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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 63

by Nancy Lieder

  during the broadcast, the bowl of the stadium was acting like the enclosed air in a drum, amplifying the sound

  coming from the bay area itself.

  Whether the sound is a tone, a rumble, a howl, or a hum the etiology is all the same - the ground is vibrating. A

  tornado is reported to have a freight train sound, produced by the vibrations of the air itself as air masses slam

  into each other, rapidly. But here officials can point to the tornado! High winds near wires under tension will

  also produce a singing sound, but this is very local, not dominating a wide area, and the vibrating wires can be

  located, the cause identified. This is not the case during stretch zone hums or howls. Experts may recognize that

  it is the ground that is vibrating, setting in motion music or an undifferentiated noise that sounds like a howl, but

  are at a loss to explain why the ground would be vibrating! Once again the cover-up over the presence of Planet

  X runs headlong into the Earth changes, and loses. Those seeking an answer access the Internet and discover our

  words on the ZetaTalk site.[2/5/2012 9:57:48 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Wobble Sloshing

  ZetaTalk: Wobble Sloshing

  written August 25, 2011

  The severe wobble that starts the Last Weeks is a flinging back and forth of the N Pole of Earth. Planet X is

  approaching mainly from the right, in its retrograde orbit, though also somewhat Sunside on its way outbound from the

  Sun. Planet X is pointing its N Pole at the Earth, almost directly, at this time, and close enough that Earth, as a magnet,

  is trying to line up end-to-end with Planet X, as magnets do. The N Pole of Earth thus flings away when the magnetic

  N Pole of Earth comes up over the horizon, and then rebounds back 12 hours later when the magnetic N Pole of Earth

  disappears again over the horizon at dusk. The severe wobble, thus, will merely be an exaggeration of the existing

  wobble, where the magnetic N Pole is pushed as its current location in the Arctic near Siberia rolls over the horizon.

  Thus as the globe is pushed violently northward, the waters in the Pacific will slosh southward, and waters in the

  Atlantic will slosh in the opposite direction, northward. Hold a globe in your hands with the Pacific Ocean facing you,

  and push the N Pole forcefully away to see how the land will move under the ocean. It is essentially that for the

  Pacific, the northern coastlines will be pushed under the ocean, and for the Atlantic, the southern coastlines will be

  pushed under the ocean. Then, 12 hours later, this reverses. The sloshing will be in a N/S direction, back and froth,

  with the Moon's influence, as we have stated, still trying to pull the waters toward it, creating its normal tide on top of

  the severe wobble slosh. In that the severe wobble slosh will be 200-300 feet high, this will scarcely be noted.

  During the hour of the pole shift we have 9 day Severe Wobble

  predicted that coastlines can anticipate

  4.5 days static Lean to the Left

  tides up to 500-600 feet due to the

  sloshing of the oceans. This is due to the 2.5 days progression toward 3 Days of

  exceptionally rapid movement of the


  globe, a 90° turn within the span of an

  3 Days of Darkness

  hour. The severe wobble and lean to the

  6 days of Sunrise West

  left do not bring that rapid movement, but 18 day of Slowing Rotation

  bring their own problems. The severe

  6 (5.9) days of Rotation Stoppage

  wobble will bring a twice a day swing,

  which is not the hour of the pole shift but The Earth's first evasion is to tilt her N

  is a 12 hour movement. These tides can

  Pole away from the oncoming Planet X to

  be expected to be hundreds of feet high,

  such a degree, and so violently, that she

  200-300 feet, the worst being where a

  leans all the way over to the left and then

  normal tide under the influence of the

  rebounds as a reaction all the way to the

  Moon is in process during the wobble.

  right. This is the severe wobble, for a

  The lean to the left will bring a pooling of length of 9 days. Finally, the rebound is

  water toward the poles because the orbit repressed, for a lingering lean to the left

  of the Moon will continue, crossing over of 4.5 days or so.

  the poles rather than round the Ecliptic.

  ZetaTalk Last Weeks 8/14/2010

  This will be slight, only a dozen or more

  feet of difference.

  ZetaTalk Analysis 1/30/2010[2/5/2012 9:57:49 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Venus and Dark Twin Looming

  ZetaTalk: Venus and Dark Twin Looming

  written September 12, 2011

  That is left of the Sun? Niburu and Sun at Sunset, September 04, 2011

  v=JJIYmGAil9s&feature=player_embedded [and from another] What is to the right of the Sun in this sunset photo

  from Texas taken on September 7, 2011, at or about Azimuth 282, at 5:30-6:00 pm, as posted on the Pole Shift ning?

  The object filmed on September 4, 2011 is obviously not a lens flare as the camera is moved about and this object does not.

  Nor is this a reflection on the car's window, which by the traffic sounds is obviously open. It remains stationary, in line with

  the Sun, and seems to set with the Sun. Where there is clearly haze that the Sun is shining through, the object has definition,

  retains its shape, and even seems to have a shadow on the lower side, as though it were reflecting sunlight, and as though it

  were slightly below the Sun. Is it a ghost of the Sun, a reflection of the Sun within the camera? A ghost parallels the shape

  and size of the Sun, but this object disappears before the Sun goes down over the horizon, which combined with the shadow

  on the lower side indeed implies that it is just ahead of the Sun along the Ecliptic, setting first.

  Venus is in the vicinity, though should be following the Sun as it sets, along the slanting line of the Ecliptic. But if slightly[2/5/2012 9:57:50 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Venus and Dark Twin Looming

  outside of its orbit by pressure from the squeeze within the cup, could be found in that position. This object is Venus,

  squeezed to be closer to the Earth and no longer able to be in the simulated orbit that has been maintained for Venus since

  both it and the Earth halted in their orbits in front of Planet X. Where normally only seen as the evening or morning star,

  when pushed closer to the Earth and in the line of sight between the Earth and Sun, reflected sunlight allows a planet sized

  object with the potential for shadow to be seen. We have warned that this time was coming, when dramas from the planets

  caught in the cup with the Earth would play out, and this time has arrived!

  The sunset photo taken on September 7, 2011, where a faint purple orb appears to the right of the Sun, and before the Sun

  had set, is as suspected a capture of the Dark Twin. The Dark Twin shares the Earth's orbit, and this orb is seen along the line

  of the Ecliptic, close to the horizon at 5:30-6:00 pm along that line when the Sun is still higher in the sky at an angle to the

  left. The Dark Twin looks purple or violet as the blue light it normally emits is mixing with the red dust in the atmosphere.

  As those who study color are aware, blue and red mixed together pr
oduce a purple color. Is the Dark Twin being pushed

  closer to the Earth, the cup it shares with the Earth and Venus tightening at this time? It is indeed, and this drama is only

  starting to play out![2/5/2012 9:57:50 AM]

  Document Outline

  ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

  Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

  ZetaTalk: Zeta Vision

  ZetaTalk: Sudden Impact

  ZetaTalk: Millennium Denial

  ZetaTalk: Millennium Fever

  ZetaTalk: Sound the Alarm

  ZetaTalk: Past Cataclysms

  ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles

  ZetaTalk: Prior Shift

  ZetaTalk: Jewish Exodus

  ZetaTalk: Passover

  ZetaTalk: Mastodons

  ZetaTalk: Asteroid Traffic

  ZetaTalk: Velikovsky

  ZetaTalk: Sitchin

  ZetaTalk: Prophets

  ZetaTalk: Differing Prophecies

  ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

  ZetaTalk: Lost Records

  ZetaTalk: Calendars and Clocks

  ZetaTalk: Emotional Adjustments

  ZetaTalk: Resistance

  ZetaTalk: Subtle Message

  ZetaTalk: Crop Failure

  ZetaTalk: Crop Adjustments

  ZetaTalk: Diet Adjustments

  ZetaTalk: Threats of War

  ZetaTalk: Financial Freeze

  ZetaTalk: Market Crash

  ZetaTalk: Crash Impact

  ZetaTalk: Mayan Calendar

  ZetaTalk: May 5, 2000

  ZetaTalk: Precision

  ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Timeline

  ZetaTalk: New Orleans, a Preview

  ZetaTalk: Disaster Movies

  ZetaTalk: Manifest Clues

  ZetaTalk: False Alarms

  ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Masks

  ZetaTalk: Proof Exists

  ZetaTalk: Heralding

  ZetaTalk: Green Meteors

  ZetaTalk: Space Trash

  ZetaTalk: New Moon

  ZetaTalk: Permafrost Quakes

  ZetaTalk: Moon Halos

  ZetaTalk: Black Water

  ZetaTalk: Lowered Jet Stream

  ZetaTalk: Deformed Frogs

  ZetaTalk: Big Birds

  ZetaTalk: Deep Quakes

  ZetaTalk: Atlantis

  ZetaTalk: Land of Mu

  ZetaTalk: The Flood

  ZetaTalk: Noah

  ZetaTalk: Moses

  ZetaTalk: Tales

  ZetaTalk: Red Sea Parting

  ZetaTalk: Jonah

  ZetaTalk: Submerged Roads

  ZetaTalk: Ancient Maps

  ZetaTalk: Loch Ness Monster

  ZetaTalk: Yeti

  ZetaTalk: Brainerd Lake

  ZetaTalk: Comet's Tail

  ZetaTalk: Red Dust

  ZetaTalk: Tail Debris

  ZetaTalk: Warning

  ZetaTalk: Stop Rotation

  ZetaTalk: Magnetic Grip

  ZetaTalk: Long Day/Night

  ZetaTalk: Groaning

  ZetaTalk: Lightning Bolts

  ZetaTalk: Violent Winds

  ZetaTalk: Firestorms

  ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

  ZetaTalk: Continental Rip

  ZetaTalk: Mountain Building

  ZetaTalk: Mountain Ranges

  ZetaTalk: Sinking or Rising

  ZetaTalk: Pre-Existing

  ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama

  ZetaTalk: Tidal Waves

  ZetaTalk: Climbing Water

  ZetaTalk: Flood Tide

  ZetaTalk: Water Movement

  ZetaTalk: Ocean Vortex

  ZetaTalk: Sinking Atlantic

  ZetaTalk: New Land

  ZetaTalk: Other Planets

  ZetaTalk: Rotation Returns

  ZetaTalk: New Geography

  ZetaTalk: Climate Changes

  ZetaTalk: New Climate

  ZetaTalk: Deserts

  ZetaTalk: Prevailing Winds

  ZetaTalk: Melting Ice Caps

  ZetaTalk: Rising Seas

  ZetaTalk: Rebirth

  ZetaTalk: Seeds of Rebirth

  ZetaTalk: Endangered Species

  ZetaTalk: Ocean Life

  ZetaTalk: Inland Lakes

  ZetaTalk: Nuclear Winter

  ZetaTalk: Return to Normalcy

  ZetaTalk: How to Prepare

  ZetaTalk: First Steps

  ZetaTalk: What Mindset

  ZetaTalk: Most Terrible Day

  ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown

  ZetaTalk: How to Identify

  ZetaTalk: Safety Measures

  ZetaTalk: Prepare for Death

  ZetaTalk: Earthquakes

  ZetaTalk: Volcanoes

  ZetaTalk: Yellowstone

  ZetaTalk: Survive the Quakes

  ZetaTalk: Rapid Shift

  ZetaTalk: Rampaging Water

  ZetaTalk: Shallow Trench

  ZetaTalk: Gloom

  ZetaTalk: Sea Level

  ZetaTalk: Atmosphere Loss

  ZetaTalk: Seasons Shift

  ZetaTalk: Restart Gardens

  ZetaTalk: Safe Places

  ZetaTalk: Safe Structures

  ZetaTalk: Salt Flats

  ZetaTalk: Safe Water

  ZetaTalk: Nuclear Stockpiles

  ZetaTalk: Pollutants

  ZetaTalk: Last Minute Panic

  ZetaTalk: Level of Preparation

  ZetaTalk: Friends and Family

  ZetaTalk: Countdown Signs

  ZetaTalk: Hour of the Shift

  ZetaTalk: Certainty

  ZetaTalk: Aftertime

  ZetaTalk: What will Survive

  ZetaTalk: Great Equalizer

  ZetaTalk: Manna from Heaven

  ZetaTalk: Government Collapse

  ZetaTalk: Survivors

  ZetaTalk: Mainstay for Others

  ZetaTalk: Devastated Cities

  ZetaTalk: Machine Age

  ZetaTalk: New Energy

  ZetaTalk: Internet

  ZetaTalk: Worthless Money

  ZetaTalk: Vortex

  ZetaTalk: Polar Heatwave

  ZetaTalk: Shift Meltdown

  ZetaTalk: Cataclysms Inevitable

  ZetaTalk: Wishful Thinking

  ZetaTalk: Rebel Planet

  ZetaTalk: From Orion

  ZetaTalk: 12th Planet Moons

  ZetaTalk: Electro-Magnetic Pulse

  ZetaTalk: Asteroid Impact

  ZetaTalk: NEAT V1

  ZetaTalk: 2MASS Denial

  ZetaTalk: 1997 XF11

  ZetaTalk: 2002-NT7

  ZetaTalk: Comet Lee

  ZetaTalk: The Core

  ZetaTalk: New Game Plan

  ZetaTalk: Comet Visible

  ZetaTalk: Fall, 2002

  ZetaTalk: Amateur Scopes

  ZetaTalk: Coordinates

  ZetaTalk: Sighting Success

  ZetaTalk: Visibility Factors

  ZetaTalk: Not a Star

  ZetaTalk: Red Light

  ZetaTalk: Lattitude

  ZetaTalk: Slowing Rotation

  ZetaTalk: Trend Data

  ZetaTalk: Not Obvious

  ZetaTalk: Countdown Minutes

  ZetaTalk: Time Differences

  ZetaTalk: Slowing Confusion

  ZetaTalk: Slowing Determination

  ZetaTalk: Fire Dragon

  ZetaTalk: Two Personas

  ZetaTalk: April 2003

  ZetaTalk: Unaided Eye

  ZetaTalk: Planet X Personas

  ZetaTalk: Second Sun

  ZetaTalk: Periodic Passage

  ZetaTalk: Time Frame

  ZetaTalk: Why May 15?

  ZetaTalk: White Lie, May 23, 2003

  ZetaTalk: 2003

  ZetaTalk: Late 2003

  ZetaTalk: Straight Talk

  Pole Shift Date

  ZetaTalk: Earth Changes

  ZetaTalk: Decision Time

  ZetaTalk: Travel Blocks

taTalk: Power Outages

  ZetaTalk: Whomping Sounds

  ZetaTalk: Supressing the Word

  ZetaTalk: Solar Flares

  ZetaTalk: Solar Opportunists

  ZetaTalk: Solar Cover

  ZetaTalk: Odd Atmosphere

  ZetaTalk: Winter Solstice

  ZetaTalk: The Long Wait

  PeopleTalk: The Long Year

  ZetaTalk: Monster Cometh

  ZetaTalk: Dance Begins

  ZetaTalk: No Surprise

  ZetaTalk: Sunrise West

  ZetaTalk: 3 Days of Darkness

  ZetaTalk: Twirling into Darkness

  ZetaTalk: Potter's Wheel

  ZetaTalk: Drunken Lurch

  ZetaTalk: Earth Wobble

  ZetaTalk: Weather Wobble

  ZetaTalk: Unshakable Grip

  ZetaTalk: Lockdown

  ZetaTalk: Torque Effect

  ZetaTalk: Magma Slam

  ZetaTalk: Snap, Crackle, and Pop

  ZetaTalk: Small Plane Crashes

  ZetaTalk: Stretch Zone

  ZetaTalk: Solar Minimum?

  ZetaTalk: Signs of Change

  ZetaTalk: Where is Planet X?

  ZetaTalk: Threshold Crossed

  ZetaTalk: Trend Lines

  ZetaTalk: Weather Extremes

  ZetaTalk: Jet Stream Tornadoes

  ZetaTalk: Moon Dance

  ZetaTalk: Tail Returns

  ZetaTalk: Earth on the Rack

  ZetaTalk: Sun Scald

  ZetaTalk: Lean to the Left

  ZetaTalk: Folding Pacific

  ZetaTalk: Stretch Stench

  ZetaTalk: Hell Unleashed

  ZetaTalk: Proof Exists

  ZetaTalk: Sequence of Events

  ZetaTalk: Clear Message

  ZetaTalk: Hale-Bopp

  ZetaTalk: Shramek Object

  ZetaTalk: Psi-Tech Pathogens

  ZetaTalk: Siberian Freeze

  ZetaTalk: Tail Wafting

  ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw

  ZetaTalk: Exponential

  ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes

  ZetaTalk: N American Rip

  ZetaTalk: Dead on and Deadly

  ZetaTalk: Water Tree

  ZetaTalk: Earth Farts

  ZetaTalk: Minneapolis Bridge

  ZetaTalk: Christmas Hammer

  ZetaTalk: Planet X Right

  ZetaTalk: Horizon Project

  ZetaTalk: Peru Meteor Sickness

  ZetaTalk: Blackberry Outages

  ZetaTalk: Reno Swarms

  ZetaTalk: Alexandria Cables

  ZetaTalk: Dubai Cables

  ZetaTalk: Mercury's Shroud

  ZetaTalk: Air France 447

  ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns

  ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble

  ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist

  ZetaTalk: Brazil Blackout

  ZetaTalk: Neon Swirls

  ZetaTalk: SOHO Says So

  ZetaTalk: Radar Circles

  ZetaTalk: NASA Cover-up


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