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At Sixes and Sevens

Page 25

by M. A. Church

  “Stupid.” Shea shook his head. “In more ways than one.”

  “I, ah… I met some guys. Since this dive is neutral territory, they couldn’t do anything to me. But that didn’t stop the insults. Word had gotten out about you mating a werecat, Alpha. Well, some nasty things were said concerning Aidric. Things were getting pretty tense, but, well… when I agreed with them, their behavior changed.”

  “You idiot.” Sabrina punched Delaney in the arm, making him stagger. “I don’t like Aidric either, but I would never…. You basically betrayed our pack by doing that.”

  “I was just blowing off steam!” Delaney desperately looked at the other pack members. “I never thought….”

  “What?” Carter demanded.

  “I never thought anything would come of it.” Delaney dropped his voice. “Then Faulkner made a pass at me one night.”

  I knew then where I’d smelled that scent. I smelled it on him that day at Meme’s house. I groaned. Surely he didn’t.

  “We started hooking up, and I really thought he liked me. Faulkner is a beta to the Blue Hills Pack.” Delaney closed his eyes as pain flashed across his face.

  Yup, he had.

  “Shit. Now I know why these fuckers smell familiar.”

  “I caught their smell the first time I met Delaney too,” I added. “Who are the Blue Hills Pack?”

  “Alpha Wynn Covington is their Alpha.” Carter ran a hand over his head. “Most of the Alphas in this area refuse to have anything to do with him and his pack. He’s… twisted. Insane might be a good word too. Or psychopath.”

  “But what the hell has that got to do with Aidric?” Temple snarled.

  “I met with Faulkner earlier today at his place. He was bouncing off the walls, almost manic. He kept saying he finally had his chance, and nothing was going to screw it up. I asked what he meant.” Delaney gulped. “If I wasn’t sure drugs don’t affect us, I would’ve sworn he was hopped-up on something. He kept rambling about how weak werecats were compared to us. Said that Aidric was nothing more than a liability to our Alpha.”

  “Fuck,” Carter spat.

  “He finally told me his Alpha was going to give him a chance at the head beta position, but only if he managed to kill Aidric.” Delaney cringed. “It was like a trial for Faulkner. I panicked when I realized how serious this had become. I attacked… and he beat my ass. When I woke up, he was gone. I left for home immediately, but it was late. I knew the hunt had begun.”

  “But why? This still makes no fucking sense.” Shea threw his hands in the air. “That Alpha doesn’t even know Aidric. Does he, Aidric?”

  Disturbed, I shook my head. “Never heard of him. I’ve met a few Alphas throughout the years, but he’s not one.”

  Trembling, Delaney continued. “Faulkner told me Alpha Covington hates werecats. Like, rabidly hates them. I have no idea why.”

  Faulkner sneered, finally speaking. “Because his mate was a werecat. He saw her in town one day. He approached her, told her who and what she was to him, and she completely freaked out. Said she would rather die than be mated to a fucking werewolf. Her words. It took a few months, but he managed to finally kidnap her.”

  I vaguely remembered hearing something about another clowder asking Dolf’s father about her. “Shit.”

  “All she did was cry and plead, begging to be returned to her clowder. About six months after she arrived, she killed herself. Slit her own throat. By the time my Alpha found her, she was dead.”

  “Goddess,” I whispered. I could only imagine what it must have taken to drive her to do that.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “I APOLOGIZE, Sabrina.”

  She dipped her head in acknowledgment. I still didn’t trust her, but at least she hadn’t betrayed me or the pack. I wasn’t clear why Faulkner tried to blame Sabrina. Maybe he was trying to protect Delaney in some twisted sort of way?

  How had he heard of her, anyway? Delaney and Sabrina were pretty tight, so it made sense Delaney would speak of her. It also made sense Delaney let it slip what his sister’s feelings were toward me, and my mating with Aidric.

  I turned from her and went to stand in front of Faulkner, studying him while trying to figure out what was not being said. “Not only does Alpha Covington hate werecats, I’m also willing to bet the fact I mated Aidric, and our mating is working, was more than he could stand. As I understand it, you kill my mate and you basically rise in position.”

  Faulkner didn’t speak, even though Temple gripped Faulkner hard, his claws sprouting.

  “It’s got to be more than that.” Aidric bit his lip. “Think about it, Carter. If they managed to kill me, where would that leave you?”

  I shuddered. I knew exactly where it would’ve left me. Probably in the same position as my brother—mindless with grief.

  Aidric nodded. Maybe he saw the horror in my face. “Exactly. Not in a good place, to say the least. Follow me here. You’re grieving, and the pack dynamics are messed up because of how you’re acting. Everybody is upset because you’re upset—”

  “And no one is paying attention to what’s going on around here,” Shea whispered. “Oh, Fenrir.”

  Aidric stared off into space, frowning. “That would be a perfect time for one pack to attack the other.”

  “Shit.” Temple spun Faulkner around to face him, eyes narrowed. “You bastard. That’s exactly what your Alpha has in—”

  A flurry of howls that were not pack interrupted Temple.

  Faulkner jerked away from Temple to rush Aidric, his attack not slowed by the shoulder Temple’s claws had shredded. Somebody yelled. Everything moved in slow motion as Temple and Shea launched themselves at Faulkner, as I did too. Every beat of my heart rang like a death knell in my ear. I wasn’t going to get to Faulkner before he got to Aidric.

  No. I refused to accept this. Aidric and I had come too far for it to end like this. I howled, my fear and frustration blanketing the room. A split second before Faulkner plowed into him, Aidric jerked out of the way.

  He rolled across the floor as Faulkner skidded to a stop just feet from him. This couldn’t be happening. Just simply couldn’t. I roared again. Aidric landed in a crouch next to the dead werewolf Baylor had killed, and ripped the arrow out of the body and from the wall.

  Faulkner rushed Aidric. He was close, too close to Aidric for me to do any good. Even as Temple, Shea, and I desperately tried to switch directions toward Faulkner, Aidric spun and slammed the arrow into Faulkner’s throat, piercing the jugular. Blood spurted. Faulkner’s scream of pain was nothing more than a gurgle.

  I yanked Faulkner away from Aidric. As soon as I touched him, I knew Aidric had finished him. Faulkner’s heartbeat was already slowing. Blood poured down his chest from the wound, bright red, and there was a startled look of disbelief on his face as he stared at me. Blood bubbled from his mouth and dripped down his chin.

  “No,” Faulkner mouthed.

  There were many things a werewolf could bounce back from, but not this. Light faded from his eyes as his spirit left. I dropped Faulkner’s body, uncaring, and frantically reached for Aidric.

  Shaking so hard I could barely hold my mate, I pulled him to me. Chest heaving, I wrapped him in my arms and pulled him away from the others. My wolf had reached the end of its rope. Death and destruction ruled his mind. My mate had been threatened over and over tonight, and my wolf simply couldn’t deal with anything else.

  Pushing Aidric to the nearest corner, I shoved him into it as I fought for control. My wolf was violent in his need to protect his mate. Horrified, I struggled as a haze settled over my mind. My wolf was only a few slippery steps away from going feral, and I couldn’t stop him. Snarling, I spun, putting my body in front of Aidric and everybody else. Rational I was not.

  “Get back!” I bellowed at my pack.

  “Fuck.” Temple skidded to a stop, wide-eyed and panting. With his arms spread out from his body, he backed away.

  He stank of

  Trembling, Shea eased away too. “Everyone get the hell back! Slowly, though. Make no sudden movements. Gods, do not make any sudden moves.”

  Unable to stop the change, I shifted and backed Aidric farther into the corner, snarling. Anybody who so much as took a step toward my mate, I would kill them. He was mine. Mine.

  “Hey.” Aidric spoke softly. Gently. Concern teased my nose, but not terror. He wasn’t afraid of me.

  I whined deep in my throat, confused but still maddened.

  “I’m okay. Seriously, I’m perfectly fine, so can you calm down?” Aidric gently stroked his hand across my back. “I told you once before I’m not doing the damsel-in-distress thing. While I love you and love that you want to protect me, I need you to remember I’m more than capable of protecting myself.”

  Wait, what? What did Aidric say?

  Aidric tugged my ear. “I know you’ve been pushed to the limit tonight, but now’s not the time for you to wolf out. Come back to me, Alpha.”

  He loved me.

  Aidric knelt and wrapped his arms around me. “But thank you. Knowing you care enough to protect me means the world. Did you know that on the way back here, I wasn’t thinking about your pack or the pack? I was calling them my pack. They are mine, just as much as you are mine. Just as I am yours. Carter, I love you. And while I love your wolf too, I really need the man right now.”

  Peace blanketed me. All the worry, fear, and anger drained away. My mate loved me. He said it. I heard it, and everybody in the room also heard it. My wolf finally calmed. All was good in his world. Now the man needed to tell Aidric he loved him too.

  I shifted, pulled Aidric up with me as I stood, and wrapped my arms around him. “I love you too. Gods, do I love you.”

  Aidric kissed my lips. “And I’m going to show you just how you are loved later… just as soon as we take care of those who would attack our pack.”

  Shit. I’d lost my ever-loving mind. How could I have forgotten that? With one last gentle caress, I backed away from Aidric and faced our pack. “Shea and Temple? With me. Darius and Jack, stay here and defend the pack house and pups.” I pointed out a few more deltas to stay also. “Older werewolves and the adolescents stay here too. Everyone else, come!”

  Clothes flew as those who had dressed undressed. I turned to Aidric. “Please protect the pups.”

  “I will. Be careful.”

  “I will. You too.” I pulled Aidric into another quick hug and whispered in his ear, “My family is important to me, but you? You are my life. Take care of what’s mine.”

  With that I pulled away from Aidric, shifted, and led my pack out of the house. I scented the breeze, pinpointing where the enemy was. They weren’t as close to the pack house as I first feared, especially since my wolf had a minor meltdown and delayed our leaving.

  I howled, rage and challenge carrying on the wind. Attack me during a full-moon hunt? A time when no reputable wolf would dare to do such a thing? Threaten my mate yet again? I wasn’t going to stop until the Alpha of the Blue Hills Pack was a bloody mess at my feet.

  My pack spread out, forming a line on either side of me as we raced toward the woods. Glowing yellow eyes met us. Desperation and fear were thick on the breeze. Not all these wolves wanted to be here. I ran, the scent of Alpha the only thing I cared about.

  Many of the enemy wolves spied me, but Shea and Temple cut them off before they could attack. Growls and ominous howls echoed near me. Shea tangled with a wolf off to my right, and Temple was fighting on my left.

  One of my wolves howled, and I slowed, turning to see what was wrong. An unknown wolf broke through our lines and headed straight for the pack house. Indecision swamped me. Should I follow him or continue after…. An arrow sailed through the night and slammed into the wolf who had gotten through our lines.

  The fuck? Briefly I turned and glanced back at the pack house. Up on the second story stood Aidric, the moonlight highlighting his sleek form. A slight breeze ruffled his hair. There was no mistaking the cocky grin on his face. In his hands he held Baylor’s crossbow. Impressed, I howled, and Aidric saluted.

  Take care of our pack, Alpha.

  Aidric’s voice drifted through my mind. Stunned, I could only stare at the magnificent figure he represented. I knew he could speak to me while we were in our shifted form, but this? This was an advantage no other Alpha I knew of could claim. I love you, babe. You are truly magnificent.

  Aidric loaded another arrow into the crossbow. And I love you too, and yes, I am. Now destroy that asshole.

  MANY BLOODY hours later, I stood, surveying the senseless loss of life that surrounded me. Several Blue Hills wolves lay near the pack house with arrows protruding from them. Some were dead and some were not.

  The battle between the Blue Hills Alpha and me had been ridiculously short, violent, and distinctly lacking in honor. He and two of his betas attacked me, but I expected no less. He never formally challenged me. Instead he attacked during a time that was supposed to be sacred.

  After I killed him, his remaining wolves who were still mobile fled. I designated certain pack members of mine to bury the Blue Hills wolves off my land while others of my pack tended to our wolves who were injured. I thanked Fenrir none of mine had died.

  The surviving Blue Hills wolves huddled together after Shea and Temple herded them in front of the pack house. Several of my wolves kept a close eye on the motley group. The full moon was still up, but I had the floodlights on too.

  I stood in front of the pack house in my human form with the dead Alpha slung over my shoulder. He remained in his wolf form since I’d killed him while we fought. Aidric, Shea, and Temple stood on the pack house steps behind me.

  “Blue Hills Pack, your Alpha is dead, killed by my hand.”

  There wasn’t much anguish coming from the surviving group. I wasn’t surprised. It was also distressingly obvious there were no betas or deltas in the group either. The ones who held rank fled, leaving the weaker members of the pack at my mercy.

  It was infuriating but also left me sad. Obviously the ones who held power had no regard for anybody but themselves. It certainly left me in a sticky situation. I had the right to kill them all, but the tension radiating from Aidric clued me in that such a decision would not go over well.

  Aidric was still trying to adjust to werewolf culture, but my mate had a big heart. Unnecessary death was something he could not live with. Since I had to live with him, I wanted him happy. It still didn’t answer the question of what to do with these poor broken wolves.

  And broken they were. In wolf form their coats were unhealthy and ragged. Their eyes didn’t glow a vibrant yellow. In human form they were scrawny. Many of them looked malnourished, and their hair hung in greasy lumps around their shoulders. I couldn’t ignore the desolation in their eyes.


  If I released them and allowed them to return to their pack, who knew what hell I was sending them back into. As they’d attacked us earlier, their unwillingness and desperation were obvious, but a wolf compelled by his Alpha had no choice.

  Damn. There was no hope for it. “It would be well within my right to kill each and every one of you, but instead of doing that, I’m going to offer you a choice.”

  The captives perked up.

  “You may leave. Return to your pack if you wish or go elsewhere. I don’t care. You will be escorted off my land, and that’s the last I want to see of you.” I looked over the crowd. There were maybe only ten of them, and no one was stampeding toward my territory boundaries.

  A younger werewolf spoke up. “You would… you would allow that?”

  “Yes. The other option is you stay. You’ll be assimilated into my pack, and as such, that means you will swear loyalty to me. As a member you’ll be required to follow the rules just as every other wolf here is required to.”

  Surprise and hopeful mutterings spread through them.

  “But I want to make this clear.” I called upon my wolf. My eyes
changed, and my fangs dropped. I allowed my claws to grow from the tips of my fingers. I unleashed my power so they would fully understand who they were dealing with. “Aidric LeClair is a werecat. He is my mate and has been claimed by me. Make no mistake: I love him.”

  “And I love him too.” Aidric spoke from behind me.

  Pride filled me. “Aidric was a beta to the West Falls Clowder, so don’t think he’s incapable of protecting himself. He isn’t. And he’s damn handy with the crossbow too. You move against him, you move against me. I will not grant you a second chance at life.”

  I wasn’t surprised in the least when every last one of them wanted to join my pack.

  I assigned Temple and Shea to the newcomers. They would get the needed information from the new members and assign temporary living quarters. Over the next few days, I planned to meet with each of them, find out their skills, and have them swear loyalty to me.

  Aidric came down the steps and wrapped an arm around my waist. “Looks like our pack just increased.”

  “I’ll say.” My never-ending list of things to do had just expanded by leaps and bounds.

  These new wolves would need everything, since I highly doubted what possessions they had as members of the Blue Hills Pack would be given to them. Good thing some of my pack were in construction, because it looked like housing suddenly became a priority.

  Aidric ran his hand down my arm, subtly checking some of my wounds. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Good.” Aidric rested his head against my shoulder. “Then why don’t you come inside? I know a certain pup who’s very anxious to see you.”

  Aidric tugged me up the pack house steps. The main room had been cleared of broken furniture and swept. There was work that needed to be done in here, things to replace, but those were just objects. Keegan jerked away from Shirley and made a beeline toward me. Things could be replaced, but lives couldn’t. I knelt, and Keegan flung himself at me.

  “Uncle Carter!”


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