The Consequences Series Box Set

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The Consequences Series Box Set Page 67

by Aleatha Romig

  Courtney smiled, seeing her friend’s pride, discussing her ability to do as she pleased. “Well, yes! Everyone needs a nice pair of diamond studs!” Courtney agreed.

  Courtney also talked about Tim and Sue. Their baby, Sean, just turned one! She showed Claire a picture on her phone from his first birthday party.

  “I can’t believe their son is actually one. I’ve missed so much.”

  “Honey,” Courtney began, her voice reflecting her look of concern. She continued, “There are some people who truly believe you tried to kill him.”

  Claire looked down at her glass. “I assumed as much.”

  “Just so you know, I’m not one of those people.”


  “No. He doesn’t believe it either. Let’s just say, we have a different perspective than most.”

  Claire reached out and grabbed Courtney’s hand. Her green eyes glistened as tears teetered on the rims. “Thank you, for believing in me. I know I can’t prove it, but just knowing there’re people who believe me and support me means the world.”

  Sharing both laughter and heartfelt moments that lead them to tears, they chatted away until dawn. When the sun rose, they were both exhausted. Sleepily, they stood at the railing and watched the dark sky fill with light as a red hue spilled across the Gulf of Mexico. Eventually, the red became orange, brightening the sky until the black became blue. They both agreed; sleep was in order.

  So many memories of their friendship filled Claire’s mind as she settled into the queen sized bed. Instantaneously, sleep overtook her.

  Unbelievably, she didn’t stir until after 1:00 PM. Looking at the clock, she couldn’t believe the time. Walking into the empty living room, she found a note:

  Hi Claire,

  I’m at the pool. There’s coffee in the pot. Before you come join me, please look at some papers on the kitchen table. I hoped it would be easier for you to read this without me looking over your shoulder. Brent accidentally received this information via Marcus Evergreen. He never should’ve had it, read it, or shared it with me. There’d probably be stiff legal ramifications if it were discovered. Of course, Tony doesn’t know we have it or read it. Those ramifications don’t need to be said. We all know they’d be stiff.

  Please know we love you and believe every word. I hope you’ll come down and talk to me when you’re finished.



  Although only about seven yards from the living room to the kitchen, Claire’s feet suddenly weighed a ton apiece; with each step, her goal seemed farther away. She could see the binder was thick with pages. At one time, before she married Tony, he showed her the article written by Meredith Banks, and another time, he had the news release of Simon’s death. Both of those experiences came rushing back. Claire wasn’t sure what the binder held. Somehow, she knew it wasn’t good.

  Sitting her mug of coffee and muffin on the table, she exhaled and opened the binder. Inside she read: January 31, 2012, Paul Task, Attorney At Law - Preliminary brief - State of Iowa vs. Rawlings, Claire. Claire thumbed through the pages, catching a word here and a phrase there. She didn’t need to read it word for word. She’d spoken it. Hell, she’d lived it. The account of her life with Tony, the truth, was right there in black and white. It wasn’t all inclusive, that was even stated, but it was descriptive. From her abduction, to his abuse, his punishments, his controlling nature, her near death accident, his change of behavior, their marriage, his control, his domination…and the reason she drove away from the estate. At 2:30 PM, her cup was empty, and the muffin was cold, stiff, and still wrapped in a shiny tin.

  Claire stared at the open binder and wondered what to do, what to say. Other than outsiders, her attorneys and Dr. Warner, she hadn’t discussed any of this with anyone. She felt a twinge of panic.

  If Tony finds out that they know. Oh God! It’s a direct violation of his rules.

  Leaving the binder open she went to her bedroom to put on her bathing suit. Claire realized this was the information Courtney wanted to share—in person. She really did know. Claire remembered the cathartic feeling she experienced when divulging all of this to her attorneys; however, it was different with Dr. Warner. Claire felt ashamed, like it was somehow her fault; she allowed all these things to happen. Dr. Warner agreed, well, in so many words, that Claire allowed Tony to dominate her.

  How could she face Courtney and look into her eyes, knowing she had allowed herself to be abused and had lied about it?

  Claire meant to go to the pool; however, somewhere during the process of getting ready, she collapsed on her bed and released years of suppressed tears. They didn’t stop. Unknowingly, she drifted off to sleep, wearing her new white bikini. Wakefulness came with the sensation of a warm, soft hand rubbing her exposed back. She didn’t turn around. Instead, she kept her face buried in the damp, soft pillow and choked out her apology, “I’m so sorry.”

  Claire expected compassion. Instead, Courtney’s voice was stern, “You are sorry?” Heavy emphasis on you. “Claire, please turn around.” Slowly, she did. Courtney looked at her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. “Girl, what in the hell do you have to be sorry for? It seems to me that the rest of us are the ones who should be sorry!”

  It didn’t make sense to Claire. She was the one who allowed Tony to abuse her. She was the one who lied to everyone, especially Courtney. How many times did Courtney ask Claire if everything was all right? And every time, she lied.

  The tears resumed. “I lied to you. I lied to you many times. I let things happen.”

  “Honey, everyone lets thing happen around Anthony Rawlings. What were you supposed to do? Do you think if you’d stood up to him more, than he’d have backed down?”

  Claire couldn’t answer. She didn’t want to discuss any of this. It made her head hurt.

  Courtney continued, “Let me tell you something, it may not be physical—like you endured—but we’re all victims of your ex-husband. Do you think for a minute we would’ve let you go to jail, much less to prison, if we weren’t scared of what Tony might do?”

  Claire stared at Courtney in disbelief. Wiping her nose with the back of her hand, Claire asked, “What do you mean, scared?”

  “I mean scared, like frightened. We’re putting all of our cards on the table, right?” Claire nodded; Courtney continued, “We all know Tony has power, a lot of power. Brent isn’t ready to retire, and there’s no way he can walk away from Tony. Besides, most of our money is tied up in Rawlings Industries’ stock. At least, it was. We never discussed a fear of physical retaliation, but Brent convinced me that our lives and possibly those of our children would suffer unseen consequences if we came clean about this information.”

  “How long have you known?”

  “Since before your divorce. The file was on a pen drive from Evergreen’s office. Like my note said, it shouldn’t have been there, and Brent shouldn’t have read it.”

  Claire turned her head into the soft pillow and exhaled. Slowly, she sat up and looked into the eyes of her friend. She truly was at a loss for words, and she was completely uncomfortable with the mixture of emotions swirling inside her chest.

  “Claire, I understand why you didn’t tell me. I wish you would’ve. I had this feeling that things were different than they appeared. Truthfully, I had no idea the enormity of the situation. I understand you couldn’t say anything.”

  “If I would’ve, I wouldn’t have been allowed to see you.” A sob came from somewhere deep, buried under years of suppression. “I needed you.”

  The two women hugged like never before. A few moments later, Courtney started to laugh. “Aren’t you glad you came all this way, for all this fun?”

  Claire looked into her honest blue eyes now reddened like her own and snickered, “At this moment, I’m not too sure.”

  “I am. I needed you to know what we know. I needed you to know we understand. And, if for some reason you feel responsible, or like you deserved something, anything that hap
pened to you…you’re sadly mistaken. I told you once; I loved and hated your husband. That’s still probably true. He’s capable of wonderful things. We just never knew the extent to which he’s capable of terrible things.”

  Courtney continued, “Claire, you’re a saint for loving him despite all of that. Please, never think you deserved any of it. No one should endure what that brief says you endured.” Courtney shook her head. “The thing I keep thinking is… I really believed he loved you, and I believed you loved him, too. As his friends, we worried about a woman wanting him for his money. I never got that feeling from you.”

  Claire replied, “I wish I could explain it. Hell, I wish I could explain it to myself. When I met him, I didn’t know who he was. Even after he took me to his house, I didn’t know who he was. Believe me, I hated him. I told him how much I hated him, multiple times. Maybe it was the isolation; I didn’t have contact with anyone but him, yet over time, I did love him. At least, I thought I loved him, and he did get better, a lot better.” Claire smiled a sad smile. “I think it’s true. Love and hate are very close emotions, both intense and consuming. Even after he left me in jail, and still today, I find myself struggling with those two emotions.” Claire shook her head. “I know it doesn’t make sense. It’s just that when he was good, he could be so good. When he wasn’t…It was just… here was always so much stress and pressure.” Claire thought about Brent and smiled a weary smile. “I think you do understand. I think if anyone would, it would be Brent and you. I’ve seen that same stress on Brent’s face.”

  Courtney nodded. “I’m glad you believe me. We wanted to help you, but we weren’t sure it would pay-off. Honey, it wasn’t throwing away our money; it was more than worth it!”

  Claire sat straight, her mouth gaped with surprise. Finally, words came from her lips, “Oh my God, it was you?” Courtney nodded again. “Of course, the petition was filled out. An attorney would know how to do that. Brent’s an attorney!” Claire’s voice sounded shrill with amazement and gratitude. “Let me pay you back. I can now; I sold the jewelry.”

  “Absolutely not! Consider it guilt money. We were so helpless, wanting to do anything to stop what was happening to you. Like you said, it was a risk—a good risk that paid off.”

  Claire hugged her again. “So, it’s true, Brent does believe me.”

  “I said he did.”

  “Yes, I know you said… but he really does. It’s just when he came to the prison—”

  Courtney interrupted, “Tony warned him. He said the tapes from those visitors’ rooms were available for a price. He told Brent the visit was strictly business, nothing more.”

  “Did Tony ever watch the video?”

  Courtney smiled. “I don’t know. Brent hoped he would.”


  “Because when Brent came home, he was so impressed by you. He didn’t know what to expect, and he didn’t want to face you.”

  “He didn’t have a choice, did he?”

  “No, he didn’t, yet he was glad he did afterwards. He talked about your strength, resilience, and determination. I don’t know if you remember, but you told him to tell Tony to bring on the liable case, that you’d be glad to testify to a larger audience.” Claire grinned and nodded; she’d said that. “Of course, Tony wouldn’t tell Brent what warranted such a case, but Brent knew. He also knew there was no way Tony would pursue it. It was some stupid mind game. Honestly, we don’t know if it was meant to hurt you or Brent, but I can tell you, it inspired Brent.”

  “Inspired?” Claire asked.

  “Yes, we knew before then that we wanted to distance ourselves and Caleb from Rawlings Industries. Seeing your strength while away from him—in prison no less—has been a constant reminder to us to stay the course.”

  “I’m glad. I remember feeling bad for Brent when he left.” Claire’s eyes were drying. She couldn’t believe she had this support from Tony’s closest friends.

  The two ladies went to the pool and ate lunch. They lounged on chairs at the beach and sipped drinks. They walked along the shore and talked about everything. Claire even told Courtney about her mixed feelings regarding Tony. She hated what he did. Nevertheless, sometimes she’d remember good times, and at times, she missed him too. Claire knew he wanted to see her. Honestly, the idea terrified her. She wasn’t afraid of a physical threat; she was doing everything she could do to avoid a repeat of that history. It was her own resolve she questioned. If the charming, loving, and friendly Tony approached her, then she wasn’t sure she could resist him.

  Claire told Courtney about the dinner invitation. Surprisingly, Courtney didn’t try to dissuade her. A few weeks ago, a similar subject caused an argument with Amber. Claire reasoned; Courtney knows Tony and truly understands.

  The warm gulf water lapped the shore, as the soft, moist sand enveloped their bare feet, and the sun bathed their tanned skin. Clad in swim suits, Claire and Courtney picked up the occasional shell as they walked along the beach. Although it had been the third morning of their secret getaway, neither friend had run out of things to share.

  Claire told Courtney all about Tony’s box; his confession of sorts. She hadn’t planned to divulge, but sharing felt too liberating. She explained why Tony came for her in the first place, all stemming from her grandfather’s help convicting his grandfather for multiple white-collar crimes. “It’s like everyone connected to the scenario thirty years ago, and their family has been made to pay. Even Tony’s parents.”

  “Do you think he hurt his own parents?”

  “I did at first. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but now I’m not sure. I think he had some influence over my parent’s death or maybe it was coincidental?”

  “I had no idea Rawlings wasn’t his birth name. I wonder if Brent knows.”

  “I think Tony also had some influence with Simon Johnson’s death. It’s too coincidental, him dying after I saw him in Chicago.”

  Courtney shook her head. “I knew he was capable of a lot, but I can’t believe how deep this all goes. He really sent you pictures showing he’s been watching you for years, before you ever met him?” Claire nodded. “What about Emily? If he’s getting everyone related to your grandfather, wouldn’t he do something to her too?”

  “I think he did. I mean, not personally, but by hurting me and John, he hurt Emily.”

  Courtney confirmed, Brent told her Tony was responsible for John’s difficulties. “Is it done?” Courtney asked, “Is there anyone else he believes deserves to pay?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, he seems to be after me again.” Claire shrugged. “I don’t know if he thinks I didn’t suffer enough, or maybe he thinks I did. Perhaps he believes his vendetta is over and that I’ll want to resume our relationship. Thankfully, Emily and I are the only descendants left of our grandfather.”

  “Well, Honey, only you can decide what to do.” Smiling with blue eyes shining, Courtney continued, “Just remember that this time it’ll be your decision.” Then as an afterthought she said, “I guess you should be glad you don’t have cousins.”

  “Yeah, I’d hate to think of anyone else enduring what I did.”

  “Now, tell me more about this Harry guy. He’s kind of cute in the pictures I’ve seen in magazines.”

  Claire blushed. “He’s just a friend, but you’re right, he’s kind of cute. I’d say his most endearing quality is that he’s nothing like Tony.”


  “So, nothing, we’re friends. He’s Amber’s brother, and he’s been very helpful with rebuilding my life and researching Tony’s past.”

  “Sure, I believe you.”

  Watching the waves flatten the sand, Claire confessed, “And… he might be an excellent kisser, but I can honestly say nothing more has happened.”

  “Does he make you smile?”

  Allowing her grin to surface, Claire nodded.

  “Do you live in fear of upsetting him?”

  Claire shook her head.

  “Honey, if yo
u go to that dinner with Tony… will you do me a favor? Remember those two questions and your answers.”

  The lump in Claire’s throat didn’t allow her to verbally answer; she nodded. She’d remember.

  The rented Chrysler 200 rolled along the hot Texas pavement, driving toward San Antonio. While music filled the car, Claire contemplated Courtney’s confession. Never in a million years would Claire have suspected Brent and Courtney were her angels. Tony considered them his closest friends, yet Claire was driving north on Highway 37 toward her hotel. If it were up to him, she’d still be locked away.

  The days spent by the pool and on the beach gave Claire’s skin a much needed dose of Vitamin D with a golden brown bonus. It had been so long since she’d enjoyed intense sunshine. The getaway strengthened her in so many ways: mentally and physically.

  Courtney left Corpus Christi earlier in the morning. As Claire looked at the clock, she thought, she should be back to Iowa by now. Claire wasn’t scheduled to fly to San Francisco until tomorrow.

  Around 4:30 PM, Claire pulled into the parking garage adjacent to the Hotel Valencia Riverwalk; the suite was still hers for another twenty-four hours. Obviously, the housekeeping staff knew she’d been gone for most of the week, but she wasn’t trying to fool the housekeepers.

  Searching for the key to her suite, which was really a card, she stepped into the shiny golden elevator. The doors closed, but the compartment didn’t move. She remembered putting the card someplace safe—if only she could remember which compartment of her purse that was.

  The elevator doors opened again and a tall, middle-aged, white haired gentleman entered. Claire smiled politely as she dug into another zipped compartment within her cavernous Gucci handbag.

  He showed a reserved smile and acknowledged Claire with a nod; then he inserted his card and pushed eleven. She exhaled as she found the key. “Here it is.” Her voice was barely a whisper, not intended for anyone but herself.


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