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Remi's Choice: The De Luca Boys

Page 3

by Amanda Wylde

  Travis licks his lips, and his eyes drop down to mine as he leans in to peck me softly. I close my eyes, waiting for him to do more, but instead his hand slips in mine, and he tugs me toward the hallway. Instantly, my heart is pounding. Is he going to do what he practically promised he'd be doing to me all the time now?

  To my surprise, he pulls me into the bathroom, not his bedroom, let's go of my hand when he crouches down, and opens the vanity doors. My head is racing now, and my heart nearly pounds through my chest. Is this where he keeps the extra condoms? Is that what he's looking for?

  Neither one of us has yet to say a word since my admission, and he's still not saying anything. Then he finally looks up and pulls out a brand new toothbrush still in the box. He rips the box open and hands it to me.

  "Sorry, but if I'm gonna kiss you, you're gonna have to wash that fucker out of your mouth."

  I'm overwhelmed with both mortification and relief. Mortification because this means the thought of him kissing me unless I brush my teeth disgusts him. And relief because truth be told I still have the nasty taste of Chaz in my mouth.

  I take the brush without saying a word, and he leans over to grab the toothpaste and hands it to me. At first, I'm pleasantly surprised to see him brush his teeth too. Then I remember what he said just before he left. My tongue just got a craving, so I think I will be going.

  Had he really gone out and done what he said he was going to even after he'd done it to me? After we both rinse our mouths, I turn to him, still nervous but not quite as excited about what he's about to do as I was earlier. The second he finishes drying his hands after rinsing them, he turns to me and cradles my face in his big hands, with that same sweet gaze that's so new to me—so unlike him when he looks at me.

  He licks his lips and starts leaning in slowly. Unbelievably, even as my heart pounds in unabashed anticipation, I hold my hand at his chest. His brows furrow in question, and he stops, but before he can ask what's wrong, I have to know. "Were you with anyone else tonight?"

  As understanding seems to wash over him, he smiles and shakes his head. "We stopped and got chili cheese dogs with lots of onions on the way home. That's why I brushed my teeth. But no." He shakes his head with that wicked smirk I'm so used to. He kisses me softly then frowns. "I could hardly wait to get back here—to you." He pulls away as the smirk is replaced with frown. "I actually anticipated things might get ugly between Chaz and me when I got here. I just wasn't anticipating what I walked into."

  I shake my head, not wanting to think about that anymore and wanting Travis's lips on mine instead. "Kiss me," I whisper and he does, again and again, so deep and so perfect, unlike any other boy ever has.

  I'm certain my panties are soaked because of every stroke of his tongue in my mouth and the way he cradles my face in his hands so gently, yet so firmly. As the kiss deepens, he presses his big body against mine, and I feel tiny against him. Nothing about him feels like a sixteen-year-old boy. Not the way one simple look from him completely weakens me. Not the way he carries himself all the time. Not the way he beat Chaz so mercilessly. Like a man.

  Travis finally pulls his lips away from mine but only to kiss his way down my chin and then kisses my neck but not roughly or in a crazed way as I'd expect from a guy like him. He's gentle, slow, and then he groans. "Jesus, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this to happen. But what we've done so far and what I can hardly wait to do to you again is as far as we'll go for a while."

  Disappointed but slightly relieved again, I nod. Only my curiosity gets the best of me. "Why?"

  "Because I've never wanted anyone like I want you." He stares in my eyes. "I've been in love with you for years, Cherry. But I've seen the way your dad looks at me. The same way everyone else in this neighborhood does. The way that fucking dean at school looks at me. I'm no good for you and I know it. Not yet. But when, not if, I make you mine, because I know now that it's gonna happen, no one, not even your dad, will be able to keep you from me. You'll be mine and anyone who tries to say otherwise will get what Chaz got tonight." He shook his head at my startled reaction to that. "So I have to be patient. But I have a plan. It's just gonna take some time."

  He kisses me again, not quite as deeply but just as sweetly. My head is swimming with everything he just said to me. Most alarming and breathtaking is how easily and matter-of-factly he admitted to being in love with me. Even hearing him use that name didn't sound as indecent as it normally did. For once it sounded sweet. All these years I thought it was just a fun game for him.

  "I don't think you're no good—"

  "Trust me," he says before I can finish. "You don't know half the shit and the kinds of people I'm involved with. But that's all gonna change. I'd already decided I was gonna start cleaning my shit up, distancing myself from all that stuff—that crowd—for the sake of my brothers. This just adds to the incentive."

  I don't say anything more as we walk the short distance to his room. "Tomorrow you call the cops, Cherry. You can't let this guy get away with this, okay? I'll be there when you tell your dad if you want me to, but just promise me you'll do it."

  He looks me square in the eyes with an unyielding stare. It's more than a suggestion. He'll be angry if I don't. I've known him long enough to know when he's being deadly serious. I've been witness to the arguments he's had a few times with his mom. Like tonight with Chaz, he can be brutal even with just words. Not that I think he'd ever hurt me or anything. I just don't want him to be angry with me, so I nod, still stunned over everything that happened tonight. He kisses me one final time then closes and locks his bedroom door. "Now take off your shorts and get on the bed."

  Once again I do as I'm told, and my body's already quivering.

  I'm still lying in Travis's bed long after he's brought me to another moaning climax. He's left to sleep on the sofa because we don't want his mom to walk in on us. I still can't get over or stop thinking about everything that's happened tonight between Travis and me. It even clouds one of the most horrific experiences I've ever had. Then I remember the time and that my dad is probably wondering if I'm spending the night or not. So I check my messages.

  My heart jumps to my throat when I see I have messages from Chaz. I'm afraid to open them and almost consider going out and telling Travis about them, but something tells me I shouldn't. I hit the first one.

  Chaz: Don't do or say anything about tonight until I talk to you on Monday at school. Unless you want to talk now or tomorrow.

  No way. There's no way I'm calling or even texting him now. I don't dare, not with Travis in the other room. I don't want to call or text him again ever. But I do click on the next one.

  Chaz: If you care about Travis or if he's your friend and you don't want anything to happen to him, TRUST ME. You do not want to make a big thing about tonight. This isn't a bluff and it's nothing I plan on doing to him personally, but it is in his best interest that you not do anything at least until we've talked. Do yourself that favor. I'm serious, Remi.

  He has to be bluffing. Why would it be in Travis's best interest? Remembering my dad again, I check for texts from him since those are the only ones from Chaz. I respond to my dad's text, letting him know I'm spending the night, then sit and ponder everything but mostly Chaz's texts and I reread them.

  I refuse to call or text him ever again, but Travis is adamant I call the police tomorrow. What if Chaz isn't bluffing? What if he does plan on doing something to Travis? Chaz's parents are loaded, and Chaz is their pride and joy, honor roll student, and football star, so they keep him happy. He gets whatever he wants, including a hefty allowance. Not something I would do to him personally. Was he implying he'd pay someone to hurt Travis?

  I close my eyes, remembering the heart-melting way Travis gazed at me tonight and his amazing tongue that I'm still twitching over. He's been in love with me for years. That's when it hits me. I always considered what I felt for Travis just a secret crush. He mesmerizes me in a way I've never understood. But now that
I've seen his soft side, the side that wants to change—for me—I could easily fall in love with him. Hell, I think I may've fallen a little in love with him just hearing him say he's been dreaming of kissing me for years.

  I can't risk it. I can wait a day. Tomorrow is Sunday at my grandmother’s anyway. I won't be home all day, and if Travis calls, I'll just ignore him. Jesus, just the thought hurts my heart. Okay, maybe I can just respond to say I'll be at my grandma’s all day and won't get a chance to talk to my dad alone until later. He might not even text or call. He's only ever done so a handful of times in all the years he’s had my number. Those were all for reasons regarding the whole babysitting thing. It was never anything personal. But after tonight, something tells me that'll all be changing.

  Chapter 4


  It isn't until the end of the week that I find out what the hell's going on with Remi. Her only response the whole day on Sunday to my text asking how it'd gone with the police was to say she'd be at her grandma's the whole day. That's the last I heard from her until now—Friday—almost a whole fucking week later.

  Just after I get back from walking my brothers to school I'm getting the mower ready so I can mow the lawn when I hear the message indicator on my phone. I hate how my heart thuds from just seeing her name on my screen despite how pissed I am at her. After what happened between us and everything I said to her that night I expected she would've responded to all the texts I sent her this past week. But I click on it just as anxiously anyway and read it.

  Cherry: Sorry I hadn't had the chance to respond to your texts. It's been a crazy week. I told my dad and he spoke with Chaz's parents. Everything's been worked out.

  "Bullshit!" I mutter hitting the call button. "What do you mean everything's been worked out?" I ask as soon as she answers. "He almost raped you! How do you work that out?"

  She's quiet for an unsettling moment then finally speaks. "He's eighteen, Travis. He has scholarships lined up and this would ruin everything for him. Technically he didn't do much more than frighten me—"

  "Are you fucking kidding me?"

  My whole body is as hot as I remember it being that night. As hot as when I charged through the door and saw her crying and terrified expression. I should've killed that fucker.

  "Travis they begged us not to. He'd have to register as a sex offender—"

  "He should!" I practically yell. "He is one, Remi! You're probably not the first girl he's done this to and if you don't press charges you won't be the last!"

  "That's part of the deal," she says anxiously because by the end of my last comment I don't even try to hold back how pissed this makes me. "He's going to have to go to therapy—"

  "I cannot believe this! A deal? You made a deal with him?"

  "I didn't know my dad was losing the house. He was just a few months from defaulting and they offered him—us a lot of money. It'll save the house."

  I sit down on my back porch shaking my head. It's what it always comes down to money. They fucking sold out. I can't even blame them. My mom would've done the same in a heartbeat too.

  "What about Chaz?"

  "What about him?" she asks.

  "Did you work something out in the deal that he needs to stay the fuck away from you for good?" She's quiet again and I'm on my feet, my insides on fire all over again. "Please tell me that you cut all ties with that asshole, Remi. Tell me that somewhere in this fucking deal you made with his parents, it's stipulates that he not try to contact you in any way."

  "I uh," she says pausing nervously. "I think it's implied. I mean I know I'm not responding to any of his texts or—"

  "He's still calling you?" I'm seriously about to lose my shit. "You didn't think to block him?"

  "No, I just mean if he tried to call or text I won't. But he hasn't. You also broke his nose and a few teeth, Travis."

  "So what? He deserved it! It's the risk you run when you decide to rape someone. He's lucky it wasn't worse."

  "But his parents have big time lawyers and stuff. They said they wouldn't press charges—'

  "They wouldn't press charges?" I ask ready to explode.

  "You caused a lot of damage and I'm not saying it wasn't deserved but—"

  "I gotta go."

  I hang up before she can respond. I can't talk to her anymore. I'm too fucking furious and I'm afraid I'll say something I'll regret. My gut says she's not being completely honest about cutting ties with the guy and it only makes the fire I'm feeling inside boil over.

  Remi and I have followed each other on Instagram for years and while I've never commented or even liked any of her photos I've done plenty of stalking. She's so fucking beautiful I've never been able to not be lured into stalking every one of her photos every time I notice she's posted something new.

  That asshole rapist she just gave a pass to, on the other hand, is all over her pictures. I don't follow his ass but his page isn't private and he often tags her with his pictures. So I've seen some of the shit he posts. Pictures of him and his friends at school and parties that sometimes include her in them.

  I ignore the text indicator that's probably her and click on her profile instead. Let's see what she's been up to this past crazy week that she was too busy to respond to my texts. The only photo she posted this week is one just yesterday: a photo of a certificate of completion of her ROP class. An LVN program she's been taking since her sophomore year.

  There are plenty of likes and congratulatory comments and then bingo! Chaz commented to congratulate her. Not only did she not block the piece of shit, she responded to him to thank him. As if everything is perfectly fine between them. As if he didn't try raping her ass Saturday. She always responds to all her comments but this is so fucking infuriating I want to spit. I click on the text from her feeling like I might crush my phone in my hand and read it.

  Cherry: Please don't be mad at me, Travis. I just did what I thought was best under the circumstances. My dad was really stressed about the house situation and now we won't have to move.

  I consider responding and asking her why she hasn't blocked Chaz on her social media. Why she's still communicating with him as if he's not an asshole rapist? I try to calm myself and see the silver lining. Maybe if they'd lost the house they would've moved and I'd never see her again. Maybe this was for the best. But I can't bring myself to respond. I'm still too pissed.

  I mow the lawn and clean up the backyard then do some laundry before jumping on my bicycle and head out. I stop by Layla's first. My go to girl always ready for a quickie. She's a single mom, living off the government with no real goals or aspirations. But she's hot and sucks dick like nobody's business. Just like all the other older girls I bag on a regular basis, she has no idea I'm sixteen. She's almost twenty-one and thinks I'm eighteen, but like Remi, I tower over her. I'll be seventeen in a couple of months. Close enough.

  It's been a long and exasperating week waiting to hear from Remi. After today's news I decide fuck making big changes right away. Fuck waiting to taste Remi again, before touching anyone else. As soon as Layla lets me into her apartment we're all over each other. I knew the moment I first kissed Remi nothing would ever come close to that feeling again and this confirms it. But I'm horny, pissed and tense as shit, so I need a release and this will do for now. She shushes me explaining her kid's asleep and then proceeds to suck my dick right there in the small front room. Fuck yeah. This is exactly what I needed.

  Her kid starts whimpering just minutes after I'm sitting there on the sofa still out of my pants and my pumping heart still coming down from that incredible release. Layla frowns. "Let me see if I can get him back to sleep with another bottle. I need to get me some of that," she says stroking my near limp dick before standing up.

  I zip up and flip through the channels on her TV for a few minutes while she's in the other room. Then go through my phone again. I stare at Remi's text for a moment then check my new ones. I have a text from Cornbread. He's got my weed and my money. Perfect. I'll
turn this weekend around yet.

  Even though the thought of fucking Layla is already making my dick hard again, I'm secretly relieved when she walks out of the bedroom holding her son with a frown.

  "He's been running a fever," she explains. "So he's fussy."

  "That's cool," I say standing up. "I got some errands to run anyway."

  "Come back later?" she asks with a pout.

  "Yeah," I say and give her an obligatory peck before heading to the door. "Text me later tonight when he's out. I'll bring weed and we'll hang out."

  "I will for sure," she says excitedly.

  My homeboy Magic is one of the only guys my age I hang out with. He's slightly older but only by a few months. His real name is Mike but don't call him Magic Mike unless you want his fist to your throat. His nickname has nothing to do with his dance moves either. It's all about the magic pills he sells. First one is always free because he knows you'll be back for more.

  Like me, he might be young but he sure as shit doesn't look it. The only giveaway that he's young is his heart. The guy falls fast and hard for girls. Except most girls in the hood have the morals of an alley cat. Too many of them are hooked on some kind of drug and if you're willing to give some up for free, it doesn't matter if they have a man or not. They'll suck you or fuck you depending on how bad they want it.

  Magic's been burned before and it wasn't pretty. Nearly killed the guy he walked in on with his girl. He was with me the night I nearly killed Chaz and I had to explain later it wasn't like his situation. She wasn't a willing participant and that's why I fucked him up. Not because she was my girl and I caught her cheating. Although after last Saturday I'm not sure how I'd react now if I saw her with anyone else.

  It's why I'm nervous about where we're heading to tonight. Magic has a thing for a good girl at the moment. Someone he met through a cousin. The girl doesn't go to the same high school me and Remi go to but the DJ playing at the party we're headed to does and he passes his flyers out at our school. So even though the party is in the next city over, it's not far and there's bound to be kids from our school too.


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