The Consequences Series Box Set

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The Consequences Series Box Set Page 91

by Aleatha Romig

  Perhaps someday she’d learn to expect the unexpected, and his actions wouldn’t shock her, yet as was their history, whenever Anthony Rawlings was in Claire’s life, so was the potential for abrupt change. Remembering the past hour, she bowed to the reality of her new paradigm.

  In their figurative game of chess, Anthony Rawlings had Claire in check. Every move she made, he countered. When she wanted their dinner to be public, he made it private. When she wanted to surprise him at a public event, he chose to make it the stage for their renewed allegiance.

  After Claire regained her composure in the St. Regis Penthouse, Tony ordered crackers and cheese to the suite. While Claire ate and sipped a soda, Tony asked for her purse. Although, she didn’t want to relinquish it, the recent change of events and his familiar domineering demeanor left her momentarily unable to resist. In a matter of minutes, her world had returned to his control.

  Taking her elegant black clutch, Tony removed her iPhone, turned it off, and placed it in the breast pocket of his silk shirt; then he methodically unzipped and searched each compartment of the bag.

  Finally, Claire asked, “What are you looking for?”

  “Your work phone.”

  “It isn’t here; I left it in my condo.” That statement was true in all aspects, except that it wasn’t a work phone, but Claire’s only communication with Courtney.

  “As you may remember, while at a function such as this, your attention should be on me and your duties at hand. I believe tonight you’re representing SiJo Gaming.” Despite the recent snack, hearing Tony say Simon’s company made Claire’s stomach twist. His tone and expression hardened, “As well as representing it to the masses downstairs, your behavior will go a long way in solving their current situation, or…” He paused. “…making it public.”

  Claire nodded, then remembering his propensity for verbal responses, she replied, “I understand.”

  “I’m glad you do. You’ll get your phone back when this evening is done. I believe you’ll have enough on your plate, and you don’t need another distraction.”

  Next, he handed her a printed page. Compartmentalized memories of previous news articles flooded her consciousness. Never had a similar situation been favorable. There was the Meredith Bank’s article and the information regarding Simon’s death. Tonight’s information wasn’t as dramatic, but the aftershocks could be. Claire’s hands trembled as she took the page from his hand.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “It’s a news release. My press secretary released it moments before you arrived to the penthouse.” Smiling, he added, “I just saw a text from Shelly; it’s already viral.”

  Her stomach twisted, hearing the same word Meredith used regarding him. Move, countermove, the game continued. Claire focused on the page before her.

  Associated Press – May 24, 2013

  Mr. Anthony Rawlings, CEO of Rawlings Industries, asks the public for patience at this difficult time. He believes two years ago he and the world were deceived. Despite circumstances and appearances, he is now convinced his ex-wife, Claire Nichols (Rawlings), is innocent regarding her unfortunate accusation of attempted murder.

  This realization came to Mr. Rawlings through a series of personal and private encounters with Ms. Nichols. Listening to instinct and following his heart, a combination of resources, which have successfully helped to create his global empire, Mr. Rawlings is now certain of Ms. Nichols’ innocence.

  In an effort to correct the wrongful prosecution by the state of Iowa, Mr. Rawlings attempted to reverse the ruling of the judge, to no avail. In a moment of inspiration, Mr. Rawlings personally contacted Governor Bosley and requested Ms. Nichols’ pardon. With the assistance of Jane Allyson, Esquire, and the signature of the late Governor Richard Bosley, the innocent Claire Nichols was pardoned and released from prison on March 9, 2013.

  Mr. Rawlings regrets initially denying connection to her pardon. He also refuses to answer who he believes was responsible for the poisoning, which resulted in his near death and lead to the false accusations. He will only respond, “It is a personal issue.”

  It has been reported that multiple long-time employees of Mr. Rawlings have been released of their duties.

  At the current time, Mr. Rawlings is concentrating on renewing his relationship with Ms. Nichols. He confirms that theirs is a complicated and passionate bond and asks for privacy at this important time of healing.

  As she processed the words, Claire’s stomach reeled with thoughts of Harry. Did Tony say this news was already viral? Had Harry seen it? Or was he too preoccupied trying to defuse the problems Tony set into motion at SiJo? With all her heart, Claire wanted to call Harry and explain, but that wasn’t an option. Obviously, that’s why Tony took her phone before he handed her the press release.

  “Why are you doing this?” Tears threatened to overflow her painted eyes. She couldn’t even pretend to be strong as she placed the page on a nearby table.

  “I’ve tried express you my feelings for you. I’ve even apologized to you for past behaviors, and attempted to explain.” Claire heard his attempted restraint as his tone once again hardened. “Yet you blatantly flaunt another man at a shared function.”

  Perhaps it was the food, but her strength was returning, if only enough to respond, “I was not flaunting. We—you and I—are divorced. This…” She picked up the news release. “…is false. You didn’t secure my pardon. You had nothing to do with it.”

  “And who’s going to refute my claim? Governor Bosley? No, he’s dead. Jane Allyson? I think not.”

  “Why, Tony? What have you done to Jane?”

  Grinning triumphantly, Tony stood and looked down at Claire. “Again, so much credit. I should be honored.”

  Claire stood to meet his stance, her words slowed, “Tell me what you’ve done.”

  “While I may be able to assume some responsibility, it’s quite the opposite of what you suspect. Miss Allyson is currently enjoying the honor of an invitation to one of the most prestigious law firms in Des Moines.” Checking his phone, Tony read a text message. His shoulders relaxed, and he continued, “As informative as this conversation has been, we can continue it later. It’s almost 8:00 PM, as you know this gala started at 7:00 PM. You may remember, I do not like to be late.”

  For the first time since she entered the penthouse, Tony evaluated the woman before him. “My, Claire, you do look lovely. I admit I doubted your financial ability to dress as would warrant my companion for the evening. There’s a complete ensemble in the master suite for you, but I like your choice.” Scanning her from head to toe, he stepped toward her and lifted the pearl of her grandmother’s necklace. His eyes shone in triumph as he said, “Yes, after you touch up your make-up, I believe we’ll be ready to attend our reunion gala.” Gently dropping the cream-colored pearl, he softly brushed the back of his hand against her cheek. His voice dripped with bogus compassion. “Don’t look so strained, my dear, this is a happy occasion. You wanted our dinner public, so your wish is my command. Besides, you came here to represent SiJo Gaming. I promise this will bring that small company more publicity and positive public relations than would have originally happened.” Taking her small hands in his, he squeezed and said, “This is a win—win.”

  Claire squared her shoulders. Her eyes found the fight she’d momentarily lost. Although the emerald green flashed and her voice seemed stronger, she submissively asked, “Where can I get ready?”

  As he directed her upstairs, she noticed his demeanor calming. He had her over the proverbial barrel. If she chose to argue or disobey, then SiJo would suffer. He’d given her no alternative. That, plus the content of a text message he’d just received, seemed to mellow him. Claire wondered why he could divide his attention between telephones, text messages, and those around him, but she couldn’t. Feeling the prickling sensation of the hairs on the back of her neck, she chose not to voice that question.

  The ostentatiously large bath of the master bedroom suite
contained rows of buttons capable of illuminating the room from every angle. The glass, chrome, mirrors, and tile sparkled as she depressed each switch. Claire beheld her reflection. In many ways, she resembled the woman back at Amber’s condominium, yet the aching behind her temples, paler complexion, and strain behind her eyes reminded her of a woman she used to be: Mrs. Anthony Rawlings.

  Some powder, blush, and lipstick helped the complexion, and a few acetaminophens from her purse would eventually aid her head. Claire believed only the conclusion of this nightmare would relieve the stress. Nevertheless, when she emerged from the bath and found Tony waiting, in his custom Armani jacket and tie, she secured her mask and appeared the perfect companion. Old habits die hard.

  Minutes earlier, Sophia walked briskly through the crowded lobby of the Saint Regis Hotel. She glanced again at her watch, 7:56 PM. Across the sea of people, she saw Mr. George with a tall man in a nice suit. She watched as Mr. George acknowledged her to the other man. Both of their postures relaxed. She wondered if they’d been concerned she wouldn’t come.

  “I’m sorry, I’m late. The walk from the grand ballroom was farther than I realized.”

  Mr. George smiled nervously. “Sophia, let me introduce Eric Hensley. Mr. Hensley, this is our very talented artist, Mrs. Sophia Burke.”

  Eric extended his hand. “Mrs. Burke, so nice to finally meet you. I apologize for disrupting your evening. I certainly hope this meeting hasn’t caused you too much inconvenience.”

  Sophia smiled. “Well, as you see, I’m dressed for the gala down the hall; however, after your generous allocation of my paintings, I felt unable to deny this request.”

  “Mrs. Burke, I apologize. I’m not the one who purchased your art, although I have seen it and think very highly of it. I’m here, representing someone else. He would like to meet with the two of you privately.”

  “Privately, Mr. Hensley?” Sophia asked. “I was told this wouldn’t take long. My husband is waiting for me; dinner is being served soon.”

  “I understand, Mrs. Burke. I will let my employer know that you aren’t able—”

  The shocked expression on Mr. George’s face said more than the words from Mr. Hensley. Sophia interrupted, “No, I apologize. Of course, I’d like to meet with your employer. I do hope we will meet here.”

  Eric continued, “Yes, upstairs in one of the Presidential suites.”

  Sophia nodded at both gentlemen. “All right, let’s go.”

  With that, the three of them walked toward a bay of elevators. Once inside, Eric slid a plastic card in the reader and pushed the button for the twenty-seventh floor. The presidential suites were located on the floor below the penthouse. As the compartment ascended, Eric removed his cell phone. “I must text my employer. He’ll be very happy to know you’re on your way to the suite.”

  Anthony and Claire did not pass GO… they didn’t pass through the waiting room as she’d done earlier. When the golden elevator opened, a well-dressed gentleman met and greeted them, “Mr. Rawlings, we are so happy to have you with us tonight.”

  Tony shook the man’s hand. “Yes, Mr. Wilkins, I apologize for our tardiness. My companion was not feeling well, but all is better now.” Tony inclined his head toward Claire and added, “Perhaps you remember my companion, Claire.” He paused momentarily. “Nichols.”

  Claire extended her hand. “Mr. Wilkins, it’s so nice to see you, again.”

  Though visibly shocked, Mr. Wilkins accepted Claire’s hand and smiled weakly. “Ms. Nichols, yes. It is a surprise to see the two of you…” He regrouped. “It is always a pleasure.” Turning back to Tony, he said, “Now, Mr. Rawlings and Ms. Nichols, if you’ll follow me, we’ll make your introductions.

  Tony replied, “Although I’m here to speak, I’m also representing Shedis-tics, and Ms. Nichols is representing SiJo Gaming.”

  Mr. Wilkins nodded affirmatively and promised proper introductions. Tony once again seized Claire’s hand and slowed their pace, allowing Mr. Wilkins to lead the way to the ballroom. He whispered, “Well, if that’s any indication, reactions alone should keep this night entertaining.”

  She smiled and replied, “Entertaining isn’t the word I’d use.”

  Her quickness delighted him. Though his soft voice divulged his amusement, his grip, and words revealed his warning. “Be careful, Ms. Nichols; don’t let your recently discovered independence get you into trouble.”

  Utilizing her previous southern charm, she replied, “Why, Mr. Rawlings, I believe I’m already in more trouble than I can handle.”

  They both quieted as the doors opened and an emcee announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are proud to introduce, Mr. Anthony Rawlings and his companion Ms. Claire Nichols.” A hush followed by applause echoed through the large ballroom. Except for a few waiters and waitresses, the room of people stilled and looked their direction. The emcee continued, “We are honored to have Mr. Rawlings, of Rawlings Industries, with us this evening as one of tonight’s prestigious speakers and as a representative of Shedis-tics. Ms. Nichols is also present as a representative of SiJo Gaming.” There was more applause. As Tony placed his hand in the small of Claire’s back, they stepped into the sea of people. Immediately, they were surrounded by people wanting to meet and speak to tonight’s honored guests.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  A thing long expected takes the form of the unexpected when at last it comes.

  —Mark Twain

  Intermittently sipping ice water, Claire sat at the head table, two seats to the left of the podium, and listened intently to Tony’s speech. As the evening progressed, each scene she performed became easier, almost comfortable. After all, it was the role she’d created; she was the original costar in their perfect couple show. The only constraint to her seamless performance was the daunting concern lingering in the back of her mind. Each time her thoughts turned to Harry or Amber, Claire immediately compartmentalized them away. She couldn’t continue this charade if she allowed herself to worry about what was happening at SiJo or imagined the hurt in Harry’s soft blue eyes when he learned about her evening.

  Tony’s speech concentrated on the National Center for Learning Disabilities and its many accomplishments. Claire noted how Tony rarely referred to the electronic tablet before him, yet he cited statistics and philosophies perfectly. She had to wonder how someone who just came from a confrontation, like the one they’d just had upstairs, could perform so flawlessly.

  It wasn’t just his speech, but everything about him; the way he conversed with others, his attentive looks, and even his light, chatty dinner conversation. His social presence always had, and still did, fascinate Claire. No wonder he was so successful; this Anthony Rawlings was truly captivating. With time, she forgot the circumstance of her situation and fell into her own role as his companion.

  That was what he wanted, and Claire Nichols knew Anthony Rawlings always got what he wanted. Listening as he concluded his speech, she found herself applauding appropriately and smiling approvingly at the handsome, professional man before her.

  When he turned from the podium and their eyes met, there was a moment when she was once again—Mrs. Anthony Rawlings. His velvety brown eyes filled with appreciation were directed at her. It was a look only shared with someone who knows you and truly understands the real person. How many people did Tony have like that in his life?

  In the few months since her pardon, Claire had rekindled relationships with friends and family, as well as forged new ones. Who did Tony have?

  As he took his seat, he reached for Claire’s hand and gently lifted it from its resting place on her lap. This time, his grasp wasn’t a warning. Instead, he lowered his head, keeping his eyes fixed on hers, and brushed her knuckles with a soft sweep of his lips. The warm, light touch made her smile. It was then she remembered the room of onlookers. Her cheeks reddened and she whispered, “Very nice speech, Mr. Rawlings.”

  His smile lit up the room. “Thank you, Mrs.—Ms. Nichols, you’re mighty rem
arkable yourself.”

  Someone else was speaking from the podium; their voices were a faint whisper against the sound from the nearby speaker. Claire raised her eyebrows and asked, “Mighty?” It was a strangely common word to hear from Tony.

  He gently squeezed her soft hand. “Mighty.” They both smiled and turned to listen to the next orator, a woman from the Center for Learning Disabilities thanking the audience for their support.

  Their most interesting exchange occurred before the meal was served. Truthfully, they weren’t able to make much progress moving about the room. Person after person and couple after couple made their way to them. When Claire saw Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham from Shedis-tics waiting for their attention, she decided to warn Tony she’d spoken with them earlier. Her social instinct served her well in the past; she knew it was best to listen. Therefore, before the Cunninghams made their way to Tony and her, Claire excused the two of them from the public conversation and whispered in his ear, “The Cunninghams from Shedis-tics are making their way to us. You should know I spoke with them a few minutes in the waiting room prior to being asked to your penthouse.” Claire practiced her statement. The asked could have been summoned, or perhaps dragged, but she decided asked sounded best. Her temples throbbed at the pressure of again weighing each word. She watched displeasure cloud his eyes and braced for his response.

  “You were supposed to be brought up immediately, before you had time to speak with anyone.”


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