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At Sixes and Sevens

Page 19

by M. A. Church

  Aidric hissed again and yowled.

  Even I, who knew next to nothing about cats, could tell that was one pissed-off feline. “Babe? I don’t know exactly what’s going on or why there were strange wolves in my territory when there shouldn’t have been, but they’re gone.”

  Aidric, still perched on the limb, grumbled, meowed some more at me, and flicked his tail with obvious feline irritation. Not being versed in cat, I had no idea what he said, and it was probably a good thing I didn’t.

  “It’s safe to come down now. Please?”

  “Meeeeow!” Aidric looked at Evan and hissed again.

  Something was going on there. I’d get to the bottom of that as soon as I could, but first I had to get my mate—who seemed to have treed himself—down. “Can you get down?”

  “Meer! Meow, meow, meeeeow.” Aidric flexed his claws and sharpened them on the bark under him.

  I had the distinct impression Aidric wished he were sharpening his claws on something other than bark, and from the glares he aimed at Evan, I had a good idea who it was. The other thing I noticed was he wasn’t coming down. Shit. I didn’t think he could. Now what?

  “Evan, return to the pack house.” Maybe getting Evan out of here would help relax Aidric. “Track down Shea and Temple, tell them what’s going on, and unless there’s some emergency, send them here. You and I are also going to have a conversation about how to properly address an Alpha-mate. Now leave.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” Evan turned and fled.

  “Meeeeeer.” Aidric glared at Evan’s retreating back.

  “Um, Alpha? I might have an idea why Aidric reacted so strongly to Evan,” Nash said, tension dancing in his voice.

  “What happened?” I asked, looking back up at Aidric, who was still exactly where he had been earlier.

  “Well, Aidric showed up for lunch and….” Nash shifted nervously from foot to foot. “Some of the deltas were discussing him. He knew, of course. I can only imagine how it looked.”

  “Way to make my mate feel welcome.” Annoyed, I glared at Nash.

  “Look, some of us were embarrassed we got caught gossiping. I was trying to figure out a way to gloss over that misstep when Evan popped off and made some asinine comment about the ‘pussy’ showing up,” Nash said.

  Aidric screeched.

  Well, that explained his reaction to Evan. “If he can’t keep a civil tongue in his head, maybe I should help him out by removing it.” I had more thoughts on the subject, but the sudden appearance of a gum ball bouncing off my head caught my attention. “Ow!”

  Nash’s eyes widened.


  Turning, I looked up at Aidric, who was still in the tree. Damned if he didn’t slowly, and quite obviously, shake his head no.

  “I can’t remove his tongue?” I asked just to clarify.

  Aidric swatted another gum ball at me.

  “Fine. I’ll take that as a no.”

  Nash snickered.

  “Aidric, babe, I can’t come up there and get you. Should I have somebody bring a ladder out?” Problem was I didn’t have a ladder tall enough to reach him. “Maybe I should…. Okay, obviously you’re coming down. Please don’t fall.”

  Bit by bit Aidric made his way down, but he was favoring his right leg. Twenty-five feet up, he paused again. I think he was resting. I hoped. After a short break, he continued his track down. Ten feet from the ground, he paused. There weren’t many more branches, and he still hadn’t shifted.

  “I’m going to take it your back leg is bothering you, which is why you don’t want to jump down.” I held my arms up. “Jump. I promise I’ll catch you. You’re not that far up now.”

  Aidric eyed me but finally bunched his muscles, getting ready to jump. I wasn’t fooling myself. I knew what a trust issue this was for him. Aidric leaped from the tree, and I caught him cleanly. After a quick lick to my cheek—wow, his tongue was scratchy in this form—he settled himself in my arms and started purring.

  “What a beautiful coat,” Nash said. “Did you notice it matches Aidric’s hair color?”

  “Yeah, I did.” Unable to resist, I ran my hand over the soft glossy fur. Aidric’s tail flopped lazily around as I petted him. Damn, he was heavier than I expected.

  “Babe? I can smell blood. How badly are you injured?”

  Aidric chittered at me, and, bemused, I listened attentively, although I hadn’t a clue what he said. Then Aidric shuddered, and I knew what that meant. I quickly put him on his paws. Aidric shifted, and my beautiful—and very nude—mate stood before me.

  “Turn around,” I snapped at Nash. Which was plain silly. Nudity wasn’t something we generally made a big deal over, but the thought of anyone outside of me seeing all those miles of luscious skin was annoying.

  Bending over, I picked up Aidric’s clothes, shook them, and held them out. Aidric slipped on his shirt but paused before he put on his jeans.

  He glanced at his upper thigh, where obvious bite marks were. “It’s not too bad.”

  I dropped to one knee, examining them closer. I ran my hand over the nicely healing cuts. “No, it’s not.” I peered up at Aidric. “It could’ve been much worse.”

  “I know. Believe me.” Aidric slipped on his jeans, then his shoes.

  “Is it safe to turn around now?” Nash asked.

  Smart wolf. “Yes,” I said.

  “Aidric, I just want you to know how sorry I am about that deal at lunch. I swear I was going to wave you over to join us, and then Evan opened his big mouth, and you…. Well, you were right in what you said.” Nash sighed.

  “About that. Just exactly what did Evan say?” I asked.

  Aidric shrugged. “Pretty much the same thing he said a couple of moments ago. Called me a pussy.”

  Nash grinned from ear to ear. “Aidric asked if our females would appreciate being called that word, which they wouldn’t. Then he went on to say he didn’t either.”

  “He’s lucky I didn’t scratch his eyes out,” Aidric growled.

  “I promise you he won’t say that again.” Not after I got through with him.

  “You’re not removing his tongue either,” Aidric added.

  “Damn.” Guess that was out. Not that I was serious. Not totally serious. Besides, I had other things to deal with. “Now I know you’re fine, I have a question for you.”

  Aidric cringed. “I bet I know what it is too. Look, I was pissed and decided to take a walk so I could clear my head. I didn’t realize how far out I was until… well, I figured out just how far out I really was. I fully intended to turn around and come back, but there just so happened to be three strange wolves between me and the pack house.”

  Before I could answer, we heard the sound of pounding feet on frozen ground.

  Shea slid to a stop next to me, pale and worried. “Oh gods, Alpha, I’m sorry!”

  “Just where the hell were you?”

  “Wes showed up saying something was wrong with Baylor. The two finally mated, and not long after Jack marked him, Baylor started having trouble breathing. Since you were wrapped up with Keegan, I went to check on him.”

  I’d known Shea would have a reason. He wasn’t the type to abandon his duty. “And Temple?”

  “A few minutes after Shea left, Temple got a phone call saying they’d caught the group of human boys who’d been stealing from a couple of your businesses. The human police were called. Temple said your manager was uncomfortable dealing with them alone,” Aidric said. “Temple left to handle it.”

  “Because I was with Keegan, right?” I said.

  “Yep. Neither one of them wanted to bother you, all things considered.” Aidric pushed his hair out of his face. “I went to lunch, and you know what happened there. Neither of them are to blame for this.”

  “Except for the fact I told them to keep an eye on you.” I wasn’t happy with the situation, but I could see the point Aidric was making.

  “And I wandered off on my own.” Aidric blew out a breath. “I r
eally didn’t think walking around alone was that big a deal, but clearly I was wrong.” Aidric narrowed his eyes at me. “Which brings me to my next point.”

  “That you should have been safe on pack land. Yeah, as Alpha, that’s my responsibility. I’m sorry, Aidric. This shouldn’t have occurred. It’s been a while since we’ve had wolves trespass. I’m going to increase patrols on the borders. I promise you it won’t happen again.”

  Shea nodded. “I’ll get right on that. Come on, Nash. Let’s get back to the pack house, and you can tell me exactly what happened and what you noticed.”

  “Okay. But the werewolves were gone by the time we got there,” Nash said, turning to follow Shea.

  “Not a problem, but I do want your impressions and what you smelled,” Shea said.

  I waited until my beta and delta left. “I really am sorry.”

  “Funny how you automatically jump to the assumption I blame you for what happened, when actually it was my fault.” Aidric shook his head.

  “I know it’s been nothing but an adjustment for you.” I stepped closer, and Aidric readily went into my arms. “I’m very thankful you’re willing to make that effort. You’re very brave. Never think you aren’t. I’ve asked a lot of you, and I know that. You’re strong, more than I ever imagined. Sometimes I wonder if I could’ve done what you have if I were in your position. I don’t know I could. I admire you greatly.”

  “Thanks.” Aidric snuggled closer. “But don’t think for a minute there weren’t times when I was uncomfortable.”

  “But yet you continue on. You….” I rested my chin on top of his head. “You overwhelm me with your sheer determination. I’m beginning to think once you make up your mind, nothing stops you. An Alpha werewolf mate has to be strong, and you’re going to need that strength, but so am I. I know you can stand with me, not behind me.”

  “Wow, that was insightful, especially for a werewolf.” Aidric cringed. “Aw jeez, I didn’t mean it like that. What I mean was you have unplumbed depths.”

  “I know.” I snickered. Aidric certainly had a way with words. “Speaking of depths that haven’t been plumbed, we have a mating to finish.”

  “Horndog.” Laughing, Aidric pulled away. “But you’re right.”

  Hand in hand, Aidric and I returned to the pack house. Temple met us in the hallway and explained why he’d been absent.

  “Thank you for taking care of that. I appreciate it. Have you heard anything about Baylor? Is he okay?” I asked, hesitating. I really wanted to continue upstairs with Aidric, but my duties didn’t end at five o’clock like a normal workday.

  “He is. He’s shaky, and Jack would like to speak to you, but it can wait,” Temple said.

  “Okay, good.” I led Aidric to the bedroom.

  “Would you mind if I took a quick shower? I feel grimy,” Aidric asked.

  “Sure. No problem.”

  I heard the shower finally cut off, and Aidric stepped out of the bedroom. I sprawled on the bed, naked and waiting. Resting on my back with a couple pillows underneath my head, I had one leg straight in front and the other bent at the knee. Aidric’s cock perked up under the towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Fuck me, but you look like some sex god waiting to be serviced, and I want to do the servicing.” Aidric blushed, but I grinned, which sent the color in his face soaring.

  I held out my hand, crooking my fingers at Aidric. “Service away.”

  Dropping the towel, Aidric stumbled toward the bed.

  “There’s so much of you, all hard planes and bulging muscles. I don’t know where to start.” Aidric snorted as he glanced lower, toward my cock. “Right. Yeah, I do too.”

  I opened my legs a bit more, and Aidric crawled between them.

  “Mm, your cock is as big as the rest of you. I can’t wait to get it in my mouth again.” Aidric licked the head of my cock, then ran his tongue down the length before returning to the head and taking it in his mouth.

  Aidric jumped when I nudged him. “Why don’t you rearrange yourself a little bit?”

  Aidric pulled off and smacked his lips. “Huh? Sorry, what? I was kind of… lost in the wild taste of you.”

  “Fuck, the things you say. Get up here next to me.” I patted the bed. “I can’t get to that ass with you down there.”

  Obviously Aidric’s brain was scrambled, because it took a minute for him to understand I meant I wanted to get in the sixty-nine position. When he finally did figure it out, he couldn’t get turned around fast enough.

  While he was getting into position on his hands and knees so I could reach that ass of his, I reached into the nightstand and removed the lube. My body tingled at the snick of the lube opening. Soon he’d be mine. Burning with the need to claim him, I slicked my fingers and pressed inside.

  Whimpering, Aidric turned his attention to my cock, taking it into his mouth, sucking desperately. He clenched his fingers in the sheet, and he wiggled his ass as I played, gently opening him up. I fingered him, listening to him purr. Aidric released my shaft and sat up, moaning.

  “W-what are you doing?” I asked.

  Instead of answering, he swung around and straddled me. Placing his legs on either side of my hips, he reached behind and grabbed my dick.

  My eyes crossed when I finally figured out what he was going to do. “Wait, let me get some lube on my—”

  “Don’t need it. I want to feel you stretching me open as I take your cock.” Aidric lowered slowly onto my shaft, biting his bottom lip.

  I grabbed his hips. “But, Aidric—”

  “Nope, just lie there and take it. I want this, and you’re going to give it to me.” Aidric eased down until he rested flat against my pelvis. Still purring, he rose up and then slid back down.

  Moaning, I closed my eyes. Fuck, he was so hot. Tight. Aidric rocked back and forth, yanking more groans from me. Tentatively he moved, making sure he was ready for the ride I wanted to give him. Unable to help myself, I gripped that magnificent ass.

  Bracing himself, he rose up quicker, then slid back down again. He moved, driving the both of us crazy. I trembled beneath him, my muscles bunching as I fought not to take control. He was going to have bruises on his ass from how my fingers pressed into his skin, not that they’d last long.

  “Gods!” I groaned, opening my eyes. “Shit, you feel so good.”

  Aidric glanced down.

  “Your eyes are so damn blue.” I marveled at how sexy he looked with his cat close to the surface. “Bright blue and glowing slightly. Beautiful.”

  “Grab the headboard. I’m going to fuck you until you come in me.”

  I gasped, my eyes widening, but I did what he said. Aidric dropped down over me, resting his hands on my pecs. Aidric’s claws were out, and he kneaded me as he rode. I panted when he sank the very tips into my chest. I groaned, closing my eyes again.

  “Look at me,” Aidric hissed, drawing my attention. “Watch me as I fuck you. Take you. Take what’s mine. Going to make you come in me so hard. Going to cover you in my come too.”

  My patience snapped. I growled and braced my feet on the bed, slamming into Aidric. Oh fuck yeah, that was what I wanted.

  Aidric tossed his head back and yowled. “Goddess, that feels amazing. Right there. Yeah, right there. Plow my ass.” Aidric’s cock bounced between us, smearing precome over his stomach. “So good. Fuck, drill me. Hard. Give it to me harder.”

  “Harder? You want harder?”

  “Yes! Give it to me. Mate me. Show all of your pack who your damn mate is.”

  “You got it.”

  I surged up, wrapped my arms around Aidric, and rolled us off the bed onto our feet. My cock slid out, and he snarled. “Dammit, I wasn’t through with that.”

  I propelled us toward one of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  Aidric’s palms smacked the glass. “Holy. Shit.”

  I slid inside him again. “You want them to know who you belong to? Who I belong to?” I grabbed a handful of his hair and pul
led. My other hand landed on his hip. “There won’t be a doubt after today.”

  Aidric spread his legs and moaned. “Oh, oh yeah. Fuck my ass. Show them.”

  This was wild. Crazy. And so damn hot I thought I’d melt.

  “Don’t make me come yet,” Aidric gasped as I thrust my hips, riding him. “Come on, big guy, work that dick. Plow my ass. Yeah, that’s it. Make me scream. I dare you. I want to feel you tomorrow. Want to know who rode me hard.”

  “Fuck!” I snarled helplessly. “Gods. That mouth of yours. Going to come. Come with me.” I howled. My head pounded as I struggled to wait on him to join me.

  The ribbon of energy he’d told me about was suddenly there, as yellow as my eyes in shifted form. Just like Aidric said, it drifted from me to him. I came, and the ribbon slammed into Aidric, right through his back. If he’d been facing me, it would’ve been right where his heart was located.

  Aidric’s come covered the glass in front of him as he came. I leaned forward and struck, sinking my fangs into his neck. Aidric hissed, sounding just like a cat as I bit deeply, and then he came again.

  I shook my head slightly, overjoyed he was finally mine. I groaned and removed my fangs and licked the bite mark so it would stop bleeding. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind the bite would scar.

  Aidric would wear my mark forever.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I CLEANED up, then collapsed on the bed. Rolling onto my side, I rested my hand above his heart. “Did you see it?”

  Carter rested his hand on top of mine. “I did. Except the ribbon was yellow like my eyes instead of blue.”

  His chest hair crinkled under my fingers as I ran my hand through the pelt. “That’s interesting. What I saw was blue.”

  I squirmed around until my head was resting on his shoulder, with one of my legs between his. “Funny how it matches our eye color in our shifted forms, isn’t it?”

  “It is.” Carter played with a hank of my hair, his movements lazy. “I’m not sure what it means, but it is definitely interesting. I’m not going to sweat it.”


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