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Furbidden Mate

Page 20

by Jessica Snow

  "Me," he replied simply.

  Then Liam walked out and gently shut the door behind him, leaving Zack alone to care for his cousin.

  Kat was still hungry.

  The fact that she could not catch a cab and hitch a ride to a twenty-four-hour eatery did not help matters.

  She was walking past a pet shop when she caught a whiff of refuse. There was a trash-filled alley between the store and the adjacent building. Beneath the smell of rot, there was the scent of uneaten meat. Peering around to make sure no one was looking, she slipped into the darkened alley.

  The smell of waste became overwhelming to Kat’s sensitive nose. She made her way to a dumpster that sat near a side-door connected to the shop. As she got closer, the urge to turn away from the awful stench got stronger. But she could smell the meat. It called her to her growling stomach.

  She reached the dumpster and opened the lid. The smell nearly knocked her off her feet.

  Pinching her nose with her fingers, she carefully began shifting through the filthy trash until she found her prize; a half-eaten stack of ribs. She took it out and stared at it. In the alley, the moon’s light was dim, but Kat could still see just fine, her werebear attributes at work perhaps.

  The meat was covered with bits of trash and it looked like it had a couple of maggots feasting on it. With her stomach curdling, Kat quickly brushed it all off. She brought it close to her mouth and then paused.

  "What am I doing?" she whispered. Her hunger was so great it had her digging out of dumpsters for a meal. Kat would have never dreamed of doing such a thing before her werebear nature had manifested. Now it was becoming increasingly difficult to control her hunger.

  Her stomach growled loudly. Kat stared at the rotting meat. She sniffed the meat twice before bringing it closer to her mouth.

  "Forgive me stomach," she whispered. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide.

  "I ain’t neva seen a big girl dig in the trash for food before," remarked a gravelly voice. "But I suppose you must be mightily hungry, so I understand. Hell, I’ve done it plenty of times myself."

  With a cry of surprise, Kat jerked the disgusting meat away from her mouth and spun around. A bald, raggedy-looking bum dressed in stained rags, who also looked like he hadn’t bathed in months, sat against the opposite wall, a bottle in his right hand.

  Kat stared at the man in shock. How had she not seen him? For heaven’s sake, with her over-sensitive nose, how had she not smelled him? He almost smelled as bad as the dumpster.

  It’s the hunger, she thought. Somehow, her sensitive nose had blocked out the smell and only centered on the source of food amongst the filthy garbage.

  Still eyeing Kat, the man took a long swig from his bottle. "Can you spare a few dollars for an old man?" he asked when he was done, his lips moist from the wine.

  So you can go buy more liquor? Kat thought with disgust, catching a glimpse of the man’s rotted out teeth. I think not.

  "Sorry," she replied. "I left my purse at home."

  The man nodded as if he didn’t believe her. "Ah, I see. I guess good ol’ Maybel here will have to keep me company." He peered into the bottle with one reddened eye. "However long she lasts."

  Ashamed, Kat tossed the meat on the ground near the bum’s feet. "You have a good night sir." Without waiting for a response, Kat rushed out of the trash-filled alley.

  Back on the street, Kat breathed in the fresh air with relief. She had probably been about to give herself a case of severe food poisoning. Thank God for old bums.

  She continued to walk up the sidewalk in search of food. A block later her eyes feasted on a fast-food burger joint across the street that appeared to be in the act of closing. Perhaps she could cajole her way inside and order a giant burger before they closed.

  Her nose pulling her along like a bloodhound, she ran out into the street without looking and nearly got struck by a large SUV.

  "Watch where you’re going, stupid bitch!" The driver, a middle-aged woman, yelled out of her window. She flipped Kat off and then continued up the street.

  Kat was too focused on the smell of meat to give the woman a reaction. She quickly crossed the street and huffed and puffed her way to the entrance of the restaurant. Just as she reached the doors, a worker, a teenage boy, dressed in a burgundy and black uniform, shut the doors and locked it.

  "Hey, that’s not fair!" Kat yelled through the glass door. "You just saw me walk up."

  The boy grinned at her. "Sorry we’re closed," he mouthed.

  Kat’s stomach growled loudly. She was certain the boy could hear it through the glass. "Bullshit. I know you can let me in. It would take less than five minutes to whip up a burger!"

  He shook his head, still smiling. The teen appeared to be enjoying tormenting Kat. Looking at his goofy sneer, Kat got the impression he was the type of boy that McKenzie always would complain about at school; a bully.

  A second later he proved her right by extending his arms out to his side and puffing his cheeks out. Then he began wobbling about in the entrance way before stopping and laughing in Kat’s face.

  "Open the door so I can wipe that stupid smirk off your face, you little shithead!" Kat yelled.

  "Is there a problem ma’am?" A large security guard, who was armed with a handgun, came walking out from behind the building.

  Kat glanced at the boy, who was still standing there smiling, and back at the guard. She badly wanted to tell the man, "Yes, this little shit-faced bastard needs to be fired!" but instead she said, "No sir, I was just about to be on my way." She turned and walked back onto the street, muttering to herself about how she should have smashed through the door and broken the little punk’s face.

  Several blocks away from the restaurant Kat was hit with that familiar smell for the second time that night.

  Oh no.

  She glanced behind her. Sure enough, the men in hoodies were back, hot on her trail.

  Shit. Kat picked up her speed, her heart pounding in her chest like a sledgehammer. A block later and several breathless glances behind her, she spotted another all-night club. The place was packed with cars overflowing the nearby parking lot and lining the street and there was a long line to get in. Kat rejoiced. She could go in the club and lose the wolves.

  Out of breath, Kat quickly made her way towards the joint and jumped in the front of the line.

  Two large bouncers stood at the entrance, scowling at her. "Get in the back of the line where you belong," one of them, a large bald guy with a barrel chest, growled.

  "I’m V.I.P," Kat lied. She glanced behind her. The wolves were closing in. They were almost at the end of the club line, their faces masks of rage.

  "Oh yeah?" Baldy asked sarcastically, crossing his arms over his large chest. "Prove it."

  I don’t have time for this shit. "Go fuck yourself you bald bastard!" Kat cried as she turned away.

  "Eat me, bitch."

  Without a glance behind her, Kat broke out into a full run, her large breasts bouncing uncomfortably. As she ran off, she heard the people in line laughing at her. Whether it was because of what she said to the bouncer or simply because it was funny to see a big girl running, she did not know.

  Several paces later she came upon a crosswalk at the end of the block. The ’no walking sign’ was flashing on the electronic board, but Kat did not give a damn. She ran into the intersection, hoping she did not get hit by a car. Half-way across, she tripped and fell flat on her face. She heard an excited howl and the sound of running feet closing in behind her.

  This is it, she thought, too stunned to move. They are going to catch me and eat off my big ass for days. The sounds of their footsteps were rapidly approaching, only several yards away. Preparing for the end, Kat closed her eyes. Suddenly, the sound of screeching tires assaulted Kat’s ears, followed by surprised yelps and bodies hitting the pavement.

  Kat quickly opened her eyes and looked up. There, sitting in his white Porsche that had wolf blood splattered on
the hood, was Liam, his face a grim mask. Kat looked around her. The shifters were scattered around the street. Some of them lay in puddles of their own blood.

  Her new man did not fuck around.

  Liam pushed open the passenger door and nodded. "Get in."

  "Holy shit!" Kat swore as Liam sped down the highway with the sunroof down, the wind blowing in her hair. "You probably just killed those guys!"

  Not that Kat cared one bit about the fate of the dudes who were obviously trying to have her for a late-night snack, but she really did not want to become an accessory to murder, even if Liam was the sexiest damn killer a girl could know.

  Liam shook his head. "They were still alive." Her new boyfriend looked as if he had been in a fight himself. His shirt was covered in blood and he had dried blood spots on his face. Apparently, Crystal’s vengeance knew no bounds.

  "You freaking kidding me?" Kat asked incredulously. "They looked like road pizza to me!"

  "Trust me," Liam assured her. "They are not dead. We shapeshifters have an ability called regeneration. Whenever we receive a wound, our body heals itself. I told you this before, don’t you remember?"

  Kat thought back to the night where she had accidentally clawed Liam’s chest and the wound had healed itself. After a moment of silence, Kat turned to Liam. He was driving, looking straight ahead, his jaw set.

  He is so handsome, Kat thought. She felt desire churn deep in her belly before pushing it away. She needed to keep focused on finding McKenzie. It did not help that Liam was so distractingly gorgeous.

  She sat back in her seat, feeling a little calmer. "How in the hell did you find me?"

  Liam glanced over at her with a wolf-like grin and sniffed the air. "I followed your scent."

  In her panic to find McKenzie, Kat had forgotten about the abilities wolves possessed. They had a great sense of smell, just not as good as a bear’s.

  Kat’s expression turned solemn. "Listen, Liam, I have something important to tell you. McKenzie’s been kidnapped by that crazy bitch—"

  "I already know all about it," Liam interrupted.

  Kat’s jaw dropped. "You do? How?"

  "I was warned. I’ll explain everything when we get there."

  Kat glanced at the highway. It appeared they were nearing the outskirts of the city. "Get where?"

  Liam looked over at her and smiled, his golden eyes twinkling. "Our new home."

  Chapter 23

  "Do you like it?" Liam stood in the kitchen doorway, leaning against the doorjamb, looking like sex on legs in his tight-fitting jeans.

  Shifting in her seat at the kitchen table, Kat paused to spit a clump of white fur out of her mouth, setting the rabbit Liam had brought her down on the large platter before her. Aware of Kat’s insane hunger, Liam had shape-shifted into a wolf and tracked it down and killed it just for her.

  "It’s nice," she said in an offhand manner as her eyes roved over the pristine white and silver of the swanky two-story, two-bedroom townhome. It was nestled in a secluded region on the outskirts of Bone City, surrounded by forest and well away from any city or factory smells.

  Pain flashed in Liam’s golden eyes at the indifference in Kat’s words. "Just nice? I had hoped you would like it. I know it doesn’t have much furniture yet, but I was hoping—"

  Kat flashed a weak smile, before turning her eyes back on the half-eaten rabbit. "It’s fine Liam."

  Liam scratched at his neck. "Doesn’t sound like it.”

  What do you want me to say? thought Kat. Oh, Liam, this place is freaking awesome! How am I supposed to care about something like this when my sister is being held captive by your crazy ass ex? “I’m sorry if the circumstances have me distracted, but your psycho ex kinda still has my sister.”

  He blinked, the hurt look leaving his face. “Oh.”

  “Yeah.” She quickly finished her meal and jumped up from the table. She was still hungry, but the rabbit had quelled the worst of her hunger. "Okay, I’m ready to go find McKenzie now."

  Tucking his thumbs inside his jeans, Liam glanced at the tiled floor. "Kat—"

  Kat ignored Liam, her eyes blazing with vengeance. "And when I find that skinny bitch ex of yours, it’s going to be the last time she—"

  Liam’s next words cut through Kat like a knife. "You’re not going anywhere."

  Kat stared at Liam with disbelief. "What?"

  Liam shook his head and stepped toward her. "It’s too dangerous, Kat. You know that pack that was after you? Those were just some random thugs Crystal probably sent looking for you. You don’t want to run into several of those at the same time."

  Kat crossed her arms. "I don’t care, Liam. Besides, I have you now. With both our noses working together, we can find McKenzie easily."

  Liam shook his head again. "I can’t let you go out there, Kat...even with me at your side. You are at a very vulnerable stage in your transformation."

  "But I’m very strong," Kat protested. "I knocked a bitch clear across the room at work and I slapped the shit out of that wolf skank Crystal sent after me." She crossed her arms defiantly. "I’m not scared of some stupid wolf."

  Liam raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Really? Is that why I found you sprawled in the middle of the road, about to be gang-banged by a bunch of punks?" He paused. "Tell me, Kat, were you able to shift into a bear when you knew you were in danger?"

  Kat frowned. "No."

  Liam nodded knowingly. "I thought as much. Along with controlling the powerful hunger that plagues you, that’s one of the first skills you must learn to master. Even though you are a werebear, one of the fiercest, most powerful shifters ever known to exist, you are not ready to take on a pack of trained wolves. Before you do that, you will need training."

  Kat let out an exasperated huff of breath. "Who the hell is going to train me? It’s not like there is a clan of werebears running around in this city." The most obvious answer came to Kat a second later. Her father. She hadn’t thought about Big Mike since embarking on the quest to find McKenzie. He was probably at home worried sick about them both.

  Liam’s golden eyes became strangely intense. "Me."

  Kat laughed. "Is that some sort of joke? What does a wolf know about training a werebear?"

  Liam set his jaw stubbornly. "I know enough."

  She shook her head in denial. "Even if what you’re saying is true, I don’t have the luxury to sit around while you teach me bear tricks. Crystal said I only had twenty-four hours."

  Liam froze, the color draining from his face. "Crystal said you only had twenty-four hours? For what?"

  Kat scowled scornfully. "You told me that you already knew everything on the way here."

  "Just tell me what she said, damn it!" Liam snarled.

  Kat paused, taken aback by Liam’s anger. In their short time of being together, he had never been angry with her before, so it came as a shock. Liam was inches away from her face now, his golden eyes glowing, his sharp teeth bared. But she wasn’t going to spend any time in a relationship with a guy who bullied her, so she stared back at him hard. “Calm the fuck down, and I’ll tell you what I was trying to tell you back in the damn car before your know-it-all ass interrupted me.”

  He blinked at her, his snarl fading as she stared him down. He might have been an alpha wolf back with his people, but she wasn’t the kind to grovel. Finally, he sighed, backing off even if he didn’t concede the point. “Fine.”

  “McKenzie was taken by Crystal, who left me a note with this ultimatum.” She fished into her pocket and handed him the note. “Either I show up at the stones by tomorrow night, or she feeds my baby sister to the fucking vampires.”

  Liam was slack-jawed by the time he finished reading. "I don’t believe it," he whispered. "She is violating the rules both species have in place concerning human interaction."

  "That’s what Theon told me," Kat informed.

  Liam’s golden gaze was very wolf-like suddenly. "Who is Theon?"

  Kat hesitated, then said slowly,
"A vampire I ran into when I was following McKenzie’s trail."

  Liam eyed her with anger and disbelief. "Kat, you fool. I told you never to trust a vampire. They are manipulative deceivers. Not only that, in the past they were the werebears’ sworn enemy."

  Theon said as much about you wolves.

  Kat placed her hands on her hips and took on a defensive tone. "He seemed fine enough to me and he offered his help free of charge. And how come you never told me about them being immortal?"

  "I did not think it was important," Liam muttered. Kat did not miss the jealousy that flashed in Liam’s golden eyes because she was taking up for the vampire. "And sure, he offered you his help...because it will only cost you in the end." Liam glared at her. "I don’t want you speaking to this Theon person ever again, Kat. And if he left you a means to communicate with him, I want you to destroy it at once."

  Kat crossed her arms. Liam was starting to really piss her off. After all, it was her sister who was missing, not his. What gave him the right to tell her what to do? "That’s not fair, Liam. I was only trying to find out what happened to my sister. At this point, I need all the help I can get."

  "I know, but you won’t get the help you need from one of them, trust me. Besides, I don’t think Crystal is serious about handing your sister over to them. She hates the vamps. It all must be some sort of bluff."

  "Somehow, I really doubt that. Your ex does not strike me as exactly sane." An unpredictable burst of anger caused Kat to slam her fist down on the tabletop. She was fed up with talking. Now was the time for action. "And fuck sitting here and talking about it. Let’s go track the bitch down right now!"

  Liam shook his head. "Absolutely not, Kat. You must let me handle this. As I said before, it is far too dangerous for you out there. Once I get you settled in here, I’ll go looking for your sister. I’m sure once I find Crystal I can get her to see reason."

  Kat scowled skeptically. "Oh yeah? Just how in the hell do you plan on doing that?"

  "I have my ways," Liam muttered and looked away.

  "This is ridiculous!" Kat snapped at her lover. "I want you to take me to find my sister right now or else—"


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