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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 32

by Nancy Lieder

  activity, so can hardly be missed. Thus, finding some way to measure high noon, if only via a tube illuminating an

  object at the bottom, will be an aid to those wanting that extra day of warning.[2/5/2012 9:56:30 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Time Differences

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  ZetaTalk: Time Differences

  written June 16, 2003

  During measuring rotation slowing in the early days of slowing, there will be different reports from different parts of

  the world. Latitude matters greatly, as the angle of sunlight is less directly overhead the further from the Equator one

  gets. Why would this confuse a direct measure of minutes, from day-to-day, since theoretically the march from dawn

  to dusk should be measured, steadily, regardless. The more accurate measure of rotation slowing is close to the

  Equator. During the early days of slowing when sunrise and sunset are confused and seeming to occur earlier, a shorter

  day while approaching the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and later, a longer day while approaching the

  Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, only the high noon point can be used with any degree of accuracy.

  For the same reason, high noon with the sun directly overhead and not at all where the sunlight approaches at a slant,

  to Earth, is more accurate. Direct overhead light is more intense, a flood less likely to be bent. A slant is less intense,

  has more opportunity to bend as it is going a somewhat further distance, a situation that exists and frankly lingers at

  the hours both preceding and receding from high noon. Planet X is close to the Ecliptic and close to the point where it

  is between the Earth and the Sun, but is to the right of the Sun. Thus the light is bent toward Planet X before being

  bent back, giving the illusion that the Sun itself is to the right, appropriately for the day. For both hemispheres this is

  also the case, noon sunlight seeming to arrive from a Sun jogged slightly to where it would normally be, thus

  disguising the slowing.[2/5/2012 9:56:30 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Slowing Confusion

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  ZetaTalk: Slowing Confusion

  written June 29, 2003

  The establishment has put forth many disguises to prevent any awareness of Planet X as it floats toward the Earth just

  under the Ecliptic. NASA and their many arms in the scientific and academic community, the Navy's master time and

  calendar keeper, both working together in this deceit, have arranged to use the Sun as an excuse for fluctuations in the

  magnetic field, an increase in earthquakes, weather variances, problems with satellites, and atmospheric conditions. Its

  all the Sun, an object only those with access to the SOHO satellite imagery can examine, as their prime excuse. They

  measure the Sun's emissions, they proffer images, and they interpret and predict based on the date they supposedly

  have in their databanks. When a single source controls the equipment used to secure data, and releases only the data

  and images they wish the public to see, there can be no confidence in the result. Is the Sun blasting forth more rays,

  affecting the Earth's magnetism and causing earthquakes and causing the Sun to seem extraordinarily bright? No, nor

  is there any evidence that it has ever caused magnetic or earthquake disturbances in the past. Doctored images, seldom

  released, had been the mode up until recently, when it was decided to disable the SOHO almost entirely to prevent

  leaks. Images not intended for public view were being released, most due to exhaustion and decimation in the ranks of

  those tasked with utter precision in their image doctoring, but on occasion a deliberate leak from someone enraged at

  the treatment of the common man, who is to be kept ignorant of the danger approaching them.

  Thus, a certain segment of the populace think that Solar Flares are the cause of the very bright Sun, causing gardens

  and crops to mature more rapidly, causing inordinate sunburns and tans, and creating flares in cameras never before

  experienced. And when photos of Planet X, secured from around the world and even via public webcams are accused

  of being doctored of composed of lens flares, how is the common man, wanting not to disrupt their daily life until is it

  clear that Planet X is about to devastate the Earth per our predictions, to proceed? By understanding what measuring

  devices are controlled by the establishment, so that they can rely only on those devices that are accurate determiners.

  Leap Minutes

  As has been noted by dedicated Troubled Times members, the Navy preset their Moon calendars in 1994 to

  prevent detection of slowing rotation via out-of-synch moon phases. Should any old calendars generated before

  1994 be at hand, this could easily be determined. Since the Navy controls the atomic clocks, they and only they

  pronounce what time it is, and do so by updating automatically most PCs that go online, watches and clocks that

  check in regularly via radio to synch up with the master clock, and computer networks. Manual clocks are

  assumed to be set wrong or broken or in need of a new battery. Where going into 2003 the rate of slowing was

  perhaps a second per day, it has become more like a minute or two a day. How does this affect measuring the

  slowing rotation of the Earth? Anyone checking with an atomic clock will find no slowing, and anyone checking

  with a manual clock will find that their findings are argued endlessly by others who have no patience for

  complicated conspiracy theories. Thus, among those who have learned of the Planet X approach, a certain

  segment have not determined that slowing has started, because they are allowing the Navy to adjust the clocks

  they use.

  Sunrise/Sunset Times

  How does one determine that a sunset or sunrise is on time? Check in, once again, with the Navy, who maintain

  vast charts by city and day, presumably generated up to a year in advance. Once again, the Navy is in control of

  the data that goes into the generation of these charts, and once again they are solely in control of publication of

  this data. As with information on solar flares and emissions, in this setting no integrity can be presumed. Navy

  charts are used by TV networks and newspaper chains to publish the expected sunrise or sunset times. As with

  observatories, which the establishment controls by selecting which scientists will be allowed to use the expensive

  equipment, and by a National Security Oath required of those operating this equipment due to the likelihood of

  UFO's or missiles being sighted and the need to keep public panic down, those in the know when sunrise or[2/5/2012 9:56:31 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Slowing Confusion

  sunset times are adjusted are mum. Should an old chart emerge, anyone making a fuss is accused of fraud, and

  the matter is dropped. Thus, a large percentage of the public watching for a late sunset or sunrise is mislead,

  because they have checked in with the Navy, once again.

  Star Charts

  The moment when the Solstice, or Equinox, is determined is done so via a long tube at a fixed place on the

  Earth, looking at the Stars. When a particular guiding star is precisely overhead, then the seasonal passage is

  determined. Can the general public use this method to determine a slowing rotation? Hardly. Clear skies are

  required, a broad knowledge of the stars so that knowing just which stars are steady and which seemingly

  change position b
ased on the Earth's motion is required, and any change in minutes using such a method would

  not show up unless the tube were so narrow as to make operating it difficult. Thus, the odds are against such a

  method being used to determine slowing despite an altered clock or altered sunrise/sunset times. Until slowing

  by hours occurs, the anticipated constellation overhead will not be a clue. Thus, a public determined to measure

  slowing outside of the information sources provided by the Navy, the time of day and the sunrise/sunset times,

  by checking against the stars, will find themselves stymied.

  Daily Variances

  Since the stage has been set, the Atlantic Rift magnetized so that it is loath to leave Planet X when facing it,

  would there be steady slowdown in rotation? Planet X grabs the Atlantic Rift, holding back rotation of the crust

  momentarily so that a pileup occurs in the forward momentum of the crust, agascerbating the compression zone

  around the Pacific Rim so that Global Quakes begin there and spread forward to the Atlantic Rift which is held,

  momentarily, from continuing to rotate. At the same time, as tension is relieved in the Pacific Rim, the stretch

  zone east of the Atlantic Rift can be pulled forward, causing minor adjustments in the crust there. What happens

  to the Atlantic Rift as it proceeds to disappear round to the dark side of the Earth? It is tugged back, creating a

  late sunset or sunrise for those in a position to take a measure at that time, but by the same token when the

  Atlantic Rift emerges from the dark side and is tugged forward by Planet X, it gains momentum, thus confusing

  the situation. Thus, those taking daily measures may find a late sunset and sunrise but not finding a correlation

  in a late noon, and assume no slowdown when the precursor has started, a strong grab of the Rift!

  Latitude/Hemisphere Differences

  Until Planet X, in its approach, comes near enough to the Earth to be discerned as a separate entity from the

  Sun, it will confuse the slowing rotation issue by adding its reflected and generated light to the Sun's. Being just

  below the Ecliptic, for those in both hemispheres, Planet X makes the Sun appear to be further south. Where

  during its rise to the Ecliptic, it pushed light rays from the Sun away by a broadside of gravity particles, and

  later pulled the Sun's light rays toward it as it moved closer and was a greater gravity draw, now that it floats

  just under the Ecliptic, the confusion is due to it seeming to be the Sun. For those in the Southern Hemisphere,

  sunlight thus comes early and lingers later, as Planet X is in view when the Sun is not, being south of the Ecliptic

  and coming from a Southern Constellation. For those in the Northern Hemisphere only those close to the

  Equator will get this effect. Thus, statistics from varying latitudes or hemisphere will differ, creating a climate of


  What should those determined to get an early measure of slowing rotation do, in the face of this confusion? Use a

  manual clock, not one set behind the scenes by the Navy. Avoid published sunrise and sunset times that are data

  secured from the Navy. Make a marker to determine high noon and sunset and sunrise times, and keep daily records.

  Do not be discouraged by a day when variances occur, as even the weather and particles in the atmosphere can

  interfere with light direction. You will find your personal daily measures beginning to show slowing outside of the

  slight changes expected for the seasons, day to day. You will get personal confirmation that several minutes a day are

  being lost, in increasing increments. You can measure the rate of increase, and project when this will become hours a

  day, anticipating the rapid slowdown to a stop that spells problems with travel or escape to safe locations.[2/5/2012 9:56:31 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Slowing Determination

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  ZetaTalk: Slowing Determination

  written Oct 14, 2003, during Lou Gentile live radio

  The Zetas stated that there will be a late sunrise followed by a late sunset, the next day perhaps sunset 2 hours late

  and then within 36 hours you have rotation stopping. We’ve been checking Slowing since June 13th and we advise

  people to set a noon marker because that alters the least when you go through the seasons. Right not in the Northern

  Hemisphere the days are shortening, but they are shortening at the beginning and the end and the noon marker

  basically has very little motion. What we’ve found is that we have the globe increasing rotation, I call it rotational

  surging, where the Atlantic Rift is gripped by Planet X, has been for a couple months now. When it comes around on

  the Dawn side, as the globe is turning, Planet X grabs it and pulls the crust toward it. Then it is at the Face point,

  it’s facing, and it wants it to stay there because our Atlantic Rift is a type of magnet and it wants it lined up with the

  core. As it tried to move around and continue and go round the side at the Dusk it pulls it back. So we’ve got a guy

  in central Siberia who reports that his noon is 61 minutes early, our timekeeper in Virginia says its a minute late or a minute early, we move across the continent and we’re getting about 20 minutes late in Wisconsin and Missouri,

  and go over more toward the West Coast and they’re 76 minutes late. So how is someone going to determine that 2

  hour late sundown?


  In this regard we are looking for the change, the rapid change for any given timekeeper. Those who have been using

  manual clocks have noted that we are already 15, 20, 25 minutes late, depending on their notes, slower, the atomic

  clock clicking along and changing so that this is not apparent to people who are looking at their clocks and the

  constellations overhead and the like. But this is just due to a very gradual slowing of the Earth, the difference between

  atomic and manual clocks, manual clocks being what the real time would be had it not been updated by the Navy

  surreptitiously. But rotational surging is also a confusion. You should look for the change for yourself. If you are

  currently experiencing perhaps a 45 minute delay at noon from your marker, one day it becomes and hour and 15

  minutes, the next day it’s another half hour later again. This is your clue that something drastic is happening. We

  encourage people to report this type of timekeeping to Nancy. It does not matter whether you’ve been doing this for 3

  months. Set a baseline at noon, and watch that, where the Sun sets, the shadow falls, every day. You should not be

  seeing a one or two minute change when those days come that you should worry about, but jumps, such as a half an

  hour, one day after another. Then the alarm bell should go off.[2/5/2012 9:56:32 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Fire Dragon

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  ZetaTalk: Fire Dragon

  Note: written during the Mar 29, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The Sighting TEAM has had a number of surprises over the past 6 months, since the Fall 2002 imaging season began.

  1. The first surprise was that two Personas presented, what was termed a Red and a White. This was due to the

  multiple light spectrums coming from the Planet X complex, more than one in the red spectrum range. Where

  filtering for red was done, there are many red spectrum waves, and the personas represented two distinct types of

  waves. The White, appearing on target for the coordinates, obviously Bent Less than the Red, which appeared

  more changed based
on the gravity pull, the distance over the core of the Earth the rays had to travel.

  2. The second surprise was that the tail wafted out from the corpus as a moving object would have a Tail Waft, to

  the side, behind the corpus, or above if the corpus was Moving down.

  3. The third was that the Red Persona during a period of weeks appeared Above the White, due to influences man is

  unaware of which the light rays had to pass through during that time, on their way to scopes on Earth. This was

  not apparent until that period had passed, and we declined to clarify what the influences were as it would be far

  afield from what humans currently understand, a distraction from the issues at hand.

  4. The fourth was that the Moon Swirls would be far apart from each other, like integral dances, not a singular

  dance behind the corpus.

  5. The fifth was that as the Moons or moon clusters became visible in the images, the corpus seemed to Disappear!

  6. The sixth was the vast size of the Dust Cloud, which was initially measured as brightness increase from

  background, but lately runs off the images it is so vast. Now, during the last image session on Mar 23 and 24,

  the White Persona could not even be detected! Yet Distinct Moons are evident all over the image. But just when

  the corpus is disappearing in the haze, a red dot appears to the Unaided Eye at the coordinates!

  We would suggest that the experience of the Sighting TEAM will have a parallel during the unaided eye viewing by

  the public over the last few weeks. Back in September 21, 2002 when the first images were taken, the White and Red

  personas were a dot only, and that intermittent on the frames, coming through however on the Summary demonstrating

  that they registered on all the frames. That equates to what is being seen now, during the last week of March, at the

  beginning of the unaided eye sightings. What the unaided eye is seeing is the complex, as a whole, not the corpus or

  moon swirls. The corpus, the moons, the dust cloud, all are reflecting sunlight in addition to reflecting light from the

  corpus itself, and this combined light is what is reaching the eye.


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