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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 10

by Nancy Lieder

  but a tiny fraction of the invisible influences and all of them are affected by the approach of the 12th Planet. Life at the

  moment of conception and at key points during development of the embryo where cell specialization or the inception

  of limbs and organs occurs, is delicate, and under more than the influence of DNA. Look to what the drug

  Thalidomide did to the formation of limbs, where a chemical influence interfered with the message intended by the

  DNA, and children raised under high power lines developed cancer at an undue rate.

  As with white buffalo calves being born, deformed frogs, which will soon be appearing world wide, are heralding the

  approach of the 12th Planet.

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  ZetaTalk: Big Birds

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  ZetaTalk: Big Birds

  Note: written during the Oct 26, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  In Australia there are reportedly large lizards larger than a man, not including the long tail. This has been sighted, but

  not captured, by man. Nessie is also not alone in being a remnant to the dinosaur in fresh water lakes and rivers,

  reported in an Australian rivers as well as other places around the world. No capture or photo exists. On occasion, a

  previously extinct species is located, still alive and flourishing. Thus, man is not aware of all the animals around him,

  nor are all well documented and researched. The current earth changes bring about seasonal changes that change the

  food patterns, the hunting grounds, and the availability of food for many species. It is not true that the size of species is

  delimited by DNA, as the size of young humans in Japan, compared to their oldsters, demonstrates. Nutrition

  availability is taken advantage of, with a steady increase in size among offspring due to influences that affect what

  DNA expresses or is repressed. Not only will animals, predators and prey alike, be found outside their known habitat,

  they will be found stunted or larger than expected, due to changes in food availability and the seasons where growth is

  normal in a species. Dormancy may not occur, resulting in continuing growth.

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  ZetaTalk: Deep Quakes

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  ZetaTalk: Deep Quakes

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1997.

  One of the surest signs that the current eccentricity in weather patterns and the increased magnetic diffusion exhibited

  by the Earth’s core and the warming of the oceans from the bottom up are not simply variations on the norm is the

  dramatic increase in deep earthquakes, as noted since the mid 1980’s. This of course gets little media attention, just as

  the increasing magnetic diffusion is not in the media, as they are difficult symptoms to explain. The increase in deep

  earthquakes, those indicating plate adjustments at the most fundamental level, are in particular a telling clue that a pole

  shift is in the Earth’s near future. Few earthquakes register at this level normally, as most quakes registered by man are

  on the fragile and easily crumbled surface.

  The snapping or crumbing surface affects mankind’s habitat directly, so that surface quakes are noticed. Deep quakes

  rock the boat but don’t normally throw the crockery about, moving the plate as a whole rather than adjusting the

  surface. Therefore deep quakes result in little damage, and thus get little media coverage. However, as a symptom

  heralding the coming pole shift, they are extremely significant and more importantly, unexplainable in any other

  context. The increase in deep earthquakes is currently reported, but as these increase and attention is focused on this

  curious symptom, the current availability of these statistics may be blocked. Earthquake data is reported by location,

  date and time, Richter scale magnitude, and depth. Expect that latter piece of information to be dropped in the future.

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  ZetaTalk: Atlantis

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  ZetaTalk: Atlantis

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The legends of Atlantis are based not on actual fact, but a combination of truths which when combined gave birth to

  the legend of Atlantis. The stories about Atlantis, which has never been found, are supported by myths of great cities

  destroyed suddenly by rising water. Well, that of course happens extensively all over the world every time there is a

  pole shift, as we have explained. There were lands that sunk under the sea in the Atlantic, but they were no more

  developed than the bordering lands at the time of the last cataclysms, stories of Atlantis notwithstanding. The Earth

  was visited by hominoid extraterrestrials in its past, and these hominoids had access to technology that amazed the

  primitive humans who stood witness. Many cities in and around the European continent went under the waves during

  the past few pole shifts. This is because the Atlantic, as a widening ocean, tends to drag down the shore lines and

  outlying islands during each shift. The floor of the Atlantic drops, pulling its perimeter with it. Beyond what has been

  told about the visitors from the 12th Planet, there is naught to say about rumors about Atlantis. These visitors did not

  disappear because they went under the waves. They disappeared because they were put into quarantine.

  Note: below added during the Dec 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Rumors of Atlantis aside, mankind did not achieve advances beyond what they hold today, in the past. Atlantis was not

  a human society, but a society composed, dominated, by the advanced homoinoids from the 12th Planet. As we have

  described, they used crystals for communications, had rocket power, but these equated to no more than mankind had


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  ZetaTalk: Land of Mu

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  ZetaTalk: Land of Mu

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

  In concert with the legends of Atlantis are the legends of Mu, a land somewhere in the Pacific which is supposed to

  reappear at some troubled point in the future, like a paradise that the troubled can flock to. Does this legend has a basis

  in fact, past or future? It does indeed, in that such a land was above the waves in the past, disappearing during one of

  the recent wrenching pole shifts that rearranges the continents and forces plates up above one another or under, in

  sudden subduction with loss of elevation. There are many points on the Pacific where land is not that far under the

  ocean, and the evidence of roads just under the waves off the coast of Japan bears witness to land even along the

  Pacific Rim being forced down during the shortening and compression that the Pacific experiences during severe pole


  Mu was as peaceful as many of the islands in the Pacific, the people living an indolent and relatively worryfree life in

  a warm climate with the abundance that the ocean provides to those living along its coastlines. Its residents enjoyed

  the social freedoms that such easy living often bring, as there was little reason for war or restrictions. There was,

  however, nothing magical about this land or its peoples, no special spiritual
qualities or technological advantages,

  regardless of how the legends might have been embellished over time. Nor will this land reappear during the

  forthcoming pole shift, as the anticipated rise of new land is to come not in the Pacific but in the lower Atlantic

  between South America and Africa. The Pacific, in fact, will be a dangerous and severely afflicted part of the globe,

  during the coming shift, and any advice to the contrary is misleading.

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  ZetaTalk: The Flood

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  ZetaTalk: The Flood

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The flood occurred in conjunction with the periodic visits of the 12th Planet, which swings through the Earth's Solar

  System causing cataclysmic Earth changes such as pole shifts. The Flood occurred three pole shifts back,

  approximately eleven millennia ago. The shift prior to that had been slight, so that melting of the poles was slow and

  incomplete. Ordinarily each pole shift places the old poles in a position where they will quickly melt, facing the Sun.

  The pole shift ahead of the one causing the flood only moved the old poles slightly, so much of the ice was still

  remaining. Poles over land have constant runoff when they melt, and settle as the weight of ice presses down, but poles

  over oceans melt more from the bottom up, leaving caverns of ice honeycombed within as the water can support ice of

  odd shapes. Thus a vast body of thin ice stretched out over the southern ocean, over the location of the old pole. When

  the comet caused massive Earth movements this ice sheet fractured and fell into the water, causing a huge

  displacement and resulting massive wave. This wave was the flood, of legend worldwide.

  Noah was given warning by the actions of inhabitants from the 12th Planet, visiting Earth. He observed their frantic

  preparations to leave, as they were keenly aware of the devastation that their passing planet caused on Earth, and could

  compute the closeness of the passage when their inbound planet was sighted. Unlike other passages, they were going

  to be in harms way due to the condition of the South Pole ice, which they had visited and checked upon. Uneasy, and

  being a highly Service-to-Other man, he gave The Call and received visits from a Spirit Guide who responded. He did

  indeed construct a boat to save himself, his family, and household animals. The story of Noah has been romanticized to

  include all the animals of the Earth, which doesn't take much logic to dispel. How big a boat was this? Where the

  wave was large, it did not cover the entire Earth. How could it? Thus, there was more drowning during this particular

  visit of the 12th Planet, but other than that, not much difference.

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  ZetaTalk: Noah

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  ZetaTalk: Noah

  Note: written on Jan 15, 2001. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Noah was an individual who built a boat and pulled his farm animals onto it, and his family, in an attempt to escape

  what he anticipated would be heavy rains and flooded farmlands. How it is that Noah’s neighbors were not so

  prophetic, and did not have his insight? Noah was indeed warned, by a Spirit Guide, because Noah gave The Call

  intensely. He was a caring person, evidenced by how much of his family and farm he saved. He took his

  responsibilities seriously. Noah had a high level Spirit Guide who answered his call and advised Noah because his call

  for these contacts had not been given due to selfish interests, but due to concern for his family and others. He also

  warned his neighbors, who treated him with disdain. So Noah’s call was deemed a high level Service-to-Other call

  and as such he received attention from a very high level Service-to-Other entity who knew of the coming passage of

  the 12th Planet, which caused the Flood.

  Many people today are being warned about the coming changes. In contact groups, contactees say it is remarkable that

  they have found someone who has had the same kind of dream, perhaps a flood dream or a need to move away from

  the coast line, maybe a sense that something is coming or that they will have to take care of people, that it will be a

  time of emergency. They can’t put their finger on it, but often they have shared the same visions and they realize they

  both have been warned. In these cases these individuals are caring, have a sense of responsibility, and are getting the

  same warning from their visitors.

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  ZetaTalk: Moses

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  ZetaTalk: Moses

  Note: written on Jan 15, 2001.

  The story of Moses is written almost with complete accuracy in that the Jews were forbidden to lie in anything they put

  into print and the story in many cases is bolstered by Egyptian writers who were recording the cataclysms that struck

  Egypt at the same time. Velikovsky did a good job pointing this out. So was Moses lying when he said he had a

  guide? He went to the mountain top. He prayed fervently for guidance. He had a large charge in the number of people

  he felt responsible for. He was in desperate need to get them to safety as they left Egypt, knowing the retaliation that

  would come to escaping slaves, and his heart was in this throat the whole time. Needless to say, a man of this quality,

  who gave this Call, was given Spirit Guides who responded to him. There’s been a lot of discussion about why the Red

  Sea separated and how he could have found his way.

  What was the pillar of fire? In fact, there was a space ship with a light pointing down, showing him where to go. This

  was a time of great darkness, in which they were stumbling over rock. In many cases, because of the earthquakes, new

  rocks with very sharp edges had been tossed, and the old paths were no longer walkable. So they were stumbling and

  climbing and it was important to lead the lame and the small children, the cattle and sheep in tow, and perhaps an ox

  cart - to find a path where they all could flow over and struggle forward and not find that they were faced with a cliff

  or huge boulders that they would have to climb over. So the light was directing which way to go as they approached.

  In the past, ZetaTalk was unable to explain the degree to which Spirit Guides and visitors could assist humans during

  times of trouble, so as not to interfere with the sense that humans in 3rd Density are to have that responsibility for their

  life is in their hands, and that they will not be rescued by parent figures or those they might consider gods. We, the

  Zetas, sought and were given special permission from the Council of Worlds to detail how Noah and Moses were

  assisted, as it was deemed that ZetaTalk has a following that is already taking responsibility for the path their lives will

  take, in the main.

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  ZetaTalk: Tales

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  ZetaTalk: Tales

  Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

  Past cataclysms appear in print more than is recognized. Tales where the earth yaws wide and swallows cities or

  hapless humans who tumble into the yaw are not des
cribing present day earthquakes which tumble buildings, drop

  bridges, and heave roads. Yaws that open and re-close may seem to occur only in story books, but they are based on

  real events that sometimes occur during cataclysms. Fairly tales sometimes describe mountains that rise from the earth

  overnight, or caverns and passageways into the mountains that open suddenly or disappear just as suddenly. This is all

  attributed to magic but to primitive humans who had no forewarning of a pole shift, emerging the morning after

  horrendous wind and rain storms to find the landscape rearranged must have seemed like magic.

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  ZetaTalk: Red Sea Parting

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  ZetaTalk: Red Sea Parting

  Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

  The parting of the Red Sea so that Moses could lead his people to safety is counted as an act of God, a miracle, but in

  fact occurred during the last cataclysms. The waters were separated partly due to the fact that there was sloshing of

  water and heaving of ground, but such a thing as the fact that the Red Sea could part, and that the whole troop could

  pass, and then come closed just as the enemy was about to follow in their footsteps, was not a natural occurrence. As

  you might imagine, things can be moved aside and artificial barriers such as force fields put in place. We are capable

  of putting a force field down that any weapon that humans possess could not penetrate, yet it is invisible. Without

  going into the technology of such a force field, this was simply put down, the water sucked out and put on the other

  side of the force field, allowing high walls of water on either side. Due to the intensity and fear, and excruciating

  knowledge of what they would receive at the hands of the Egyptians if they were recaptured, and the fervent following

  that Moses had, they all wandered into this in a leap of faith to a one, and crossed whole. The sea floor heaved up,

  temporarily, long enough to provide safe passage to Moses but not long enough for the Pharaoh's hapless soldiers, who


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