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An Uncommon Truth of Dying (Broken Veil Book 2)

Page 13

by Marie Andreas

  “I’m not sure, but I might have to rethink how I feel about this necklace—I think it just saved my life.”

  “From what? There’s nothing here.” Maeve duplicated her stalking, but it wasn’t a large room.

  “There was though.” Harlie got his mystic-in-the-cave look on his face as he also walked around the room. “I can’t tell what it was. But it definitely meant harm.” He held up both hands and closed his eyes. The spell he muttered was faint and vanished as he said it. A second later he was flung off his feet and slammed through the doorway into the living room. Good thing the door was still open, that amount of force would have flung him through it the hard way.

  Aisling and Maeve ran after him. The sofa helped his landing, but he’d still hit it with enough force to move it a foot backward.

  Aisling grabbed his wrist and sighed when she felt a pulse. “I don’t see any injuries. He’s alive, just knocked out.” She carefully moved him so that he was actually stretched out on the sofa instead of piled on it.

  Caradoc came running down the stairs. “What the hell just happened? I was checking out some of Harlie’s research and thought I’d screwed something up.”

  “No idea, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t you.” Maeve scowled. “Your sister was attacked by something invisible. Your brother tried to cast a spell to find out what it was and got slammed halfway across the house.”

  “And I think the pendant saved me. But I don’t think it’s what attacked Harlie.” Aisling put her hand on Harlie’s forehead. Her strongest magic was healing magic, but she wasn’t considered a powerful magic user. First, she needed to feel what was wrong, so she shut her eyes and pushed through to his core being.

  And found herself flung up against the wall.

  Caradoc reached her first and pulled her to her feet. “Is that what happened to Harlie?”

  “Similar, but I’m not unconscious.” She rubbed her forehead. It hurt far more than the back of her head where she’d hit the wall. Whatever that had been, it didn’t like her or her magic. She felt like someone had smacked her with a board in the middle of her forehead. “Whatever attacked me got chased off by the pendant—both times.” She came back to Harlie, sitting down on the floor next to him instead of standing, and took hold of the pendant in her right hand before putting her left hand on his forehead. She tapped into her healing magic slower this time. She couldn’t see inside Harlie’s mind, but she felt chaos and confusion all around. The pendant didn’t seem to be doing anything, it didn’t even feel warmer, but she didn’t get slammed across the room either. She focused on getting the wild storms flying around Harlie’s mind to slow down.

  She had no idea of the time, but she didn’t stop until his hand pushed hers away.

  Harlie’s deep brown eyes looked weary but aware. “Thank you. That was...unique.” He lifted his head a bit, then dropped it back down.

  “What happened?” Aisling stayed next to him and kept one hand on the pendant.

  “I would ask you the same thing. There was a presence in your room. It didn’t like my trying to communicate with it.”

  Maeve stayed back. “An evil presence I’m assuming? Aisling was terrified and it smacked you hard.”

  “My house is sealed against magic.” Caradoc walked around the living room windows with one hand up. “The seals are still in place.”

  “I don’t think it came through the windows or doors or anything on this plane. It was like it punched a hole into my room.” Aisling dropped the pendant and rubbed her arms as the memory of the cold hit her. “From somewhere far from here.”

  “A vallenian?” Maeve asked.

  “No, I’ve never felt anything strong from them when I’ve seen them—not good or bad. This was horrifying.” She quickly explained what happened, but didn’t want to linger on the topic. Even thinking about it brought too much back.

  “You’re right, that doesn’t sound like something that would have come from this world. And there are more than just vallenians on the other side of the veil.” Harlie still wasn’t moving from the sofa, but he looked more alert.

  Mott came clomping down the stairs. He normally looked like an elf/gnome breed, right now he was all gnome. His hair stuck up in tufts around his head like a deranged halo. His pajamas had tiny pink, blue, and purple unicorns on them, and there was a bit of cookie in his hand. “What happened?” He also looked like he actually hadn’t slept much regardless of his attire.

  “There was an attack on both Aisling and Harlie.” Maeve turned to look at him, then scowled at his cookie. Part of it appeared to be in his hair. Or maybe it was part of a second one.

  “I was working on a project...but I think I dozed off.”

  Caradoc and Maeve filled him in and Aisling helped Harlie sit up. “How are you feeling?”

  “ if I can’t describe what went through me. Oh, and something definitely went through me. Very upset at me it was. Then it felt something it didn’t like and tossed me.” He winced as he got to his feet. “It’s gone now, but I need to go write it all down.” He was up the stairs before anyone could say anything.

  Caradoc’s phone ringing made everyone jump. He grabbed it quickly. “Sorry, had the volume up high.” He glanced down at the number. “I’ll take this in my room. Probably want to get ready to leave for the airport.” He had his door shut before anyone could respond.

  “I’m going to take a shower and hope that settles my nerves.” Aisling left Maeve and Mott debating breakfast.

  She normally liked the fact that all the bedrooms had their own bathrooms, but right now it was taking a lot just to walk into her room. She didn’t think she was crazy to keep one hand on her pendant the entire time.

  As she showered, she tried to recall what, if anything, she’d sensed before the attack. That was the problem of it coming on the edge of waking up, if there was something that preceded it, she couldn’t pull back enough of it to help. She’d never felt such a horrifying cold. And a feeling of being cut off. That had been there too. Along with her soul being pulled away, she felt no longer part of this world. All in all, it was a lousy way to wake up.

  She got dressed and finished the last bit of packing—the only thing left was her opal spell case with her clan jewelry and Maeve’s scroll. A shock went through her hand as she picked it up and she almost dropped it. She got it into her suitcase and shut it, but her fingers still tingled. The case should defend itself against anyone not of its family—but not her. Maybe it could sense how unnerved she was.

  She picked up the pendant. “Is this you too? Look, I appreciate whatever you did to help me out, but you can’t mess with anything else, okay?” She felt a little odd talking to the necklace, but Stella thought it could hear her, and she didn’t have anything to lose.

  Everyone was waiting out in the front room—including Reece. He must have come in while she was showering. He gave her a nod, but then finished talking with Caradoc in low voices. Finally, he looked up. “Maeve is on her own, MI-6 takes precedence; the rest of you report to me until we get over there, then you’ll be assigned to a team. Because they are heavier spell users, Caradoc and Harlie will probably be with the magic squad. Aisling will be assigned to another team, I would believe.” He didn’t even glance her way. Yes, Aisling was a magic user, but not on the level of her brothers. Healing was a recovery magic, not an aggressive one.

  “I’m ready to drive everyone down.” Mott was grinning in a manner that would make anyone nervous.

  “Does he even have a license?” Maeve looked him over.

  “I have a license,” he said. “It might be a bit old...”

  Reece smiled for the first time that morning. “It expired fifteen years ago, Mott. Bart is coming by to drive you all down. I just had a few last-minute things to discuss with Caradoc.”

  Harlie’s eyebrows dropped lower, usually a sign he’d had an idea. “Actually, Reece, could you come help me with this equipment up in my room?” He didn’t wait for an answer, just st
arted up the stairs.

  Reece shrugged and followed.

  “That’s odd, what was that about? I helped him bring his things down already.” Caradoc looked ready to follow them.

  Aisling had a feeling that Harlie wanted to get Reece alone for a reason more related to her issue than anything else. “Actually, I think we might want to get the rest of this stuff out front and waiting for Bart. He does know about the hedge, right?”

  Caradoc shrugged. “Hopefully. I just found out he was taking us down when you did.” He glanced up the stairs, then shrugged and picked up some bags. “Let’s get out in the driveway.”

  Reece came outside, holding up his bandaged right hand and looking back at Harlie with a frown, then back to them. “I guess you are all ready.”

  “I am sorry about that Reece; I didn’t realize the spell was still running. Are you sure you’re all right?” Harlie might have sounded concerned, but the grin that kept popping up said otherwise. Aisling would bet he’d done something tricky to get what he needed to find out of Reece was showing siren powers or not.

  Reece held up his bandaged hand. “I’ll be fine. Sorry I got blood all over your equipment.”

  Harlie gave a wink to Aisling. “Never worry, everything is fine.”

  Aisling studiously looked anywhere but at Reece or Harlie. Not a terribly graceful way to get blood for sneaky blood tests, but it apparently worked.

  The sound of a car revving its engines came from the other side of the hedge. Caradoc held up his hands and threw out a spell as a massive silver SUV charged through. The spell caught the vehicle as soon as it crossed the hedge and before it could hit Reece’s car or any of them.

  Bart was rattled as he got out. “This thing has a lot more kick than my other rental. Not to mention that hedge is a bit disturbing. Sorry if I startled you.”

  Caradoc shrugged. “It happens.”

  Once they got everything in Bart’s car, even Maeve was riding down with them, Caradoc pulled Mott aside.

  Aisling couldn’t hear the conversation, but there was a lot of stern regard on Caradoc’s end and random nods on Mott’s. She was honestly surprised that Caradoc was letting Mott stay in his house while they were gone. Then again, Caradoc most likely massively increased the spells around the place, and as long as Mott had his own mysteries to track down he’d be distracted enough to stay out of trouble. Hopefully.

  Caradoc finally got into the car. “I also gave Reg and Grundog access to my house, just in case.” He shot a final look of concern toward Mott as they backed up.

  Bart backed out of the hedge with more surety than Aisling had the first time, and Reece’s car came out after. Reece turned down another access road as Bart got on the 5 freeway and headed to the airport.

  Aisling wanted to ask about what Harlie did to Reece, but she had a feeling it was related to finding out what mojo Reece was packing and she still wanted to keep that information as limited as possible. “Any news on the building parts? The two that fell here?”

  Bart grimaced as he turned off the airport exit, but traffic was relatively light, so the reaction wasn’t from that. “Three. There was a third drop reported as I came to get you. Small, hit out in the ocean, so no injuries. Tracked by a fishing vessel off the Santa Monica Bay. ASAB is sending a ship out to get it, and a few of our agents will be on board. It depends how deep it went whether we can get any of it back.” He paused. “They found two bodies deep in the building of that sinkhole of yours when they were able to remove the helicopter and the SUV. They were identified as two Area 42 medical agents who had been reported missing when the building vanished.”

  “Damn. Then the agents who were lost are assumed dead?”

  “Not that we know. Those are the only two. Even the section in England didn’t leave any dead in its building wreckage. We still have no idea what is causing any of this. The metaphysical team in New York hasn’t slept since the building was taken but is still coming up empty.” He pulled up to the unloading zone. “Be careful out there.”

  They got their luggage out and Aisling and her brothers headed for the flight desk. Maeve followed a bit, then turned off by a waiting area. Aisling waved her brothers to go on.

  Maeve waited until both were almost out of sight. “Do we think Harlie got enough of Reece’s blood? It’s a good thing it was him and not Caradoc who did it. He was sloppy and Reece doesn’t suspect Harlie like he does Caradoc.”

  “Harlie looked pretty happy with himself, so I’m thinking he did. Good thing he has medical immunity or someone would question him carrying blood on a plane and into a foreign country.” Aisling had medical immunity as well. Not as exciting as it sounded though. It just meant both of them had healing magic. Harlie just had a hell of a lot more skills on top of it. They wouldn’t be questioned for things related to medical studies when they travelled.

  “You’ll call me once he knows for sure, right?” Maeve sat down her bags and stretched out. Her flight wouldn’t even be preboarding for a few hours, so she’d snagged one of the reclining chairs to wait. “I’ve no idea when I’ll be able to catch up with you all.”

  “I promise to call you. Take care. And no going after Nix on your own—even if MI-6 sends you after him.” She leaned over to hug Maeve.

  “I promise. Besides, after the report of how easily he took me out got to them, I’m surprised they even want me there.” She waved her hands and pulled out a book to read. “Now be off.”

  Aisling smiled and followed her brothers to the bag check, then to their gate area. The waiting area was a large one, so they had room to spread out. But aside from a seat saved for her, the two were staying close to each other. They stopped talking when she came up.

  “What ya doing?” She took the saved seat and kept her carry-on suitcase on her lap.

  Harlie grinned, shut his mouth, and pretended to turn a key. She gave him a sideways stare. There was no way he would have told Caradoc about Reece. Not to mention, Caradoc looked too mischievous for something that serious. Most likely brotherly shenanigans.

  “Just talking about my little sister’s crush. Harlie wanted the details.” Caradoc grinned but Harlie gave a quick shake of his head out of his range of sight.

  “There’s no crush. Reece cut me off for over a week. I know it’s his job, I also know he could have at least said something. As far as I am concerned, the further I stay away from him right now, the better.” She folded her arms and sat without looking at either. Nice set up on Harlie’s side though, he gave her a chance to reiterate to Caradoc her annoyance. She didn’t like keeping this from him, and she’d tell him once they knew for certain. But Caradoc, for all of his sneakiness, could be too easy to read if someone knew him.

  “Now, give the guy a break. I was there, he cares about you. Captain Driyflin gave him a bad time.” Caradoc was trying to be encouraging.

  “But she liked me. She even said they were planning on recruiting me.”

  He shook his head. “Something changed after the attack in those caves, or right before. I got the idea that she was there in person because of something to do with you. But I couldn’t get information out of anyone, and Reece didn’t know.”

  She was just about to bug him for more answers he probably didn’t have, when an alarm echoed through the massive gate area. It wasn’t their gate but the one that was two over judging by the lights and the six-foot-high red cones that shot up from the floor. Magic powered; the force field raised by those cones probably hit before the alarm did.

  Aisling leapt to her feet. The day after Nix’s attack in the cave, Garran had her LAPD badge tattoo replaced. She also had her badge back. Both were done right before he put both her and Maeve on leave. She’d help if she could, depending on what caused the alarm response, but many times airport law enforcement didn’t like others stepping in on their turf. Not that she could blame them.

  Aside from the alarm and the cones, and a general nosy mob standing around looking, there appeared to be nothing wrong.<
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  “Do either of you sense anything?”

  Both brothers shook their heads.

  Caradoc stood and looked over to the gate, then sat back down. “Probably just someone opened one of the flight loading doors by mistake. That happens all the time, but the airport still has to investigate.”

  The words were just out of his mouth when the screaming started.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The people who had been milling near the alarmed forcefield cones were now running back toward Aisling and her brothers. It wasn’t clear if whatever caused the screaming had been seen by everyone, or simply terror breeding terror.

  Aisling pulled back the sleeve where her badge tattoo was and ran against the crowd with her arm up. Yelling LAPD wouldn’t help much but it did seem some folks were getting out of her way as they saw the badge tat. Caradoc was right behind her. A glance back showed Harlie still in his seat, but his eyes were closed. There was more than one way to find out what happened.

  The cone force field was trapping people who had been in that gate waiting area and whatever else was on that side was making them frantic to get out. She couldn’t see any airport security, but they probably had further to run than she and Caradoc had.

  Finally, three airport guards ran up from behind her. “Stand back! Everyone return to your seats.”

  Aisling flashed her tattoo. “Detective Danaan, LAPD.”

  Caradoc held up a badge holder. “FBI.” He ignored Aisling’s glare.

  “Look, there’s nothing either of you need to—” The security guard’s words were swallowed by a muffled explosion and more screaming.

  “You need to let them out!” Aisling yelled over the noise. The people on the other side of the cones were hysterical and trying to climb out. “Drop the cones!”


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