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The Consequences Series Box Set

Page 87

by Aleatha Romig

  Without a doubt, the possibility of an encounter with this mystery woman seemed odd.

  Sophia sat back, enjoyed her lunch, and watched the man and woman converse with a heartwarming sense of familiarity. She hoped they liked her work.

  Chapter Thirty

  The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other.

  —Mario Puzo

  His sparkling blue eyes were right in front of Claire before she noticed Harry’s presence. His rich voice rose above the clatter, “Your color looks much better. How are you feeling?”

  Claire beamed toward the handsome face and turned her cheek, making it available for his friendly kiss. “I’m feeling much better, thank you. I’m not sure what my problem was this morning.”

  Harry took the seat opposite Claire.

  She continued, “I love having Emily and John here. I don’t know why I’m so on edge.”

  Harry leaned over and covered Claire’s hand. “Your sister’s thrilled to be here with you. Just enjoy the time. They’re leaving Thursday.”

  Claire looked down toward her half-eaten salad. “I know.” She looked up and her emerald eyes twinkled. “And on Friday, I get to see you in a tuxedo!”

  Harry shook his head from side to side. “It’s not too late. We can get someone else to go to that gala. It’s nothing more than stuffed shirts acting all self-righteous about their donation.”

  Claire smiled smugly. “I know what to expect. Been there, done that. But I haven’t seen you in a tux, and I want to do that. Besides, I promised Amber.”

  Harry picked a strawberry from Claire’s uneaten salad and plopped it in his mouth. Immediately, she thought about his lips as they closed around the small red fruit. She tried to compartmentalize the thought smoldering deep within her. To aid in her diversion, Claire chose to speak, “I thought Amber said you hadn’t been to any of these things with her. How do you know what to expect?”

  “I haven’t been, as a guest. I’ve worked security at events like this, as a cop and for SiJo.” He reached for a sleek slice of orange.

  Claire giggled. “Do you want the rest of my salad? I’m really not hungry.”

  Bashfully, he replied, “No, you should eat it. I don’t think you had much breakfast. Besides…” His voice slowed. “…I was wondering…”

  Looking up, Claire saw his expression change subtly, with a gleam to his eyes and a crease on his forehead. She couldn’t pin point the exact difference, but whatever it was, it caused that fire she’d felt moments ago to reignite. Trying to sound more seductive than shy, Claire leaned toward Harry, “Yes?” She allowed the word to be drawn out, asking a question, not answering one. “What were you wondering?”

  “Well, you see I was at work, minding my own business, when I received this text.”

  Claire raised her eyebrows. Yes, she’d sent a text. It wasn’t intended as a request.

  He went on, “It said something like: hope your day’s going well. Heading to Clancy’s on Hamilton for some lunch. Emily and John took my car for a road trip to San Francisco for the day.”

  “Yes, I believe I know about that text. I sent it, and I received one in return. It said something like: have a good lunch. Oh, there may have been a smiley face.”

  Harry shrugged. “Well, yes, but then I started to think about you… all alone.”

  “I’m a big girl.”

  His eyes now held the same smoldering fire she’d been trying to conceal. “Yes, you are.” His fingers rubbed the top of her knuckles. “You see, I wasn’t sure how you would handle being all alone back at the condo. It seems like with your company, you haven’t been alone in a while.”

  Claire’s grin caused her eyes to twinkle; the fire now glowed behind the green. “You’re very kind to leave work just to assist me. Maybe I do need some help.”

  He seized her hand as she started to push her chair away from the table. “I’m here to assist, anyway I can.”

  She leaned closer to his ear and whispered, “What would your boss say about you playing hooky?”

  “My job definition is open to outside security.”

  “Oh, so you’re providing me with security?” She smiled, looking back at Phil sitting with a sandwich and tea. “Should we tell Phil to take the afternoon off?”

  Harry shrugged. “I don’t think it’d do any good. Now, Ms. Nichols, what assistance do you need?”

  Claire felt her cheeks flush. “Well, maybe from here to the condo, we can think of something?”

  The Brazilian restaurant offered amazing cuisine with impeccable service. Keaton, Amber’s friend, held his own in their small crowd. He jumped right in as the conversation moved from person to person. Claire enjoyed hearing her brother-in-law banter jokingly with the others. Her shoulders relaxed, realizing the stress she used to feel whenever John and Tony were together was now gone. Maybe that old feeling was what had been bothering her.

  Harry laughed as Emily questioned Claire’s diet. “Why are you so hungry?”

  Claire smiled… perhaps her afternoon activity had helped return her appetite. “I guess I really like this restaurant.”

  Emily couldn’t see Harry’s hand squeezing Claire’s dress covered knee.

  After the waiter cleared the dishes from their main course, Claire noticed glances, bemused smiles, and nods between Amber, John, and Emily. Her curiosity got the better of her. “What’s going on?”

  Amber raised her glass of wine, and said, “I’d like to propose a toast.”

  Claire obediently lifted her Chianti filled goblet and listened. “To Claire.” The temperature of the room rose as Claire felt self-conscious at the sudden attention. Amber went on, “The past three months, well almost three, have changed mine and Harry’s lives. We’ve not only found a good friend, but learned about life in the spotlight.” Everyone giggled. She continued, “You’ve done more than that. You’ve brought others to our life. Thank you.” Everyone sipped their wine. Amber continued, “Now, to John and Emily. When Claire spoke to me about your visit, I was thrilled to have you stay with us, for her. But as the two of you know, it’s become more than that. Here is to a long relationship between us, and more importantly, between you, John, and SiJo Gaming.” Again glasses went to lips.

  Claire’s glass didn’t move. Her stomach lurched; she had to ask, “What does that mean?”

  Emily leaned toward her sister; their shoulders touched. “It means we’re moving to Palo Alto.”

  Claire glanced around the table still in disbelief. Amber continued, “John and I spoke about the possibility of him working for SiJo. I called an emergency meeting of the board yesterday, and they agreed. SiJo needs someone to spearhead our investment division. Diversifying is essential, and we’re lacking. Claire, your brother-in-law is very intelligent, and I’ll be forever grateful that we’ve met.”

  Stammering, Claire looked at the wide eyes around her. Turning to Harry, “You’re on the board, y-you knew about this?” He nodded. Looking to Emily, she asked, “Did you go to San Francisco today?”

  Emily shook her head. “No, we spent the day at SiJo. John had paperwork to complete and people to meet.”

  Claire placed her glass on the linen covered table and exhaled. “So, why’d everyone know about this but me?”

  Staying quiet during this personal conversation, Keaton interjected, “I didn’t know.”

  Claire smiled a weary smile. “Wow, I’m shocked.” Tears filled her eyes as she turned to Emily. “I never dreamt we’d be together again.”

  Emily embraced Claire’s shoulders. “Honey, we’re thrilled. Are you all right with this?”

  She nodded into Emily’s shoulder. The entire table laughed as Harry patted Claire’s back.

  Emily whispered, “You’re so emotional. Are you sure you’re on board with this?”

  Claire sat up and wiped her eyes with the napkin from her lap. “Shocked, that’s all.” Then as she beamed at everyone, she added, “It’s a very good shock! Th
ank you, Amber, and welcome, Emily and John. When are you moving?”

  John answered, “We have some things to do in Indiana. A few legal hoops to jump through, but we’re hoping to be here by the first of July.”

  Claire leaned back, rested her head against Harry’s shoulder, and settled into his comforting embrace. When she refocused on the table, she saw everyone’s questioning looks. Oh, that’s right, they don’t know about us. She thought as she glanced up at Harry and grinned. He shrugged and remained quiet. Claire followed his lead and allowed conversations to resume.

  Back at the condo Amber, John, Emily, Harry, and Claire relaxed in the kitchen before retiring for the night. Claire was coming to terms with her family living near. “Nearby. Not in the same condominium.” John smirked.

  “I’ll be glad to start the search for your new place, if you’d like,” Claire offered.

  Changing the subject, Amber announced, “Liz submitted your names to the National Center for Learning Disabilities Gala today.”

  Claire didn’t know if the statement made her bristle due to the mention of Liz’s name or the apprehension regarding SiJo’s and Shedis-tics’ shared table. “I still don’t have a dress.”

  “Oh, I’ll help you with that tomorrow, if you’d like,” Emily offered. Claire nodded enthusiastically. Yes, she’d like having her sister near.

  Amber continued, “And Liz also gave me the names of everyone at your table.”

  Both Claire and Harry stiffened.

  Amber smiled and said, “I didn’t recognize any of them.”

  Claire and Harry exhaled together.

  Emily looked at the two of them. “You two are scaring me. You’re breathing in unison.”

  Claire realized the cause of her recent headaches. She hadn’t really talked to Emily about Tony since she’d had dinner with him. That was the argument Claire had been anticipating. Emily knew she and Tony had a few discussions, but even on the phone, the subject caused tension. The only time Emily or John were open to discuss Tony was in the context of revenge.

  The only person who knew Claire’s mixed emotions, the way she hated Tony and still loved him, the way she pitied him for the tragic loss of his parents at a young age and became exasperated by him every time he foiled her plans, was Courtney.

  Harry knew about Claire’s requests, no demands of Tony, regarding her friends, and specifically John’s law license. Nevertheless, Claire found it difficult to discuss any amicable or enlightening interactions with Tony with the people around her. To them, Anthony Rawlings was a monster. Claire realized she could also see him that way. However, she knew it wasn’t the entire person, only one side of the multidimensional man.

  With Claire lost in thought, Amber responded to Emily’s statement, “SiJo shares a table at the gala with a local company, Shedis-tics; it’s a subsidiary of Rawlings. In the past, Claire’s ex has attended this event. We were waiting to submit SiJo’s attendees until we knew if he were attending.”

  Emily obviously stiffened. “So if he were…” She paused and looked at Claire. “…you wouldn’t go, would you?”

  The familiar throbbing erupted behind Claire’s temples. She stood straighter, looked to Harry for reinforcement and responded to her sister, “We promised to attend, no matter what.”

  Emily’s tone hardened. “Claire that’s ridiculous. Why would you willingly put yourself near him?”

  Harry squeezed Claire’s shoulder and spoke, “Your sister is a very tough lady. She can handle any confrontation.” He added with a sense of pride, “She has many times.”

  Shit! Claire thought. Emily doesn’t know how many times I’ve seen him.

  Emily stared directly at her sister. “What does he mean many times? I thought you just had dinner that one time.”

  Claire didn’t like Emily’s tone. It was the I’m the older sister and you need to listen to me tone. Maybe their move to California wasn’t such a good idea. Claire answered, “Don’t worry about it. I’m good. If he were at the gala, Harry and I’d still be there. Things change, I can handle myself. Besides, I wouldn’t be alone. Harry’ will be with me.”

  “When else have you seen him? Besides the dinner, I mean.”

  Amber and John remained silent, hanging on each word. Emily and Claire’s stares intensified as each woman’s emerald eyes bore into the other. While Claire contemplated her answer, Harry spoke. The soft tenor of his voice eased Claire’s head, “Claire is quite capable—”

  Emily interrupted, “I’m sorry, Harry. That’s very nice of you to support my sister, but I doubt you know the complete history.”

  Claire found her voice, “Actually, Emily, he does.”

  Harry’s calm voice released the tension from the room, like the air from a gently deflating balloon. Everyone relaxed as he spoke, “I’m sorry if I mentioned something that has overshadowed our wonderful evening.” Refocusing the conversation, he added, “It’s great that the two of you are moving here. John, Amber has high hopes for your assistance with SiJo, and the rest of us on the board are anxiously waiting to see if her hopes payoff.”

  John nodded. “It’s a new job description for me, but I’m excited to jump in with both feet.”

  Amber smiled to her brother. She appreciated his ability to defuse the situation. Addressing John, Amber said, “You won’t be alone. You’ll have a staff to help with your research, and I don’t expect miracles overnight.” Looking to Harry, Amber added, “Neither does the board. Don’t let Harry stress you too much.”

  As the conversation within the kitchen went to SiJo, Claire mouthed, “Thank you” to Harry.

  He embraced her shoulder and whispered, “Sorry, I didn’t know she didn’t know.”

  Claire whispered, “It’s okay. I’m not used to the protective, motherly attitude.”

  “Really?” He whispered with a grin. “I’d think protective would be old hat to you by now. After all, you’ve got me, and don’t forget your bodyguard.”

  Stifling a yawn, Claire smiled and nodded into his shoulder.

  “I think you’d better call it a night.”

  The others were talking about something; Claire had lost track of their conversation. She turned to Harry and raised her eyebrows. “Maybe I should have napped today?”

  She watched his cheeks rise and his eyes do that half-open, half-closed thing. “Perhaps the next time you nap, you’d rather sleep.”

  Blushing, Claire whispered, “That’s not what I said; maybe I should have slept, too.”

  Harry addressed the group, his voice once again loud enough to be heard by all, “Good night everyone. I’m headed home.”

  “Good night,” came from the crowd.

  After the front door closed, Claire turned to a room of questioning eyes. She feigned her most innocent expression and asked, “What?” Without waiting for them to answer she added, “I’m tired too. See you all in the morning.” Claire turned to walk to her room before anyone could propose the unspoken questions. Besides, she didn’t want to revisit her conversation with Emily.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.

  —Ambrose Redmoon

  Sophia settled into the plush, white leather seat and fastened her seat belt. The tranquility of the plane’s luxurious cabin enveloped them. Just as Sophia’s tired eyes began to close, she felt the warm reassuring presence of Derek’s hand covering hers. Lifting her heavy lids, she glanced at her husband through her lashes. Despite the haze of sleepiness, Sophia saw his soft brown eyes intently watching her every move. The tender look filled her with affection. Smiling, she whispered, “Thank you so much, for all your help. I’d have never gotten so much done without you.”

  His chocolate eyes sparkled. His hand squeezed hers as he replied, “It was a fun break from routine.”

  Jokingly, she asked, “Oh, now I’m a break?”

  “Mrs. Burke, you’re the fun part. Coming back to
Provincetown was the break. In such a short time, I’ve forgotten how quaint and beautiful the East Coast is so different from the West.”

  “They both have their charm,” Sophia confessed, while rotating her hand so that their palms united. Instantly, their fingers intertwined. “The most important thing is being together.”

  A gentleman in pressed navy slacks and a starched white shirt appeared through the door of the airplane. “I apologize for the delay, Mr. and Mrs. Burke; we will be taking off in another five minutes.”

  Derek responded, “That sounds wonderful. Do you have all of Mrs. Burke’s art stowed below?”

  “Yes, the last crate was just secured.”

  “Thank you.”

  Once the gentleman was in the cockpit, Sophia whispered, “This is so cool.”

  Derek’s eyebrows rose. “I think it’s pretty neat, too.”

  “I’m glad you thought of bringing the art back with us. I feel much better having those three pieces on board then handing them over to Fed Ex.”

  “I don’t blame you. They’re kind of valuable.”

  Sophia shook her head and closed her eyes. “I still can’t believe it, and the twenty other pieces should be in Palo Alto by next week.”

  A second gentleman entered the plane; they heard the stairs move away and the outside door close. “Mr. and Mrs. Burke, we should arrive in Palo Alto in precisely six and a half hours. Once we reach altitude, there will be refreshments available.”


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