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Her Guardian Shifter

Page 23

by Karen Whiddon

  “Now, Shawn, show me how to get into the crypt,” JJ barked. She couldn’t help but notice the way he gave a little start before shooting the bear a worried glance.

  Reluctantly, and moving slowly enough that JJ suspected he was working on an alternate plan, Shawn shuffled over to the crypt. He reached behind a stone marker and twisted something—obviously some sort of hidden lever—and the massive door began to slide slowly open. As it did, Garth’s cries sounded clearer and much closer.

  It took every ounce of self-discipline she had to keep from rushing inside the crypt for the baby.

  “How did you find out about that?” Rhonda asked, the admiration in her voice infuriating JJ.

  Shooting Eric yet another assessing glance, Shawn shrugged. “I watched a documentary on old graveyards. They featured a crypt similar to this one. When I arrived here early, I couldn’t figure out where to put the kid. So I checked out a couple of crypts. This one had the gears to open it up. Perfect place to stash him.”

  “Yeah, until he ran out of air,” JJ said. Shawn’s frown told her he hadn’t even considered that horrifying possibility. “Then you would have been guilty of murder in addition to kidnapping.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Shawn retorted. “My adoptive brother is in law enforcement. FBI, I think. He’ll take care of me. He always does.”

  “Not this time.” JJ took great pleasure in saying those words. The crypt was finally open. “Eric, I’m going in,” she said. “Watch my back.”

  Chapter 23

  The giant grizzly nodded. As JJ took a deep breath and stepped into the dank darkness, little Garth stopped crying. She froze, uncertain now which direction to move. She didn’t know what she’d do if she bumped into a skeletal body or a coffin or whatever they put inside these things.

  “Garth?” she called out, using the singsong voice he always responded to. “Where’s my little Garthy-poo?”

  He made that little snuffling sound, with his small fist in his mouth, that she loved so much. Which was enough for her to judge how close he was. Had Shawn placed him on the frigid ground or on, heaven forbid, a cement ledge, shelf or a casket?

  Taking a deep breath, she tried not to think about where she was or how awful it would feel to get locked in this place. Luckily, little Garth had no idea—all he knew was cold and darkness.

  Hands in front of her, moving slowly, she called the baby’s name again. This time, apparently still hungry and most likely wondering why she wasn’t feeding him, Garth let loose with his impressive lungs.

  Perfect. Crossing the space between them, she focused on the sound. “Here you are.” Picking him up, she clutched him to her. At least he’d been bundled into his coat, though his tiny hands were icy cold.

  She turned around and carefully made her way toward the opening. “I’ve got him,” she called as she stepped out of the darkness. To her shock, Shawn had vanished.

  * * *

  The instant JJ disappeared inside the crypt, Shawn took off, sprinting toward the parking lot as if he truly believed he could outrun a grizzly bear. Except in this case, Eric had no plans to chase him. No way was he leaving JJ and Garth alone with Rhonda. Since she’d admitted to attempting to help Yolanda get Garth back, he figured he knew exactly what she’d do. Attack JJ and steal the baby.

  He glanced at her, to find her watching him with a half smile on her face. “You need to change back,” she said. “Before the authorities get here. I know you’ve got Pack Protectors helping you, but they just might send the human police or FBI. You know there’s no way you can explain a grizzly bear in the cemetery.”

  Just then, JJ emerged from the crypt holding a quiet Garth. Eric immediately forgot everything besides getting to his son.

  “Here he is,” JJ announced.

  Immediately, Eric knew he needed to change back to human so he could hold his little boy. But his clothes were a good way off, and the last thing he wanted was both Rhonda and JJ there to witness the expected arousal that always came with the change.

  JJ seemed to understand the problem immediately. “We’ll walk to where you left your clothing,” she said, shooting a hard look at Rhonda. “While you change, I’ll make sure she doesn’t try anything foolish.”

  “Really?” Rhonda drawled, apparently unable to resist. “And how, exactly, are you planning to do that?”

  “Tie you up, of course,” JJ responded sweetly, as she reached down and picked up the rope previously used to bind her.

  “That’s not really necessary,” Rhonda began.

  But JJ shook her head. Carefully placing little Garth at Eric’s furry feet, she walked over to Rhonda. “Hands behind your back,” she ordered. “And count yourself lucky I don’t hit you upside the head and knock you out.”

  Once Rhonda’s hands were secured and JJ had picked up Garth again, Eric led the way back to the place where he’d changed. His discarded clothing remained in a pile at the base of a tree.

  With a quick jerk of his head, he indicated JJ should stand with Garth on the other side of him, away from Rhonda. Even though her hands were bound, he didn’t entirely trust her not to try something. She was a shifter also, and could easily change to escape her ties.

  Of necessity, he planned to make this the fastest shift back to human he’d ever done.

  Dropping to all fours, he initiated the change, pushing his body hard. Pain knifed through him. Ignoring it, he continued. As soon as he’d regained his human form, he turned his back to the two women and grabbed his clothes.

  “You know, you and I are more alike than you realize,” Rhonda said. “I didn’t put two and two together until you appeared in your bear self here, but now I understand much better. I thought Garth got his nature from Yolanda, but if both of you are Vedjorn, the chance of him becoming Berserker is that much more likely. You know this, which is why you went on the run.”

  “I went on the run, as you put it, to protect my son. And what do you mean, like you?” Though he suspected he knew. Hoped it wasn’t so, but figured Rhonda would tell him.

  Still moving fast, he yanked up his jeans to cover his arousal. He winced as he tried to close the zipper. There’d been other times in the past when he’d wished there was a way to turn off this particular occurrence, but never more than right now.

  Rhonda didn’t answer, which could be good or bad, depending.

  Once he’d donned his shirt and his parka, he yanked on his gloves before he finally turned to face her. Holding Garth, JJ remained on his other side. “Are you planning to answer?” he asked. His breath made plumes in the frigid night air.

  “A bear.” All bundled up herself, she came closer. “I saw you shift back to human. And I know what happens after that. I’m available,” she purred. “If you want to slake your body’s need.”

  Though his arousal stirred, he didn’t move. “No, thank you,” he began, before the rest of her words dawned on him. “You’re a bear shifter, too?”

  “Yes. I came here five years ago to hide out.” She licked her lips, not a wise move in this kind of cold. “My father was put to death for being a Berserker. And you know how they feel that trait is hereditary, so my mother packed me up and shipped me off. She wanted to protect me, the same way you think you can protect your child.”

  She took another step, her gaze fixed on his somehow still conspicuous bulge. He yanked his parka down over it.

  “Come here,” she urged him, her voice seductive, despite the fact that she knew JJ stood right behind him. “I know all too well that burning need. You’re as aware as I am of what we have to do.”

  “No.” He straightened up, drawing all his strength and willpower into himself. While to any other man her offer might have been tempting, the only woman he wanted was JJ. This realization so astounded him, he froze.

  Which turned out to be a huge
mistake. With her hands still tied, Rhonda barreled into him, knocking him down into the damp leaves. On top of him, she bared her teeth as if she meant to bite him. When he recoiled, she began fumbling with his clothes.

  Eric pushed. Hard. He might have used a lot of his energy changing and hunting, but he still had enough strength to move a determined woman off him. She flew backward, landing on her behind in the snow.

  “No,” he said again, loud and clear, just in case she’d somehow missed it the last time. He pushed himself to his feet, glaring at her. She bowed her head, finally acquiescing.

  Behind him, little Garth began to cry, his hunger pangs unabated.

  Watching Rhonda carefully, JJ brought the baby to him. “He wants his daddy.”

  Relief and love flooded through him.

  “Is he all right?” he asked, taking Garth from her and kissing his baby boy’s forehead. “He looks okay.”

  “He seems fine. His hands are a little cold, but Shawn knew enough to put him in his winter coat and hat. He just forgot the gloves.”

  Eric carefully examined Garth’s small fingers. Luckily, the sleeves of his jacket were long enough to keep them semiwarm. Though the dim light made it difficult to see, blood flow appeared good. He saw no sign of frostbite.

  While he did all this, Rhonda stood stock-still, her head back up, her eyes glittering, watching. “You really love that little guy, don’t you?” she asked, a note of wonder in her voice. “Maybe I was wrong to believe everything your ex-wife told me.”

  He wouldn’t have put it past her to lie in the hopes of getting away with what she’d done. Or worse, attempting to trick them so she could make a move to grab Garth. Over his dead body. Right now, dealing with Rhonda was the least of his priorities.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he told JJ. “I want to get Garth home so I can check him over and get him fed.”

  “What about her?” JJ asked, eyeing Rhonda. “I’m guessing we should bring her with us. We can’t leave her here.”

  Which actually would be what he preferred to do. But JJ was right. “We’ll let the Protectors deal with her once we’re back home.”

  “Let me take Garth,” JJ offered. “That way your hands will be free to handle anything else that might happen.” She meant Rhonda, who turned to grimace at her.

  Because JJ was right, he handed over Garth. Ordering Rhonda to walk ahead of them so he could keep her in his eyesight at all times, they began to make their way back to the car.

  Rocking the baby as she walked, JJ sighed. “I still can’t believe Shawn found me. I’m not sure I can ever feel safe again.”

  “It’ll be okay. He’s probably looking at some jail time, since he faces human charges of kidnapping and attempted murder. Both Protectors and human law-enforcement will be looking for him. I’m pretty sure he won’t do anything that might reveal his location right now.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Rhonda interjected, her voice smug. “I don’t know how you feel about your ex-wife, but that woman can be very persuasive when she wants to be.”

  He grimaced. It was true that Yolanda had a raw, animalistic sex appeal, at least when one didn’t know she was crazy. No doubt someone like Shawn would be susceptible to her wiles.

  “What about you?” he asked, more from curiosity than anything else. “Does Yolanda appeal to you, as well?”

  “Not in that way.” Her response came immediately. “Though I have to admit, you do.”

  JJ snorted. “Keep dreaming.”

  Staring directly at Eric, Rhonda ignored her. “Eric, you know you have a duty to our kind, don’t you?”

  The cold had begun to seep through his clothes, making him concerned for his son. They’d almost reached his SUV. Using his key fob, he unlocked it and then handed the keys to JJ. “Go ahead and get him inside and start the engine so the heat can warm him up. His car seat is still in the back.”

  JJ nodded, glancing from him to Rhonda before accepting the keys and hurrying to the car. He waited until she and Garth were both inside, with the motor running, before turning to face Rhonda. “I’m going to press charges,” he said. “And I’ll be urging JJ to do the same.”

  “For what?” Her indignant tone seemed to indicate she didn’t feel she’d done anything wrong. “This is a Vedjorn matter, and as such, not subject to external laws.”

  Did she just make up her own rules as she went along? “We’ll let the Pack Protectors decide about that.”

  “What is wrong with you?” she asked. With her hands still tied behind her back, she thrust her chest out. “I know I’m attractive. There are not very many of us here in the United States. How is it that you aren’t even interested in mating with me?”

  Inwardly wincing at her complete absence of self-respect, he shook his head. “I’m not interested in mating with anyone right now.”

  “Right,” she sneered. “You sure seem interested in JJ. Of course, you’re aware that’s not allowed.”

  “It’s allowed,” he said, before he thought better of it. “Just frowned upon. There’s a difference.”

  “Forbidden,” she insisted, glaring at him. “I know. I met a really nice wolf shifter a few years ago, but once he learned I was bear, he told me he got visited by the Pack Protectors.”

  “You revealed your true nature?”

  “I can do what I want. Plus I thought he should know, since we were about to have sex together.”

  More wrongness, but what Rhonda did was not his concern. The Pack Protectors might decide otherwise. He took a deep breath. “Rhonda, you need to let this go. There will never be anything between you and me.”

  For a split second, he thought she might agree. But then she narrowed her eyes and advanced on him. “I claim you as mate,” she declared. “You cannot refuse me. Join with me, now.”

  Eric stared in disbelief. That wasn’t how it worked and she had to know it. Shaking his head, he gestured toward his SUV. “Get in. We’re going back to the house. The Protectors will most likely be waiting for us there.”

  As he turned toward the vehicle, Rhonda let out a guttural roar. Full of rage and fury and something else: madness. Damn. Heart pounding, he realized she’d begun making the change to bear. Though her hands were tied, they wouldn’t be for long. Since she still wore her human clothing, her jacket tore and her jeans ripped.

  Not wanting any part of this, Eric began to sprint for the car. Surely she wouldn’t attack him from behind, bear against human. Surely not.

  He grabbed the driver’s side door handle, yanked it open and jumped inside, locking the doors behind him. Since the engine was already running, he shifted into Drive and hit the accelerator, making the wheels spin.

  “She’s coming at us!” JJ exclaimed. “I think she’s going to ram the side.”

  As they pulled away, he looked back. A large brown bear, grizzly just like him, stood at the edge of the cemetery watching them go.

  “I hate that she’s getting away, too,” JJ said, her voice shaky. “Now both she and Shawn are out there, free. And they could get together again with Yolanda.”

  Eric slowed so he could make the corner. Rhonda roared, the rage-filled sound reverberating around the cemetery and down the street. Loud enough to wake the dead.

  One more backward glance and he kept going, his heart pounding in his chest. A word lurked at the edge of his consciousness, one he didn’t want to even allow himself to think. Not now. Not yet.

  And then...incredibly, the bear launched herself toward them, running full-out. Luckily, her top speed was only around 35 mph. Deadly for anyone on foot, but easily beatable in a car.

  Still, despite having to know catching them would be impossible, Rhonda kept coming. Unbelievably gaining, until Eric accelerated and left her behind.

  “She’s crazy.” JJ sounded bot
h shocked and sad.

  “No wonder she and Yolanda get along.” He would mention this episode to Frank DeLeon and Felts for sure. Because he seriously wondered if it was possible Rhonda might be Berserker. And determined to make his innocent son one of them, too.

  * * *

  As they drove, JJ eyed the back of Eric’s head and wondered when she’d fallen so deeply in love with him. She’d chosen to stay in the back with Garth, figuring he’d put a tied-up Rhonda up front.

  Rhonda. A Vedjorn. No wonder she hadn’t wanted to participate in the town Pack hunt. Thinking back to how often she and Garth had been alone with Rhonda, JJ considered it quite a miracle that something awful hadn’t happened sooner.

  “I can’t believe your ex-wife contacted Rhonda and got her to turn against us,” JJ mused. “But then again, if they’re both bears, I guess that would automatically convey a sense of solidarity.”

  “It shouldn’t,” he said. “I regret the day I met Yolanda.”

  The dejection in his voice made JJ ache to comfort him. “But then you wouldn’t have this beautiful baby boy. You know, I really think this is all going to work out in the end. Wait and see.”

  Though she’d really been offering that hope to cheer him up, after uttering the words she felt better.

  They pulled up in front of her house. The construction workers were long gone, though they’d left her front porch light on. Next door, Rhonda’s house sat dark. JJ wondered if the other woman would be going back home, or if she’d meet up with Shawn and Yolanda somewhere and begin plotting a second attempt.

  The thought turned her stomach. “Eric?” Leaning forward, she squeezed his shoulder. “I’m thinking it might be better if you took Garth and went somewhere else. At least until they catch the three of them.”

  “We tried that, remember? Besides, I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  His words had her heart skipping a beat. Still... “Keeping Garth safe is first priority.”


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