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Claiming Her_A Romance Collection

Page 70

by R. R. Banks

  I step forward and slam my cock back into her. She groans as I sheath myself inside of her again and start to fuck her. Grabbing a handful of her hair, I pull it nice and hard. She gasps and I tug it again as I slam my cock into her tight, wet little pussy. Amanda pushes herself back, grinding herself against me. Waves of pleasure ripple through me as I move inside of her.

  I give her nice firm ass a good, hard slap and she squeals in delight – which makes me do it again. She tightens her muscles, squeezing my cock nice and hard and draws a groan from me. She keeps doing that, I'm not going to last all that long.

  Amanda stands up and turns around, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She pushes me back toward the lounge chair on the deck.

  “Lay down,” she says.

  I comply and lay down on my back, stretching out on the chair. “I have to say, I kinda like it when you take the bull by the horns, darlin'.”

  She smiles and straddles me, grabbing my stiff prick in her hand and strokes it. “I kinda like being in charge,” she says. “I may have to do this more often.”

  “I wish you would.”

  She guides my cock to her opening and then slides herself down on it. I throw my head back and moan as she takes me deep inside of her and then starts to rock her hips. Amanda plants her hands on my chest to give herself a little leverage and starts bouncing up and down on my dick.

  I grab her hips and hold on tight to her as she fucks me. She's riding me hard and fast, her eyes rolling back in her head as waves of pleasure come crashing down on her. I thrust my hips up to meet her, sliding myself even deeper into her pussy, and make her cry out.

  Feeling me so deep inside of her, thrusting myself up inside of her as she rides me has Amanda moaning and calling my name. And she fucks me harder, riding my cock like a rodeo champion. Reaching behind her, she gives my balls a firm squeeze and tightens up her muscles at the same time. The combined sensation pulls a stuttering gasp from my throat and I nearly come on the spot.

  As it is, the pressure is building up within me and as Amanda keeps fucking me as hard and fast as she is, I'm not going to last much longer anyway.

  Reaching up, I give both of her hard nipples a tweak, making her cry out again as she keeps fucking me. Like a wave approaching the shoreline, I feel it coming.

  “Oh God, Amanda –”

  I don't even get the words out before my cock starts pulsing. I throw my head back and grunt as I blow my load deep inside of her. She digs her fingernails into my chest as she cries out, her body trembling as she's overtaken by another orgasm, relishing the sensation of my warm, wet seed shooting deep inside of her.

  Eventually, our orgasms fade and she collapses on top of me. I kiss her softly on the forehead and we lay there, on the lounge chair, our naked bodies intertwined.

  “I love you, Amanda.”

  “And I love you too, Brady.”

  As the sun disappears below the horizon, ending another day in this beautiful paradise, we fall asleep together to the sound of the waves.


  Six Months Later

  “Thank you all for coming today,” I say into the microphone.

  I nervously stand at a lectern in the large, crowded room. Behind me is a screen that bears the logo of Keating Technologies as well as the San Antonio Copperheads. Now that I was back from my honeymoon and all of the appropriate paperwork had been filed, I was ready to take my rightful place as the head of the Keating Technologies empire.

  In the room is a herd of reporters, but also a big crowd of KT employees. This is the day I introduce myself to my new employees and to the world. It is also the day I am going to unveil the newest project I'm tasking the engineers at KT with – a design concept that I'm passionate about and want to make a reality.

  The room quiets down and all eyes turn to me. There's a slight flutter in my stomach and as I look to my beautiful wife seated at the table to my right, next to Kendrick and Thomas, I feel some of my courage returning.

  She's my rock. My strength. My everything.

  “For those of you who don't know me, my name is Brady Keating,” I say. “Today is the day I assume control of the empire my father built. And today is the day I begin to forge my own legacy.”

  There is a mild round of applause and I take a drink of water.

  “Although I will be the incoming CEO of Keating Technologies,” I say, “I've asked Thomas Newhouse to stay on as the President of R&D and Operations. I think he's done an outstanding job in his capacity as the acting CEO and I want to make sure his brilliance is put to good use. Plus, having somebody as smart as him standing by my side can only make me look better.”

  There is laughter and applause from the crowd as I look over at Thomas. A humble man, he seems to blush as he's recognized by KT's employees. Amanda is close enough that she reaches out and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. I give her a smile and adjust the hat on my head as the crowd settles down again.

  “There are also some changes coming to the Copperheads organization,” I say. “Earlier today, I relieved Rick Dempsey of his duties. I appreciate his service to the franchise these last few seasons and wish him the best moving forward.

  I will be stepping into the role of team president, and until a suitable replacement is found, I will also be the acting General Manager. I promise you, we will bring that winning tradition back to Copperhead football.”

  This is met with wild applause and cheers. What can I say? Texans love their football.

  “Change is coming to Keating Technologies as well as to Copperheads football, but I can promise you that it will be change for the better,” I say. “If there's one thing my parents taught me, it's the value of family. And you folks sitting out there – you're family. Keating Tech would be absolutely nothing without each and every one of you.

  I know it's become something of an empty platitude among many companies today, but I can assure you that it's absolutely true. It's a point that Thomas helped underscore for me some months back when he had me tour the main offices with him. I got a chance to meet and talk with many of you – though, I will make the effort to meet everybody. But hearing your stories, hearing how you feel about working for KT and being part of our family – it inspired me. Made me want to be a better leader and a better person for all of you.”

  More cheers and applause and as I looked out at the crowd, I saw many of them giving me wide smiles and thumbs up signs. I'd never felt like more of a rock star than I did in that moment.

  “And lastly, while I have a minute – and a captive audience – I'd also like to acknowledge somebody special and important to me,” I say, looking at Amanda. I see the color flare in her cheeks and she quickly looks away. “Without her – I don't even know what I would do. She challenges me daily. Pushes me to excel and makes me want to be a better man. A better father. My life is better in a million different ways thanks to her. And I'm so grateful to call her my own.”

  The room absolutely erupts in cheers and applause. I lean down and give her a quick, chaste kiss. Her face is nearly scarlet and she refuses to meet my eyes. Her embarrassment is absolutely adorable. A moment later though, I hold my hand up to quiet the crowd.

  “My wife encourages me to pursue my passion and do those things that bring me joy,” I say. “And so, it's with that in mind that I am very happy to unveil the latest project I am tasking the brilliant minds at KT with – a project I am confident will become a reality.”

  “In combining my love for Keating Tech with my passion for football, it gives me incredible pleasure to announce that Keating Technologies will be partnering with the NFL to design a new helmet and equipment – things that will cut down, and hopefully eliminate – the dangerous effects of CTE and other traumatic brain injuries.”

  The applause is nearly deafening and I can't help but smile. As I look to Kendrick and Thomas – two of the greatest men I've ever known – and then to my wife, before I look out the crowd once more, I reflect on how f
unny and strange life can be at times – and how quickly everything can change.

  As I hold on to Amanda's hand, I smile wide. Life is good. Life is very, very good. And to think – it all started with a sham wedding and a fake bride.

  Like I said, life is funny and strange sometimes.


  Saving Her

  A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance

  The riches don't mean shit when you're empty inside.

  But then I meet the delicate yet beautiful Calee.

  She's running for her life - scared and pregnant.

  She awakens the fucking beast inside me.

  I will save, guard, and protect her.

  They have no idea who the fuck they're messing with...

  Chapter One


  “You're doin' really great,” Danny says. “I'm really proud of you, Calee.”

  I put the book down on the table and smile, feeling a bit of heat creep into my cheeks. I'm not really used to compliments – and I'm really not used to having people feel proud of me. It's – nice. A really strange and uncomfortable, but ultimately nice feeling.

  “Thank you,” I murmur and turn my eyes away.

  “Hey,” Danny says and lifts my chin, making me look him in the eyes.

  “You've come a long way in a short amount of time,” he says. “You should be proud of yourself too.”

  A rueful chuckle escapes me. “You know they say pride goeth before a fall.”

  Danny laughs and shakes his head. “Maybe out there on the Ark,” he says gently. “But here in the real world, there's nothin' wrong with taking a little pride in a job well done.”

  When I was ten, my parents moved me onto a compound in southern Wyoming called the Ark. Without even giving me a choice, they immersed me into a religious group called Noah's Children. My parents grew tired of life on the compound and left a few years later – but not before they'd married me off to the leader of Noah's Children, Raymond Hester.

  Like any cult leader – because speaking plainly, that's what he is – Raymond is intelligent and charismatic. And like most cult leaders, he's completely sociopathic. Though claiming to be a religious sect, Noah's Children is actually more like a group of hardcore Doomsday preppers and the Ark is a heavily armed fortress.

  Oh, Raymond talks a good talk about the Bible and religion and all, but underneath that pious exterior, there's a dark undercurrent. He's angry. Paranoid. Violent. And more than anything, he's spoiling for a fight. He wants a chance to prove that the government or whoever his bogeyman of the day might be, really is out to get him. He wants nothing more than a chance to open up the secret armory and start a war.

  For a few of us, life on the compound is filled with tension and fear. Some of us are just waiting for the day the guns start to fire and the bombs start to go off. The older Raymond gets, the more paranoid and vicious he becomes, and I know it's only a matter of time before the fight he so desperately wants, happens. The question is not if – it's when.

  It sounds dramatic. Like something out of a movie. But that's life out on the Ark. A life I'd give anything to get away from.

  “You're a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for, you know,” Danny says.

  I shrug. “We do receive a rudimentary education on the compound. We learn to read, write, do basic math,” I say. “He says God wants us all to be able to read His word. But Raymond doesn't like anybody – especially the girls – too educated though.

  “Of course not,” Danny rolls his eyes. “Because then, you might start questionin' him. Might start seein' him for what he is.”

  I nod. “Yes. That's exactly it.”

  There's a small school on the Ark where we're taught the basics. Just the simple things – enough, so that we can function in town and interact with others. But like Danny said, Raymond doesn't want any of us to be – too smart.

  Unfortunately for him – and unlike many at the Ark – I know I'm a smart girl and have an unquenchable intellectual curiosity. As a child – before I was taken to the compound – I read everything I could get my hands on. Unlike most kids my age, I enjoyed school. I enjoyed learning. I took to it with passion and zeal and was outpacing my classmates by a wide margin.

  But that all stopped once my parents joined Raymond and Noah's Children. As I got a little bit older and was allowed to do some of the shopping in town, I'd sneak books and whatnot back to my room and read them all – oftentimes, more than once. But it was no substitute for a real education. I did the best I could to educate myself, but I could only do so much with what I had available to me.

  And because my education is – somewhat stunted – I feel like I'm still well behind most everybody my age when it comes to things like reading and math, among other things.

  And it drives me crazy.

  I often tell myself that one day, I'll have the courage to run away from the compound. That I'll have the strength to escape and start a new life somewhere else. And that's why I need to be educated. I need to be ready to be able to function in society. Get a job. An apartment. I need to be able to speak to others without sounding like a blithering idiot.

  And for the last year and a half or so, Danny has secretly been tutoring me. Getting me up to speed as best he can. I tell myself that having him in my life serves a very practical purpose. But deep down, I know that it's more than that. I enjoy being around him. I enjoy his company. He helps make me feel like I'm not alone in this world. He makes me feel like somebody actually cares about me.

  It's not something I'm used to, but it's something I've come to enjoy. Even rely upon. Danny is my only connection to the outside world. He's my lifeline.

  Of course, if Raymond ever found out about Danny and me, he'd kill the both of us.

  I tell myself that some things are worth the risk though. Spending time with Danny brings a little light into my life. The only light I have to look forward to. He helps lift me up and make my existence a little less dreary. And he helps satisfy not just my intellectual needs, but my physical desires as well.

  Biting my bottom lip, I stand up and look him in the eye. He gives me a small smile and stands up. Raising my hands over my head, I let him lift the shapeless gray dress I'm forced to wear on the compound. I kick off my shoes and pull off my gray knee socks.

  And then I'm standing before him completely naked. I never grow tired of the way his eyes roam my body – the way he takes me in so thoroughly and completely. He looks at me with a raw hunger in his eyes that makes my heart stutter. And he looks at me as if I'm the most beautiful piece of art hanging in the most prestigious museum in the world.

  Seeing that look of pure desire on his face never fails to make the fire between my thighs burn even brighter. And it never fails to get me wet.

  “You didn't wear panties today?” Danny asks, his eyebrow raised and a flirty smile on his lips.

  “I figured they'd just get in the way.”

  He steps forward and kisses me, long and hard. He runs his hands through my long, dark hair, gently pulling on it, as our tongues swirl and dance with one another. Running the tip of his tongue down my neck, I moan softly as he gently nips my collarbone while his hands knead my breasts.

  Sliding my hand down, I stroke his cock through his jeans. Feeling him grow stiffer beneath my hand makes the fire in me burn hotter, makes me grow even wetter. I squeeze him hard, drawing a moan from him. Danny slides his hand between my thighs, the tip of his finger tickling my clit. And when he slips his finger into me, driving it in deep, I gasp.

  I feel my face flushing as Danny moves his finger inside of me, sliding it in and out. I dig my nails into his shoulder as he slides a second finger into me and begins moving them harder and faster. I cry out as he drives them deep into me and begin to feel that familiar warmth beginning to spread out inside of me.

  Quickly dropping to his knees, Danny puts my leg up over his shoulder and buries his face in the warm, wet center of me. I grasp his hair, pulling it as he
licks and sucks on the most intimate parts of me.

  “Danny,” I moan. “Oh God, Danny...”

  His tongue teases my clit, licking and sucking on it as he slips his fingers back into me. He pumps them into me hard and fast, his tongue moving quickly and expertly on my clit. I throw my head back and cried out, intense sensations gripping my body.

  I grind myself down on Danny's face and fingers, taking him deeper into me as the fire inside of me burns out of control. As he licks and fingers me, I feel my body tense and my heart beats a drunken rhythm. And then all at once, my control disappears.

  With a loud cry, I grip Danny's head, grinding myself against his face even harder as my orgasm thunders through me. My body trembles and my stomach is turning somersaults. Danny keeps his fingers and tongue moving in me as wave after wave of intense pleasure crashes down over me.

  After several long moments, I let go of his hair and let him stand up. He looks at me, his mouth wet with my juices, a look of animalistic desire on his face. I pull him to me and kiss him hard as I unbutton his jeans. Reaching into his pants, I grip his cock and make him moan as I give it a hard squeeze.

  I give him a sultry smile and start to slip down to my knees when he stops me. The expression on his face is one of sheer want. Need. Desire. And it sends a flutter through my belly.

  “You don't want me to –”

  “I need to be inside of you, Calee,” he says, his voice husky. “I need to be inside of you now.”

  “Do whatever you want to me,” I reply. “I'm yours, Danny.”

  He quickly dug a condom out of the box on the table and with hands that are surprisingly trembling, he clumsily slips it on. Grabbing me by the shoulders, Danny turns me around. I look back over my shoulder at him as he bends me over the table. I shudder as he runs his hands across my ass and up my back, feeling him grip a handful of my hair. I gasp and feel my eyes grow wide as he gives my hair a hard pull at the same moment he drives his stiff cock into my tight, wet opening. I revel in the sensation of having his long, hard cock moving inside of me.


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