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Furbidden Mate

Page 13

by Jessica Snow

  Kat shook her head. “I’ve lived here all my life.”

  Liam frowned. “That’s odd.”

  “Not odder than what you’ve shown me.”

  Liam grew silent for a few moments, then nodded. “Kat, I’m going to need you to do something for me.”

  Does it involve having hot sex with you? If it did, Kat was totally down after that show, creepy fiancée or not. Call me weak. But then she blinked at him. Wait. “Please don’t ask me to turn into a wolf.”

  Liam smiled. “That’s exactly what I was going to ask.”

  Kat took a wary step back. “Oh no, I’m not doing that shit.” She paused. “More to the point, I haven’t got the faintest clue how.”

  He gave her a reassuring look. “You’ll have me to show you how to do it. It’s more than what most wolves get on their first change.” He glanced down at his bare feet. “It’s quite simple, actually.”

  Feeling stubborn, Kat crossed her arms across her breasts. “What makes you think I’m a wolf anyway?”

  Kat’s nightmares had nothing to do with being a wolf. She was confused as to how Liam seeing her eat meat would make him assume that she was like him. Maybe he’s just never seen anything else.

  Liam came closer. “Because I can sense the beast inside of you. I’ve been wondering why I was so attracted to you the night I met you. It wasn’t just that awesome body of yours; it was also the power of the shifter in your blood.”

  Kat threw her hands up in exasperation. “Alright, alright, fine. I’ll give it a shot, then, stop sweet talking me before I make an idiot out of myself. Just tell me how to do it.” Even with all she had just seen, Kat was still skeptical that she was a shape-shifting wolf.

  “Focus on me. Focus on my face and think about escaping your body.”

  She stared into Liam’s chiseled face, half-wishing she could lick it. “It’s not working.”

  “You’re not trying,” Liam growled angrily.

  Your handsome face is a total distraction. Kat shifted on her feet. “Well, sorry. I’m new at this.”


  She furrowed her brow, willing herself to be lighter and focusing on turning into a wolf. After several seconds of staring into Liam’s eyes, she let out an explosive sigh. “Still not working.”

  Liam’s expression grew thoughtful. “I think I know what you need,” he said finally.

  Sex? She almost asked aloud but managed to stop herself. “What’s that?”

  “To channel your anger. When wolves go through their first turn, it’s usually after their emotions have reached a heightened state.” He stepped forward, an intent look in his gold-speckled eyes. “I need you to get angry for me, Kat.”

  “How the hell am I supposed to do that?”

  “Think about something that happened recently that really pissed you off.”

  Well, that was easy. Kevin. His words. It’s not my fault that someone came along who’s so much hotter than you. She tried to focus on it, to get her blood to boil with that mix of pain and outrage that had driven her to nearly strangle him.

  This time around, though, for some odd reason, Kevin’s mean words had no effect on her mood. It puzzled Kat because nothing had pissed her off or hurt her more than when Kevin had dumped her for that tramp. Maybe it was because Kat had gotten to choke that little shit and give him a good scare. She did not know.

  After a long moment, Kat said, “I can’t get mad. I know that sounds crazy, because I’ve either been really mad or really hungry over these last few weeks, but for some reason, getting mad right now does not interest me.”

  “There has to be something that ticks you off.”

  Kat snorted. “Well, yeah, bitches who cut in front of me when I’m in line at a fast food.”

  Liam scowled. “Be serious, Kat. I’m here to help you. It is very important that you learn how to do this.”

  Kat returned his scowl. “For what reason? What good will turning into a wolf do me? Obviously, there are rules against it since I don’t see a bunch of wolves running around in the streets. You can’t turn into one whenever you want, can you?”

  “Look, all of that is true, there are rules, and you’ll have to learn to be discreet. But you need to shift. It will release the pressure that’s building inside of you for one, helping ease the rage and hunger that you feel.”

  “Oh,” Kat said, feeling stupid. “Okay.”

  “Now, tell me what pisses you off.”

  “ the past, I would get mad when people called me names and made fun of me. I learned to shrug it off, but then I started dating. Guys would be fine with me while things were going well, but....”

  Liam raised a golden eyebrow. “Go on.”

  Kat shrugged. “Well, Kevin wasn’t the first one to use my weight as an excuse for shitty treatment once the relationship went south. He was just the first to be such an asshole about it.”

  Liam’s expression grew thoughtful. “Hmm.”

  Kat stared at him with disbelief. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to start calling me names to force me to turn into some wolf.”

  “You did say it bothered you.”

  Kat laughed. “Yeah, back then when I was younger, but certainly not now.” She eyed him. “Besides, I’d know you didn’t mean them, you’ve been going on about my body like you want to fuck me unconscious.”

  A gleam came to his eyes. “I do. But point taken.” He frowned, standing there quietly as he looked thoughtful. “Give me a moment.”

  She shoved her hands in her pockets, shivering a little. This clearing might be special or even sacred to Liam, but to her, it was an open spot at night when the temperature was dropping into the low forties.

  Liam winced suddenly and straightened, focusing back on her. “Damn. Well, I hate doing this....”

  “Just try it anyway,” she muttered, shivering. Get it over with.

  “But...when you’re right, you’re right. And you’re right, Kat. I’m sorry, but really, of course, I just want you as a side piece.”

  A shock went through her, and she stared at him. Is he riling me up, or is this the truth? All her doubts and fears came flooding back...and with them, a touch of defensive anger.

  He went on casually, his eyes narrowing coldly. “I’ve got a wedding coming up with a girl who is worth one point five billion dollars. What have you got? Your dad’s blue collar and you cut meat in my fucking factory. That’s it. You want the whole deal from me when you’re not the whole deal yourself. You’re just a hot body for me to use. I don’t give a shit about your feelings.”

  As he spoke, she felt her heart sink and her cheeks getting hot. She couldn’t tell anymore if he was giving her the truth or a carefully constructed lie that killed him to say aloud. Her anger at him for being flirtatious but unavailable came back in a rush, and built and built until she was shaking, with her fists balled at her sides.

  “You can’t possibly blame me for wanting to be with a woman of quality instead of your cheap ass, with your discount-store shoes and shabby wardrobe—”

  That was it!

  With a roar of rage, Kat felt herself disconnect from her body as strange things began happening. Her face began to elongate, filling her with a terrible pain, while her limbs began to crackle and pop as they twisted and shifted out of place.

  Panic raced through her entire being as she felt herself losing control over who she was. Filled with overwhelming pain, Kat roared again as she fell on all fours, her breathing labored and her forehead covered with droplets of sweat.

  Standing above her, Liam’s face had gone totally white with shock. For someone who had witnessed this process many times, he sure looked extra spooked.

  Kat continued to roar with pain as her bones contorted and twisted, sending shock waves of agony through her tortured limbs. Prickling sensations raced all over her skin as hair began to sprout all over her body. Once, her back twisted so wildly, she almost thought it had broken and reset itself. Then, with
a final roar of terrible pain, her transformation was complete.

  The pain was gone, and with it, the constant anger lurking inside of her. She was free.

  She looked down at herself in wonder. Her paws certainly did not look like wolf paws. They were big, furry and brown, about five times the size of a wolf’s. Nearby, she sensed Liam staring at her, his body shaking and his eyes wide with disbelief. The look on his face satisfied her anger at him; with her head clear, she was certain he had been bluffing, but it was still amusing to see him cower before the genie he had so cruelly let out of its bottle.

  In her new form, she found her sense of smell even stronger. The smell of wolf permeated the entire clearing, filling her stomach with nausea. Suddenly, she smelled something totally enticing and refreshing—something that called to her stomach and pushed her nausea away.

  With a roar of delight, she rushed off into the trees, leaving the shocked Liam behind.


  She could hear Liam repeatedly calling her name, but she could not reply so she did not bother trying to explain to him the joy she was experiencing. Kat ran and ran, reveling in her new existence, crashing through the forest like a bulldozer.

  Running on all fours was the most exhilarating experience Kat had ever had in her entire life. She felt totally free of all limitations, and at one with her surroundings. Nature was her friend. She continued to lumber through the forest until she reached the destination her noise had dragged her to.

  A broad stream that fed into a large pond ran through the forest. Without hesitation, she jumped into the water and ducked her head down into it, searching for that delicious smell. Seconds later, she saw it. A largish fish was weaving its way through the clear water, unaware of the predator that now stalked it.

  Kat waited until it got close enough and then pounced on it, seizing it in her paws and chewing its head off before downing the rest in a few chomps.

  “Kat,” she heard a voice say above her. “Kat stop.” Footsteps splashed nearby.

  When a firm hand touched her shoulder, Kat swatted at it with annoyance. It turned out to be a bad mistake.

  A strangled cry filled the air and she turned to see Liam flying out of the water and landing hard on his ass. His sleeve was ripped open with giant claw marks down his arm that oozed dark, red blood.

  Kat was not sure what happened next, but the sight of Liam in pain cut through the primal instinct of the bear she had become. Her bones began to pop and contort and several agonizing seconds later she was back in her human form, staring in horror at what she had done to Liam.

  Recovering from the shock of her transformation, she rushed to his side. “Liam, I’m so sorry,” she cried. “I didn’t mean to do that.” She stared down at the bloody mess on his chest, her fingers trembling. “Are you alright?”

  Liam shook his head, his eyes still wide. Kat could not tell if they were wide from shock or horror or both. “Never mind that Kat, I’m fine.”

  He sure didn’t look fine. “But your arm,” Kat objected. “You’re bleeding.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Liam said firmly. “Don’t worry about that. It will heal on its own in a few minutes.” Indeed, as Kat stared with wonder at the deep wounds, it already seemed as if the skin was knitting itself, slowly closing together.

  Liam's eyes were still wide as he mumbled, “Kat...I was wrong. You’re not a wolf.”

  Kat looked up from his wounds, stunned. “Huh? If I’m not...then what the hell am I?”

  Liam stared at her with his wide, golden eyes for a long time before he whispered, “A werebear.”

  Chapter 15

  “A werebear?” asked Kat in disbelief, even as she remembered her bizarre Medieval nightmare. “What the hell is a werebear?”

  Liam sighed. “It’s a long story, filled with all sorts of mythical creatures that you probably won’t believe exist. But I’ll try to make it brief.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ve got time.” She moved away from the edge of the stream, aware that the cold no longer seemed to be affecting her.

  Liam let out a loud cough and then cleared his throat. “Long ago, demons walked the earth—”

  “Really Liam?” Kat interrupted with disbelief. “Demons?”

  “Did you not just turn into something, which before today, you thought was totally impossible?”

  “That was different. It seemed,” Kat searched for the right word, “natural.”

  Liam nodded. “Indeed, it is, for you. And trust me, demons are one of the most unnatural creatures to ever walk the face of this earth.” He gave her a reproachful look. “Try not to interrupt me again.” When Kat gave him a defeated nod, he continued. “Anyway, in ancient times past, there were wars fought amongst supernatural beings.... divine, demonic, and supernatural. A group of magically gifted humans called witches were the main foe of the demons, because of their command over the elements and the control they had over spirits, benign or malevolent. Meanwhile, humanity was all but enslaved to these supernatural and demonic beings and was far less numerous than they are today.

  “The demons absolutely despised the control the witches had over them, so with the use of their demonic blood, they made a race of beings to be warriors of the night, soldiers against the hated witches. It was a dark time for mankind, for it is said the very first vampires were insatiable. They fed upon the blood of all living things but had the strongest taste for human blood.

  “At first, the demons were pleased by their creation because of the chaos the vampires generated among humans. There was just one problem; the vampires fed off the humans, the demons’ main source of entertainment, even more than they did the witches. You see, the demons reveled in chaos because they fed off the misery and suffering of others. Dead humans could no longer suffer, so killing humans was forbidden. But the vampires refused to listen to their masters about this.

  “Even still, the demons and their new race of super creatures began winning the war against the witches. However, when the humans began facing extinction because of the insatiable appetite of the blood-thirsty vampires, the demons turned on their own creation. Not ones to take punishment sitting down, the vampires rebelled against their creators, giving the witches an unwanted ally.

  “It is said the first four vampires—Rakshasa, Remy, Sera, and Aliyah—had fed on so much human blood that they became immortal, and were as powerful as some of the most powerful demons. Any human turned by these vampires received the gift of immortality as well.

  “The demons, not realizing how powerful the original vampires had become, were pushed down into the bowels of the earth and locked away with the help of powerful magic. With their masters now gone, the vampires thought the world was theirs to do as they pleased.”

  Kat stared at him as he went on with his story. It sounded as fanciful as a Tolkien novel, but then again, so was the whole prospect of shape-shifting into an animal.

  “The witches had no intention of letting the vampires rule the earth, however. They created magical spells that harnessed the light of the sun, which is deadly to the Undead. The vampires were no longer safe under the cover of darkness. Seeing that their survival was hanging in the balance, the original vampires decided to go into hibernation in an unknown location and to leave the rest of the vampires to their own devices.

  “What followed next was an attempted purge by these witches of all the vampires and supernatural races on earth. More terrible battles commenced, and countless people died, inhuman and human alike. After hundreds of years of warring, the witches had achieved genocide of the supernatural.... or so they thought.

  “With the war won, the witches dispersed across the planet, content on nurturing humans and healing the mother earth from the ravaging effects the wars had caused. Centuries passed, and soon, humans forgot about the wars, witches and unnatural beings. Facts became legends, legends became myths. Most of the races which were almost destroyed by the witch-scourge went into hiding. Some fled to other realms of existen
ce, while others without that option hid in secret.

  “Unbeknownst to the witches, the vampires still lived and hid in the darkest of places, learning new tactics of survival. Ruling councils sprang up amongst the vampire kind, and strict rules were quickly meted out, decreeing that no human, unless being made a vampire, should know of their existence. Slowly, over time, their numbers grew, but never again reached the numbers they enjoyed before the scourge.”

  “Wow.” The information was almost too much for Kat to absorb. “Well, how did shape-shifters like us come into this equation?”

  Liam’s expression grew distant and his voice sunk almost to a whisper. “The vampires returned later with a terrible vengeance. The witches, spread out across the globe and having grown complacent, were overwhelmed by the sudden, vicious attacks. They tried valiantly to stand their ground, but the vampires were much faster and stronger than as they were remembered to be, and the witches’ spells were less effective than before.

  “The vampires were also using tactics that the witches were having a hard time to find a defense from their returned enemies. You see, the vampires exploited one of the major weaknesses of the human condition; the need to sleep. The witches, who had by now gathered in various covens, would often wake in the middle of the night to find many of their brethren drained of every last drop of blood.

  “Alarmed by their imminent extinction, the witches got together and formed a desperate plan. Ripping out a page from the demon handbook, the witches created a new race of supernatural beings that would protect them while they slept: the werewolves.”

  He rubbed his face, looking a little tired. “It is said, the very first wolf was a poor boy of sixteen years who got lost in the English forests and wound up at a witch stronghold. Upon arrival, he was immediately surrounded by the strange women. Thinking they were just nice old ladies, he asked them to help him find his way back home. The women assured him they would just do that if only he came inside for a little bite to eat.


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