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The Noru 3 : Fall Of The Chosen (The Noru Series, Book 3)

Page 30

by Lola StVil

  “Okay, let’s go,” he says, holding his hand out.

  “What, really?”


  I grin like a major dork and take his hand. I’m going to make love to Aaden.

  * * *


  It’s a few minutes later and Aaden stands across the room, shirtless and tormented. The moonlight beams down on him, highlighting his broad shoulders, powerful biceps, and remarkable abs. His desire to come to me is evident in his fiery stare, yet he remains on the other side of the room.

  I watch as a war rages inside him. The demon in him wants me; needs me. The longer he stays away, the more he desires to be near me. Yet the angel he is can’t help but worry that I might not be ready for this. The angel in him worries he may take me down a path I’m not equipped to walk. He deathly fears that stripping away my innocence will leave me bare and unprotected; the second strongest angel in the world is at an impasse.

  I walk over to him slowly and stand close so that the moonlight bathes us both. Aaden hangs his head in deep contemplation. The unrest inside him is growing, but so is the longing to touch me. I place my hand under his chin and gently raise his head so that we have eye contact. I have never seen him so tormented. His body is still and certain, but his eyes betray him.

  “Talk to me,” I whisper.

  “I want this…badly. But I don’t want you to regret it in the morning. I can handle anything, but not that,” he replies urgently.

  “You think you’re taking something away from me. And maybe if I was with the wrong guy, that’s exactly what would be happening. But Aaden, I’m exactly where I should be, where I’ve always wanted to be—with you. You aren’t taking something from me, you’re giving me something.”

  “What can I possibly give you?” he asks.

  “Don’t you know? Aaden, one smile from you gives me the strength of a million Paras. The care in your voice when you say my name restores me. Your touch is a superpower. It somehow heals me of all doubt, fear, and worry. We loved each other before we even knew what it really meant. But for so long we loved from afar. I don’t want to do that anymore,” I assure him.

  He looks up at me longingly but doesn’t speak. I place both hands on either side of his perfect face and confess something to him I have never said out loud to another soul, not even Randy.

  “I’ve always thought of you as a light in my life. Even when you were far from me, I could feel you illuminating just beyond my reach. I’ve been lucky because I was surrounded by beings that loved and cared about me. I was bathed in light. But that was before Malakaro.

  “You’re afraid that ‘Carrot’ is a little girl and she’s not ready to be with you. Well, guess what? I’m not ‘Carrot.’ My name is Pryor. I’m a strong young woman. I’ve lost my little brother, can’t be with my parents, and I am keenly aware of the fact that every time I leave the house, there’s a good chance I might not make it back.

  “All I want right now is to feel something other than this overwhelming darkness. I want you to make love to me. I want you to push back the darkness, if just for one night. But I’m not going to stand here and try to convince you; that’s not how a woman handles herself. So when you’re ready—when you feel grown enough, come see me.” I don’t wait for him to reply. I just head for the door.

  Without warning, he picks me up and carries me over to the edge of the bed. His movements are commanding and distinctly masculine. I look into his face once again. When he looks back at me, his eyes confirm what I already know: the war inside Aaden is over.

  He kneels in front of me so that we are at eye level. He looks into my face and addresses me. The bass in his voice is thick with longing, yet steady and controlled.

  “I’m going to remove all your clothes; nothing will stand between my lips and your flesh,” he informs me.

  His take-charge tone and certainty grips me. I can’t speak; I just look into his intense gaze and nod slightly.

  “This moment is about you. If you are hesitant in any way, now is the time to tell me. I’ve been making love to you every day in my head my entire life; once we start I won’t be able to stop. When it comes to you…I’m just not that strong,” he admits as he studies me.

  I stand up and give him a head start by taking off my shirt, revealing my sky blue cotton bra. Before I would have worried that I wasn’t dressed right. I would have given my soul for a quick Victoria Secret shopping spree where I would purchase something sexy, silky, and enhancing. Like I said, that was before.

  Now I stand in front him certain that I don’t need the fancy embellishments. I don’t need to add polish, shine, or shimmer to my body because I’m enough. I know that because after he takes an article of clothing off me, he stops and marvels at what’s been revealed.

  When he finally has me completely naked, he steps back in awe. He looks at me like an art student who’s uncovered a lost work of art, a masterpiece no one else has viewed, let alone touched.

  He stands and summons up a vial of Tam. It appears just beside my head. Tam is liquid birth control. Although Aaden’s ability to summon is impaired due to The Center, he seems to have no issue summoning small objects.

  Thank Omnis.

  I drink the Tam quickly and the vial disappears. Aaden gives me an ardent stare that causes me to shiver with anticipation.

  I’ve always thought of Aaden as the boy I grew up with; the boy I was in love with. But the way he places his large hands against the small of my back tells me he’s a grown man; a man who’s going to officially launch me into womanhood. A change I’ve never been more ready to make.

  He pulls me towards him and claims my mouth with sweeping strokes of his masterful tongue. He explores the seam between my lips with growing hunger. The more I give in to his velvet tongue, the more it demands of me. His mouth slides, sips, and sucks on my lower lip, eliciting a moan from the deepest depths of my soul.

  I place the palm of my hands on his rock hard chest and feel the heat from his skin. I brush the tip of his nipples with my finger, causing him to swear. No longer satisfied with just my lips, he adjusts my head so that he now has access to the nape of my neck. He leaves a delicious trail of kisses from my earlobe down to my collarbone.

  Aaden was serious when he said he would make this all about me. Everything he does is dedicated to one thing: ensuring my pleasure. The growing frenzy in me makes it hard to remain standing, but I don’t want to move and disconnect from him—ever. So I remain standing but once he grazes the sides of my breasts with his fingers, standing becomes far more difficult. And once he goes from fondling my breasts to suckling them, my thighs liquefy.

  “Please…” I beg him, not even sure what it is I need from him.

  While I may not know what I need, Aaden does. He lifts me up, lays me flat on my back, and quickly takes off the rest of his clothes. I take all of him in with my eyes. From his flawless face to the stiff eagerness between his legs, this angel is perfect and I need him in me. Now.

  He knows I’m on the brink and that I’m ready take him in because my legs part and impatiently invite him in. Yet he doesn’t enter; not yet.

  Instead he gets on top and uses his silky lips to bend my body to his will. I moan and writhe as lust and desire spread from the tips of my wings to the tips of my toes. He doesn’t just suck on one or two spots; he plants fervent, in-depth kisses throughout my body: my wrists, the crux of my elbow, the back of my knees, across my stomach, and between my shoulder blades. Places I never thought needed attention; places that now can’t live without his touch.

  He is possessive and firm when he grabs hold of my legs and parts them. Yet when his lips make contact with my inner thigh, he’s gentle. I try to steady myself as my desire grows, but once he starts using his tongue, I can no longer keep still. The ecstasy is almost too much to take in. It’s a pleasur
e overload and I am losing all sense of time and space.

  Despite my passion filled cries and moans, he’s not ready to release me of his erotic hold. Instead, he yanks me further down on the bed so that he has full access to me. He gently parts the soft folds of my cleft with the tip of his tongue. He doesn’t poke or pry crudely. Instead his mouth explores the lining of my center with grace, focus, and diligence.

  When his tongue brushes the very peak of my center, I involuntarily arch my back and bite my lower lip until my teeth break the skin. I mumble incoherently as waves of ecstasy engulf me. I think I’ve hit the height of desire, but then he uses a combination of his lips, tongue, and fingers.

  “Oh my Omnis,” I cry out as I shake with longing while an ocean forms between my thighs.

  I want him to stop because the pleasure is going to rip me in two. Yet he feels so good inside me, I think I will die if he so much as tries to pull away from me.

  He does it again. Lips. Tongue. Fingers.

  “Aaden baby…shit!”

  He does it again. Lips. Tongue. Fingers.

  I know it’s happening and I can’t stop it. The inner Arc, the human orgasm, that is coming my way is bigger than anything I could ever have conceived of. I grab hold of the metal railing of the bed frame beneath me and bend it as if it were made of soft clay. It’s no use. The orgasm headed for me will take control of every part of me and won’t be able—

  “YES!!!!!” I scream as wave after wave of ecstasy ripples through me.

  It takes control of my entire body and it seeps out of me using my powers as a vessel. A surge of power springs from my palm, ready to kill anything in sight. In the throws of passion, I can’t control my power to drain life. All I can do is aim for something not human.

  Thinking quickly, I aim my hand out the window and on to the garden outside. As the orgasm works its way though me, the surge in my power grows. It shatters the glass window and pulls all the green from the garden, draining it of all color.

  I squeeze my legs tightly as the final current of desire runs through me; outside the window there now stands a black and white garden.

  He climbs on top of me, concerned that I may have hurt myself. He’s taken aback when I flip us so that I am now the one in control. He’s about to talk but I stop him.

  “Shhhhh…I got this.”

  I straddle him and place my knees on either side of him. I sweep my lips across his pecs and take his nipples in my mouth. He sighs and holds on to the back of my thighs. I taste his lips and dip my tongue in and out of his mouth. He makes a low animalistic growl as I playfully tease and tickle his hardened nipples. I feel him beneath me, he’s hard everywhere.

  I place my hand between his thighs and make contact with his middle by lightly grazing it. He takes in a sharp breath and looks back at me pleadingly. I use my hand to stroke his center again.

  Again. Again. Again.

  “Pry…” he groans as his eyes turn “full demon” black.

  He’s not the only one who’s aching. My body is impatient and eager to have him inside me like he was before, but this time deeper; much deeper. Neither of us can stand being apart any longer. Our bodies need to merge. Right now. I wrap my hand around his core and insert him in me.


  “PRY!” I hear him shouting.

  “How did…?” I ask from the floor, not sure how I got there.

  He rushes to my side and gently places me back on the bed.

  “You placed me inside you and the initial power was too much. I should have told you it would be. It’s my fault. I’m sorry,” he says, taking my face in his hand.

  “You were speaking every human language all at once. It’s the side effect of being so powerful and not having any control when you make love. Your mind can’t take it,” he explains.

  “Has this ever happened to you?”

  “Yes, in the beginning. I had to learn to focus.”

  “Teach me.”

  “What? You still want to…”

  “Aaden, I’m not leaving this room until we have made love in every way possible,” I declare.

  “Pryor, no. I think we should stop here,” he says, sounding official.

  Without warning, I kneel down before him. I take him into my mouth. I don’t know how it is that my body knows exactly what to do but it does. Together, my lips and tongue seek, slide, swirl, sip, sweep, skim, suck, squeeze, and slurp.

  “Ah…” He groans as he leans forward and rests his head on my shoulder, unable to manage the surge of ecstasy running though him.

  I want to be just as thorough at pleasing him as he was at pleasing me. So I add my fingers to the mix of tongue and lips. They explore him meticulously; they go over, under, and in between. They trail, taunt, tease, twirl, tickle, and tend.

  Adding my fingers sends Aaden into overdrive; he growls, lifts his head off my shoulder, and sinks his teeth into my flesh. The pain travels down my body and ignites a spark between my legs.

  Aaden is shaking helplessly and begging for me to stop. Finally, I slowly begin to release him from me but just when he’s almost free of my lips, I greedily drink him back in.


  A massive swirl of blue flames spring up from each of Aaden’s palms. He cries out as he hurls them on to the ceiling. The sea of sapphire flames rages just above our heads.

  “Get over here,” he orders. He grabs me by my arms and flings me over to the bed.

  This time he gets on top of me and interlocks his hands with mine. Just being that close to him sends chills of lust down my spine.

  I want him. I want him. I want him.

  “Focus,” he scolds. I nod and he leans in and whispers in my ear.

  “I love you. And no matter what happens, do not let go of my hand. Do you hear me?” he demands.


  “Keep your eyes open. I want to see your beautiful eyes the entire time,” he says.

  I nod in agreement. He showers me with long sensual kisses as I say his name with a sigh under my breath. In no time my center is pulsating and seeking again. He inserts himself into me. Slowly.

  My first impulse is to flee in panic. It’s too much. It’s like looking into a thousand suns all at once. The most beautiful suns ever created. You can’t look away, yet the sheer power of it hurts. He sees the fear in my eyes and calls out to me.

  “Damn it, Pryor, stay with me!”

  I fight the urge to run and submit to the ecstasy and agony of my first time. But the fear of being overwhelmed resurfaces. Concerned, Aaden makes me sit up so that now we are both upright and facing each other.

  “Watch my wings. And flap them in time with mine,” he instructs.

  “I want to…it just…it feels so…the euphoria inside me…you feel so good. I can’t think.”

  “Don’t think. Just flap your wings in tune with mine.”

  I force myself to try again and do as Aaden says. It starts working. The panic is dying down. Our wings are flapping in tune with each other.

  “Good, that’s good, baby,” he encourages.

  “What now?” I ask, now that I can finally think again.

  “When I’m inside you, know that I’m only there to do one thing: love you.”

  I look into his eyes. He’s sincere and unwavering in his statement.

  “That’s it, Pry; for the rest of my life I only have one job: love you.”

  So when he places himself inside me again, I don’t run or panic. I don’t black out and wake up on the floor. Instead I let him do his job. I let him love me. He plows into me with force, yet he’s not brutal. Instead his strokes are rhythmic, powerful, slow, concentrated, and all consuming. I raise my hips up off the bed to meet his sensual, seductive thrusts.

>   His rhythm is the only thing I am aware of right now. I don’t know where I am. Or even what my name is. All I know is that this angel is making love to me like I’m more important than his very soul.

  My eyes roll to the back of my head and I shudder as I say his name. This time when we have the second orgasm it’s not loud and bigger than life. It’s a slow, sensual, deep-rooted orgasm; the kind shared by soul mates.

  The Outer Arc orgasm doesn’t happen inside our bodies but outside. It appears in the room in the form of a shimmering orb. And as my lover and I are entangled inside each other, the Arc in the room grows. And like any two angels who truly connect, we trade characteristics and powers. My wings turn grey like Aaden’s and he gets my purple eyes.

  The orb splits into two. It goes inside me and tells me what Aaden was thinking while making love to me.

  “Thank you, Omnis. Thank you…”

  The other half of the orb makes its way inside Aaden and tells him what I was thinking.

  “Home; he is my home.”

  The orb then pulls itself out of us and lingers in the room. By the time we are done making love, it expands past us and goes up into the ceiling where the flames are. It forms a makeshift coat of protection, guarding us from the flames.

  Aaden wraps his arms around me from behind. He whispers my name over and over again; like it’s the sweetest word he’s ever spoken. He nuzzles my ear and the nape of my neck. Then kisses my forehead and tells me he loves me. And just like that, darkness lifts from my world.


  I wake up in Aaden’s arms and find him studying me. He had gotten up in the middle of the night and fetched a thick blanket to cover us. While I appreciated being warm and cozy underneath the covers, I would have been okay waking up to find him still naked.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask suspiciously.

  “I want to make sure you’re okay. Your first time can be…traumatic,” he admits.

  “Was yours?”

  “Um…yeah…it was.”

  “What was it like?” I ask carefully.

  “It was a rush. I had a lot of nervous energy,” he says ruefully.


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