spurred with hers. His taste, minty and fresh, intoxicated her. It left her craving him with astounding desperation. The more she drank of him, the more she needed. Her knees buckled under the pressure of that need. Were it not for Spencer catching her, she would’ve melted into a puddle at his feet.

  Before she knew it, he lifted then tossed her on the bed. He only paused to throw the condom she hadn’t even realized he was carrying on the nightstand before he joined her on the bed. Sitting up, Kelly reached for him. Her palm cupped his nape and dragged him to her for another heated kiss.

  If she wasn’t turned on already, the feel of his hand on her naked thigh as they kissed would’ve driven her there. Goosebumps rose where his fingers skimmed, leaving her squirming and begging for more. He moved his hands to her waist and squeezed, sending a stab of desire straight to her core.

  Still kissing her, he urged her to lie on the bed before coming over her. Even though only half his body was atop her, their new position sucked all the air out of her lungs. There was just something about having his hard chest pressing into her breasts and his thigh riding against her pussy that sent a jolt of heat soaring within her. Her shorts were thin enough that she felt each and every muscle in his thigh as it teased her. Her core moistened even further when he pushed her braids to the side of her shoulder and moved his lips from hers so he could place open-mouthed kisses on her throat and shoulders.

  “Spencer,” she whimpered as she pushed her fingers into his hair.

  His mouth left a trail of fire on her skin as it journeyed to the strap on her right shoulder. With his teeth, he pulled that strap down to her upper arm. His other hand came to her other shoulder and dragged the strap there down. Then he yanked her top down.

  Her breasts popped out like they’d just been waiting for this moment. Spencer’s eyes darkened as he took her in. Kelly shifted needily as she waited for him to do something, anything. She sucked in a sharp breath when his hands closed over her breasts. That sharp breath transformed into cries when he began to squeeze them, push them together and caress her.

  “So damn pretty.” He groaned, long and low, as he massaged her tits expertly.

  If Kelly wasn’t already lying on the bed, she would’ve collapsed from the pleasure and pressure that ricocheted through her body because of his expert touch. Her nipples, like bullets, dug into his palms, and her pussy rode his thigh. Need scorched a path through every nerve in her body leaving them vibrating like strings that were tied too tight. But it was when he lowered his head and flicked his tongue over her hard nipple that her world began to spin.

  “Oh!” She cried out as her body jolted off the bed.

  “You like that?” Spencer asked, his dark eyes watching her intently.

  “Ye-” She started but her ability to talk vanished the moment his tongue flicked that nipple again. And when he finally took her aching tip completely into his mouth, the only sounds she could utter were moans and whimpers.

  “So sweet,” he whispered almost to himself in between gorging on her like she was the sweetest, gourmet meal.

  The sensations careening through Kelly were so powerful that she barely noticed Spencer working her camisole down her torso then lower, taking her shorts with them. She only realized she was completely naked when a sudden breeze raised goosebumps on her skin. By then it was too late because Spencer’s hand was already skating between her inner thighs.

  “Oh!” She jerked convulsively when he touched her there. Right there!

  “You’re already wet,” Spencer rasped as he brought his lips to her cheek, but Kelly barely heard his words. All her attention was on the hand between her thighs. He was right about her being wet. Her honey coated his fingers the moment he pressed his finger between her nether lips.

  “Spence- ah!” Her fingers dug into his shoulders when he finally found her clit.

  The light flick of his finger on her throbbing nub sent electric need zipping through her. Before she knew it, she was spreading her legs wider so he could do it again. He flicked again, then rolled it around, and around, and around…

  When Kelly opened her mouth to scream, Spencer sealed his lips over hers swallowing that scream. His kiss was almost as spell-binding as the feel of his finger expertly working her clit. It couldn’t get any better, could it?

  Apparently, it could.

  He dipped his finger in, and she almost felt apart. After getting that finger nice and wet, he brought it back up so he could circle her swollen clit slowly, slowly, slowly.

  “So tight!” Spencer murmured against her cheek as he pushed that finger back in. He drew it back out then pumped it back in. In. Out. In. Out. Soon, he had an erotic rhythm going on.

  “Oh- ah-ah- there-” Her little cries echoed in the room.

  How could one man do this to her? Drive her so crazy? Kelly brought her hand to her breast, massaging the swollen flesh in time to his rhythmic pumping. The sensations that raced through her body were so foreign, so amazing, that all she could do was close her eyes and enjoy them.

  “Spencer!” She screamed when he worked a second finger in. “Please!”

  She wasn’t even sure what she wanted, but apparently, he knew her better than she knew herself.

  He pushed those two fingers deeper into her. “Is that what you want?”

  She nodded, then moaned when he started to move those fingers faster, then screamed when his pumps got harder. In. Out. In. Out. Ah. Spencer. She was squirming, crying, calling his name with each hard, long pump.

  She wound her arms around his back and her fingers clung to his t-shirt as her hips bucked to meet his strokes. Helpless in the face of his merciless taunting, she clutched his back, all she could do was writhe on the bed and let pleasure seize her.

  It took her. Fast and hard.

  It exploded within her leaving her convulsing and writhing in its wake. She gasped, sighed and trembled as the ache within her melted then cooled into a satisfying warmth. Spencer sealed his mouth over hers to swallow her sigh, and soon they were kissing again.

  This kiss was sweeter, more tender. It was deep and slow, and it brought her smoothly back to earth. Soon, she realized that she was the only one naked here. It wasn’t fair. She grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and dragged it upwards. They both sat up so she could get rid of the offending fabric before she shoved him back to the bed.

  Surprise flashed in Spencer’s eyes as he stared up at her. That surprise soon turned into pleasure when she bent over him and locked her lips over his for a hot, wild and fast kiss. Did he really think he was the only one who could drive people crazy? Smiling wickedly, she kissed a path down his strong throat. She could be just as bad as him.

  She reached for his belt.

  WHEN KELLY HAD reached for his belt, Spencer hadn’t imagined that she’d go this far. He certainly hadn’t expected her to strip him of all his clothes before masterfully taking control of his body.

  “Fuck!” He growled low in his throat as he pushed her braids aside so he could see her face as she worked his cock.

  The way her lush lips were parted around his shaft.

  The way she flicked her tongue
over its tip.

  The way she drew him deeper into her mouth then suckled…

  “Kelly.” He closed his eyes as pleasure speared through him with toe-curling intensity. Her mouth was like a furnace, furiously scorching every inch of self-control he had. Before he knew it, he was arching upwards trying to push more of himself into her mouth. And she took it all, lowered her mouth until she had almost all of him between her lips. She wrapped her hand around the last inches of him, taunting him with firm up and down strokes.

  “Ah… oh.” Spencer covered his face with both hands as need, almost like pain, stabbed through him. Her fingers were like a warm, tight glove, unhurriedly stroking him, while her mouth worked the top of his shaft. His sac tightened and began to bubble, threatening to explode. He sucked in his stomach and mentally started counting sheep, trying to hold on for as long as he could. But Kelly was too good. She suctioned him hard then hummed. That hum was his undoing. It sent exquisite vibrations from his shaft, straight to his balls.

  It was too much.

  Without conscious thought, he dug his fingers into her braids and drew her head backwards. As his shaft exited her mouth with a pop, her surprised gaze flew upwards to him. Her lips parted as if in protest, but he didn’t give her time to voice that protest. He dragged her up his body by her upper arms and sealed their lips.

  The kiss was as frantic and as violent as the rushing of blood in his ears. Wild desire driving him, he blindly reached for the package on the nightstand. He eased away from Kelly so he could wrap up, but the moment he was done, he dragged her back over him. His hand swept down her spine, to her ass and lower still. Grabbing his cock, he lined it with her entrance.


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