Stackin' Paper # 6
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CoCo glanced around her bedroom making sure she wasn't forgetting anything. She did have what she needed most which was a duffel bag full of money. It was more than enough cash to keep her living comfortably for however long she needed to stay on the run. Right before heading out she picked up the envelope she had left for Chanel off her bed. CoCo hadn't been able to get in touch with her sister for the last few days, and this was the only way she could tell her what was going on. From what her informant told her, Chanel wasn't listed on the indictment and hoped it would stay that way so her sister could hold it down while she was gone. CoCo put the envelope back down on the bed and picked up the two bags she was taking with her and headed to the front door. She looked around the stunning condo that she adored so much one last time and opened the door to escape her past and start a new future. "CoCo Armstrong, we have a warrant for your arrest! Turn around and put your hands behind your back!" the federal agent screamed. The agent was so close up on CoCo that when he yelled, spit flew in her face. But even under those circumstances, it didn't motivate her to move. She was frozen in disbelief at the sight of several federal agents aiming guns in her direction, and with one pull of the trigger, could blow her brains out. "Turn around!" the federal agent screamed again, but this time he forcefully turned CoCo so her back was facing him, and he placed the handcuffs around her wrists.
Talisa was jolted out of her sleep by loud pounding. The more she had tried to ignore the deafening sound the louder it became. "Genesis, what's going on?" she said half asleep. But the loud noise continued and she heard no answer to her question. With another loud boom echoing through the room, she sat up. It sounded like a truck was breaking the door down. With her eyes now fully open, she looked over to the side of the bed where Genesis had been sleeping and he was gone. In his place was a note: Dear Talisa, I love you more than anything in this world. Please believe that. But I had to go. I couldn 't take a chance and put my life in the hands of a man that I've never even met. Know that I love you and be strong while I'm gone. When the time is right, I'll send for you. Genesis As Talisa sat in bed absorbing each word she had just read in the letter, she heard what sounded like an explosion. She immediately balled up the letter and tossed it under the bed. A few minutes later, federal agents were standing in the bedroom doorway with guns aimed at her. "Put your hands up! We have an arrest warrant for Genesis Taylor." "He isn't here," Talisa said stoically. "Search the premises!" one of the agents ordered the other agents. "Do you have any idea where we can locate Mr. Taylor?" "No, I don't." Talisa watched as the agents turned the place upside down, destroying the condo they shared together. But without Genesis it no longer felt like a home to her. She gently placed her hand over her stomach, and out of all the craziness that had gone down the last couple of days, her biggest regret was not being completely honest with Genesis. She was waiting for the right time to tell him, but it never happened. Now it might be too late. Genesis had no clue that he was the intended target for last night's murder and Arnez was the monster who was to be held accountable. Once Arnez got word that Genesis was very much alive and on the run, Talisa knew he would use the opportunity to prey upon her. But the worst part was that Talisa's life was no longer the only one in danger. Her biggest kept secret which was supposed to be a joyous surprise to be shared with Genesis, was that the love they created was now growing inside of her-their baby.
Sweet Dreams Chantal was contaminated with hatred when she bolted out the church and jumped in her Benz. As she sped off, the paparazzi went ballistic coming up with scenarios as to why the bride-to-be stormed out the church like a bat out of hell and where she was off to on her wedding day. Chantal kept replaying the words that Kenny said to her. Andre isn 't going to marry you. It was suffocating her brain. All she could think about was getting home and reading the letter that he left. There had to be an explanation for all this, and some sort of clue as to how she could get him back. As Chantal pulled up to the driveway she slowed down when she saw what was supposed to have been her future husband lovingly embracing her archenemy. She sat in her car from a distance studying the couple as if they were strangers. The man was standing on the front door steps kissing the woman and running his fingers through her long dark hair. The woman jumped up and wrapped her legs around the man's waist and he twirled her around as if they were new young lovers. They laughed and smiled at one another as if they were the only two people in the world, as if no one else existed or mattered. Chantal couldn't help but wish it was her. Shari seized Kenny's arm as he was turning to leave. "Wait a minute, Kenny. I want you to tell me what's really going on with Andre." "No disrespect, Shari, but I explained everything that needed to be said to Chantal. I'm done here." "How can you come and wreck a woman's world and then say you're done? I know you're not that cold, maybe Andre but not you." "You don't even know me, so you can't say what type of man I am." "I know that you were the one who had enough balls to break the news to Chantal, instead of Andre's coward ass doing it." "I know the whole situation is a little fucked up, but Andre means well." "A little! He left the mother of his child at the church on their wedding day. That is more than a little fucked up. Now I have to go out there and explain to hundreds of people and a sweet innocent little girl why her parents aren't getting married today. Now I want some answers." Kenny put his head down and turned his back, leaving Shari to answer her own questions. Reality returned and Chantal comprehended that the couple weren't strangers but the love of her life Andre and the love of his life, Tyler Blake. She looked down at her $100,000 custom-made Vera Wang wedding gown and the diamond studded Manolo that was placed firmly on the brakes. Her fresh French-manicured hands were gripping the steering wheel to her silver CL600 Coupe. It all made sense now. Andre wasn't marrying her because his heart belonged to a woman that didn't deserve him. No matter how hard Chantal tried, Andre couldn't accept as true that her mentality had gone from hooker to housewife. Instead, he chose a woman that didn't truly love him at all. But there was no way that Tyler Blake would steal her thunder. Andre and Chantal had exchanged vows and it was until death do them part. Chantal lifted one Manolo off the brake and pressed the other on the gas. Tyler was the first to notice the silver Benz racing toward them. She had a flashback to when she was a teenager in Georgia and everything went in slow motion as Trey, the abusive boyfriend she dated in high school, blew his brains out. Tyler's body once again froze, and as the sound of the engine got closer and louder, Andre slowly turned his head and locked eyes with the deranged Chantal, and all Tyler could let out was, "Andre look out!" The Saga Continues... In Stores Now Superstar!!
Joy King About theAuthor Joy King was born in Toledo, Ohio, and raised in California, Maryland, North Carolina and New Jersey. She is representing a new genre of young, hip sexy novels that take readers behind the velvet rope of the glamorous, but often shady entertainment industry, and street life in all its complexity. Joy attended North Carolina Central University and Pace University, where she majored in journalism. Emerging onto the entertainment scene, Joy accepted an internship position, and immediately began to work her way up the ranks, at The Terrie Williams Agency. She worked hands-on with Johnnie Cochran, The Essence Awards, The Essence Music Festival, The NBA Players' Association, Moet & Chandon, and other entertainment executives and celebrities. Following a new chapter in her life, Joy attended the Lee Strasburg Theater Institute before accepting a job as Director of Hip Hop Artist Relations at Click Radio, where she developed segments featuring the biggest names in hip hop. Joy pushed her department to new levels by creating an outlet that placed hip hop in the forefront of the cyber world. Joy made her literary debut with Dirty Little Secrets, a novel that is loosely based on her life. A prolific writer, King also writes under the pseudonym Deja King and Katina King. Visit to find out about her next novel. IN STORES NOW
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Deja King, Stackin' Paper # 6