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Vampire - In the Beginning (Vampire Series Book 1)

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by Mitchell, Charmain Marie

  The man stepped forward and for the first time I can see him clearly. He is of broad but slim stature, and his movements flow with elegance. The second man is larger and remains behind the first man. I cannot see his face, but I can see from his outline that his head is to one side, in a way that suggests that he was deeply contemplating a thought.

  “My name is James Middleton, my lady,” the first man says with mocking amusement, “and in answer to your question, my lady, why should I not do this?” He indicated behind him to where Tom and Joe hung, an evil smile twisting his arrogant, albeit handsome face.

  “How could you say such a thing?” I scream at him like a banshee.

  The man chuckles again. Vulgarity and arrogance radiate from him as he steps closer towards me.

  “Well, I’ll say this for you, my pretty, you show more fight than the snivelling fools over there.” He then moves even closer, and says with cruel amusement, “I can say such a thing…because of this, my sweet.”

  It is at this point that his face changed beyond all recognition, resembling that of which I can only describe as a devil. His eyes turn opaque, his teeth grow to resemble those of a vicious snarling dog, and his face turned into that of an evil rabid monster. Before me, I suddenly realise, were men who fed off human blood and suffering, and although I had heard tell of such monsters. I had never before, up until this moment, given these tales much thought, believing them to be the imaginings of poor confused minds.

  “You don’t tremble at the sight of me, girl?” he asks me in a questioning and slightly confused tone.

  “Why should I tremble, sir?” I reply with a sarcastic lilt to my voice, and raise my head higher.

  “If I cower or not…there seems to be no doubt that you are going to kill me. What is the point of me crying over what will be anyway? Do what you must, but you’ll not see me tremble, for I feel that it would please you, sir, and it is not my intention or wish to please you!”

  He then threw his head back and laughed heartily, “Well then, I guess it will pain you to know that you do please me, girl, I just love the hunt…and I think you’ll be a good catch…”

  For all of my brave talk, I was very afraid. Especially when he grabbed me in a death hold and his mouth opened up wide to revel his strong white teeth, which grew in preparation of ripping my flesh to shreds.

  “Stop!” The man in the shadows shouted as he stepped forward.

  “Robert? What ails you?” the one who introduced himself as James said as his face quickly returned to its human form.

  “Step away from her, James. Now!”

  James quickly released me from his grasp without argument, and it is in that instant that I realise that the larger man, whose name I now know is Robert, is the leader of the two. Robert steps towards me and for the first time I see his face. It has the look of an eagle, predatory and commanding, his eyes are dark and brooding, his body well-muscled and strong, and his overall appearance brooked no doubt he was a man to be obeyed.

  “Come here, girl,” he said in a soft but commanding voice. I remember trying to fight his command and that I want to run in the opposite direction. I was therefore amazed that instead of running, I found myself walking towards him.

  “Don’t be afraid of me, girl, I’ll not harm you,” he said staring down into my eyes with a hypnotic gaze. I should have been petrified; after all, I had seen the murderous scenes from inside the farmhouse and barn - but as strange as it seems, I was not afraid, and instead a feeling of calm washes over me. Robert then placed his hand gently on my stomach and closed his eyes. When he opens them again his stare is intense, and a fiery red line outlines his pupils, but contrary to his glare his stance becomes softer.

  “You’re expecting a child?” he asked me softly.

  “Yes I am,” I state in a matter of fact tone. “I don’t know for how long, though. I fear that the shock of this day will cause my body to miscarry.”

  His eyes probe deeply into mine, once again predatory, the effect caused me to drop my head in fear.

  “What’s your name?” he asked me softly. He then placed his fingers under my chin, and tipped my head back, so that once again I am looking up into his eyes.

  “My name is Gwendolyn…..but people call me Gwen.” A smile touches his lips, and he says, “You’ll not lose the child, Gwen. You’re carrying a strong and healthy boy, and he will have your spirit and strength of mind and his father’s strength of body. This boy will be a prince among men and will achieve all his heart desires.” He then paused for a moment and his eyes glow with something akin to sadness.

  When he continues, his voice is low and I strain to hear his words. “I will make a deal with you, Gwen. I want a child of my own. A son! However, circumstances beyond my control dictate that I will never produce one.” Anger momentarily flares up in his eyes and I fleetingly see the fierceness of his true personality. However, he then dropped his head, and I notice that he is visibly trying to regain control of his emotions. When he lifts his head, his face is once more a mask.

  “I will allow you and your child to live. You’ll live in luxury, and will want for nothing, but your son will be my son, and my wife will be his mother.” He pauses to allow what he has said to me to sink in.

  He then continues, “I’ll give you the gift of everlasting life, and my son, when he is a man, will be my heir and a prince among vampires… If you decide that you cannot do this, then I’ll kill and feed from you today! Gwen…It is your choice?”

  Dread crept like a disease throughout my body. His ultimatum demanded that I answer his question. He was asking me I could live like a monster and condemn my son to a life of depravity. Or if I would allow us both to die and thus my son would never know the light of day or the sweet intoxicating beauty of life.

  “When will my son become a vampire?” I asked him, and then quickly continued, “When will I become a vampire?”

  “It will be your choice when or if you do, but I give you my word that you’ll not die at mine or any other vampire hand. My son, if he is to be my son, will become a vampire on the eve of his eighteenth birthday.”

  Did I have a choice? How did anyone stare death in the eye and calmly say ‘take me’. How could I do that? Worse still, was the fact that I would also need to stare my son’s death in the eye. I would die knowing that I consented to and condoned the end of his life before it had even begun.

  A thought suddenly occurred to me and looking Robert straight in the eye, I voiced it. “What will happen if my son chooses not to embrace the life of a vampire? What would happen to him if he chose to continue his life in the human form?”

  “You are intelligent, I like that,” he said, and then continued. “If he chose not to embrace his destined life it would be his choice.” I open my mouth ready to speak, but he interrupts me by holding his hand up, he then continued. “He would not be harmed if he decided to make the decision to remain human. However, I must warn you Gwen. I sense that this life, my life, is his destiny. I feel his strength and I think he will make the decision to become a vampire.”

  I had heard enough. My son will live for eighteen years as a human. He will also be able to remain this way if he chooses to do so. Thus, I had eighteen years to ensure that his choice is the correct one, and I quietly swear to do everything in my power to ensure that he does not embrace the life of the demons in my midst. I know which of the choices I will make. For I know I have no other choice.

  “I accept your deal, Robert,” I stated simply. I then turned and walked in the opposite direction, away from him, the barn, Tom’s hanging body, and away from the life I had always lived and would never know again.

  Chapter Four

  Robert and James joined me in the small courtyard a few moments later, and although I hear their approach, I do not turn around and acknowledge their arrival. Instead, I looked towards the dark outline of the farmhouse. The house that sat before me should have been my home forever, but because of the two men behind me, I wou
ld never set foot on this land again. With this realization came the sad thought that likewise, I would never again glance upon my mother, father, or brothers, and in time, although I did not know it then, they would for me become just a vague memory. My life was to change beyond anything I could ever imagine; but I didn’t cry. Crying would have been a pointless exercise because there was nothing I could do to change my predicament, and so I simply turned to Robert and James and said, “I am ready.”

  A shrill whistle rents the air, and from nowhere a pair of black horses appears. I am somewhat startled by their appearance, and I guess the shock shows on my face, because Robert says, "Contrary to common belief we cannot change our appearance into that of other animals... We travel like humans on horseback. Although we do hold power over all animals, including humans. We are their master!"

  I could think of nothing to say in response to his words and simply bow my head in acceptance of his bold and commanding statement. A statement I do not doubt is true. Both men jump with grace onto the backs of the animals and once settled, Robert held out his hand to me. "Come, Gwen," he said. "We must leave," he then grabbed my outstretched hand and pulled me up behind him.

  I had never, up until this time, traveled on horses such as these. I had only ever ridden the small ponies on the farm. These animal, in comparison, seemed to almost fly through the air and such was their speed that I clung to Robert in order to remain seated. My eyes watered from the icy winds and so I pushed my head into Robert’s back, my hands grew numb from the cold and I clenched them painfully, so as to ensure that I did not lose grip and fall.

  On and on we rode and I clung on to my captor in fear. I was afraid to loosen my grip, and was growing tired and very weary. Vampires, I was to quickly discover, are extremely strong. I, however, was at this time only human, pregnant, and fast becoming exhausted by the attacking speed of the journey. Robert, whom unbeknown to me was able to sense every beat of my heart and any weakness in my body. Realised the journey, combined with the bloody scene I had witnessed at the farm, was fast getting the better of my body and mind, and motioned James to stop at the next inn.

  When we finally arrived at an inn. Robert pulled my exhausted body into his arms and carried me inside. His shouts of 'Innkeeper...where are you man?" echoing angrily as we entered the small but comfortable warm rooms of the establishment. However, it was not long before the innkeeper, a short, fat man of about fifty years old, scurried to our side. He obviously recognized that Robert was of noble birth and his humble attitude attributed to this fact.

  "Yes, sir," he said bowing low, "I am at your service, sir."

  "Is that so, man?" Robert bellowed. "Well in that case we shall have your best room, and my wife here will have a tankard of your finest mead and a platter of your finest fare."

  The man glanced in my direction in a somewhat startled manner. I, unlike Robert, was not dressed in fine clothes, but instead dressed in the clothes of that of a simple farm girl, which of course was exactly what I was.

  "Do you understand that order, man?" Robert asked the innkeeper in a slightly threatening but sarcastic voice.

  "Yes, yes of course, sir... Follow me, sir."

  The innkeeper led us to a small but comfortable room, and stayed just inside the door whilst Robert placed me on the bed. He then turned back towards the innkeeper and stated, "I take it you do not understand the order, then?" His stance was aggressive and irritated.

  "Yes, sir of course, sir!" the innkeeper stuttered.

  "Well set to it then, man, before you feel the weight of my hand!"

  "Will you be sleeping alongside me?" I asked as I watch the petrified innkeeper scurrying away. A quiver is evident in the tone of my voice, and I know that it betrays my fear. Robert must have heard it too, because he said softly, "I have told you there is no need to fear me, Gwen, you are quite safe."

  "That may be so...but I do not wish for you to sleep here!" I say in a frightened whisper.

  "Ah, well that may be so but I cannot trust you yet! You have had an eventful day and I cannot be sure that you’ll not run... I am sorry but I must stay here with you tonight."

  I digest his answer, and then ask, "When we reach your home will you remain at my side?" I notice a slight smile touch his lips and he says, "No, will not be able to escape, so there will be no need."

  "And where will James sleep tonight?"

  "He will continue on and inform my wife, Matilda, of our plans."

  I waited for him to add to this information, but he remained silent, and so I fell back on the bed and gloried in the comfort. I normally slept on the floor, and the bed felt warm and luxurious in comparison.

  The innkeeper returned shortly afterwards, and although I'd thought earlier that I wouldn't be unable to touch the food that he brought, I found that I was ravenous, and ate the cold roast beef and hard bread quickly. When I was full, I fell back onto the comfort of the bed, and said, "Will you be sleeping on the bed?"

  "Yes of course! But like I have already said, you will be safe."

  I had already reached the conclusion that I was safe, and so ignoring his words said, "How long have you been a vampire?"

  "For a very long time, enough questions now! It’s time for you to rest."

  I turn onto my side and stare at the dark wall of the room. A few moments later Robert climbs into the bed beside me and I am somewhat shocked to discover that I am neither afraid nor feel uncomfortable about the fact that I am sleeping next to him. For some reason I cannot connect the man lying next to me with the man who had committed the disgusting murders at the farmhouse. For, all I can see in him is kindness.

  I surprise myself by saying, "Why did you kill them? You had no need to kill them!"

  Robert doesn’t answer for a quite a while, and although I could not see his face due to the darkness, I imagined his face was serious, as he contemplated his answer. I believe he found it difficult to explain to me why he had stolen the lives of my loved ones. For, after a long drawn-out sigh he simply said, "You will understand one day,” and then, “you must sleep now. We have a long ride in the morning.”

  I must have fell asleep not long after our conversation, for all I remember from that moment on, is the darkness that comes from a deep and peaceful sleep.

  Chapter Five

  We set out early the next morning, and again I climbed up behind Robert as we immediately set off towards London at breakneck speed.

  In the cold light of day, Robert looked even more intimidating and handsome than the night before. He was like a man mountain, being so tall and broad, and there was not an ounce of spare fat on his huge frame. His eyes shone like polished black coal, ringed by very long black lashes, and his skin was swarthy and shone with perfect health. His perfect features looked like they have been sculpted by an artist, and above all else he exuded enormous power. I contemplated his looks and manner as I clung to his broad back. In other circumstances I would have been very attracted to him, and then suddenly the realization of what I had been thinking hits me and I am full of shameful self-loathing and self-disgust. How could I even think about the vigour of this man? How was it possible after witnessing the destruction he and James had wrought on Tom and his family in the farmhouse?

  Without warning, Tom's sweet face drifted into my mind and the consuming pain of loss rise’s up and stings my eyes with bitter tears. But then, Toms face suddenly changes, instead of his soft loving smile, I see his tongue protruding from his mouth, his throat dripping globules of thick blood, and his innards lying discarded at his feet. Guilt caused my whole body to shiver, for am I not clinging to the man who threw away Tom’s life just as a child discards a toy. How could I? Maybe I should have consented to die, for not only did I betray my sweet Tom by not dying at his side, but I am also betraying his memory by promising his son to the very man that killed him. What type of woman was I?

  I was so intent on my thoughts that I had failed to notice that Robert had slowed the horse and that we
now traveled at a slow leisurely walk.

  "You must push it from your mind, Gwen." I jumped at the sound of his voice.

  "How do you know what I’m thinking?" I ask in bewilderment.

  "Oh, Gwen, I may not be human, but I understand what it is to love. I feel you cling onto me in pain, and I hear your sobs close to my ear. It does not take a genius to work out why you cry, and I can tell you that guilt will destroy you, if you allow it to!” Although I could not see his face, I heard the compassion in his voice, and I was, once again, confused by the emotions this man seemed to awake within me.

  “If you need someone to blame... Then you must blame me! For I am the one who took his simply made a choice, a choice that most would have made... You have nothing to feel guilty about! Ask yourself if Tom would have made the same decision and I think you'll find that your heart will tell you that he would have decided to survive." My tears began to subside, and I would be lying if I denied that Robert’s words were a comfort to me, because deep down I knew that he was right. Tom would have made a similar choice, but knowing this still did not eradicate the guilt or the image of him hanging from the rafters with his guts spilling out.

  "Sometimes we make choices that we subsequently find difficult to live with, you will live with your decision, Gwen, but it will not be easy."

  Anger rose up inside my body like an inferno of flames. "How would you know?” I screamed at him. The stallion plunged forwards in fear and shock, almost unseating me, but yet again I shout, "You, who has never felt pain or guilt! Tell me how would you know?"


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