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Cruisin' for a Bruisin' (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 9)

Page 5

by Hope Callaghan

  Nic had dimmed the lights and the candles in the center of the small dining room table cast the room in a romantic glow. Soft music played in the background and the smell of freshly baked bread filled the small apartment.

  “Dinner is almost ready.” Nic bent forward and kissed Millie tenderly before he reluctantly took a step back. “I must get the bread before it burns.” He disappeared into the kitchen and Millie trailed behind. “Can I help?”

  “No. It is almost ready.” He pulled a baking tray from the oven, placed the pan on top and shut the oven off. “All I have left is to put these in a basket and dinner is ready.”

  “At least let me pour the drinks,” Millie offered.

  Nic grinned. “Okay, dear. Our choices are blackberry or pomegranate sparkling water. They’re chilling in the refrigerator.”

  Millie reached inside the fridge and pulled out two bottles of blackberry water, filled two goblets with ice and then poured the carbonated beverage in the glasses. She took a sip. “This is good.”

  Nic eased the last piece of bread inside the basket and carried it to the table while Millie carried their drinks.

  “Where’s Scout?” She’d been so distracted by Nic’s kiss and helping him finish dinner, she’d forgotten about the small pup.

  “He kept tripping me up, begging for treats so I put him in the bedroom upstairs. I’ll let him out after we eat.” Nic made his way to the other side of the table and pulled out Millie’s chair.

  Millie eased into the seat and slid forward. “I feel guilty you went to all this trouble and I can’t do the same.”

  “It’s okay, Millie.” Nic slid into his chair and reached for his silverware. “Someday, when you take me to Michigan to visit, I will let you cook for me.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  During dinner, they discussed the dry dock project. Millie briefly told him of the assignments Andy had given her. They also talked about the upcoming wedding. They still hadn’t set a date since everything hinged on Majestic Cruise Lines.

  Nic told Millie he was working on a special request with his own letters of support from the ship’s officers.

  Millie’s throat clogged as he told her how the officers were thrilled for the two of them and promised they would help in any way possible. Between the staff, crew and ship’s officers, how could the ‘powers that be’ turn them down?

  She was too full for dessert so Nic brewed a pot of coffee while Millie let Scout out of the bedroom. The three of them wandered onto the balcony, overlooking the port.

  It was getting dark and Millie’s eyes wandered to the back of the ship. The entire area was a beehive of activity as forklifts darted back and forth, carrying supplies on board the ship.

  Near one end of the gated area was a tall wall with colorful blocks dotting one side. “What’s that?”

  Nic followed her gaze. “It’s the new rock wall. It will be installed up on the sports deck soon. Tomorrow I think.”

  “I remember Andy mentioning the rock-climbing wall plus some new hot tubs.”

  “Yes. Those will be installed this week as well.” Nic’s eyes twinkled. “We should try them out.”

  Millie’s face warmed. Nic had seen her in a bathing suit one other time, the day they’d spent on a secluded Caribbean island…the day he’d proposed. “I-I would like that.” She remembered thinking how muscular he’d looked without his shirt and was certain he must work out at the gym in his free time, whenever that was.

  The warmth in her face crept through the rest of her body and she forced herself to focus on something other than how close he was and what he looked like without his shirt on.

  Several security workers walked around the enclosed area. They were carrying clipboards and Millie assumed they were checking the worker’s clearance.

  “The forklift drivers…”

  “Stevedores,” Captain Armati nodded.


  “Stevedores are workers who load and unload cargo from the ship.”

  “I see.” Millie nodded. “Are the stevedores employed by Siren of the Seas?” She thought of Sharky.

  “No. Most are hired by the port. Because of the ship remodel, we’ve had to hire temporary workers to make sure the work is completed on schedule.” Nic pointed to one of the security guards. “The security guards are checking their paperwork to make sure the workers are on the list.”

  Millie’s mind drifted to Brody’s attack. What if Brody had stumbled on the scene of a crime, and there really had been a body on the floor? If there really had been a person, what had happened to them?

  Nic refilled their coffee cups. When he returned, he was carrying them and an assortment of small desserts including white chocolate, which was Millie’s favorite. “Thank you.” She plucked a treat from the plate and nibbled the corner. “Did you make these too?”

  Nic set the plate on the small table next to a lounge chair. “No Millie. Unfortunately, these are beyond my limited level of expertise.”

  Millie sipped her coffee before polishing off her sweet treat of white chocolate and cheesecake. “Everything was delicious. I’m sure I gained at least five pounds.”

  “Captain Armati, do you copy?” Always on duty, the captain pulled his radio from his belt clip. “This is Captain Armati.”

  “Captain. This is Frank Bauer. I was wondering if I could have a word with you.”

  “Of course. I’m in the bridge.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  “I guess that’s our signal our dinner date is over.” Millie reached for her coffee cup and caught a glimpse of one of the security guards as he limped across the dock area and made his way to the entrance gate. It was Brody.

  Millie and the captain barely had enough time to clear the table before there was a light tap on the apartment door.

  Nic pulled Millie close and kissed her hard. “I got ripped off.”

  “So did I,” Millie shot back as she followed him to the door.

  Staff Captain Antonio Vitale stood on the other side. “I’m sorry captain. Frank Bauer said you were meeting him here.” He smiled apologetically at Millie.

  “Yes. We were just finishing dinner.” Nic followed Millie from the apartment and closed the door behind him.

  Frank stood off to one side and nodded as Captain Armati and Millie made their way to the exit.

  “Thank you for a wonderful dinner.”

  “You’re welcome my dear.”

  As soon as the door closed, Millie’s mind switched gears. It was time to check on Brody.

  Chapter 8

  Millie hurried to deck one and the open gangway. She dinged her card and smiled at the crewmember manning the station.

  The sun had already set and overhead floodlights beamed across the expanse of the loading dock.

  The steady beep from the forklifts echoed in the cool evening air and Millie picked up the pace as two dockworkers eyed her curiously.

  She briefly wondered if she should have brought someone with her but pushed the thought aside. Millie was within the safety and security of the gate so she shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

  The entrance gate was a few yards ahead. She slowed her pace as she drew closer. Millie didn’t recognize the man guarding the gate. “Where is Brody?”

  “He no work tonight,” the man said. “They send him back to his cabin. He be back tomorrow.”

  Millie thanked the man before she turned on her heel and hurried toward the safety of the ship. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about her friend for one night.

  Deep in her own thoughts, Millie was caught off guard as a man emerged from the shadows, reached out and clamped onto her arm in an ironclad grip.

  “What are you doing here?”


  Millie’s first instinct was to scream at the top of her lungs. Instead, she jerked her arm with all her might, pulling her attacker into the light. It was Dave Patterson.

  “You scared me half to death,” Millie g
asped. “What are you doing out here, lurking in dark shadows?”

  “I came out to send Brody back to his cabin to rest and then figured I’d do a little undercover surveillance since I was already here.”

  “I noticed Brody out here earlier and thought I’d check on him,” Millie said.

  “You shouldn’t be wandering outside alone after dark, even if you are inside the gate,” Patterson said.

  “You’re right,” Millie agreed. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  Patterson snorted.

  “Were you able to figure out who left the threatening note in Brody’s door?”

  “I asked Brody and he said he has no idea. He has no idea why he’s being targeted or why he was attacked. He swears he saw someone lying in the corridor yet we can’t find a record of any employee who was hurt. I’m at a loss.”

  Millie had a dark, terrible thought. “What about missing employees?”

  “I already looked into that,” Patterson said. “We had a couple crewmembers who left the ship after we docked in Miami. They haven’t returned or showed up for their shift but that’s not unusual. Crewmembers grow weary of working long hours and they just walk off the job.”

  “But no one has been reported missing?” Millie probed.


  Millie thought about Sharky and the maintenance crew. She wondered if Patterson knew of Sharky, started to say something and then changed her mind. She wanted to speak to Sharky first, believing she would have better luck getting him to talk than if the head of security showed up on his doorstep.

  Patterson placed a light hand on her arm. “I’ll walk you back to the ship.” Millie hated to admit it, but she was relieved Patterson was there.

  She silently vowed if she ventured out again after dark she would bring someone with her, and bring her Taser. “I hear you’re filling in for Andy next week while he heads home.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Millie groaned. “I have no idea how he talked me into taking over for him.”

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Millie.”

  Millie still wasn’t convinced it would be ‘smooth sailing.’ Even with Andy at the helm, there always seemed to be at least one crisis. She remembered an incident, only a couple months earlier during the ‘Gem of the Seas’ show.

  The headliner, a singer, was in the middle of her solo song. A set of cables, attached to a belt around her waist, began to lift her off the stage, giving her the appearance of floating in air. Halfway up, the cables jammed and she stopped abruptly, dangling in midair.

  The staff quickly closed the curtains and ended the show. It took a good 45 minutes before they were able to fix the cable motor, and guide the harness ropes and terrified performer to safety.

  It was this type of sticky situation Millie feared the most, but it was too late now. She had committed to filling in for Andy and there was no way she would change her mind. It was a sink or swim situation and she resolved not to fret over things that had not yet happened.

  Millie yawned and quickly covered her mouth. It had been a long day and tomorrow promised to be even longer. She thanked Patterson for accompanying her back to the ship and they parted ways in the atrium.

  The cabin was dark and quiet when Millie stepped inside. After slipping into her pajamas, washing her face and brushing her teeth, she climbed into bed.

  Siren of the Seas had recently given the crew the option of installing custom curtains, which ran the length of the bunks. They were thick, room darkening curtains, perfect for blocking out light. They even managed to muffle some of the cabin noise.

  Millie pulled the curtain shut before flipping her bunkbed light off and snuggling under the covers. She prayed for Brody’s safety and then added her nightly prayer that Nic and she would be able to marry and live aboard the ship as husband and wife.

  When she finished praying for her family, Millie flipped onto her side and promptly fell asleep.

  Sometime during the night, Millie heard Danielle stumble into the cabin and creep into the bathroom. She dozed off but woke to a strange sound.

  Millie bolted upright in bed when she realized it was the sound of Danielle vomiting in the bathroom. She quickly flipped the light on and flung the bunk curtain aside as she sprang from her bed.

  “Danielle! Are you all right?” Millie whispered through the bathroom door. She could’ve sworn she heard a low moan so she eased the door open.

  Danielle was sitting on the bathroom floor, her arms wrapped around the sides of the toilet and her head hanging over the top.

  Millie dropped to her knees. “Oh my gosh.”

  “I feel terrible,” Danielle whispered right before she threw up. Her long blonde locks fell forward and the tips almost touched the inside of the toilet bowl.

  Millie grabbed a ponytail holder from the counter and quickly pulled Danielle’s hair back to keep it out of the way.

  Next, Millie wet a washcloth with cool water and pressed it to Danielle’s forehead.

  “I feel awful.” Danielle scooched forward and leaned her shoulder against the wall.

  “What happened? Were you partying too much?” Danielle wasn’t much of a party girl. Millie could count on one hand the number of times she’d seen Danielle drink alcohol.

  “No. I was hanging out with some of the bartenders and dancers drinking Sprite of all things. Next thing I know, I started to feel woozy, like I was going to pass out so I hurried back here.”

  “Someone spiked your Sprite?” Millie had heard of date rape drugs being slipped into unsuspecting women’s drinks but she’d never heard of it on board Siren of the Seas.

  “Let me get some water.” She tiptoed over Danielle and hurried to the small refrigerator where she reached inside, grabbed a bottled water and carried it to the bathroom. Millie unscrewed the top and handed it to the young woman.

  “Thanks.” Danielle downed half the bottle. “I’m feeling better already.”

  “Did you leave your Sprite on the counter and use the restroom?”

  “Yeah, dumb me. When I came back, the group I was hanging out with had left and there were two other crewmembers I didn’t recognize sitting at the bar. They were acting a little weird so I grabbed my drink and headed to the other side of the bar where Sarah and Nikki were playing pool. When I looked back, the guys at the bar were staring at me. Something told me not to drink my Sprite but I ignored my gut instinct and guzzled half the glass. When I started to feel a little woozy, I left the drink on the table and hurried home.”

  Danielle struggled to her feet, swaying to the side as she attempted to maneuver around the toilet. “I still feel a little sick to my stomach. I think I better go to bed.”

  Millie stayed with her while she rinsed her mouth and brushed her teeth. Danielle didn’t bother undressing and Millie insisted she take the bottom bunk so that she’d be closer to the bathroom.

  After Millie settled Danielle in the lower bunk, she pulled the curtain halfway and climbed into the top bunk. “Just holler if you need anything, Danielle.”

  “Thanks Millie/Mom,” Danielle said. “Millie to the rescue again.”

  Millie shut the light off and closed her eyes but it was a long time before she was finally able to fall asleep. She was determined to have Danielle file a report in the morning.

  Danielle was still sleeping when Millie climbed down from the bunk the next morning. She quietly tiptoed to the bathroom to get ready.

  By the time she emerged, a bleary-eyed Danielle was sitting on the edge of the bunk.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I got hit by a semi-truck.” Danielle eased off the bed and shuffled to the bathroom.

  Millie could hear her banging around inside. When Danielle stepped out of the bathroom, she was dressed and looked a hundred percent better. “I feel better already.”

  “You should try to eat something,” Millie said. “Maybe some dry toast or a bagel.”

  The crew dining room was deader than a doornail and
the women had the place to themselves. Millie insisted Danielle sit down while she filled a tray with food she hoped her young friend could eat. She carried the food and a cup of coffee and juice to the table.

  “After you finish eating, we’re going to Dave Patterson’s office to tell him what happened.” Millie placed the food and coffee in front of Danielle and propped the empty tray next to her chair.

  Danielle bit the corner of her dry wheat toast. “What if I just had a bug or ate something bad?”

  “Do you think that’s the case Danielle?”

  “No. I think someone slipped something into my drink.”

  “Then you need to report it. You may be able to save someone else from becoming a victim.”

  “You’re right,” Danielle agreed. After they finished eating, they trekked down the I-95 corridor to the other end and Dave Patterson’s office.

  Thankfully, he was in his office and motioned them inside. “What’s with the serious expressions? Don’t tell me you wandered off the ship again last night and got into trouble.”

  “No.” Millie shook her head. “Danielle has something to tell you.”

  Danielle cast Millie an uneasy glance before she sucked in a breath. “I think someone in the employee lounge slipped a drug in my drink last night.”

  Patterson’s jaw tightened. “A date rape drug?”

  “Yes.” Danielle told Patterson exactly what she’d told Millie and ended the story with Millie insisting she file a report.

  “Danielle is not a drinker,” Millie said. “When she came home last night, she was sicker than a dog.”

  “Did you get a good look at the men who were sitting at the bar when you returned from the bathroom?”

  Danielle shook her head. “No. It was dark and to be honest, I wasn’t paying much attention. I can tell you they didn’t look familiar.” She paused. “Now that I think about it, it was right around eleven o’clock because Dario, one of the regular bartenders, had just left. He said he was heading back to the cabin to catch the eleven o’clock local news.

  “Do you know who was working the employee bar last night after Dario left?” Patterson asked. “Never mind. I can find out.” He reached inside his side drawer, pulled out a manila file folder, opened it up and reached for the paper on top.


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