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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 41

by Nancy Lieder

  tug on the rift tends not only to tilt the Earth's N. Pole toward the Sun but also lean the N. Pole toward Planet X, as Planet X is

  approaching from the South, below the Ecliptic, from the right, and it grabs at the southern portion first, as nearer at hand. This gives

  Europe to Ontario a sunrise with a northern tilt, the increasing motion North of the Sun after the Solstice that has been noted.

  2. As this southern portion of the Atlantic Rift disappears around to the side of the Earth at dusk, this grip is relaxed and the Earth tends to align side-by-side with the Sun, moving its N. Pole back away from Planet X slightly. This gives the Western Half of the United States a sunrise location more in keeping with what is expected shortly after the Solstice, the Sun seeming to move South. This also moves the

  Hudson Bay and waters off Nova Scotia away from direct sunlight, thus the odd cold these regions are experiencing during their

  Summer. This wobble of the N. Pole away from the Sun and Planet X is most accentuated at this point, because the southern Atlantic

  Rift disappears and is entirely shielded from the direct grip of Planet X, being blocked by the Earth.

  3. As the southern portion of the Atlantic Rift approaches the dark side of the Earth, where it is again in line with the Earth's core and

  Planet X as magnets, creating magnetic resonance, the tug to align with Planet X again becomes strong, giving Japan the view of a

  sunrise moving North after the Solstice. But as the southern portion of the Atlantic Rift swings round to approach its dawn position, it

  is now more accessible to Planet X than at dusk. Approaching from the South, Planet X can directly grip this southern tip of the

  Atlantic Rift, so any wobble to align with the Sun is slight, tipping the Earth's N. Pole away from the Sun, is slight. Thus Siberia does

  not find itself with the lack of sunlight the Hudson Bay region does during its daylight hours.

  We mentioned, in the Whiplash ZetaTalk, that ricochet effects and twirling are possible. Twirling? What does that

  mean? Why is the cold spot to the west of Hudson Bay the coldest spot on Earth? That’s not the N Pole. What point is

  pointing away from the Sun most of the day? Are we going to develop a wobble? Are we going to suddenly lurch

  about so that the Sun is rising and setting in a place way off from where the public would expect? This is in your

  future, folks, but we will not give you the date.

  ZetaTalk: Twirling Wobble, written May 25, 2004 on the Lou Gentile Show, live

  Tilting and leaning or aligning with the bully magnet that Planet X represents will occur, with ricochet effects and[2/5/2012 9:56:55 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Earth Wobble

  twirling possible to an extent we decline to reveal at this time.

  ZetaTalk: Whiplash, written April 14, 2004

  Hudson Bay Cold Spot

  Cold spot just west of the Hutson Bay noted in May.

  And continuing, temps on Sunday June 20 in Alaska, 89°, in Michigan, 39°.[2/5/2012 9:56:55 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Weather Wobble

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  ZetaTalk: Weather Wobble

  written Dec 6, 2004

  About 100 miles/hour gusty wind blew in Tokyo [Dec 5] and suburbs of Tokyo, damaged buildings and

  affected all transportation. After this gusty wind, temperatures went up over 25C like a September climate.

  This is the highest temperature in December ever recorded.

  If the Earth has been in a Wobble since last May, at this early date a relatively gentle tug on the southern portion of the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, was this a factor in the record typhoon and hurricane seasons? Most certainly.

  Now that a more violent Polar Wobble has started, will the weather be exempt? Hardly. Where the Earth is pulled, the atmosphere is not, and lingers where it was while the crust moves beneath it. Accounts of sudden wind storms,

  unexpected and out of season, are occurring. Jerking the Earth about under her cloak of air also creates temperature

  changes. It has been noted by those plotting the Lurch that the Earth appears to be swinging in a Figure 8, one loop of

  which swings the N. Pole of Earth forward toward the Sun over India, creating an uncharacteristic warm spot in

  Siberia in the polar regions. As the earth lurches from a position where the N. Pole is pushed away and then a rebound

  where it tilts forward, would this not push Japan suddenly under warmer air from the SE and create a verticle air flow

  likewise from the SE in Bavaria as well as sudden fierce storms from the NE in California? Have these been the

  report? Indeed.

  Will this trend continue, and become more extreme? Why would it not, in an Earth wobble that we have predicted will

  become more extreme as Planet X swings its N. Pole, a hose of magnetic particles that cannot be ignored, toward

  Earth. Earth attempts to align with the dominant magnet in the Solar System, the Sun, but can only do so in this

  instance when its own vulnerable N. Pole is hidden from Planet X, that portion of the day when India faces the Sun.

  The push of the Earth’s vulnerable N. Pole away will occur with more violence, the rebound back to align with the

  Sun’s dominant voice will occur with more violence, and the weather will follow!

  Signs of the Times #1238

  Storm Strikes in Heart of Europe [Nov 19] ‘Winds gusting at up to 180 kilometers (112 miles) an

  hour were recorded at Wendelstein in Bavaria. The massive storm also swept across Scandinavia on

  Thursday disrupting land, sea and air traffic.’ [and from another source] 40 Missing, Five Dead

  after Storm Batters Philippines ‘Tropical storm Muifa cut through the country, sinking boats,

  causing landslides and blackouts and killing at least five, officials said.’ [and from another source]

  Up to 15 Inches of Rain causes Flooding, Forces Residents from Homes in Texas [Nov 21] ‘A storm

  thatś parked over southern Texas has dumped 15 inches of rain on the town of El Campo,

  southwest of Houston. At one point, rain was coming down at a rate of two-and-a-half inches an

  hour. Forecasters say up to 20 inches of rain could fall before the storm starts to move.’ [and from

  another source] Southern California Storm Dumps Snow Even in Desert Regions [Nov 22] 'The

  weather system, which developed in British Columbia and swept into California via Nevada, is

  called an "inside slider" for its rare approach into Southern California, from the northeast instead

  of the typical route through the Pacific Ocean.’ [Note: violent Earth Lurch causing jet stream to

  lurch.][2/5/2012 9:56:55 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Unshakable Grip

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  ZetaTalk: Unshakable Grip

  written Jan 1, 2004

  There is a hugely bright something in the Western sky every night just after sunset, just a bit above the

  horizon before it drops down low. It has wings! Some are claiming it's Venus, but I have never seen a

  planet that large and bright with wings. Is this the winged dragon, Planet X? It is eerily light outside at

  night especially to the east. It reminds me of how it looks very early in the morning before the Sun rises,

  which will not be for very long hours.

  Now that 2003 is past, is the danger of a pole shift past? Hardly, as only the naive would believe that planets in

  motion, and the forces that move them, owe any allegiance to the schedules or calendars that mankind might hold. A

  year ago the inbound Planet X complex was pulling toward the Sun with great speed, and was viewed in the night skyr />
  from Earth out in the heavens at a great distance, bare smudges on telescope images. During all of 2003 we, the Zetas,

  were cagey about dates and distances, speeds and positions, giving only to the establishment what they themselves

  could determine, the coordinates as viewed from Earth, and these only into early May, 2003. Where the establishment

  had resources to determine or approximate where the Planet X complex was located and moving, our refusal to provide

  further information to the common man also was deliberate.

  As we have endlessly explained, serious games were afoot, involving the well-being of the majority of mankind, not

  just the convenience of any given family wanting dates on when to move to safety. Our admonitions to the common

  man to learn to read the Earth changes, the signs, and follow this as a guild to timing has been enforced, by our utter

  refusal to be reliable in any manner on dates, this past year 2003. Those who have not learned to do so will continue to

  be lost, because nothing has changed now that the calendar slipped another day. The elite, and their minions, still hold

  their evil plans to enslave, entomb, selectively rescue and selectively murder by the hundreds of millions, the common

  man. The horror awaiting those innocents, most not even aware of what is about to unfold, cannot be imagined by

  those clamoring for specifics on dates, for their convenience. The only way to protect them is for the element of

  surprise to continue, and despite abuse of our emissary, Nancy, on this matter, this will be our rule into the end days of

  rapid rotation slowing.

  In that the Earth has almost moved full circle during the past year to where it will now be facing Orion/Taurus in the

  night sky again, what does a comparison to this time in early 2003 say about the placement of the Planet X complex?

  1. A year ago, it was in the night sky, only, that the complex could be viewed, and this was an extremely dim and

  small red blur.

  2. At the present time, no such complex is in the night sky, but increasing anomalies around the Sun, including

  illuminated planets nearer to the Sun than Earth such as Venus, and an odd glow from the south can be seen.[2/5/2012 9:56:56 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Unshakable Grip

  Thus, Planet X is no longer outside the Earth’s orbit, but closer to the Sun than the Earth. This accounts for the

  visibility of the personas and tail, even though the complex is no longer coming directly at the Earth from the direction

  of the Sun, but has been for some months approaching from the side. It is no longer approaching from a 11° angle, but

  at a 32° angle, having plunged low during its approach in 2003 and now coming up at this angle to pierce the Ecliptic

  between the Earth and Sun. This accounts for the increasing night glow, visible even in the northern hemisphere,

  toward the south. It is affecting the orbit of Earth by pushing the Earth up in its Ecliptic, as has been noted since

  shortly after the Sep 21 Equinox, and retarding the orbit of Earth recently, pushing it back. This accounts for the many

  observations that the Sun is too far south, for both hemispheres, and the sunrise and sunset times are inappropriate for a

  post-Dec 21 Solstice time frame. What can be expected, then, at this apparent passage point, where the retrograde orbit

  of Planet X is forcing it into the orbit or Earth, shortly!

  As we stated previously, orbits are not sacred, and this includes their speed as well as their location. The orbit of

  Planet X is rapid from its mid-point dither between its two foci into the outer solar system, then slows dramatically,

  and virtually floats past the Sun caught between the gravity pull and Repulsion Force, only its forward momentum

  moving it out of this dance to where it can sling out of the solar system, the Repulsion Force combined with its

  momentum gaining the upper hand. If Planet X can dither, could not the Earth? It is the lesser, mere litter on the road,

  not influencing Planet X, of no consequence to the giants in the game, the Sun and Planet X. It is already in an

  unshakable grip, unable to pass, pushed upward so its S Pole can float above the N Pole of Planet X, and cannot

  escape! Thus we say again to the common man, learn to read the signs, learn to think for yourself in your decisions,

  learn to measure the Earth’s slowing rotation as a sure sign that the serious days before the shift are close at hand, and

  do not rely on any other source for your decisions. Else you will be lost, as the hand of evil dearly desires to enslave

  and manipulate you.[2/5/2012 9:56:56 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Lockdown

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  ZetaTalk: Lockdown

  written June 27, 2004

  We have explained that the Deep Quakes that rose exponentially from about 1985 until the year 2000 were a reaction

  to the loss of heat particles from the core of the Earth, such that the crust plates, floating on the sea of magma,

  tightened into each other. This trend ended and another emerged, the global shuddering noted only in the Spring of

  2003 and continuing at regular intervals during the past year when the Earth is forced into a conflict position between

  the Sweeping Arms of the Sun and the magnetic dictates imposed by Planet X. Weak points in the crust crumble

  during these conflicts creating the periodic disaster scenarios which have shown an obvious Pattern. Since we have

  described the globe as being subject to constantly trembling ground, emergency crews exhausted with an endless series

  of disasters, and the public clearly alerted to the need to move to safe locations if they have not already done so, then

  are these disasters to continue, increasing, until rotation slowing to a stop occurs?

  Conflicts occur where two dictates exist, the winner not obvious. This has been the case when Planet X moved into the

  inner solar system during the later part of 2003, the Earth coming round in her orbit and thus Planet X at the side, the

  Sun at her face. Slowing rotation occurred, to a minor degree, during this time, because there were two touch points

  the Earth was trying to honor, one holding her back from her rotation, the other the dominant Sun. Conflict has existed

  during the first half of 2004 because Planet X was rising from beneath the Sun, passing the Sun’s South Pole, and

  moving toward Earth and thus moving between the Earth and her Sun. Thus, increasingly, as the Sun’s voice is

  blocked, the Earth has less conflict, but is in the grip of Planet X. Like a snared rabbit, struggling to escape when hung

  by the ears by its captor, the struggle only proceeds when there is hope for escape. The Earth is now snared, with no

  hope of escape, resigned, and is twisting and tilting and leaning in step with Planet X like a compliant captive.

  Thus extreme tilting can occur with little warning or violent earthquakes. Until the situation exists that will institute the

  start of rotation slowing, there may be little or no earth changes like the past year has presented. The pole shift we have

  described, a conflict between the core of the Earth and its crust, requires two dictates, in conflict. This conflict is

  likewise present the week of rotation stoppage, as we have explained, because the Earth moans, complaining that it

  cannot turn as the core wants to do. Thus none of the horrors we have described have evaporated, but are still in the

  Earth’s future, regardless of any temporary respite that a lack of conflict or an earthquake plate lockdown may

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  ZetaTalk: Torque Effect

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  ZetaTalk: Torque Effect

  written May 1, 2004

  What happens under the stress of whiplash applied every few days to the Earth where the surface plates are tugged

  apart and rubbed along or over each other until weak places have separated or snapped and the plates now ready to

  move? For the past year, the surface plates have exhibited Global Quakes, but until the Dark Twin arrived at the

  Earth’s rear door, these were relatively benign. Whiplash, a back and forth jerk, is more than twice the effect of a

  single jerk in one direction, the mode during the year before whiplash set in. Previously, a jerk in one direction, and in

  one direction only, occurred because the Earth was tugged back from its normal rotation direction. This may break

  rock, fracture rock flakes that create resistance at the fault lines, but the whiplash that has now set in snaps these rock

  flakes off by tugging in opposite directions.

  First the Dark Twin bumps the Earth from behind, causing it to move faster in the direction it is going, normal rotation.

  Thus rushed, it encounters the magnetic field of Planet X where the Atlantic Rift is grabbed and jerked back from

  normal rotation direction. When the Sweep nudges the Earth again into the arms of Planet X, and Planet X hops the

  Sweep to press back against the Earth, the effect on the Earth is no worse than before whiplash set in, but for the

  smooth surfaces now along many fault lines, allowing the plates to move more freely. When the Earth is thrown back

  on the Dark Twin at the end of the Sweep cycle, there is a repetition of the start of the cycle where the globe is first

  encouraged to rotate faster by the glancing blow the encounter in essence is, and then is jerked back by being pushed

  closer to the magnetic field of Planet X which grabs the Atlantic Rift again. A double whiplash, at the start and at the

  end of the cycle.


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