Book Read Free


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by Taige Crenshaw

  A Total-E-Bound Publication


  ISBN # 978-1-78184-007-8

  ©Copyright Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke 2012

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright June 2012

  Edited by Rebecca Douglas

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2012 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-sizzling and a sexometer of 2.

  This story contains 71 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 9 pages.

  Kemet Uncovered


  Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke

  Book four in the Kemet Uncovered Series

  I am nature’s representative. I give my voice when the earth cannot. My work sent me on an intersecting course with a stubborn, arrogant, and hard-headed man named Kenric Annson. Although I don’t understand him I can’t help but be attracted to him. His smouldering looks and heated caresses have rattled me unlike any before him. The cosmos has an interesting sense of humour. I, who have lived longer than he could possibly imagine, can be struck mute by something so simple as his touch. What’s a goddess to do when she wants the one man who has the means destroy her beloved earth? Kill him? Save him?


  Taige Crenshaw’s Dedication

  To the people who work to make this world we live in a better place. Thanks for everything you do and the sacrifices you make.

  Aliyah Burke’s Dedication

  Thank you to all of those who give so much of themselves so the rest of us can be free!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Starbucks: Starbucks Corporation

  Jeep: Chrysler Group LLC

  Chapter One


  “Look here, damn it, I don’t need any fucking geo-freak coming in here and telling me what I can and can’t do!” Kenric Annson shouted into the phone. “I’m here doing my goddamn job. It’s not like it’s a picnic out here where you can walk up the street to Starbucks for a venti mocha. There’s wars going on around here, and sending some pencil pusher down isn’t going to do a damn thing, except complicate things. My men and I are busy enough without the added job of babysitting.”

  The response he received only infuriated him further. After cursing a streak at the dial tone in his ear he slammed the phone down.

  “You okay, Boss?”

  The question came from Shade, one of the workers on this crew. Actually, Shade was his next in command. Kenric only knew him as Shade and that was fine. He trusted him with his life—hell, Shade could call himself Tinkerbell if he wanted to. Shade was a huge, muscular man with braided hair, which he kept confined to a ponytail most of the time. A goatee and dark brown skin completed the package. The man looked downright lethal standing there with his personal arsenal strapped to him. Everyone respected him.

  “Hell, no.” He popped his neck and sat on the edge of his desk, arms crossed.

  “What’s up?”

  “That was Frank.”

  Shade groaned and rolled his eyes as he snipped the end off a cigar. Frank Grimmel was technically the boss down here. Frank was only here since his brother owned the company. However, as far as Kenric and the others were concerned, he was a waste of sperm. It was part of the reason everyone called Kenric ‘Boss’, to add another dig into Frank’s authority. “What’d the dumbass want?”

  “He’s sending us a civilian.”

  “What!” Shade looked over the top of his mirrored sunglasses and stared while he lit his cigar, the smoke curling up and around his face like a snake.

  “Yes, something about this doctor being able to help us find the natural gas pockets faster, and dig for them safer.”

  A snort of derision. “Does he not get this isn’t your America? That, while we’re digging, we have men standing guard? Hell, even when we’re not.” Shade shook his head. “I mean, even Frank has two men guard him the rare occasions he’s here.”

  Kenric shrugged and got up to lean against the wall near the window. He stared outside at the steppe, only to turn fully and brace a hand against the pane of glass, warmed from the summer sun.

  “I have a bad feeling about this,” he muttered. “A fuckin’ rock doc.”

  Shade cleared his throat. “Boss.”

  “Yeah?” He continued to stare out over the brush and scrub.

  “We have company.”

  He spun around and found himself staring at a woman. A gorgeous woman. Whose skin, the colour of melted caramel, covered an amazing body. One reminiscent of an old pin-up girl, nothing but swells, dips, and curves.

  Oh fuck.

  Her black hair was drawn back from haughty facial features by a tight bun. On her face was a cool look of dismissal. Her navy-blue skirt suit brought some other things to mind and he felt his body respond. Almost violently. Her dark brown eyes were framed by thick, sooty lashes. She had full lips that shone with a clear lip gloss.

  In one hand she held a black briefcase. He’d never seen anyone so determined to dress severely and look so damn hot. He allowed himself one more leisurely perusal of her fuck-me heels, long legs, then up over nice breasts and an amazing—even with the hint of the superbia—face.

  Hellfire and damnation. I would love to see her in a bikini. Or nothing at all. He spied Shade staring at her too, and for some reason it pissed him off. From deep within, a rush of anger coursed through him at the thought of Shade even touching this woman. Why is she looking at him?

  “Can I help you, darling?” he drawled, leaning against the windowsill.

  Her gaze snapped from Shade to him. Her eyes narrowed a fraction before that damn unimpressed stare took over.

  “First, I’m not your darling.”

  Her voice was a raspy alto, which sent shivers all down his spine. His cock stiffened in his BDUs and he almost shook his head to clear the fog that seemed to encompass his mind, steering him down the sexual path.

  Want to be? He put a toothpick between his teeth. “Testy. Who are you?”

  “I’m here to see Mr Kenric Annson.”

  Another thrill rushed through him. He quirked an eyebrow and glided towards her, noting how she held her ground. Like a stalking lion, he prowled around her. She smelt fresh, with a light yet unrecognisable scent. No one smelt this good around here. Another look at her, like a punch to his gut, made him bite back a groan.

  He wanted to know if she smelt like this all over. How soft her skin would be beneath his. How all those damnable curves would feel pressed to him.

  Back before he
r, he gazed down to her waiting stare. “I’m him, darlin’. What can I do for you? Hell, why don’t you tell me who you are.”

  She never blinked. “I’m…how did you put it…the fuckin’ rock doc. Dr Eshe.”

  He heard Shade’s baritone laughter and fought the snarl. Disbelief smacked into him. This was who Frank had told him about? Shit.

  “One, we don’t need you here so don’t bother unpacking. Two, dressed like that—it’s ridiculous for this kind of place.”

  Her retaliatory smile would better be described as a baring of straight teeth. It was no hard thing to imagine her snapping those pearly whites at him.

  “Nice to know you can count. I’ve already put my bags in a room. I’m in this outfit because I came straight from a meeting. When I work in the field, Mr Annson, I wear appropriate clothes. And I don’t give a damn if you feel I’m not needed. I’m here because Mr Grimmel hired me. Kade, not Frank.” She blinked and it appeared as if there were flames in her eyes. “Kade asked me to come here. I have no wish to be here anymore than you wish me to be, so if you cut the macho crap we can get this done faster and I can get out of your hair.” Her tone was cold. “Now, I’m going to change then I’d appreciate a trip out to the dig sites, starting with the most current and we will work backwards. Are we clear?” She arched a fine eyebrow. “Good.”

  Spinning on her heel, she did an about-face and left the office. He watched the sway of her ass in the skirt until she rounded the corner and disappeared.

  “Don’t say a word,” he growled to the smirking Shade. “Not a fucking word.”

  Kenric stormed from the room headed towards berthing. She was not in sight. In the hall, he grabbed a worker and was pointed in the direction of the room she’d gone to. His scowl grew deeper the closer he drew to his own domicile.

  She wouldn’t dare. He passed his room and stopped at the next one. Frank’s room. He pushed through the partially open door without knocking and froze. Damn it! She had a large duffel bag on the bed, with some silver cases. Dr Eshe no longer wore the skirt outfit and, honestly, he wasn’t sure that was a blessing. Her greenish-grey cargo pants rode low upon her hips. A white T-shirt graced her upper body and was tucked in, accentuating her narrow waist.

  At the moment, she was drawing her hair back into a ponytail. He wanted to wrap his hand in it as he plundered her mouth. She glanced at him and lifted an eyebrow.

  “I’m pretty sure I told you I’d get back to you when I was ready, Mr Annson.”

  “You being here is not warranted. Leave before I have to send word to Kade that your body is on its way back to him in a body bag.” He paused. “Assuming, of course, there’s a body for me to send.”

  She pivoted on booted feet to face him head on. “I will not die here, Mr Annson.”

  The way she stated that gave him pause. Shaking off the odd feeling her statement and her eyes presented him with, he glared down at her.

  “Confidence from a woman dropped into a war-torn country and a totally male-run business. Men around here haven’t seen a woman for weeks or months, especially one as beautiful as you. Who knows what may happen?”

  The doc stepped closer yet. She stared at her short, unpolished nails before shrugging negligently. “Are you saying your men won’t listen to you?”

  He bristled at the implication. “I’m saying men are men and you are a temptation. One we don’t need.”

  “Luckily I have you to keep me safe.”

  Kenric lowered his head by her ear and touched the side of her neck. “You don’t want me as a bodyguard, darlin’. I’m all kinds of hands on with protection detail.” She shivered lightly and he smirked, knowing she wasn’t as immune to him as she’d like him to believe. “You can’t stay here.”

  She stiffened. “And, pray tell, why not?”

  He backed off so he could look her in the eye. “This is Frank’s room.” The statement left his mouth in a growl.

  “I’m aware of that.”

  “Hell, no.”

  “Frank told me to bunk in his room.” One shoulder lifted negligently. “Actually, Kade told me. It wasn’t necessary for him to do so, although I do appreciate the gesture.” She trailed a finger up his chest and his mouth went dry. “I’d share a room with you, Mr Annson. I don’t care. I’m here to do my job. Now, let’s go to the sites.”

  She brushed by him, lifting a tattered canvas brown pack. He rubbed his temples.

  “Let’s go, Mr Annson. Wasting daylight.”

  Jaw clenched in anger, he flexed a hand and followed her. His mind coursed a litany of things he shouldn’t say. It wasn’t easy to refrain. Not even an hour here and she’d turned his life upside down.

  Shade was by the door leading outside, the damn smirk still lingering. Man, I want to knock that off. His doc wasn’t in sight so, with a narrow-eyed glare towards Shade, he pushed out into the hot summer day.

  Again, his body reacted to the view of Saffron. The sun seemed to kiss her skin and he longed to do the same.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking of her as mine?

  He didn’t have time for this. There was a job to do and no time to be swayed by a lone female. Determined to ignore his lustful feelings towards her, he strode to where she stood talking to two more men.

  “Let’s go, Doc. Like you said, burnin’ daylight.”

  “Actually, I said ‘wasting daylight’ and I was the one waiting on you,” she replied sweetly. “I’m sure one of these men could show me around, since you seem so loath to do it.”

  His icy glare quelled the responses of the men in question. “Don’t push me, Doc.”

  She shrugged and headed to the nearest vehicle. He bit off instructions to the men and followed her.

  “I’m so fucked,” he muttered.

  Saffron Eshe covertly watched the man at the wheel of the Jeep from behind mirrored shades. Kenric Annson, ex-military and all kinds of panty-soakingly hot. Never before had a man even come close to having this kind of effect on her. Hell, his simple touch had rendered her speechless.

  He’d not been what she had expected. She’d nearly lost her breath upon walking into the room. He’d been by the window, the sun glinting off his shaggy, dirty blond hair. He had a muscular physique, one courtesy of hard work. Broad shoulders, well-cut arms, narrow waist and strong legs all combined to make the package he presented at a few inches over six feet.

  He had side arms attached to his legs—guns—as well as a knife. Hot as hellfire, all in all. Then he’d stopped scanning her body and met her gaze. She had been struck by intense, ice-blue eyes.

  “What are you doing out here? Trying to prove something to someone?” he asked over the sound of the wind whipping past them as he drove.

  “I told you, Mr Annson, I’m here because Kade asked me to come.”

  He turned his head towards her. “Hard to believe he’d send his girlfriend out here, to such a dangerous place.”

  She reclined and put her feet up on the dash. The air was arid, but still soothing to her soul. “Kade and I are not involved, Mr Annson.”

  “Damn you, if you’re determined to stay and make my life hell you may as well call me Kenric. You say Mr Annson and I look around for my father.”

  “Very well then, call me Saffron.”

  He watched the road again. “That’s your name?”

  “Yes. You didn’t seem too keen on introductions before. And, while I’m betting you still aren’t, at least now you know my name.”

  And those eyes were back on her. “What if I like calling you Doc, Doc?”

  “Are you teasing me, Kenric?”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  She wondered if they had reached a truce. The set of his jaw made her doubt it. He was trying to appease her so she would leave. Saffron hid her smirk. That wouldn’t happen. She had come for a reason not even Kade knew about. So, no matter if Kenric threatened or sweet-talked, she wouldn’t leave.

  They pulled up to the first site. She
noticed all the armed men around and shook her head. Humans. Force seemed to be their first resort, as opposed to their last. As Kenric spoke to one man she removed her feet from the dash and sat up straighter. Kenric drove them up farther before he stopped and shut off the Jeep. They headed to a large canopy set up with a table that was a little away from the entrance of the mine.

  “Hey, Boss.” The greeting came as another tall black man met them, nearly identical to the one she’d met in Kenric’s office. His gaze landed upon her and she could see the appreciative look he gave. “Who are you?”

  “Saffron,” she replied offering her hand.

  “Lovely to meet you Saffron. Everyone calls me Flare.”

  He bowed over her hand and pressed a quick kiss to the back of it. She could hear the low grumble of discontent from the man beside her.

  “Are you older or younger than your twin, Shade?”

  He flashed a grin and winked. “Can’t you tell?”

  “I’d say younger.”

  “And I’d say you were right.” He lifted his chin. “How did you know?”

  “Shade’s eyes are older.”

  Before Flare could retaliate, or question her statement, Kenric interrupted. “Doc here was sent by Kade. And I have to take time to show her around, so you and Shade are in charge. Keep your eyes open.”

  “You got it, Boss.” That rakish smile flickered across his dark face. “Take good care of her.”

  “Move,” Kenric ordered.

  He took them to the covered area, where he grabbed two hard hats and plunked one of them down on her head. With another glare, he spun around and headed for the lift that would drop them down into the earth. Once in the shaft he pressed a button and they were lowered into the darkness.


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