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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 51

by Nancy Lieder

  only makes sense if one considers the government’s dilemma regarding the coming crop shortages due to climate

  changes caused by the 12th Planet’s approach. Examine the likely outcome of the crop shortages, examine the story

  about the plant pathogens, and the story begins to make sense from the standpoint of shaping attitudes in the populace.

  Africa is starving now, especially in the encroaching semi-deserts below the Sahara, and will be the first continent and

  the hardest hit when serious crop shortages hit elsewhere and the helping hand that is often extended to Africa is

  withdrawn. The media will be instructed to show fewer pictures of disaster victims, so that the tottering stick children,

  gaunt and holding empty bowls up with desperate pleading in their eyes, will no longer remind nations unused to crop

  shortages of any kind that this may be their plight one day. Rather than wait for the time to arrive, those who would

  sculpt the public’s attitude on these matters have started by placing such scenarios into the public consciousness. Think

  about this, and consider what you would do if mass starvation were to hit the world in general.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:57:19 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Siberian Freeze

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  ZetaTalk: Siberian Freeze

  written Feb 1, 2006

  How is it that Siberia and much of Europe can be

  freezing in subzero cold, while the US and Canada

  are basking in unseasonably warmth? Are they not

  on the same latitude? We described, long before it

  appeared, and Earth wobble caused by the presence of

  Planet X in the inner solar system. N Poles of magnets

  are anathema to each other, as each hoses out

  magnetic particles and they want to either align side

  by side or end to end. As the Earth is far smaller than

  Planet X, it is the lesser magnet and must accommodate Planet X, which is the bully magnet. Thus, as Planet X swings

  around in place as it moves through the Sun's magnetic field, turning its N Pole away from the Sun so it can align with

  the Sun's magnetic field above the Ecliptic, it is forcing the N Pole of Earth to lean away during those times when it

  faces the Sun and the passing Planet X.

  It has been in the news within this past year that the magnetic N Pole is now migrating to Siberia, having left

  Canadian territory. Why would this be occurring, so rapidly? We have made much of the magnetic effect of the

  Atlantic Rift, which runs down the center of the Atlantic. Hardened magna, which hardens during pole shifts when the

  continents are ripped apart, aligns magnetically under the influence of the magnetic field, and thus this becomes

  essentially a magnet on the crust of the Earth. The regular global quakes, global shuddering when the plates of the globe are pulled forward or back as this magnetized Atlantic Rift is grabbed by Planet X, show a Face and Dark side

  pattern, when the Atlantic Rift is either facing or in opposition to Planet X as it approaches from the direction of the

  Sun. And where would that opposition point be? Siberia.

  In essence, this is a projection of the Atlantic Rift as a magnet. It is wrapping around the globe, extending more

  than 180°, and curling over the horizon to encompass Siberia. The Earth's magnetosphere appears lopsided, when

  viewed from space, leaning away from the Sun, for a similar reason. It is stated that the solar wind blows the field

  away from the Sun. This is not the cause, but regardless of the exact mechanism, for the flow of magnetic particles to

  be swinging away from a larger magnet when in a side by side arrangement is a concept not unknown to humans.

  More than the particles are blown away, the poles are also pushed away. Where it would seem that this would make the

  N and S Poles of Earth revolve, with the globe, during the daily rotation, the influence of the Atlantic Rift on these

  matters prevails. When the Atlantic Rift presents its face to the Sun and to Planet X, which is in the process of turning

  its N Pole toward Earth, the effect is to create a bow on this surface magnet that goes over the horizon and pushes the

  magnetic N Pole of Earth into Siberia.

  The Earth wobble that emerged in 2004, where the N Pole of Earth drew a figure 8 each day as it was alternatively

  pushed away from Planet X and or allowed to bounce back, has become more extreme. Siberia is cold because when it

  turns toward the Sun during rotation, the magnetic pole that has become its resident is pushed away, and thus Siberia

  gets less sunlight. Canada and the US are basking because for similar reasons, when they turn toward the Sun there is

  no N Pole influence to be shoved away, and the Atlantic Rift is being griped, top to bottom, by Planet X and turned in

  such a way that the bow of the crustal magnet aligns in a comfortable way to the dominance of Planet X. The

  emerging N Pole of Planet X, swinging round to the right in a retrograde or clockwise manner, wants the Earth to fall

  to its side, toward the left, so the N Pole of Earth is as far away as possible. As the Earth is not yet torn from its

  allegiance to the Sun, it has dual directives, and tries to accommodate them both. Thus, while it remains upright and

  has not yet fallen onto its side, it leans somewhat in that direction, and thus the lopsided Winter temps in the northern

  hemisphere.[2/5/2012 9:57:19 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Siberian Freeze

  Signs of the Times #1540

  Russians face freezing chaos [Jan 19] 'But if you think it sounds cold in Moscow, how about this.

  Last week, the city of Tomsk in western Siberia declared a state of emergency when temperatures

  fell to 57C. Sorry, I mean minus 57C. It was so cold most people's thermometers were no use any

  more as they do not go past minus 40C. Some of the oil wells in Siberia have frozen, and Russia is

  producing 200,000 barrels of oil a day less than it was last month.' [and from another source]

  Midwest savoring January warm spell [Jan 13] 'People here are

  shedding their wool coats, rolling down their car windows and wondering where's winter as bright

  sunshine Thursday sent temperatures to a high of 55. The above-normal temperatures stretching

  across the Midwest and east to Boston are part of an unusual pattern that won't change any time

  soon, said meteorologist Mark Ratzer of the National Weather Service.' [and from another source]

  Many parts of Canada experiencing warm January [Jan 30] 'Most parts of Canada are

  experiencing one of the warmest winters on record. It has been a sunny and warm January, with

  average temperatures above seasonal norms, in some cases by as much as 10 degrees.'

  Signs of the Times #1541

  Earth's magnetic pole drifting quickly [Dec 8] 'Earth's north magnetic

  pole is drifting away from North America and toward Siberia at such a clip that Alaska might lose

  its spectacular Northern Lights in the next 50 years, scientists said Thursday.' [and from another]

  Miners Surface after Saskatchewan Fire [Jan 30] 'All 72 miners trapped by a fire in a potash mine

  in Saskatchewan were brought to safety by rescuers early Monday, a day after the workers took

  refuge from the smoke and flames.' [and from another] It appears we Canadians with our heavily

  regulated mining industry in Saskatchewan has its uses after all. You speak of increasing signs of

  torque effect such as rail road derailments (which
here in western Canada, our incidents are

  increasing exponentially) and industrial fires. So I guess we will be seeing a lot more mining

  emergencies in the news as well![2/5/2012 9:57:19 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Tail Wafting

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  ZetaTalk: Tail Wafting

  written Mar 8, 2006

  These photos were taken in Fort Lauderdale, FL on March 4, 2006. She used a Kodak digital camera

  CX7530 5.0MP.[and from another] Using always my digital cam REVIA KD-220Z in Italy on March 7,

  2006. The corpus seems smaller than the previous image and on the left side of the Sun. [and from

  another] I wonder if these are moon swirls in the tail?

  When Planet X became visible in early 2001 as a dim blur viewed at observatories, or as what appeared to be a very

  dim star in infrared images in early 2002, or as a star not on the star charts during CCD imaging in the Fall of 2002, the shrouding dust cloud and tail of Planet X was either not an issue or was seen to be trailing behind the rapidly

  moving planet. When it put on the brakes as it arrived at the Sun, in the Summer of 2003, the tail logically wafted past

  the halting Planet X to blow past the Sun and deposit some red dust on the Earth. It also interfered with the electric

  grid in many countries in August-September of 2003, creating surges and brownouts, crashing the grids. Then the dust

  cloud settled into clinging to and blowing outward from the N Pole of Planet X, which was pointing toward the S Pole

  of the Sun as it rounded it and moved up toward the Sun's middle. Thus, from Dec, 2003 to the recent past, the tail was

  blowing toward the Sun, and the debris and red dust and many dramatic bright moon swirl dances not as much in evidence. 2004 and into 2005 were a relatively quiet time, tail wise, as Planet X gradually rose to the Ecliptic, while

  rounding the Sun, and started outbound toward the Earth, trapped in her halted orbit in front of Planet X.[2/5/2012 9:57:20 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Tail Wafting

  We have stated that as Planet X does a slow 270° roll to

  position itself to be above the Sun's Ecliptic, where it will point

  its S Pole at the Sun's N Pole and quickly exit the solar system,

  it first must swing its N Pole away from the Sun. It does so in a

  retrograde manner, as it rotates retrograde and is in a retrograde

  orbit while passing the Sun. As the N Pole swings round to the

  right, as viewed from the northern hemisphere, the tail likewise

  begins to appear to the right of the Sun. The Earth, desperate to

  escape the hose of magnetic particles coming from the N Pole

  of Planet X, leans to the left as far as possible in the eddy flow

  of particles it is trapped in, caught in the path of Planet X,

  moving steadily and inexorably toward the Earth as it leaves

  the Sun. Thus sightings and photos of the corpus of Planet X,

  the Second Sun, have been captured of late, even casting a

  reflection on the water (photo at right). What happens to the

  immense, charged, tail of Planet X during this slow 270° roll


  When far away from the Earth, the tail appears as an adjunct to the corpus, wafting off to one side or surrounding and

  somewhat behind the corpus. But as Planet X comes closer to the Earth, and the tail is blown more toward Earth than

  away, the view of the tail from Earth changes. The tail, as we have mentioned many times, is charged, and this is the

  reason it clings to and follows Planet X, which is an immense planetary magnet. The tail blows away from the N Pole

  of Planet X, which is the outbound port of the magnetic particle flow that is the magnetic field of a planet. But being

  charged, due to the iron oxide dust that is the primary component of the tail, it wants to stay aligned with the magnetic

  field of Planet X. Thus, the tail wraps around toward the S Pole of Planet X, along the magnetic field lines surrounding

  Planet X. In the past, when Planet X was at a distance, it and the tail could be seen on this or that side of the Sun. But

  when Planet X is coming close, as it is now, and standing between the Earth and the Sun, as it is now, with the tail

  flowing along the magnetic field lines of Planet X, it can appear on both sides of the Sun.

  Does this mean that mankind will shortly have more of the tail effects, here on Earth? The Earth cannot escape this,

  and folklore speaks to this, but just what the timing of these assaults will be, we will not say, as the establishment is

  still not sharing what they know about this monster and its certain passage with the common man.[2/5/2012 9:57:20 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw

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  ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw

  written Mar 9, 2006

  ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Masks, written on Jun 15,

  ZetaTalk: Solar Opportunists, written Oct 30,



  The heating of the oceans and increasing

  The public should be aware of how

  tremors are thus blamed on solar flares,

  complete control over news of solar

  even though such activity in the past was

  related events is maintained. Outside of

  never associated with solar flares. For

  what can be viewed by the naked eye,

  the core to be heated by solar flares

  sunspots which are cool dark areas that

  beyond what the surface has

  appear from time to time and are almost

  experienced is illogical, so the

  always present to some degree, or the

  alternative explanation given is clothed

  minor radio static or magnetic flux that

  in scientific mumbo-jumbo so that the

  can result from the Sun, there is no data

  common man doesn't attempt to fully

  in the hands of the public not released


  from the central control of NASA.

  ZetaTalk: False Alarms, written on Jan 15, 1998 ZetaTalk: Solar Minimum? , written Nov 12, Alarms about solar flares are


  exaggerations. Solar flares will increase

  And how does the Sun react to this

  as the time of the passage approaches.

  particle storm, when a steady state in

  They, like the earthquakes that are on

  and out of the multitude of particles is

  the increase, will increase in number,

  the norm? Particles flowing into the Sun

  and plague electronic communications,

  are blocked, creating an imbalance at

  but have little effect on the tides,

  her surface along the Ecliptic. Particles

  growing seasons, or the weather. [The

  flowing out from the Sun are crowded,

  coverup] will say otherwise, declaring

  swirling to the side to relieve the

  that this is the cause of the increase in

  pressure. All this creates ripples on the

  deep earthquakes, the chronic El Nino,

  Sun's surface, out of season per man's

  and magnetic diffusion. It is not.

  computations, during the Solar


  We have warned since the start of ZetaTalk in 1995 that solar flares would be used as one of the covers during the

  cover-up. Global warming is the other key cover, but since it does not account for increased earthquakes and volcanic

  activity, these signs pointing to
the approach of Planet X have been and will be tossed into the solar flares bucket. It is

  emissions from the Sun causing the core of the Earth to roil, thus the plates to become restless and move about and the

  volcanoes to burp and ooze. That these Earth changes have never been ascribed before to solar emission is not deemed

  a show stopper for those orchestrating the cover-up, as they think of the common man as dim witted and easily led

  about. What the common man sees, beyond the rhetoric, is that the world about them is changing and the explanations

  seem nonsensical. Even a low IQ ditch digger can sense that the weather has gotten extreme, but he also sees the

  establishment offering only vague explanations while seeming not to care about the effect on the working family. The

  message is that whatever is going on, the establishment does not plan to help the common man.

  In almost every culture, there is folklore and prophecy to warn about the coming changes, what the Christians call the

  End Time. Revelations points to red dust and mountains being moved. Islam points to a prophesied 6 days when the

  Sun will seem to rise from the West. And quite outside of organized religion are the prophets in almost every tongue

  and backwater and island chain who have described what to look for, signs in the skies, and what these signs will lead[2/5/2012 9:57:21 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw

  to. If a low IQ ditch digger cannot understand NASA's explanations for how the solar maximum will come early and

  create havoc with mankind's electrical grid and satellite systems, they can see that the Earth changes are lining up with

  what they have heard discussed in the family circle, the tribal meeting, the church group, or while at work swinging a

  pick. The establishment will not escape from the broad knowledge of the coming times, which have been pre-set,

  before this time, in anticipation of an attempted cover-up. The cover-up is doomed, as it will increasingly fail to

  confuse the common man, and in fact will only convince the common man that the establishment does not care about

  them, one wit.

  Solar flares and asteroid swarms have long been planned as the explanation of choice for the visible approach of Planet


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