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Seducing His Lordship

Page 3

by Brenda Williamson

  “Growl? Oh, Reginald, you probably heard his cat after a mouse. Lord Laramore would never growl.” She laughed. “You worry too much, dear. Just run along and let me handle everything now.”

  “Very well, but I still say the man growled.”

  “Run along, Reginald. I am sorry you won’t be here to see how splendidly my dinner party will go.” She pushed her cousin toward the front door and turned her attention to her husband discussing something with a servant. “Lord Laramore, may I have a word with you, please?”

  He stopped and rotated almost cautiously as the servant left. His gaze swept toward the sound of the front door closing. “Your friend is leaving?”

  “His work here is done,” she answered as nonchalantly as possible. “Besides, I can’t have a dinner party with an uneven number of guests. With you staying, he was the logical person to dismiss from my preparations.”

  “He can’t be very happy about your decision.”

  “If you’re still thinking Reginald is my lover, don’t.” She saw now that it was wrong to try jealousy as a means to gain Lord Laramore’s attention. Nevertheless, she planned to use everything to her advantage. If acting nonchalant about the matter helped, far be it for her to nix a time-honored tradition of showing indifference to a spouse.

  “I do hope you haven’t despoiled the place with any of your…let’s call them friends.”

  “This is our home, milady. Not a brothel. I have not and shall never give the gossipmongers reason to suggest I take company with round-heelers at my residence.”

  “I should think not,” she said, lacking a better retort.

  He at least settled one question nagging at her brain: his affairs were conducted outside their home. But where did he find a woman to satisfy his needs? Surely, she’d have heard rumors if he indeed had been frequenting a brothel.

  “Whatever will we do without our…um…companions?” He cupped her face and rubbed his thumb against her cheek.

  She didn’t like him making light of something as serious as infidelity. It was a wrong route for her to take to get his attention. She’d have to remember to scold Reginald for going along with her foolhardy plan.

  Shrugging off the past bad choices, she pushed her new campaign of seduction into play. “I’ve been meaning to speak to you about that.” She took a deep breath, inhaling the masculine scent of him. “Since it fares better for our standing in society to show unity, and given that you have this sudden interest to attend one of my parties…”

  “Do hurry through your ramblings and get to the point.”

  Voicing her wants was harder than she’d originally thought when she practiced in front of a mirror. “Milord, we have an obligation to entertain, so those who inherit your title will have the same privileges that come from careful planning.”

  “You want a baby?” His sudden intense gaze alarmed her.

  The truth of his sexuality was far from settled in her mind, since Reginald had noted another possibility.

  “That requires us to be intimate,” he commented.

  What did she say? Yes! “I hadn’t given it much thought,” she answered, remaining calm.

  “So you’re opposed?”

  “I didn’t say that.” She turned away, biting the inside of her lip. “About my dinner party… If you have no pressing reason to avoid them, then I think it your duty to attend all important affairs.”

  “It will require us to be intimate.”

  “Pardon, milord?” She spun around.

  He touched her shoulder, sweeping his fingers up to the curve of her neck. “If we’re to have an heir, then we’ll have to have sex.”

  “You want an heir?”

  “Wasn’t that your point for this conversation? I distinctly heard you broach the topic of the inheritor of my title.”

  “I didn’t mean to suggest that we…”

  The lines in his face softened, almost giving him a look of amusement. She’d not tolerate him making sport of her naïveté.

  “I’m aware of how one goes about having a baby, milord. However, after two years of saying no more to me than a ‘good day’ and a ‘farewell,’ I did not anticipate you were interested in producing offspring.”

  “I assure milady, I find the idea most agreeable. Actually, I dare say I’m indebted for your forethought in the matter of my heritage. I have been lax in the area of productivity, and I am prepared to remedy that now.” He took hold of her elbow and pulled her into his study. “What say you, milady? Shall we make a baby?”

  Carmody’s mouth dropped open, stunned by the turn of a simple conversation. She did want his baby, but more so, she wanted his love. Proceeding with initiative, she swallowed her insecurities and relaxed against him, prepared to show him no apprehension.

  His arms locked around her with a controlling strength of confidence that warmed her insides. Had he known she’d agree? Maybe he believed his charms were irresistible to all women. Although she’d have trouble arguing he wasn’t every bit as enigmatic and attractive as any woman’s fantasy made a man.

  His embrace tightened, drawing her up against his solid body. Her heart burned with a mixed blend of triumph and trepidation. He claimed her mouth as if it were the most natural thing to do. Unskilled, insecure, and surprised by his lack of hesitation, she clung to him, savoring the depths of all her rioting emotions in that kiss.

  It turned out what she fell short of in experience, her husband made up for with a steady command. He turned her head, aligned her mouth for every twist of his lips sucking hers. The nibbling of her bottom lip, the casual caress of his tongue upon hers, and the low hums of his pleasure were inspiring.

  The tug of her gown from her shoulder barged through the serenity.

  “You don’t mean this very moment, do you?” She gulped, fearing he’d not want her when he discovered she didn’t know what she was doing.

  “No time like the present, so they say.” He jerked her other sleeve from her opposite shoulder and planted a firm kiss on her collarbone.

  Carmody froze, struck by surprise and extreme joy.

  “W-who…says?” she stuttered as his hand slipped behind her head, pulling her face close to his.

  “I, for one.” His hot breath dashed between her parted lips as his mouth sealed over hers again.

  Lord Laramore’s kiss stole her breath. Weak-kneed, she used his unyielding body as support. His arm around her back held her tight and helped steady her. His tongue danced for a moment with hers, swirling deep and then withdrawing. She followed his retreat and found her tongue caught between his teeth. His gentle play turned to sucking. Carmody took a breath, short but adequate, before he covered her mouth with his for the third time.

  A light peck to the cheek and a brush over the back of her hand were the only forms of kissing she was familiar with. Practicing on a pillow didn’t compare to the real thing. Her husband proved that to her as she gained firsthand knowledge of kissing a living, breathing, elegantly virile man.

  She mimicked Lord Laramore’s moves to prevent him from learning too soon of her inexperience. He’d count on her to know what to do and how to do it. The more she lingered on those facts, the less she enjoyed this first audition to prove her skills.

  He backed her toward the door. His deft movements were in addition to his passionate kisses. Overwhelmed by his advances, she tried to pull away. His strength amazed her. She felt each of his fingertips press into her back. The tender oscillation of his mouth turned rough, aggressive, and then withdrew to the gentle way he started. She had pinned all her hopes on the best outcome between them. Expecting they’d adjourn to a bedroom, she heard the door shut and the lock on the lever click. She was trapped.

  Lord Laramore released her abruptly. “Shall we undress?”

  “Can we not?” She watched him tug his cravat loose from his neck.

  “You needn’t fear intrusion, milady. I locked the door.” He walked to his desk and tossed the ruffled silk scarf on it.

“It’s not that.” All fears urged her to confess her chastity.

  By the time he spun around on one heel, he had unbuttoned his waistcoat. “What then?” His brow lifted, obviously puzzled by her reluctance.

  Carmody stood mutely staring as he removed the garment and laid it neatly over the back of a chair. He unfastened the sleeves of his shirt and tugged that article of clothing over his head as if it were of no importance. For the first time in all her life, she gazed at a man’s bare chest. Lord Laramore’s fine physique put her in awe. From his broad shoulders to his narrow waist, taut muscles carved lines of strength in his body. In the center of his chest, a fine layer of brown hair clouded the areas of his nipples. His approach made the very idea of his embrace regrettably upsetting.

  “I think I understand.” Lord Laramore’s hands moved to unfasten his trousers.

  “You do?” She rubbed her arms, trying not to let him see how much she trembled.

  “You don’t want to do this any more than I do; therefore, we shall make it quick.”

  As he advanced, he exposed her to the most shocking aspect of his maleness. With his trousers open, his cock sprang free of the garment and arched like a divining rod. Carmody took in a deep breath, but didn’t let it out. In Lord Laramore’s hand lay his sexual extremity. He stroked the long, thick shaft as if he petted an animal. There was no embarrassment in his expression as he rolled his fisted grip around the head and back down the length. After several gliding pumps, the beast grew.

  “Quick, yes, that would be best.” She nodded, finding everything going too swift for her to think.

  “You still have to lift your skirts and pull down your pantalets.” He continued caressing his erection, making it longer with every stroke.

  “Uh-huh,” she agreed, yet she couldn’t budge a muscle.

  She’d never seen a man’s genitals outside the illustrations in an erotic magazine Dolly had showed her. Was it even going to fit? She breathed heavier, apprehensive with the fear it wouldn’t. There were logistics that even she was not ignorant of where size was concerned. She was small, especially in the reproductive area. The servants she’d overheard in their quarters, women making squeals of pain that she mistook for pleasure. Were their lovers hung heavy like a horse? She re-thought her idea to go along, and yet, she was excited by the tingling sensations traveling through her nether regions.

  “Maybe we could do this later.” She wracked her brain for an excuse to avoid going further. In the course of her scheming, she hadn’t prepared for intimacy. She thought there would be time to get to know him—reacquaint herself with him on a level of friendship.

  He advanced and gripped her sides.

  “I have preparations to attend to for the dinner party tomorrow night.” She gave him a practical excuse.

  “This won’t take long.” His hands slid from her waist to the skirting he lifted up. “Though there is no telling how many times we’ll have to come together before you’re with child.”

  “I think one time is sufficient.” She shivered at the brush of his fingertips against her thighs.

  “No doubt it is, but then why waste a couple of months only to find out the one time didn’t take? I think it best if I service you until we know for sure you’re carrying a babe in your belly.”

  Unable to say anything more to forge a postponement, she stood trembling with a little regret that things weren’t going the route she had expected. Was it too much to wish for him to profess his undying love?

  He hooked her pantalets and slid them off her hips. As he lowered to his knees, he pushed the garment all the way to her ankles. Thankfully, the skirt of her gown dropped as well. However, appearing fully clothed didn’t calm her to the fact someone could enter the room. And then she remembered the locked door. No one would see her. No one except Lord Laramore.

  “Step out,” he instructed.

  She lifted one foot and then her other. With only her pantalets gone, she still felt naked.

  “Heavenly,” Lord Laramore murmured, putting the cloth up to his nose and making an exaggerated sound of inhaling.

  Goose bumps raced down Carmody’s arms. She clenched her fists at her sides, willing the nervousness to go away before he questioned her shaky stance.

  “Maybe we should discuss this further, Lord Laramore.”

  “Like what, milady?” He held her hips and steered her toward the settee.

  “I do think the setting is wrong.” She looked around, hoping he saw the impracticality of his plan.

  “Do you?” His gaze swept the room. “What is wrong about it? We’re consenting adults and married, I might add. This is our home. Where we choose to breed is our business.”

  “Breed!” Her voice hit a high pitch that startled her more than Lord Laramore. “I do not appreciate you referring to us having a baby in the same manner as one would mate as animals.”

  “We are animals, Lady Laramore,” he whispered against her ear while easing her down on the settee. “I more so than you.”

  She had to agree. Nothing in her upbringing prepared her for the fervent affections of a man. He was beastly, and still, she adored him for it. Nevertheless, not all the love in the world could chase away her insecurities. She opened her mouth to protest. Confess her subterfuge and face the consequences. Only Lord Laramore swooped in for another kiss. His warm mouth covered hers. She whimpered when his teeth caught her bottom lip and nibbled with a stimulating tenderness.

  “Relax, milady.” He rubbed her shoulder. “You’re as tense as a virgin.”

  What was a sound of her shock dissolved in Gabriel’s zealous kiss. The slip-slide of his moist lips over hers strengthened her courage. His tongue engaged hers, and there seemed to be no turning back. Her husband wanted to make love to her. Was this not what she had wanted all along? All her resistance faded.

  Lord Laramore lifted her leg and knelt on the settee. A cool blast of air shot up into the heated recess deep between her thighs. Gripping the backrest of the furniture, he came down to rest on her. The heavy fabric of her bodice prevented her from feeling the contours of his chest upon hers.

  “You’re very beautiful.” His brown eyes twinkled with a happiness she reached for by placing her hands on his sides.

  His stare kept her mesmerized for the longest time. Then the warmth of his palm radiated through the cloth of her chemise; she realized he’d opened the top half of her gown. He bowed his head, and like a crawling caterpillar, his tickling kisses traveled over her undergarment. The scorching heat grew wet, and he ventured farther with his boldness.

  “Let’s get a little more out of the way.” He untied the thin ribbon on her chemise and drew the wisp of cloth aside.

  She tried not to shiver as his lips took a gentle path at capturing her erect nipple. Repetitive sucking pulled the sensitive bud over his teeth.

  “L-lord L-laramore,” she stuttered. “You are making me breathless.”

  “Good.” His chuckle sent a new ripple of apprehension through her.

  “Lord Laramore, please.” She panted. “I can take no more.”

  Intermittent twirls with his tongue rasped the stiffen tips of her breast.

  “Milord, please.” She arched against his mouth capping the peak.

  Carmody felt as if a thousand candle flames licked her flesh. Her breath shortened from long inhales to quick pants of exhilaration. His rasping licks wet her breasts, while his nips at her nipples sent lightning-quick vibrations of delight into her throbbing core. Lord Laramore persisted in his attempt to cover her chest with kisses. Only after he apparently had his fill of tasting one area did he venture upward, kissing her neck, taking his time to explore and drive her crazy. She didn’t care what kept him showing her the adoration she had longed to experience.

  “Say my name.” Heated air from his exhale tickled her ear.

  “Gabriel,” she whimpered, willing to do anything he asked.

  “I think you will be even more beautiful when your belly has swelled wit
h a babe.” His hand rubbed over the rumpled gown in the area of her abdomen. “I hear that’s when the inner light of a woman shines from her eyes.”

  His poetic words distracted her from noticing that his fingers were on a mission. The feel of them sliding up her thigh brought her aware at their closeness to her sex. The sudden stroke over her nether lips created an intense tingling that shot straight through to her belly. He didn’t let it end there as he pushed a finger between the layers of her sex.

  Carmody squirmed, having no control of her reactions to his touch in that alert region. He gave her no mercy on the amount of time he spent circling a sensitive spot that made her jerk with uncontrollable shudders.

  “You’ve a sweet little button.” His kisses fell against her breast as he spoke. “A bit more fondling and I’ll bring it out of hiding.”

  Carmody whimpered with her unrest, unsure as to why she didn’t beg him to stop. A million nerves in her body were on fire, and yet she embraced the torturous pleasure.

  “Do you like that?” he asked, as her insides constricted around his invading finger.

  He moved up and his lips imprisoned hers.

  With enervated fingers, she latched onto his broad shoulders to push him away. Yet, she couldn’t. Instead, she pulled him more firmly against her mouth. The ache he stirred with the thrust of his fingers into her vaginal canal sated an emotional one in her heart.

  “Yes.” She cringed at the sudden pressing sting. Tears sprang to her eyes.

  Instantly, Lord Laramore removed his finger. Had he figured out her deception? Did he know she wasn’t the least bit skilled? She dreaded being discovered a virgin, and yet, she wouldn’t want to be any other way for her husband. Lord Laramore was the man she wanted to bring her into womanhood.

  When he shifted the weight of his body over her, it forced her tighter against the cushions. He grasped her leg at the underside of her knee, drawing her limb up. The pressure of his fingers tickled, and she pushed him. He laughed at her nervous giggle, obviously understanding the sensitivity at the back of her thigh. However, as he relocated his hand, more of his weight leaned into her. She struggled once more, this time for a measure of space to breathe.


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