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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 59

by Nancy Lieder

  Sun, then one would assume that the moons of Planet X being captured in these images would be

  illuminated on the right hand side, with light from a source to the right hand side and closer to the Earth

  than to the Sun. And this proved to be the case. These moons showed up in more than one Stereo Ahead

  image type, in more than one light wave length. The moons in the tail of Planet X are not next to the Sun,

  but are between the Stereo Ahead camera and the Sun.[2/5/2012 9:57:34 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Mercury's Shroud[2/5/2012 9:57:34 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Air France 447

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  ZetaTalk: Air France 447

  written June 3, 2009

  Ocean Search for Air France Jet Continues [Jun 2] The Air France plane flew

  into turbulent weather four hours after taking off from Rio and 15 minutes later sent an automatic message

  reporting electrical faults. A lightning strike could be to blame and that several of the mechanisms on the

  Airbus 330-200, which has a good safety record, had malfunctioned. But aviation experts said lightning

  strikes on planes were common and could not alone explain a disaster. They also said the plane could

  have suffered an electrical failure, effectively leaving the pilots "blind" and making the plane vulnerable in

  an area notorious for bad weather. [and from another] What Happened to Flight 447? [Jun 1] Four hours into the flight the plane

  encountered heavy turbulence. Fifteen minutes later, now a long way out to sea, it transmitted an

  automated signal indicating the plane was in serious trouble. A succession of a dozen technical messages

  showed that several electrical systems had broken down, most ominously the pressurization system - a

  totally unprecedented situation in the plane.

  The airliner did not fly into a hurricane, as none was reported, though wind shear can happen unexpectedly. Wind

  shear on a plane at high altitudes would not likely drive it to the ground or into the water, nor does wind shear tear off

  a wing or engine. Airliners anticipate lightning strikes and are guarded against them, such that for several decades no

  disaster has been caused by lightning strikes alone. What then caused the loss of the Air France airliner over the

  Atlantic? The sequence of events is clear. The pilot announced air turbulence. Then 15 minutes later an automatic

  message from the plane's computer announced that several electrical systems had failed. Thereafter, no more messages

  were received, so the pilots were either too busy or unable to transmit. On the face of it, a massive failure in the

  electrical systems caused the plane to go down, and prevented a last minute transmission from the pilot as to their

  likely location. What would cause such a failure?

  We have repeatedly warned that electromagnetic disturbances could be anticipated as the charged tail of Planet X

  turned toward the Earth. There is increasing evidence of this, the latest unmistakable piece of evidence a blast to the

  Earth's magnetosphere. The number of subatomic particles in the electromagnetic spectrum, as we have noted, is

  beyond what mankind imagines. When failure happens on the ground, there is an outage. The lights go out, but nothing

  crashes to the ground. When a massive failure, however temporary, occurs in an airliner time catches up with those

  affected as the airliner is temporarily out of control, and in turbulent weather this can prove disastrous. Will such

  failure happen again? We have stressed, repeatedly, that man can expect problems with their satellites and electrical

  grids due to the charged tail of Planet X wafting increasingly in the direction of Earth. Air France 447 hit a tripple

  whammy, however, in that it was in a storm and over the Atlantic Rift, which as we have stated is a surface magnet,

  responsible for the twice-a-day global shudders that appear on the live seismographs.[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Air France 447[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns

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  ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns

  written August 29, 2009 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

  A Triple Sunrise

  Over Gdansk

  Bay [Aug 4] Explanation: How can the same Sun rise three times? Last

  month on Friday, 2009 July 10, a spectacular triple sunrise was photographed at about 4:30 am over

  Gdansk Bay in Gdansk, Poland. Clearly, our Sun rises only once. Some optical effect is creating at least

  two mirages of the Sun -- but which effect? In the vast majority of similarly reported cases, mirages of the

  brightest object in the frame can be traced to reflections internal to the camera taking the images. Still,

  the above image is intriguing because a sincere photographer claims the effect was visible to the unaided

  eye, and because the photographer took several other frames that show variants of the same effect.

  The photos from Poland seem at first glance to be a Second Sun which is a window reflection of the Sun, though there

  are two reflections, above and below, which would not be the case in a window reflection. In an additional photo from

  Poland, these Second Suns seems to merge together into the upper left hand side. This is neither a window reflection

  nor a direct capture of Planet X at sundown, which we have been terming Second Sun sightings. NASA is featuring

  this photo in an attempt to confuse what they anticipate to be a rash of future Second Sun sightings, the genuine

  variety caused by Planet X. They are hoping to confuse both the term, "Second Sun" and the placement of the Second

  Sun in genuine sightings. What was actually captured in these photos from Poland?

  This is an atmospheric phenomena caused indirectly by the presence of Planet X, what we have in the past called the

  Monster Sun phenomena. When genuine Second Sun sightings occur light is bouncing off the immense dust cloud that

  shrouds Planet X, bouncing at an angle such that the light goes from the Sun to the cloud thence to Earth. A double

  reflection can occur during such times where the light going to Earth would not be directly into the viewers eyes, but

  hit water and ice in the atmosphere bouncing yet again at a tangental angle into a viewers eyes. This is what was

  occurring in the Poland snaps, and yes the photographer saw this naked eye as reported.[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns

  A Video

  v=97vfBoJLaB8 made in Padua, Italy,

  on August 24, 2009, at dusk.


  sole-24-agosto-2009.html [and from

  another] Hello everyone fom Fabrizio

  creator of the video in Padua! I've said

  previously for my other videos and I

  repeat once again: to me to be here

  mingling with Photoshop or anything

  like that plus I do not even know what

  they are and how to use them, losing

  hours to make fake videos to put on You

  Tube does not interest me at all! I was

  coming home from work, intrigued by

>   the Sun which was slightly elongated on

  the right side and I stopped focusing

  with the camera on the elongation

  which turned out to be a second small circle! It is a video made in 2 minutes, downloaded to PC via Blue

  Tooth and on the internet, there are no fake trees made of cardboard or just pixeled Sun or anything else,

  maybe on a photo I could do it but not on a video for sure, plus I wanted to put music but I didn't even

  managed to do that! So, if what I filmed is Nibiru, Planet X, the Sun, Mercury, Venus or Mars I don't

  know. The fact is that the video is true, not modified or anything like that!! [and from another] Other

  moon swirl examples from the past, 2003-2005, from China, Italy, and New York

  This video is not a valid capture of Planet X, the Second Sun. It has no obvious flaws, though the quality is poor so

  details are hard to make out. The Ecliptic plunges from upper left to lower right in Italy at dusk, putting this theoretical

  Planet X above the Ecliptic and not to the right of the Sun along the Ecliptic as it currently rides. Even allowing for

  light rays bending to put a placement at a distance, this is too extreme. Then what is it? What could cause an elongated

  Sun viewed by naked eye, and dual orbs when captured on camera? When Planet X first arrived in the inner solar

  system in 2003, many of the photos were of the moon swirls, which form long tubes when seen from the side. These

  tubes focus light bouncing down the tube such that they appear as light orbs when the tube is turned toward the viewer.

  This focused light, coming down along a moon swirl tube, can be significant and mistaken for the shrouded Planet X

  corpus itself.[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble

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  ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble

  written September 30, 2009

  At noon today, I checked my 2 compasses and saw that they had switched from holding at due North for many

  days to 60 degrees West of North. A huge swing! Then a couple hours later, the 8.3 quake hit Samoa. A big

  wobble must of occurred and the compasses reflected the change. Coincidence? [and from another] Checked

  the Magnetosphere Simulator site and the S Pole

  (red) seems to have disappeared! It was shrinking when the 8.3 hit in Samoa around 17:00 UTC on September

  29, but 12 hours later was completely gone! This was not the case during times when the Earth's

  magnetosphere was blasted by the hose of particles from the N Pole of Planet X, such as the January 21, 2009

  blast here on YouTube What is the relationship between this

  odd magnetic twist and the big quakes? [and from another] USGS upgraded the September 29 Samoa quake to

  8.3, and at 10:16 on September 30 Sumatra had a 7.9. Two big ones in short order, and aftershocks galore. In

  less than a 24 hours period there were 24 quakes above 5 for the region between these two large quakes.

  Any plot of a magnetosphere will show output from the N Pole, regardless of what activity might be ongoing at the S Pole.

  Magnetons flow out from the N Pole, circle round, and return at the S Pole. What would cause the Earth's magnetosphere to

  temporarily show only an outbound stream (blue lines), and this almost entirely turned quickly in space toward the direction

  of the Earth's magnetic S Pole rather than arching out into space before returning, but then bypassing the Earth's S Pole? It

  is as though the magnetons are diverted away from returning to the Earth's S Pole, and this is what is occurring. We have

  stated that the N Pole of Planet X is increasingly pointing toward Earth, forcing the magnetic N Pole of Earth to push away

  during the daily Earth wobble that results. If this flow of magnetons from Planet X is strong enough, the magnetons flowing[2/5/2012 9:57:37 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble

  out the Earth's N Pole cannot fight the push in order to return to the Earth's S Pole. In this case, they join the larger field

  temporarily formed by Planet X and the Earth, which are attempting to form an end-to-end magnet at this point, and return

  through the S Pole of Planet X!

  What relationship, if any, does this have to the strong series of quakes in Samoa? We have described this part of the globe,

  the Indo-Australian plate that is being pushed under the Himalayas, as the brake point, holding back larger plate adjustment

  worldwide. Thus, this is where global adjustments start. This plate moves, then other adjustment that were waiting to

  happen can proceed. The relationship between the magnetic simulation charts showing the S Pole temporarily disappearing

  and the quakes is that a stronger and more violent wobble occurred when the N Pole of Planet X temporarily pointed its N

  Pole at Earth, forcing an end-to-end alignment of their magnetospheres. This is a preview of the severe wobble we have

  stated will precede the lean-to-the-left. This is the cause of the severe wobble we have predicted. More is to come![2/5/2012 9:57:37 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist

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  ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist

  written October 29, 2009

  Recently, the magnetic fields has appeared twisted, with the positive outflow immediately going south and

  the intake, the negative flow, coming down from the north instead of up from the south. What would cause

  that? Within a 24 hour period from October 28-29 the field went from a normal appearance, to showing

  that a magneton blast was occurring, to showing a twisted magnetic field.[2/5/2012 9:57:38 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist

  Recently, on the Magnetic Simulator, the S Pole of Earth temporarily disappeared. We explained that this was an instance of the magnetic field of Earth and Planet X going end-to-end, such that the magnetons from the Earth's N

  Pole travel to the S Pole of Planet X, avoiding Earth's S Pole altogether. But what would explain the magnetic twist,

  where Earth's field appears to be heading in the wrong direction entirely, the emissions from the N Pole going directly

  south, the intake at the S Pole coming directly from the north? Planet X is slightly to the right in a line drawn from the

  Sun to the Earth, and thus until it has swung its N Pole some 195°, as it has done in a dither at times recently, it will

  not be pointing directly at the Earth. Most of the time, as it continues to close the gap between itself and the Earth,

  Planet X will be influencing the Earth's magnetosphere from a point slightly to the side.

  The flow of magnetons from the Earth's N Pole continues to try to merge with the flow from Planet X, diverted to the

  S Pole of Planet X. But as a flow cannot continue without an intake as well as an exit, the S Pole of Earth represents a

  type of magnetic vacuum, a pull. Thus some magnetons from the N Pole of Planet X, which has a wide field, drift to

  the S Pole of Earth rather than travel on to the S Pole of Planet X. Why do these magnetons not move directly from the

  N Pole of Planet X to the S Pole of Earth? Those magnetons in the field close to Planet X are pulled strongly to the S

  Pole of Planet X, and also do not want to cross the flow of magnetons coming from Earth, joining to form a merged

  field with Planet X. It is those magnetons which are cast far afield, in the large magnetic field of Planet X, which find

  they can drift toward the S Pole of Planet X. Th
is is yet another example of the truth of our words. Planet X is slightly

  to the right of the Sun in the view from Earth, and is pointing its N Pole toward Earth. What else would cause the

  Earth's magnetic field to twist?[2/5/2012 9:57:38 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist[2/5/2012 9:57:38 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Brazil Blackout

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  ZetaTalk: Brazil Blackout

  written November 11, 2009

  Power Failure Blacks Out Much of

  Brazil, Paraguay [Nov 11] A

  massive power failure hit Brazil's

  two biggest cities, São Paulo and Rio

  de Janeiro, and large parts of

  neighboring Paraguay, leaving

  millions of people in the dark

  Tuesday night after a hydroelectric

  plant went offline. The blackout cut

  off some 17,000 megawatts of

  electricity, affecting 10 Brazilian

  states, but power began returning to

  Rio within a few hours. Brazilian

  Energy Minister Edson Lobão said

  authorities weren't sure what caused

  the outage at the Itaipu dam, which straddles the border between Brazil and Paraguay, but he believed an

  "atmospheric phenomenon" or "high-intensity storm" was to blame. [and from another] Outage Leaves

  Millions Without Power in Brazil [Nov 11] The electricity operator in the

  state of Minas Gerais said the outage was caused by a problem with the Itaipu dam which lies on the

  border between Brazil and Paraguay.

  The failure of the hydroelectric plant at the Itaipu dam situated on the border of Brazil and Paraguay was of course

  caused by an electromagnetic storm caused by the near presence of Planet X and the wafting of its charged tail. The

  Brazilian Energy Minister was honest about the cause, stating it was a failure at the dam caused by an unknown


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