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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 45

by Nancy Lieder

  no longer applied, and this roiling magma could certainly not be ascribed to a warming air mass. And the weather was

  so bizarre and unpredictable that weathermen had become apologetic. Throughout the year, since the Spring of 2004, a

  landmark seen by all, the Moon, was rounding the Earth during its monthly sojourns at a tilt that placed it where it had

  never been seen before. Those used to a lifetime of gazing at the Moon in the evening noted this odd placement, but no

  comment at all in the news about this astonishing event. A threshold had been reached, where the common man was[2/5/2012 9:57:04 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Threshold Crossed

  aware that something was wrong, and that they were not being told the truth of the matter. That the cover-up had

  started to erode had become evident to those suspecting the truth, that the world had entered the End Times.But for

  many, the questions just kept mounting.

  What will this increasingly aware public mean, for the future, and for the cover-up? Increasing talk over supper tables

  among family members and friends, while commuting to work, and on Internet chat boards will bring discussions

  around to the only answer for all these changes. This is not Global Warming, simply warming the atmosphere. This is

  not the Sun's activity. Where frequent it has not been outside of the norm for solar flares or sunspots or emissions.

  This can only be the presence of a gravity and magnetic force, seen in 2003 as a dramatic Second Sun and evident

  from its tugging on the Earth, the torque only we, the Zetas, predicted. Since reaction to this public awareness is in the hands of man, and thus could go in many directions, we will not at this time predict the outcome. But the public is no

  longer asleep, and will hardly start snoozing again even if the cover-up prevails. That threshold has been passed.

  Nov 2, 2003 photo taken in South Africa, the Second Sun[2/5/2012 9:57:04 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Trend Lines

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  ZetaTalk: Trend Lines

  written June 11, 2005

  It appears that volcanic activity is entering a new truly explosive period with most eruptions worldwide

  now throwing lava instead of just ash and steam. Could you have the Zetas address the mechanisms

  causing this new lava activity? [and from another] The first Tropical Storm of 2005, Arlene, is 11 weeks

  sooner than last year's first storm, Aug 1, 2004. Have the Zetas made any predictions specific to 2005's

  hurricane outlook? [and from another]. A Canadian scientist who recently returned from a trip to

  measure the Pole's current location says it has now left Canadian territory and crossed into international


  We predicted in 1995 the current weather trends, in 1999 the nature of the increase in hurricanes and tornadoes, and in 2000 that snow in summer could be anticipated. We also predicted in 1995 the magnetic disruption caused by

  confusing directives from Planet X and the Sun. We predicted in 1995 the increase in earthquake and in 2001 that

  volcanic activity would increase on a lineal basis. All these trends are now becoming obvious, though not yet admitted

  by the establishment controlled media. Will these trends continue? They will rapidly become worse, in the eyes of

  horrified man, as a threshold has been crossed where all are above what mankind can consider normal, and all the

  trend lines are moving up, simultaneously. When the dragon has raised its head above ground, and continues to rise so

  the horror of its wings and claws and long lashing tail can be seen, man understands what has been occurring during

  its climb, and that the worse is yet to come.

  Violent storms, unusual

  So, what is going to happen in As we stated in 1995, severe

  weather patterns, severe and

  the next four years? You're

  and intractable drought,

  long lasting droughts,

  going to have increasing

  drought and deluge swings.

  increased frequency of

  earthquake tremblers. Some

  Very cold summers, relayed in

  hurricanes, torrential rains,

  earthquakes in remote places

  the past, in ancient reports of

  and a general warming of the

  will not be reported at all, but what the Chinese called a

  planet. Mankind will find its

  nevertheless, word will get

  world cycle, meaning the

  greatest problems with the


  approach of another pole shift,

  weather to be its

  ZetaTalk: 1999

  where snow fell in summer.



  ZetaTalk: During 2000

  ZetaTalk: Heralding

  written Apr 15, 1999

  written Jan 12, 2000

  written Jul 15, 1995

  Massive tornadoes will not go Earthquake and volcano

  Where some scientists state

  away, but will be on the

  activity will steadily increase,

  that the Earth's magnetic field increase and will occur in

  on a somewhat linear scale.

  has been weakening lately, this places that do not experience

  Earthquakes and volcanoes are

  is certainly not the case. They such tornadoes. Hurricanes

  reacting to the heating up and

  misunderstand. The Earth's

  will be no more fierce than

  activity in the core.

  magnetic field is not

  they are today, but will occur

  ZetaTalk: During 2002

  weakening, it is changing

  in places not used to

  written Oct 15, 2001

  course or direction.

  hurricanes force winds.

  ZetaTalk: Magnetic

  ZetaTalk: Next 3 ½



  written Jul 15, 1995

  written Sep 15, 1999

  This all begs the question, when will the establishment address these trends? They won't. They will continue in the[2/5/2012 9:57:05 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Trend Lines

  mode approved by the control freaks in the establishment, who cannot admit what is about to occur - the pole shift -

  nor what has arrived in the inner solar system to cause all this - Planet X - as they would then have to admit that they

  have known all along and are simply keeping the common man ignorant for their own convenience. The weatherman

  already simply shrugs his shoulders and admits it has all become unpredictable, no longer looking uncomfortable when

  records are being broken daily. A bit of noise is made about Global Warming, hoping to distract those who cannot put

  more than one fact and another together, but this hardly addresses the quakes and volcanic activity. The cover-up on

  this continues, Richter downgraded and quakes dropped without excuse or explanation. Disaster movies are on the

  increase, as a substitute for honesty from the establishment. Any magnetic oddity is somehow blamed on the Sun,

  during this, the solar minimum, though it hardly addresses the continuing drifting of the poles, in all directions, during

  the Earth wobble and early stages of the magnetic twists and turns that Planet X will assume.

  At what point will the establishment address these issues? Long after the populace has looked to them for answers.

  Long after the populace has determined that they are being lied to, and will automatically discount anything the

  establishment has to say. The only explanation that the populace will then accept is the truth, which will be admitted in

  concert with a crucifixion of the chosen scapegoats, the Bush Administration and the NSA for their cover-up re the

  presence of Planet X. NASA, observatories, and astronomers have been forced to silence because of the national

  security oath those who work there have been required to take. This same technique has been used on the media and

  weathermen, seismologists, and any politician in the know. The rigors of the Patriot Act, which can jail anyone for

  any trivial reason without access to the court system, and the increasing incidence of assassinations of those in the

  know, hardly lost on their peers with whom they formerly worked, covers the rest. Heads of state in small countries

  around the world are vulnerable, and know it, so all are waiting for the big guy, the US, to step forward and break the


  How will this stalemate end? When those with the power to bring the US to its knees, those with the financial clout,

  determine that an undifferentiated panic, more to be feared than a controlled panic, is about to begin. Then admissions

  will be made, fingers will be pointed, and frank discussion on what the common man can do to help himself will begin.

  Until then, this day is in preparation, with the Bush camp being discredited steadily, more honesty about the Earth

  changes allowed, and a rehearsal among the players for the finale.

  Signs of the Times #1442

  Big news on weather channel today. June snowstorm in Denver, Colorado. Some roads even closed.

  [and from another source] Here in the antipodean Southern Hemisphere we have been and are

  experiencing very odd weather over the last few weeks. Examples: Heavy rain in South Africa

  (Jo'Burg) during May, first time in memory. Last Sunday in Western Australia we had fantastic

  electrical storms with cyclonic wind speeds and multiple tornadoes that created huge damage across

  Perth region (never seen before in 175 years of European Australian memory). Also last week North

  Island New Zealand got hit with huge electric rain storms - declared state of emergency - an entire

  village slid to its doom. Whilst in Chile a few days ago dozens of young soldiers froze to death in

  very abnormal blizzards. [and from another source] It's strange that CNN [Jun 4] have cut their

  weather news. [and from another source] Snowfall in Somalia reported [Jun 1] 'The first snowfall

  on this part of the world … The storm left a blanket of snow on the ground, something residents had

  never seen in their lives before.' [and from another source] Tonight [Jun 4] sudden storms have

  moved in just south of San Antonio, TX with 100 mph winds, large hail, and average 4" rain an

  hour! Not predicted. Talk about unpredictable!

  Signs of the Times #1447

  Some time today [Apr 17] Mount Ida British Columbia Vortex reversed direction. Since February

  17 the vortex had been causing deviations up to 11° towards the East. Today it is reading 11° to the

  West. [and from another source] My compass [May 23] is showing the N Pole East by 25° here in

  El Paso! [and from another source] 'A Canadian scientist who recently [Jun 11] returned from a

  trip to measure the Pole's current location says it has now left Canadian territory and crossed into

  international waters. The pole, which, unlike the geographic North Pole, is in constant movement,

  has been within modern Canadian borders since at least the 1600's.'[2/5/2012 9:57:05 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Trend Lines

  Signs of the Times #1448

  The latest Gallup polls find that 57% feel the war is not worth it, and nearly as many want the U.S.

  to start pulling out troops and not sending any more of them. There were numerous signs of

  editorial unrest in the past week. The Sun of Baltimore: 'the government that has botched so much of

  the war'. Minneapolis Star-Tribune: 'an unnecessary war based on contrived concerns. ... President

  Bush and those around him lied, and the rest of us let them.' Chicago Tribune: 'keeping American

  troops in Iraq amounts to fighting a fire with kerosene.' Seattle Post-Intelligencer: 'Bush insists on

  clinging to the thoroughly discredited notion that there was any connection between the old Iraqi

  regime -- no matter how lawless and brutal -- and the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.' [and from another

  source] The Voice of the White House [Jun 9] 'Two of

  my friends here tell me that in the middle of a small meeting last week, Bush suddenly stopped

  talking, his jaw dropped down and he began to stare at nothing. About the time his listeners were

  about to shout for a medic, he blinked, shook his head and began talking…about something not on

  the agenda. His dog was part of the mindless babble. We all pray that he does this live on CNN or

  better, FOX. George does not wear suits well being bowlegged and slightly humpbacked but he

  would look so wonderful in a straight jacket! On the 6 PM news at that!' [and from another source]

  I noticed that when Bush and Blair were meeting this past week, the TV stations did not broadcast it

  live, only clips later. And then when Bush had a press conference, they also did not broadcast it live.

  They showed Scott McClellan, talking about the issues, and then when Bush was scheduled to talk,

  they went back to their regularly scheduled programming. Very odd! Why not show Bush live?

  [Note: is Dubya's candle flickering? Is he disassembling? What next!][2/5/2012 9:57:05 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Weather Extremes

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  ZetaTalk: Weather Extremes

  written July 29, 2005

  We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to

  deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift. Where this occurred steadily, it has only

  recently become undeniable. ZetaTalk, and only ZetaTalk, warned of these weather changes, at that early date. Our

  early warnings spoke to the issue of global heating from the core outward, hardly Global Warming, a surface or

  atmospheric issue, but caused by consternation in the core. Affected by the approach of Planet X, which was by then

  starting to zoom rapidly toward the inner solar system for its periodic passage, the core was churning, melting the

  permafrost and glaciers and riling up volcanoes. When the passage did not occur as expected in 2003 because Planet X

  had stalled in the inner solar system, we explained the increasing weather irregularities in the context of the global

  wobble that had ensued - weather wobbles where the Earth is suddenly forced under air masses, churning them. This

  evolved by 2005 into a looping jet stream, loops breaking away and turning like a tornado to affect the air masses

  underneath. Meanwhile, on Planet Earth, droughts had become more intractable and deluges positively frightening,

  temperature swings bringing snow in summer in the tropics and searing heat in Artic regions, with the violence of

  storms increasing in number and ferocity.

  Is this as bad as it will get, prior to the pole shift when hurricane force winds will sweep the Earth and every region of

  the globe will emerge with a new climate and geography? Has the lineal increase we predicted in 1995 reached its

  climax? We are not here with good tidings, nor were we here with good tidings in 1995. ZetaTalk, blunt and honest, is

  not for the faint at heart, but for those willing to take a serious warning and act on it.

  The coastlines will get increasingly inhospitable, as storms formed over the oceans can develop into a howling

  rage that dissipates over land. As we have stated, hurricane force storms will not develop into super storms, more

  violent than man has experienced, but will form in places not previously experienced, and will be more

  consistently strong and destructive. In some places around the globe, this will make coastlines uninhabitable, a

  place where crops are grown or fish harvested but where humans do not reside or sleep soundly.

  Where deserts have formed based on geology, mountain ranges blocking rain clouds or the atmosphere depleated

  of rain during a long trip over land masses, this will change as the direction of wind flow changes. Lands used to

  regular rains, now suffering droughts, may find these droughts turning their land into deserts. Rain forests are

  likewise formed by geology and wind currents, and these may fear being washed away as rain comes not only

  more often but with a greater load of water picked up by fast moving air currents traveling over large bodies of

  water. Drought or deluge, there will be few places on Earth not affected by one of these extremes, and all of this

  affects the success of crops.

  Temperature extremes, and in particular temperature swings, will increase, so that the seasons almost blend into

  one another. If Summer is expected to be a time of extreme heat, and Winter extreme cold, man may find his

  Summer cool with odd brief snowstorms and Winter confusing the crops wanting to go into their annual

  hibernation. The key will be the unpredictability, as a looping jet stream and increasing extremes of high and

  low pressure over land will force the atmosphere into unexpected directions.

  Where does this place man, as he learns of the likelihood of a pole shift caused by the passage of a rogue planet -

  Planet X? Most will stubbornly stay in place, refusing to contemplate the unpleasant and preferring to accept any

  explanation the establishment proffers. Suffering will increase, but will result in riots and angry outbursts or illness

  from malnutrition and depressed immune systems or the psychological depression that comes from a sense of


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