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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 48

by Nancy Lieder

  Has this increased wobble been noticed, recently?

  2. Where Earth is stalled in its orbit, and caught in the eddy cup of particle flows coming round from the Sun behind Planet X, the Earth as a magnet can be positioned within this eddy cup with some flexibility. To escape the hose of magnetic particles

  coming from the N Pole of Planet X, the Earth would attempt to move to the far side of the cup, this making Planet X

  visible to the right of the Sun. Have such observations been made, recently?

  3. Weather wobbles follow the increasing Earth wobble, the Figure 8 so well documented by Nancy from data collected from around the world. Increased atmospheric mixing, as the Earth turns suddenly under this blanket of air during its wobble,

  results in storms, out of season - hurricanes in the middle of Winter, and tornadoes in snowstorms, and no end in sight!

  Have such weather irregularities begun?

  4. The increased wobble puts stress on the crust of the Earth, which is affected by the presence of Planet X as is the core. The

  core and the crust are affected differently, to different degrees, and thus the dictates of the core to the crust create a conflict

  with the dictates of Planet X upon the crust. Thus pulled in different directions, earthquakes increase, the Atlantic is pulled apart, the Pacific compressed, the stretch zones stretched, and the magma beneath the crust roils into increased volcanic

  activity. Has such an increase in quakes and volcanic activity been noticed, recently?

  5. The tail of Planet X, no longer pointing toward the Sun but swinging to point toward the Earth, will bring back the debris

  and red dust that wafted into the Earth atmosphere in 2003. This when the N Pole of Planet X was pointed toward the Sun

  and the Earth, and Earth, being on the opposite side of the Sun from the approaching Planet X, got the blast. Has this debris,

  renewed fireball activity, started?[2/5/2012 9:57:11 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Lean to the Left

  Where will this lead? Where the 270° roll ends with the N Pole of Earth pushed away such that the northern hemisphere

  experiences 3 days of darkness, and rolling further, the 6 days of sunrise West predicted in Islam, before it stands upright next to

  the now upright Planet X for a slowing rotation and rotation stoppage and then the hour of the shift. But these occur at the end of

  the roll, which is a slow roll. One can assume an increased falling of Earth to its side, to the left, and we have already gone on

  record predicting that the Earth will be basking, North to South, in the light of the Sun before this falling to its side rolls into the 3

  days of darkness. Beyond the symptoms, which we have predicted and which have started to emerge, of this 270° roll, what else

  will occur?

  As the excuse for the travails afflicting Earth during the approach of Planet X and arrival into the solar system in 2003 has been

  Global Warming, or emissions from the Sun or rogue asteroid swarms, how will these excuses cover when the Earth falls to its

  side? Thus, one of the stresses will be on the fragile cover-up, with the increasingly despised Bush Administration and their

  lackey NASA taking the blame for the cover-up. Already fragile to the breaking point, the economy will fracture, the banking

  systems will put their guard into place, along with price controls and riot control, and bankruptcies will be so common as to be

  pushed to the obituary pages rather than front page news. Our hope is that more obvious Earth changes, unexplained by the cover-

  up excuses, will bring discussions of the End Times predictions, from all the major religions of the world and from valid prophets

  with a track record of accuracy, into the major media around the world.

  This should, in our opinion, get equal time with explanations of what the common man should do about their coming predicament.

  The survival information, which ZetaTalk and Troubled Times and Nancy's recent Blog radio archives have always stressed.

  Signs of the Times #1519

  These photos were taken in West Kentucky on Dec 2, around

  4:00 PM. Here is another taken 15 just minutes before. [and

  from another] This stacked Sun is another type of Second Sun

  photo, where Planet X appears somewhat above the Sun. [and

  from another] Three weeks ago I was traveling southwest on US

  Rte 42 just after a rain. The clouds were still dark but breaking

  up. At about 5:00 PM I watched the Sun go behind one cloud

  and just slightly northwest was another object about ¼ to 1/3 the size of the Sun which was visible because the

  sun was blocked. I assume that was Planet X.

  Signs of the Times #1518

  Is this Planet X? This first (at left) taken in Goshidai, Japan on Dec 3 at 4:12 PM. The second (center) taken in

  Tokyo on Dec 3, in the morning. The third (right) in Tokyo on Dec 5 at 4:37 pm. [and from another] Note both

  morning and evening, a light orb increasingly seen naked eye is captured to the right of the Sun. In the photo

  on the left, the Sun is off camera to the left. In the photo in center, it is possibly a sun dog but the halo does not

  appear elsewhere around the Sun. In the photo at right, the tail is shown blowing away from the N Pole of

  Planet X. As Planet X swings its N Pole around to the right, the Earth is pushed to the left to escape, thus the

  view to the right of the Sun. As the tail blows out from the N Pole of Planet X, this trash will likewise

  increasingly come toward Earth too. More fireballs. Per recent Polaris measures (see Sign #1517), the Earth is

  falling to its side slightly, N Pole to the left, as predicted by the Zetas over a year ago. [and from another]

  Meteorite turns on sky show for WA [Dec 4] 'The Sunday Times was flooded with calls from many who

  witnessed the show from vantage points across the state. Shaken witnesses told of blinding light, trembling

  houses, brilliant colours and fears of the meteorite landing. The spectacular display was seen from Perth to

  Kalgoorlie and south to Albany, as well as in the north.' [Note: multiple evidence of Planet X swinging its N

  Pole around to the right]

  Signs of the Times #1517

  [Nov 27] Sunrise and set of moon ad varying planets tells me that the positional alignment is of whack, hence[2/5/2012 9:57:11 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Lean to the Left

  the earth is a wobbling. [and from another] I´m seeing a slight wobble myself. I have Polaris marked against a

  large tree in my back yard and it is wobbling to and fro. Some days itś worse than others. [and from another]

  Don't know if this ties in, but where I work we monitor the conditions of a very large lake; for some time now I

  have observed what I believe to be the lake sloshing (we have observed the moon's tidal effect here but this is

  different) and it appears to be growing more pronounced (water level swings are getting progressively wider).

  [and from another] Have evidence from Plane trip from LA-NY. 2 suns much in evidence on flight AM630.

  Pilot said later-not allowed to comment, or loose job. [and from another] It is just incredible that the

  Astronomical community remains either clueless or deliberately quiet. One would have to be blind to not notice

  the movement that is taking place with Polaris each night [Nov 28], as well as the longer cycle that is also

  manifesting itself. Polaris is continuing to creep farther and farther west by northwest with each passing week.

  It is now nearly 3 degrees away from where it was located each night at the same "reading" time just a scant 6

  months ago. My guess is that planet Earth is in
serious trouble.[2/5/2012 9:57:11 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Folding Pacific

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  ZetaTalk: Folding Pacific

  written June 9, 2005

  New land will emerge near

  Why does the Seaway rip, the

  This does more than sink the

  Antarctica between the tip of

  African Rift Valley rip, the

  SE United States and pull apart

  Africa and South America.

  Atlantic rip, while the Pacific

  the African Rift, it pulls the

  ZetaTalk: Sinking and


  Middle East into a skew.


  ZetaTalk: Snap,

  ZetaTalk: Torque Effect

  Crackle, Pop

  We stated very early in the life of ZetaTalk that new land would be emerging between the tips of Africa and South

  America, pushed up as the plate Antartica rides on is pushed under on the Pacific side. This stress on the Pacific side is

  now becoming evident as the Antartic Plate begins to loosen along all it's edges, and most particularly to nose up at the

  spot we predicted. As with the Sumatra quakes late December 2004, it is the moment when a plate pops out of its

  restraints that the drama is most exposed to earthlings crawling about on the surface. Subduction amounts to relatively

  quiet trembling on the surface as friction shakes the top plate, gripping and loosening, alternately. Stretch amounts to

  sudden dropping, disturbing man's tidy network of roads and bridges and railways and those skyscrapers he assumes

  have a firm foundation of rock that will not shift. But the popping of a plate under the pressure of the Earth torque we

  have so very well described is unexpected. Land suddenly rises, other land plummets, and water must find another

  home in rushing tsunamis.

  The vast Pacific, scarcely mapped as to its plates and plate boundaries as how could man lay seismographic equipment

  deep under the waves? The trembling floor of the Pacific is measured, peripherally, by instruments placed on land.

  Man places equipment on islands, where ridges jut above the waves, and presumes to understand what he cannot touch.

  We have described land both beneath and above the waves as akin to flaky pie crust, where the flakes can pull apart[2/5/2012 9:57:12 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Folding Pacific

  creating a weaker crust during a stretch, and can fold under each other during compression to form a thicker crust.

  Land that is above the waves is there in the main because of it's composition, making it relatively lighter than the land that sinks to the ocean bottoms. Is the Pacific as solid as man presumes? Hardly, it has dozens of plates man is unaware

  of, riddled with fault lines that are ready to slide and fracture, pockets of flaky rock ready to shorten and fatten into

  more solid rock, and deep trenches in the ocean floor likely to fold. And why would it not? Crumple a piece of paper,

  and lay it flat on a table top. Grab the edges and push. What part of that paper gives so that the paper can compress?

  Ridges will rise higher, trenches will grow more narrow, and the release of tension elsewhere will allow other plates

  adjoining the great Pacific to likewise move.

  Look for the Atlantic to widen, giving rise to the stretch zone phenomena we have so long predicted. And sudden tsunami along the Pacific coastlines, with panic developing among the peoples there that have so long assumed the

  Pacific to live up to her name. The world's populations, long denied the truth about what approaches them, will begin to

  demand answers. Can this be Global Warming causing the Earth's plates to heave and snap? We have long warned the

  establishment to begin telling the truth, before they lose all credibility with the people they hope to continue to

  dominate. The time when they can still accomplish that, come clean, admit the cover-up and throw scapegoats to the

  mob to take the brunt of the rage, is about to end. Soon the truth will be out before the mob, obvious, undeniable, and

  all involved in withholding the truth held responsible.

  May 31, Tiksi, Russia

  Jun 9, Tiksi, Russia

  May 31, Bilibino, Russia

  Jun 9, Bilibino, Russia

  May 31, Midway Island, Pacific Ocean

  Jun 9, Midway Island, Pacific Ocean

  May 31, Wake Island, Pacific Ocean

  Jun 9, Wake Island, Pacific Ocean[2/5/2012 9:57:12 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Folding Pacific

  May 31, Guam, Marianas Islands

  Jun 9, Guam, Marianas Islands

  May 31, Palmer Station, Antarctica

  Jun 9, Palmer Station, Antarctica[2/5/2012 9:57:12 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Stretch Stench

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  ZetaTalk: Stretch Stench

  written Oct 1, 2005

  We have gone into great detail on what occurs in the stretch zones along the Atlantic, which

  includes the southeast United States and the St Lawrence Seaway, and warned recently that the

  stretch would accelerate and be exacerbated by the torque effect which is twisting the North American continent at a diagonal, pulling New England to the East and Mexico to the West.

  The overall effect of these forces is to drag the southeastern US down, along a line from

  Pennsylvania to Texas; to pull the continent diagonally; and to ease stress on the West Coast, as

  can be shown by IRIS charts indicating reduced earthquake incidence along the West Coast compared to the rest of the

  Ring of Fire.

  What happens to rock layers under a diagonal pull, or being pulled apart? As can be seen during recent years, this has

  resulted in derailing trains, sinkholes suddenly appearing, gas and water main breaks, torn roadways and separating

  bridges. Despite the effect on man, crawling about on the surface of what they assume to be terra firma, these changes

  are superficial. When the pulling starts, weak points break and thereafter the plumbing and roadways hold, giving the

  impression that the pulling has stopped, but this is misleading. The North American continent is giving evidence that

  its rock layers are separating from each other, and sliding sideways in a diagonal, thus exposing portions of these

  layers to vent into the air above. If rock is being stressed, then where are the earthquake predictors giving evidence of

  this, the frantic animals, the static on the radio, the earthquake swarms? Rock in the stretch zone, pulling apart rather

  than compressing, does not emit the particles flows that animals and radios sense, nor register on instruments are

  tension and release quakes.

  What lies beneath mankind's civilization, waiting to be exposed? More than rock and trapped oil and coal deposits,

  those these may vent during stretching. More than trapped volcanic gasses, perhaps trapped for eons since the rock was

  hardened or breached during previous upheavals. There is also, surprisingly, rotting material, trapped when extreme

  stress on the surface created yawing that swollowed surface material or when rock layers rolled over each other to

  sandwich such material between rock layers. Exposed, to the degree that venting upward into the air can occur, these

  smells are solid evidence that the rock layers below are adjusting. Since the concept of the stretch zone behavior as

  precursor to a pole shift was introduced by ourselves, the Zetas, and the detailed description of the torque on the North

  American continent was
made by ourselves months before it expressed on the IRIS charts, we can only say, as Nancy

  is fond of saying, Zetas right again![2/5/2012 9:57:14 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Stretch Stench

  Signs of the Times #1498

  Bellaire, Ohio Strange Smell [Sep 20] 'A mysterious smell has been

  lingering around numerous neighborhoods in one local community, and now residents want to know

  where that odor is coming from and if it's dangerous.' [and from another source] NBC Central

  Texas: Strange Odor Prompts School Evacuation [Sep 22] [and from another source] Washington

  Post: Mysterious Stench Nauseates Northeast [Sep 30] [and from

  another source] LA Times: Mysterious Stench Swirls Around City [Sep 22] 'And so it went across

  the Southland, as some detected strong odors from the coast to the Valley. Workplaces and weblogs

  were buzzing, with descriptions comparing the smell to old socks, rotting cabbage soup, moldy wet

  wallboard and the catś litter box.' [and from another source] Thunder Bay Canada: Strange Smell

  in Lonlac [Sep 27] 'Municipal officials are urging Longlac residents to exercise caution as they

  investigate reports of gasoline-type odours in the towns sewer system.' [and from another source]

  NBC Washington Affiliate: Mystery Odors Reported Around District [Sep 28] 'Students returned to

  class Wednesday afternoon at two adjacent schools in Northeast Washington, but the mystery

  continues over what caused the odor that led to evacuations.' [and from another source] NBC

  Greenville, South Carolina: Workers Sickened at Downtown Greenville Building [Sep 29] 'A foul smell at a downtown Greenville building sickened several workers

  and forced an evacuation. Four people were sent to Greenville Memorial Hospital for treatment of

  nausea.' [and from another source] Lake Erie burps and nearby residents smell it [Sep 30] 'State and federal environmental officials are trying to determine the


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