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Bad Habit (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 2)

Page 8

by Dawn, Crystal

  Trail grabbed her wide hips with his hands and helped her move faster. “That feels so good.” He groaned.

  Twila moved faster and came down on his shaft harder than she’d thought she could. Her muscles flexed massaging his cock and she grew wetter. She ground against him and it seemed to light her up. “Just a little more.” She encouraged.

  Trail arched up as she came down and they slammed together hard and he went deep. Twila leaned forward giving him a passionate kiss and the angle seemed to hit a hot spot. “Yes.” She cried. She ground against him and her channel began to lock tight around him. It wouldn’t take much to trigger her release and she wanted it.

  Her movements were faster and harder. His hands stroked her back and her shoulders. Her pleasure soared and just as she thought it would never hit, her climax slammed into her. Her body froze and clamped down on his cock with a strangle hold. Trail growled just before her erupted sending stream after stream of hot seed into her. They jerked against each other caught in the thrall of shared bliss. Nothing felt better to Twila than this sense of belonging. It was like they were two parts of one being.

  His warmth wrapped around her and she felt safe and protected. He was her champion and she would care for him and give him her all. Her outlook had changed so dramatically, it would take her a while to accustom herself to sharing her life.

  Twila was confused about somethings, but she knew she never wanted to let him go. He wrapped his arms around her after he covered her with a sheet. It was time to relax and try to get whatever sleep they could. It wasn’t long before they’d have to get up and work all day.

  “Wake up, Sleepy head.” Trail whispered in her ear.

  “Already?” Twila asked.

  “I thought you were a morning person?”

  “Only when I get to sleep at night.”

  “Get up and get ready and I’ll take you to breakfast, Baby.”

  Breakfast sounded good after the lousy meal she’d had last night. Her wolf was hungry and she needed fed. “Okay. Give me a minute.”

  Twila took a quick shower to wake up because she was so sleepy. She dried and dressed in a few minutes and went to see what Trail was up to. “Hey, Sweetheart. You look good enough to eat.” He smiled and looked sexy as hell. “Come on and we’ll walk to Mad’s.”

  “Why Mad’s?”

  “She’s the only place in town open for breakfast.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize.”

  “The Polar Bear doesn’t open until noon and they close at midnight.”

  “Okay. I’ll have to remember that.”

  “I’ll help you.” Trail said with a wink. He seemed much more relaxed now that they were together even though they hadn’t mated yet. It was probably because he could see how much she was forming an attachment to him.

  Twila would admit she didn’t want to be away from him now. They would probably mate in a matter of days because every moment spent with him, made her feel closer to him. The truth was that she wasn’t fighting the feeling like she had been. The females he’d had before, didn’t seem as upsetting now that they were bonding. She’d seen the truth of his feelings and it was convincing.

  They walked up the steps to the porch in front of Mad’s Place. The front was weather beaten and looked like an old saloon from a western town in the eighteen hundreds might. It was more modern on the inside and kept in good shape. Mad’s had a little corner where odd noises and shiny lights always seemed located.

  “What’s in that corner of the bar area?” She asked.

  “It’s a mini casino.”

  “Oh. Is it full all the time?”

  “Yes. There aren’t any others nearby. Mad runs it for the tribe. She takes a cut off the top.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “Did you want to gamble a little?”

  “No, not now. But I’ve never been to a casino and I’d like to take a trip to a big one sometime.”

  “I would be delighted to take you.”

  “Thank you, Trail.”

  “Your wish is my command.” He said as he pulled out a chair for her.

  Once they were seated, a waitress approached with menus. “We don’t need those. Just get us both the steak and egg breakfast.”

  “You two must be hungry.” The waitress said as she hurried off.

  She came back with a coffee pot and filled the cups they had turned over. She set down a couple of glasses. “OJ for either of you?” They both nodded. She left taking the OJ pitcher to another table to refill their glasses.

  “So far, so good.” Twila admitted. “I love coffee even though I wasn’t raised on it. It must be because Moe’s family worships it. They got me hooked.”

  “What about the OJ?”

  “It’s sweet and I think it gives me energy. I always feel better after I drink some. Maybe I’m crazy, but it’s what I think.”

  “It’s possible. I know humans seem to get energy from it.” Trail admitted. “Great! Here comes the food.”

  Twila looked up and saw the waitress had help carrying trays. She set big plate size steaks in front of them. They had a smaller plate with biscuits and gravy she set beside it. The last plate was piled high with hash browns and a pile of scrambled eggs.

  “Looks good.” She said as she dug in. It was a good thing most of the people here were wolves or knew about them. In the human world, people would have stopped and stared at the amount of food she and Trail were eating.

  “Now that I’m back, tell me what’s been going on.” Trail asked.

  “First let’s talk about why I couldn’t reach you.”

  “My phone was off. I couldn’t draw attention to myself. Sometimes that’s just the way things are. I don’t do it unless it’s necessary. Now fill me in.”

  “Okay, Ray got two jobs done yesterday and I sent him to work on Mason’s. Rita’s with him because they worked as a team before.”

  “She knows how to set up security systems?”

  “Yes, not as well as Ray, but she did the job a few years ago. I felt Mason’s had to get done.”

  “No, you’re right, Twila. I’ll be glad to see it get done and I’ll just do a few easy jobs today. It won’t be a bad thing if I hang around closer to the office today.”

  Twila was surprised he didn’t feel she’d overstepped. It was good to know she could make those kinds of decisions without him feeling she’d taken too much on herself. They were both in management but they hadn’t really set up guidelines for working together. She’d stepped back and let Trail take charge, but maybe he had too much to do. That she could help and he’d appreciate it made everything seem better.

  “I don’t mind you being close once in a while either.” She admitted.

  “Maybe I can get done early enough that we can do something fun together since we never got to go on that date.” Trail offered.

  “With everything going on, I forgot all about it. I’m sorry.” Twila declared.

  “Making it through all this danger alive was more important. Don’t worry though, I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.” They finished eating and Trail escorted her back to the office. It was a relief when she saw the door was still locked and nothing had been disturbed.

  Trail unlocked the door and opened it for her. He followed her in and cast his eyes around the place just to be sure. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the stuffing out of her. “That’ll have to hold us until later.” He observed before he walked out.

  Twila went and looked up a job that was nearby and sent him the information he’d need. She saw Ray had sent an estimate that they’d be done in time for an early lunch and did she have another job nearby. Yes, she had several in the area and she sent him one that had been on the list the longest. Checking her emails, she saw the next new hire planned to be in tomorrow morning a day ahead of the plan. If he was ready, they had plenty of work for him.

  The day went fast with new customers, phone interviews, and more inf
ormation from her super tracker. She’d forgotten to tell Trail, but when he came back either at lunch or the end of the day would be time enough. Lunch arrived unexpectedly and with it a customer.

  “Hello, how may I help you?” Twila asked.

  “I’m considering having a security system put in but I want to know more.” The man said. A shiver ran down her back. His voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t place it.

  “Where do you live Mr.?”

  “My name is Brad Noonon. I live near Juneau.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. We’re not going out that far just yet. Maybe in a few months.”

  “Thank you anyway then.” He said and he turned to leave. His eyes moved all over the office as if he was looking for something. Suddenly he just stomped off. What a strange little man.

  Once he was gone, she realized it was lunch time. She’d hoped Trail would be back, but it didn’t seem he would be. She went to the radio, that’s what everyone called them, but it actually was a Sat phone she used to communicate with field personnel, and texted him.

  Will you be back for lunch?

  His answer came back a few minutes later.

  Sorry, Sweetheart. I started the next job and it will be a couple hours before I’m done.

  That was disappointing to say the least, but she’d get over it. She locked up the office and walked to the Polar Bear. It wasn’t any more comfortable to her than Mad’s, it was just different. They had a soup and sandwich menu for lunch but it was anything but light fare. She ordered tomato basil soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. The soup was in a large bowl and she had six half sandwiches. She also had a big mug of beer. Why not?

  By the time she was through eating, she was late getting back to the office. She still wasn’t in such a hurry that she didn’t check to make sure everything was as she had left it. It wasn’t. The toothpick she’d stuck in the door, a trick Trail had suggested, was lying on the ground. Someone had managed to open the door, but why?

  Either they had left a nasty surprise or they had taken something. She did the only she could think of and called Naqi who was there in five minutes with a dog. “Well hello there, Sweetheart.”

  “You’ve become rather friendly. Joey wouldn’t like it.”

  “I’m talking to the dog. He’s such a pretty boy.”

  “Oh, I guess that’s okay.” The dog rubbed his head on Twila’s leg.

  “He seems to like it.”

  He started growling and Naqi opened the door and let him in. He ran straight to the closet where he scratched at the door. “I think someone is lying in wait for you.”

  “I had a visitor earlier that seemed familiar. I couldn’t place him but he acted weird.”

  They walked to the door and Naqi had Twila get behind him. Standing next to the closet, he threw the door open and the dog jumped in. A scream shattered the silence and Naqi disarmed the man about to shoot the dog.

  ‘Who are you?” Naqi asked.

  “I don’t have to tell you anything.” The man said.

  “He said his name was Brad Noonan, but I didn’t believe him. I think I know where I’ve heard that voice before. He tried to get a job with us. His history only went back five years. Something was fishy and we weren’t going to hire him. I guess he figured it out and decided to up his game.”

  “If that was his plan, it didn’t work out too well. He’s going to Tyne and he’ll get some answers.”

  “You have to turn me over to the police. You can’t just take me.”

  “No one knows you’re here. Even if they did, you’re on reservation land.”

  “Indians have to turn people over to the state police. You don’t have a choice.”

  “Like I said, no one knows you’re here. We can do whatever we want.” Naqi emphasized. The man finally looked nervous. “What did you intend to do?”

  “I was told to scare her a little and find out what I could.” Brad said.

  “Your group are the biggest cowards I’ve seen. You fight with women instead of men.”

  “You aren’t men, you’re dogs. Nothing but damn animals. That’s not a fair fight. You tear throats out and eat people.” Naqi pivoted and hit him in the chin. The man crumpled to the floor.

  “I heard all I wanted out of him. Tyne will find out more. These people have to be dealt with. They want to kill and injure. Those people are so full of hate there’s nothing else in their minds. We can’t allow them to continue or they’ll try to destroy us.”

  Twila agreed, there was no reasoning with people like that. Extremists never stopped and their methods got worse over time. A reason to hate and fear was all they needed and her people were faster, stronger, and had better senses. The fact that they lived longer lives was just the cherry on top of the hate filled cake.

  Naqi’s brother came with another guy and they picked up Brad and carried him away. She was sure she’d never see him again and she was glad.

  “Maybe you should come home with me? Joey can keep you safe.” Naqi suggested.

  Twila gave him a glare. “You don’t think I can keep myself safe?”

  “I think everyone needs a little back up sometimes.”

  Twila’s irritation at him collapsed. “I know you’re right, but I doubt they’ll be up to more tricks tonight. Someone needs to be available for the field crews. Besides, we’re drawing in all their people. Pretty soon they’ll have no one left.” She smiled but Naqi wasn’t smiling.

  “You’re safety is important to many of us. Sometimes I think you forget that you aren’t alone anymore. Baiting a trap this way is unsafe. I admit you did better than expected considering this is so new to you, but one mistake and they could take you. They might kill you or worse.”

  His words rang in her head. She knew what worse would be and she’d been there and done that. “I can’t hide forever. At least we’re taking out these hate brokers.”

  “Interesting term, hate brokers. But it fits them well and it’s true they might find other targets if you aren’t here. I’ll have a team watch over you, but Twila?”


  “Please be careful. None of us want to regret leaving you here or suffer over your loss.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be careful and I won’t take any chances.”

  “You already are.” Naqi said as he walked off. Twila watched him go and she felt good. She had stood up for herself and made him listen to her. It was a skill she hadn’t known she possessed. That was the first of many things she planned to do.

  Now all she had to do was prove she had the other skills she had claimed. Taking care of herself and being cautious wouldn’t come easy. It was true she didn’t expect any more trouble tonight, but she didn’t know these humans. Hate might overcome caution and common sense. Not that they’d showed themselves to have any sense common or otherwise.

  The people Twila had dealt with when she was younger had been those like her and those who loved her. After she was taken, they had done things a different way, and she learned quickly what was expected of her and what she would be punished for. These people seemed to have no rules. All they wanted was for her, her kind, and anyone near them, to die.

  How did you work with that? Right now she was doing all she could. She was out in the open where they could see her and hopefully her protectors were stronger, faster, and smarter than those wanting her dead. That was all it came down to, kill or be killed. Trail wouldn’t be happy but he wasn’t here so it was her decision.

  Twila went back to work and time went fast. Ray and Rita got on another project near where they were right after lunch and they were nearly done so she sent them one more address to work at. Right now as far behind as they were, it was a relief each time she was able to mark someone off the list.

  Chapter 6

  My Love

  Trail worked and he worked hard. So hard in fact that sweat formed on his brow and ran off dripping on the ground. It was the first job of the day and while he was nearly done, he’d told Twila to eat wi
thout him. Once he was done here, he had another job nearby to do.

  He was good, Tyne trained them to be the best. No time was wasted as he ran the lines, put in cameras, hooked up the alarm and then once everything was done, he quickly went over it all with the owners or whoever they assigned to be responsible. Right now that was a fifteen year old kid. Really? The kid was smart enough, but he didn’t seem responsible enough and barely paid attention. Joe was the name he’d given Trail and Joe wanted back to his games.

  Poor Twila would be the one they’d call when Joe made a mess of setting the alarm codes or telling them how it worked. There was nothing Trail could do now so he packed up and went to his next job. A granola bar helped keep the beast of hunger at bay for a little while. He knew their backlog of customers was too long and the wait was more than most would stand for. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, they just had more to do than they could get done.

  Who could have foreseen the demand for home security in this area? He certainly hadn’t and while Tyne had been hopeful, this had gone beyond all his expectations. Until the list was caught up, his free time would be extremely limited. If Twila had been trained for field work, she’d probably be out here with him. Trail found he liked that idea.

  This house was smaller than most and only had four windows and two doors. Easy peasy as Moe would say. The lady of the house listened intently as he went through the explanation and wrote down everything important. She’d be fine. He packed up in a few minutes and was gone.

  The last job of the day was the remotest which was saying something. He pulled up to the house, but this had to be the wrong address. The house, or hut would be more correct, didn’t look like anyone had lived here for years. It was small, one large room that the family would share and the bathroom would be the great outdoors.

  There was a temptation to just drive on and forget about it. Instead he did the right thing and got out with some misgivings. With the current threat over their heads, this location was suspicious. It didn’t stop him from getting out, but he looked around cautiously as he made his way to the hut. The closer he got, the more obvious it was that no one lived there. The smell of decay also hit him and it was an odor he recognized.


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