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Entwined (Intergalactic Loyalties)

Page 6

by Smith, Jessica Coulter

  “We’ll go straight to the Prime Minister when we return to Keshpa,” Bane vowed. “I want Lafre out of Ariana’s life, permanently. I agree that as long as Lafre is free, Ari is in danger. It’s obvious the woman will go to any lengths to bond with me.”

  The more muscular of the two eyed him up and down. “You don’t look like much to me. Personally, I don’t see the draw. I think Ariana would be better off with one of us. We could protect her better than you can.”

  Bane had little doubt that they spoke the truth, but he would die trying. The Tarnans wanted her because she was female and for no other reason. Bane wanted her because he loved her, more than anything. He needed her more than he needed to breathe. She was essential to him.

  “I won’t let Ari go. She’s mine, and she’ll always be mine,” Bane told them.

  The warriors nodded, obviously understanding the depth of his feelings for Ariana. He was glad he wouldn’t have to fight them. While he would give it everything he had, something told him he wouldn’t win against them. They were far more experienced and much larger.

  “Take me home,” Ariana said, looking up at him with love and trust.

  Bane pressed a finger to his ear. “Cael, bring us on board.”

  As the air around them shimmered, Ariana waved goodbye to the warriors. A moment later, they were on board the borrowed vessel. Bane’s brothers surrounded them, each smiling at his success in finding his chosen mate.

  But the smile slipped from Bane’s face. He felt as if his body were burning from the inside out. With a gasp, he released Ariana and stepped back. She looked puzzled and tried to come to him again, but he held up a hand. The pain was so intense that he couldn’t speak. Just when he thought he would lose his mind, everything blurred and he closed his eyes. When he opened them once more, he was facing the Prime Minister.

  “Bane, we need to talk. I’m afraid I have no choice but to have you arrested.”

  “Arrested? I don’t understand, Prime Minister.”

  “Lafre has come forward with some damning information. She said that you witnessed the murder in front of your house, you and your slave. I can understand the woman not coming forward, as she has to obey you. But you know better.”

  “Lafre is being a spiteful bitch. She had my slave kidnapped and threatened to have her killed if I didn’t bond with her.”

  The Prime Minister looked surprised. “Lafre will be brought in to face the consequences of her actions. However, that doesn’t change your situation.”

  Bane swallowed hard. He’d known if anyone found out that he’d seen the murder that things would end badly, but it didn’t seem fair that he’d just gotten Ariana back only to lose her again. And yet, he knew he couldn’t fight the system. If the Prime Minister placed him under arrest, there was nothing he could do. It wasn’t like on Earth, where they had a court that would decide your fate. Instead, the Prime Minister would consult with the Arch Prime, the man over everything on Keshpa, and decide Bane’s fate. Even though they only had the word of Lafre, a woman they now knew had wanted to possess Bane at any cost, he doubted he would get away without a prison sentence. Possibly worse.

  “May I at least speak with Ariana first? She and my brothers should enter Keshpa again within a few hours.”

  “No. I think it would be best if your slave be moved back to the auction house so a new owner may claim her.”

  Panic gripped Bane. “No! I beg of you, don’t make her go through that again. Allow one of my brothers to care for her. I’ll transfer ownership of her to Cael. Please. Let me do this. I’ll sign the documents right now.”

  The Prime Minister studied him for a moment. “I suppose it can wait until your fate is decided, but before your sentence is carried out you must sign the documents. I will consent for you to do this as I can see you care for her very deeply.”

  “I love her,” Bane admitted. “Had it not been forbidden, I would have bonded with her.”

  The Prime Minister seemed to contemplate his words. “I realize our neighbor, Vaaden, has permitted this. However, our women are vastly different from theirs. Can you imagine the uprising?”

  “It doesn’t stop me from wishing things could be different. I’ll just have to content myself with her being in my life; perhaps if I’m freed again one day, Cael will be kind enough to give her back to me.”

  The Prime Minister was silent, and Bane figured that didn’t bode well for his future. Due to the severity of the crime he’d witnessed, it was quite possible he could be put to death. If that should happen, he only hoped Ariana didn’t despair and sink into a horrible depression like she had with her unborn child. He wanted her to be happy and have a long life, even if that life was spent with someone else.

  Chapter Six

  Ariana and Bane’s brothers had only been home for an hour when they were summoned to the Keshpan version of a court. Nerves attacked her as she wondered what was to become of the man she loved. They’d been given no clue as to what to expect, and not knowing was possibly worse than anything.

  Cael gripped her hand, trying to reassure her, as they entered the large room. The Prime Minister sat behind an ornate desk with Bane standing before him. She started to rush to Bane’s side, but Cael kept a good grip on her and wouldn’t let her go. She frowned up at him, but he merely shook his head. Instead, they moved to stand off to the side where they had a good view of both the Prime Minister and Bane. Her lover looked haggard, as if he were expecting the worst-case scenario, and wondered if he already knew his fate.

  If he was sent to prison, would she be allowed to tell him goodbye? And what would become of her? The mere thought of another man touching her was enough to make her shiver in revulsion. She would sooner end her life than endure that.

  The Prime Minister drummed his fingers on the desk. “It’s with a heavy heart that I give this verdict, but after more than an hour of deliberation with the Arch Prime, I have little choice.”

  Bane stiffened and Ariana fought back tears.

  “Bane, you are hereby sentenced to death, to be carried out immediately. As previously discussed, you may sign your slave over to your brother, Cael, should he accept the burden of yet another woman to care for.”

  Bane paled and took a deep breath. Ariana broke free with a cry and rushed to his side. As his arms wrapped around her, she buried her face against his chest, breathing in his scent for what she assumed would be the last time. She knew enough about Keshpan law to know it wouldn’t be possible to get Bane out of this situation. Once the Arch Prime made up his mind, there was no way around the decision.

  “I love you,” she said brokenly.

  “Shh, my love. It can’t be good for you to be this upset. You’ll make yourself sick.”

  “I can’t help it. I don’t want to lose you.”

  He nodded to Cael and his brother came over. With infinite tenderness and a sad look in his eyes, he handed Ariana to Cael. “Please accept Ariana. I can go to my death peacefully knowing she’ll be taken care of. I trust you not to harm her in any way.”

  Cael gave a jerky nod. “I’ll treat her with utmost respect, the way you would.”

  The Prime Minister motioned the men forward. “You’ll both need to sign the documents transferring ownership of Ariana from Bane to Cael. Once that’s done, we’ll move out for the sentence to be carried out.”

  Ariana sobbed against Cael, not wanting to think about losing Bane forever. She knew there would never be another love in her life, not like she loved him.

  She watched as the men signed their names and the Prime Minister accepted the papers. He stood and motioned for Bane to precede him out a side door. Ariana and Bane’s brothers followed. When they stepped out into the bright sunlight, they saw a man with a long silver weapon.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “A laser. His death will be quick,” Arko answered, his jaw set.

  Tears still streaked Ariana’s face, and she couldn’t seem to stop the flood. She watched in
horror as the executioner took aim, her beloved Bane looking resigned to his fate. As the man pressed something on the side of the device, Ariana broke free and jumped in front of Bane, reaching for him. She felt a searing pain in her back, pain unlike anything she’d ever felt before, and then nothing. Her eyes slid shut as she fell forward.

  * * *

  Bane caught her, crying out his anguish. Why had she done such a foolish thing? Didn’t she know that his life was forfeit despite her brave act? Or had it just not mattered to her? Had the thought of living without him been too much for her to bear? He knew if their roles were reversed, that’s how he would feel.

  He clutched her in his arms as he sank to his knees. Blood poured from the wound in her back, and he gazed up at his brothers. Cael knelt at his side, reaching for Ariana. His first instinct was to pull away, to keep her to himself, but he knew his brother was just trying to help. He allowed Cael to get closer, allowed him to touch his beloved.

  Cael raised eyes filled with sorrow and shook his head. With a hoarse cry, Bane held Ariana close to his chest as tears fell. He felt as if there was a gaping hole where his heart had been. Without Ariana, his life was meaningless. Without her, he was ready to face death, to join her in the afterlife. Surely their creator would be kind enough to allow their souls to find one another. He couldn’t bear the thought of an eternity without her.

  Cael pried Ariana from his arms. “Give her to me, Bane. I’ll take care of her.”

  Bane nodded and stood. He faced the executioner. “I’m ready now.”

  The man faced the Prime Minister, who shook his head.

  “There will be no execution today,” the Prime Minister said. “Bane, you’ll be transferred to the prison while we re-evaluate your case.”

  Bane panicked. They couldn’t do this; they couldn’t let him live without his beloved. “Please, sir. I don’t wish for you to re-evaluate anything. I’m ready now.”

  The Prime Minister gave him a sympathetic look and began to walk away, motioning for the executioner to follow. He called over his shoulder, “Report to the prison immediately. I’ll know if you don’t and send someone to find you. Don’t even think of harming yourself.”

  Bane looked at his brothers, his gaze finally resting on Cael and Ariana. “Give her a proper burial. I know she’s just a slave to you, but she means so much more to me. She’s my beloved, my chosen mate.”

  “She’ll receive the best of care,” Cael vowed.

  Bane nodded and moved away, heading in the direction of the prison. It mattered little to him where he went. What was a night in the prisons compared to what he was feeling at the moment? He could endure anything, except losing Ariana.

  As he entered the building, he checked in with the guard, not fighting the iron grip on his arm as he was manhandled and forced into a cell. There was only one thing to do now -- sit and wait.

  * * *

  Ariana woke, screaming.

  “Easy,” a voice soothed.

  She opened her eyes further and looked around, her gaze settling on Cael, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. She was lying on her stomach, her dress stripped from her and a sheet across the lower half of her body. Ariana thought she should be embarrassed, knowing he’d seen her naked, but the pain was so intense that she cared about little else. And then she remembered -- Bane!

  “Bane! What happened to Bane?” she asked.

  “He’s fine. He’s been moved to the prison, and the Prime Minister is going to review his case again. I think he’s going to live. He might get prison time, though.”

  “And me? What’s to become of me?”

  He frowned. “I’m not sure. You interfered with the law. As a slave, they won’t bother with putting you in prison. That’s reserved for citizens of Keshpa. But they could put you to death.”

  “It was worth it. Knowing he’ll live is worth any price.”

  Cael cleared his throat. “There’s just one thing.”


  “They think you’re already dead. Bane included. I had to lie to get you out of there.”

  Ariana tried to move and winced. She wasn’t in the same amount of pain as she’d been when the laser had struck her, but she definitely hurt.

  “Take it easy,” Cael said. “You’re healing, but the wound was so deep that it’s going to take a day or two before you’re well.”

  “I can’t lie here for a day or two, Cael. We have to save Bane.”

  “Don’t worry about Bane. Right now, I have to figure out how to save you. Bane entrusted you into my care, and I’m not going to let him down.”

  Ariana sighed. “It seems there isn’t anything we can do for a few days. Once I’m well, we have to let people know I’m still alive. I won’t have Bane suffering because he thinks I’m dead.”

  Cael nodded. “I’ll take you to the Arch Minister myself.”

  “Thank you, Cael,” she said softly. “Your slaves are lucky women to have a man such as you in their lives.”

  He snorted. “It’s sex, Ariana, and nothing more. Don’t go making me out to be something I’m not.”

  Cael moved across the room and began pressing buttons on the control panel. A moment later, a compartment opened and he pulled out a syringe.

  “This will help with your pain and make you sleep,” he told her. “You should feel much better when you wake in a few hours.”

  She barely felt the needle enter her arm, but she could feel the cool solution as it moved through her veins. It didn’t take long for her body to feel numb and her eyes to close.

  * * *

  When Ariana opened her eyes again, it was dark outside. The pain in her back was considerably less. Looking around the room, she didn’t see Cael but there was a bowl of porridge-like stuff on the table beside the bed. She wasn’t quite sure how she was supposed to feed herself without being able to sit with her back against the headboard.

  The door opened and Arko walked in. She was surprised to see him, thinking no one knew she was alive.

  He moved to sit on the edge of the bed, much like Cael had earlier, and he picked up the bowl. Scooping a little out, he held it up to her. “You need to eat to keep up your strength.”

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “Cael said he had someplace to be. He didn’t want to tell me you were alive, but he swore me to secrecy before he told me what was going on.”

  “Are you angry with me?”

  His lips tipped up on one corner. “How can I be angry? You saved my brother’s life. Bane has had a stay of execution. I doubt the Prime Minister will kill him now. He’s something of a sucker for a good love story.”

  “Then… you think I may be safe as well?” she asked, feeling hope.

  “It’s possible, but we won’t know until you go before him. Now, eat!”

  She opened her mouth and accepted the bite, then another and another. Before long, the bowl was empty and Arko stood. He didn’t say a word to her as he walked out, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She had to get well so she could let Bane know she was okay. The creamy stuff Arko had just fed her hadn’t tasted too bad, almost like plain oatmeal. If it were going to make her strong and healthy again, then she’d eat as much of it as they shoveled into her.

  Ariana didn’t know how long she lay staring out the window, completely alone, but Cael eventually came back. She’d never been so happy to see someone. Being around Arko was a little awkward after their history. Not that she wasn’t grateful for him for taking care of her, she just preferred Cael.

  “Where have you been?” she asked softly, not wanting him to take the question as a challenge.

  “I had someone to see.”

  She watched him a moment. He seemed uncomfortable. A female someone, perhaps? Was he seeing a Keshpan woman, or was he embarrassed over going to visit one of his slaves? She knew he owned three just from conversations with Arko in the past.

  “Something tells me this person is someone special in y
our life.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know that she’s special, just different.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “I guess if anyone could understand, it would be you and Bane.”

  “So it’s a slave, then?”

  He nodded. “But she isn’t just any slave. The day I bought her, there was an explosion at the auction house. It affected her eyesight. She’s nearly blind. I’ve never touched her intimately. She seems happy enough, but whenever I’ve talked about going to one of my other slaves, there’s a sadness in her eyes.”

  “It sounds like she cares about you, possibly loves you. While I don’t believe it’s common between slaves and their masters, it does happen. Bane and I are proof of that. Of course, I had feelings for him before he owned me.”

  “She can’t love me! There’s no future for us. I can’t imagine the pain it would cause her, knowing I’m with other women. Unlike my brother, I don’t think I could spend the rest of my life with just one woman.”

  “It isn’t her choice who she loves, Cael. It’s just something that happens. Have you tried talking to her?”

  “About what?”

  “Your feelings. You can’t tell me you don’t feel anything. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be worried about it, about her. The fact that you haven’t touched her tells me a lot. It’s obvious that you aren’t repulsed by her blindness, especially since you haven’t sold her, or worse, had her killed. Instead, you go and spend time with her.”

  Cael’s eyes were downcast. “What can I do?”

  “Show her that she’s desirable, that you want her. Prove to her that she means something to you, other than her being your property. Have you thought of bringing her to your home? Of getting rid of your other slaves?”

  “Do you think she’d be receptive to being intimate with me?”

  Ariana smiled. “Yes, if she cares about you, I think she will.”

  Cael nodded. “Very well. When this situation with you and Bane is settled, I’ll talk to her. I have to admit, the thought of having her in my bed night after night is appealing. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I think of her when I’m with the others. It’s the only way I can…”


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