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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 20

by Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: How to Identify

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  ZetaTalk: How to Identify

  Note: written during the May 10, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  ZetaTalk is a vast web site, and though well organized due to time constraints those recently learning of the coming

  changes are desperate to get a short list of what to expect and what to do. In the week or so leading up to rotation

  stoppage, what can be expected is a continuation of today, extreme weather, quakes in bursts globally, and a gradual

  slowing of rotation such that clocks never seem to be synched up anymore. Then the day or days before rotation

  stoppage will increase this slowdown such that minutes, then hours, then a total stop will occur. In other words, you

  will have but two days notice, and the first of those days doubtful as it will involve minutes, not seconds, and clocks

  being off already this will be a confused point. It is the day when the Sun sets hours later than expected that should be

  the trumpet in the skies, the flashing red light, the announcement you have been waiting for that now is the moment to

  drop all and rush to your safe location.

  Up until rotation stops, the crust of the Earth is under stress but dealing with it as before, with increased quakes and

  weird weather and melting poles, but only a slight increase day to day in these matters. When rotation stops, the core

  is trying to turn, the crust locked in place by the approaching Planet X grip on the strong magnetized Atlantic Rift, and

  dramatic changes occur. The Earth moans, and the stretch along the Atlantic will snap bridges, tear electric and phone

  lines, and derail trains. This is where imploding buildings will occur, as the underlying infrastructure will move,

  collapsing the buildings overhead. In areas of compression, where mountain building is occurring or along the Pacific

  Rim, volcanic activity will greatly increase. A stopped rotation will affect the atmosphere, in that wind current will be

  more extreme, moving cold air primarily to warm places, which can result in more tornado activity in those areas

  affected. Likewise, ocean currents will move differently, cold water rushing more rapidly to those warm areas, and

  swirling. This will create more hurricane or typhoon type activity in those areas affected.

  Given all this, the populace will be greatly distracted, and might miss the next sign to watch for, which is the

  dusting with red dust that turns rivers and lakes blood red and bitter. This dusting is followed by hail, and

  stronger quakes as at this point the shift is only days or hours away.

  For those not able to see the sky, to gauge motion of the crust during the hour of the shift by a movement of the

  Sun or Moon or stars, they should at this point be in their trenches, virtually living there. Obviously, as the shift

  takes place over an hour, and it is the stop of the crust slide where the huge quakes occur, one can leave to

  relieve themselves or stretch, but certainly sleeping should be done in the trenches.

  At the start of the shift, there is a strong clue that crust shift has started, and this is the uptick in wind. As the

  crust moves, the atmosphere resists, and this causes hurricane force winds globally. Where the wind was stronger

  than usual during rotation stoppage, this will be unique in that it will come from the direction the crust is

  moving. For North America, for instance, the crust will be moving NW, and the hurricane winds comes from

  that direction. To those confused about direction, take a globe, take our Scripted Drama steps so nicely

  diagrammed and linked from the Pole Shift section of ZetaTalk, and rotate the globe accordingly.

  There will also be a jiggling in the Earth, a sense of motion, jerking, that will be consistent with crust movement

  during this hour of the shift.

  The hurricane force winds persist for an hour or more after the shift, as the atmosphere adjusts. Except as a caution to

  watch for falling structures around you, broken glass, fearful animals that might attack if they feel they are blocked,

  there is no reason not to emerge from your trenches. It is over, and picking up the pieces and comforting the injured

  and devastated can start.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:55:50 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Safety Measures

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  ZetaTalk: Safety Measures

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

  The cataclysms present those who would survive with several challenges. Hailstones, firestorms with brief period of

  oxygen depletion, earthquakes of a magnitude mankind has never experienced, rapid mountain building, spewing

  volcanoes, winds of hurricane force, and tidal waves high enough to sweep over tall buildings. What to do?

  Tidal Waves

  As the exact position of the Earth when it stops rotation cannot be calculated, just which shore will

  experience the worst tidal waves cannot be predicted. This is more severe on the dark side of the

  Earth, as the waters are gripped by the passing comet on the side facing the Sun, and thus are not as

  free to flow. Practically speaking, to take no chances, one should calculate to a height of 200 feet

  and be at least 100 miles away from any shore.


  Clearly safety involves removing oneself from active or even relatively active volcanoes.

  Volcanoes, new and old, will present those living nearby with sudden activity during the cataclysms,

  with little warning. The plates are thicker than man presumes, but the thickness become slush, semi-

  molten lava which is more attached to the plates than the core. For mankind, which lives atop the

  plates, the issue is where the breaks are. Those plates that form the continents are composed of

  lighter material than the plates deep under the seas. It is no coincidence that they float higher or

  lower. It is not the weight of water that pushes the plates under the ocean down, as they must have

  been down in the first place for the water to have settled there. The semi-molten lava under the

  plates gives way to heavy objects floating on its sea, just as objects floating on water sink more

  deeply than lighter objects which buoy to the surface. For man, in addition to being positioned on

  light plates, being in the center of large land plates is a safety factor. For man, staying away from

  the edges of plates where very molten lava can seep and explode, during pressure of plate

  movement, is a significant safety factor.

  Mountain Building

  Remove yourselves from areas where mountain building is likely to occur. Flat plains or plateaus

  are safest. In this, geological analysis of plates should be your guide. Don't be above a subducting

  plate, as even if you are riding on top, the ground beneath you may be heated white hot, from



  The earthquakes will essentially level all cities, and of course railways, landing strips, and highways

  and bridges will be unusable. Don't figure on any power or water systems to be functional, and the

  telephones will surely be permanently dead. Practically speaking, one should shield any mechanical

  or electrical devices one hopes to use after the cataclysms with extensive padding such as rubber

  mats. Wrap everything as though it were going to be dropped from a height of 500 feet. Test this,

  and see if your device survives. If not, then sturdier devices may be required. Independent power

  sources, such as windmills, need to be secured. Batt
eries may be handy, but won't last long and will

  not be replaceable. Your mechanical and electrical structures will suffer damage from violent

  earthquakes more than your flesh and bones. You may bruise and break, but you heal. Your

  electrical device will stay broken. When the earthquakes are expected, lie flat. In this way you will

  skid and slide a few feet. Standing, or positioned at a height, you will be dashed. And by all means,

  do not be under a structure that will fall upon and crush you.[2/5/2012 9:55:51 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Safety Measures

  Hailstone and Firestorms

  Metal roofs will deflect the firestorms and hailstones also, if sufficiently thick. The thickness of a

  protective metal plate is not as important as simply being metal, not bursting into flame. Thin metal

  can bend and crumble under pressure, where thick metal might shear or snap, having less flexibility.

  Where the metal is deemed to be protection from falling ash and rocks from exploding volcanoes,

  the thicker the better. For large meteors, which are few, there is no safety measure to be taken. Trust

  to luck, there. If the shelter you are in is not open to the outside, temporary depletion of oxygen will

  not affect you.

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  ZetaTalk: Prepare for Death

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  ZetaTalk: Prepare for Death

  Note: written on Feb 15, 2000.

  Many concerned humans ask what they should tell those in India, who will find their tropical land sinking under water

  and becoming a new pole. We would tell them to prepare for death. The people of India do this well, as they live under

  very trying and harrowing circumstances. Starvation is rampant, affecting over half the populace in some regard where

  they are shriveled or retarded or watch their children die. Medical treatment is also very poor and diseases run

  rampant, and they likewise have droughts, crop shortages, and the horrendous cyclones that affect Bangladesh.

  Historically, and by their religious beliefs, they are very accepting and fatalistic.

  There is very little that can be expected. Should a mass of the people try to migrate north, this would be resisted. They

  would simply die, freezing to death in the mountains. If they tried to get in boats and sail to other lands, they would

  likewise find resistance. Of course, those scenes are playing out today - it’s called immigration and it’s very tightly

  controlled because so many people try to leave a crowded land and go elsewhere where opportunity is better. We have

  no advice for humans who are living in such human cultures, as this is not likely to change going into the pole shift.

  We would advise the people of India, caught in these circumstances, to prepare to die peacefully. Be with the ones they

  love. Have less panic and more acceptance. Drowning is fortunately a painless death, and relatively quick.

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  ZetaTalk: Earthquakes

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  ZetaTalk: Earthquakes

  Note: written on Dec 15, 1997.

  Earthquakes during the pole shift occur when plates are on the move, the jolts felt when the plate moves, and shortly

  thereafter when the surrounding plates adjust to the new tension. Aftershocks are such adjustments, and are always

  minuscule compared to the major plate movement. During the pole shift all plates on earth on the move, and the jolt

  occurs at the sudden stop when the crust stops moving. This is when the Richter 9 equivalent earthquakes, which we

  have termed Richter 15 as the scope is far larger than Richter 9, will be felt worldwide.

  The earthquakes following the pole shift will be no more wrenching than earthquakes due to plates adjustments under

  normal circumstances. The moving plates, suddenly slamming into each other as they start to slow down, will create a

  domino effect not unlike a multiple car crash. One plate slams into another as the first plates slows down, creating a

  domino effect that rapidly ricochets around the world, within minutes. There is no delay in this motion, as each plate is

  solid and what affect one edge affects the far edge, when the entire plate is in motion. Thus, the earthquakes come all

  at once, and rapidly settle down to an adjustment phase, within minutes.

  Due to the immensity of the adjustment, with many plates in barely tenable positions, there will be many aftershocks,

  most occurring within the first few weeks. These will range from Richter 8 on down, but in no case will be as great as

  the initial shock during the pole shift. They will rapidly diminish, reduced to annoying tremors after a few weeks.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:55:52 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Volcanoes

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  ZetaTalk: Volcanoes

  Note: written on Feb 15, 2000.

  Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years

  preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the

  populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is

  bubbling up. In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this

  is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic

  eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected. Will Mount St. Helen erupt? All volcanoes that have been

  active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to

  become active will reactive. How long will it take the volcanoes to settle down? 100 years, but in a reducing ratio, over

  this time. By the end of 100 years, their activity will seem as today. Nevertheless, for those downwind, this post shift

  burping is virtually a death sentence!

  Note: below added during the November 9, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Earthquakes and volcanoes share, and also do not share, causes. Common causes of quakes and eruptions are pressures

  upon plates to move, which causes, in addition to the plate scrapping and crunching along the edges, lava surges.

  Volcanoes erupt because the lava just beneath the volcano is trapped, under pressure, and the point of least resistance

  is an opening. Where volcanoes perpetually ooze, this is such a pressure situation, without abrupt pressure changes. In

  Hawaii, where volcanoes perpetually ooze, there are layers of rock, more plates overlapping, than mankind assumes.

  These plates are being pushed up, but other Pacific plates subducting under Hawaii, so the lava has many places to go

  other than up. It can move sideways, and the oozing is only one outlet, so no eruptions. Where a volcano is associated

  with plate crunching, such as Popo in Mexico, eruptions occur and are closely associated with quakes. Here the

  eruption does not settle down until the trapped lava, under pressure, has the pressure reduced. During the shift, when

  all volcanoes both active and inactive will erupt or ooze dramatically, there is more than plate movement and pressure

  involved. The core of the Earth is roiling then, in motion and continuing in motion even after the crust has stopped.

  Thus, volcanoes have pressure n
ot only from trapped lava, they have it from lava surges from the core itself.

  Note: below added during the November 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We have stated that all volcanoes active within the last 10,000 years can be considered candidates to blow, or ooze

  during the shift. During every pole shift, there are places on Earth where the earth is stretched, like the Atlantic, such

  that mountain ranges such as the Appalachians have not experienced mountain building and scarcely any rock

  outcropping are bare. Places like the Himalayas are subducting, so that rock layers are being laid under one another,

  and protection from the lava occurs. Hawaii, likewise, is expected to do better than one would think, because the

  compression of the Pacific will layer rock strata and protect the oozing volcanoes from roiling lava. In New Zealand,

  where that edge of the plate will tip up, it will be some protection from exploding volcanoes as the pressure will be

  relieved. Likewise, where there is a stretch, as Iceland will experience, there will be continued oozing, but explosions

  caused by lava under pressure unlikely to happen.

  Inland cauldera, like Yellowstone, have their basis in pressure that has a long route to climb before heating the surface.

  During the shift, the fact that they are and have been an outlet for pressure competes with what is occurring in the rock

  strata. What comes first, for Yellowstone, will not be the rock strata thickening, as during the start of the shift the

  Atlantic is stretched, the plates on the move, and the core roiling. Thus, there will be explosions, though not violent, of

  lava, from volcanoes however active along the Sierras and Andes. The later part of the hour sees rock strata pushed

  under the West Coast of the Americas, shutting off access of lava from those volcanoes, which should speed the easing

  but not prevent the explosion in the first place. In areas under stretch in Europe and the Middle East, likewise, the[2/5/2012 9:55:53 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Volcanoes

  roiling will cause oozing and where volcanoes are already open to the air, an outlet established, such as in Italy, they


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