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Lewd Kingdoms: Shadow's Edge: A High Fantasy Digital Adventure

Page 9

by Eden Redd

  Inches appeared and disappeared between tight lips. Black hair with purple highlights moved with the bard’s hungry appetite. Pleasure roared as blood pounded at Edric’s temples. Logic and reason fell away as a driving need bubbled under Edric’s skin. The player moaned as Rayna hummed, sending vibrations along his thick member. Tongue pressed firmly against the shaft, her mouth grew tighter as if begging him for release.

  Every cell in the summoner’s body called out right before hitting a flash point. Rayna moaned louder as the summoner’s cock thickened in her mouth. Deep throating him, pulses pushed along the veiny member and molten come spurted from the tip. Edric gripped the sides of the chair as his cock roared white seed. The bard swallowed before another spurt filled her throat. Swallowing again, she looked up to see the needful rage in Edric’s eyes. Cock spurting a third time, Rayna suckled and drank down his climax.

  The summoner grunted as his body relaxed, tension bleeding from his spirit. Rayna stayed on her knees, milking his cock with her lips and pulling every last drop from his loins. When the last pulse pushed against her lips, the bard let go and pulled back, a wicked smile on her lips.

  You have attained “A Taste”. +1 to Stamina.

  Edric barely saw the alert scroll across his vision as he watched the bard stand up.

  “Sleep well,” Rayna winked before turning and stepping away.

  The bard crossed the room, opened the door and stepped out without a second glance. The summoner sat, manhood wilting but a fire blazing in his spirit. How he had tried to keep the inner demons at bay but something about the bard spoke to him on an unhealthy level. She was very much the type of person he tried to avoid and now she was a Lady of Elora.

  Edric looked to the sleeping Leeta on the floor and let out a small sigh.

  “I may need you to save me in more ways than one,” the summoner whispered as his heart beat with fearful excitement.


  The city core glowed as Edric, Faye, Claudia and Rayna stood around it. The core chamber rippled with gentle power. The summoner looked up and a peace flowed over him as everything seemed to slip into place. It felt like a dream coming true. Gathering his thoughts, he readied to speak the next steps.

  “Once we touch the core, we will be bonded to it and each other. You will have to funnel some of your gold to the treasure hold below. If you wish to leave the kingdom permanently, we all have to be here to say farewell. Does everyone understand?”

  “I do,” Faye said and lifted her hand.

  “I do,” Claudia said bravely as she lifted her hand.

  “I do,” Rayna said with a bored edge.

  “I do,” Edric said as his mind filled with light and his chest with courage.

  All four players leaned forward and touched the core’s surface. Energy swirled, snaking down their arms and around their hearts. Edric didn’t know how the game could do it but it felt like he was being lifted up from his body. Long seconds passed as energy reached out and connected them all the to city core. In a blink, the room filled with a calming brilliance before it burst and fell away into motes of light.

  The four players stepped back, new alerts and information appearing in their vision. Edric’s heart hammered in his chest as his dream was finally coming true. The others moved from around the city core and stood in front of the summoner, eyes filled with wondrous energy.

  “Let’s build a city,” Edric smiled.


  Faye stood on the southernmost street from the keep. The clouds parted from the morning and clear blue sky glowed from horizon to horizon. The muddy earth under her boots crawled upwards against the sides of leather but the elven monk looked on at the blank canvas ahead of her.

  The land stretched out with wet, green grass and brown mud. Faye pulled the rolled up scroll from her belt and opened it. A mini map of the territory was scrawled along the yellowed parchment. In the corner, the amount of gold in the treasure hold glowed with blue light. She deposited over a million gold into the hold, knowing full well that it would have otherwise just sat there in her satchel with no real use. Taking up the monk class, she didn’t require much and the gold from raids grew more and more. Faye smiled to herself knowing she could finally put it to some use and the betterment of others.

  The wood elf called up a 2D screen. Pictures and information blinked onto the screen, options and abilities scrolling by slowly. Eyes focused on the elementals she could call to help build her district. Keeping her smile, ideas began to form and she let out a cleansing sigh.

  Tapping at the 2D screen, she highlighted several options. Green fairies appeared in tiny flashes around her. From the mud, humanoid shapes rose up. The elf watched as the earth elementals formed among the fluttering green fairies.

  Faye looked to the fairies, “Let’s give the citizens of Elora a green welcome.”

  The life fairies nodded and smiled. A moment later, they flew off, leaving behind sparkling trails of fairy dust. The life fairies streaked across the area, each diving down, touching the grass or mud and zooming back up. Sprouts pushed up from the mud and grass, growing larger by the second. White trees formed on each side of the muddy road, emerald leaves unfolding from pale branches.

  Faye looked to the earth elementals, “Build cobble stone streets and then begin building homes and shops along the main street. Spread out until you’ve covered the entire district.”

  The elementals nodded before moving off. Each elemental split into four smaller ones and they spread out. Stones emerged from the mud, rippling from under Faye’s boots and outward. Simple structures slid up from the grass and mud and then filled out. Glass windows melted into open store fronts. The trees down each side of the street grew to full height, leafy branches extending and casting comforting shadows over the cobblestone street.

  Faye watched as gold slipped away. It wasn’t as much as she thought it would cost so her ideas grew bolder. Staircases formed and wooden suspended bridges unfurled from the trees on each side of the road. Second and third levels melted and formed upwards, connecting doorways to the strong trees. The wood elf marveled at the network of bridges above the main market street. Now players and NPC’s could take a lovely stroll above the hustle and bustle of the shops below.

  A southern archway crawled up at the far end of the street. It would be the entrance to her district. The main shops on the street would be the greetings for anyone entering the southern gate and the homes and smaller shops would continue on until they reached the east and western districts.

  Faye tapped at the 2D screen, instructing the life fairies to build small parks and ponds. The green fairies nodded as they rushed past, tapping the ground and lush grass sprouting from nothing.

  Faye let the good feeling swirl in her heart as she began walking down the main street. Rolling up the scroll, she stuck it in her belt and tapped at the 2D screen. She could have created everything with the scroll in front of her but the player thought it would be nicer to explore her district and create as she went. She could see the final product at the end but for now, she basked in the moment of creation as she walked along.

  Earth elementals moved arms made of dirt, mud and stone, putting every piece of new building into place while the life fairies filled the tiny separate ponds with koi, frogs and small fish. Birds seemed to fly out of nowhere, exploring the small parks or drinking from waters, their happy chirps filling the elf with calm serenity.


  Rayna eyed the grassy western district. Glancing southward, she watched as buildings and trees sprouted in long moments. The bard shook her head, knowing full well Faye was going to make something beautiful and pleasing to the spirit.

  Rayna was having none of it in her own district.

  The bard called up a 2D screen and a wicked smile bloomed. Earth elementals emerged from the ground, ready to follow her commands. Rayna looked at a few building designs before turning to the elementals.

  “Pack the area with buildings. I want thin alley
s, theaters, bars, cat houses and tunnels. Make it dense except for the main road. I want the people to have enough room to see what my district has to offer.”

  The elementals nodded and walked off. Rayna crossed her arms and watched as several story stone buildings emerged. Stone rolled from underneath her boots, stretching outward. Shops and big theaters shifted into the mounds of rock. Curved lantern posts sprung upwards. Rayna uncrossed her arms and tapped at the 2D screen a few times. The glass lanterns along the street turned a shade of red. The player couldn’t wait for night fall for the entire district would be a red light district, bathed in crimson light.

  Rayna tapped at the screen, adding some fine details to the buildings and giving the area a dense European feel. She incorporated English, French and even some Amsterdam details to blend it into a place where one would go to escape their troubles.

  The player began enjoying the act of creation, filling the district with dark corners and shadowy areas. Corner cafes formed and the roads split off into smaller Y shaped streets. Despite the sunny day, Rayna’s district took on a dark and almost foreboding mood, a place where the brave and horny could touch paradise for a few hours or indulge in the darker aspects of the digital world.

  “Not too bad,” Rayna grinned as she began walking; sculpting the buildings as she hummed along.


  Edric’s arms and hands moved like a wizard in battle. Pointing hands, buildings formed. Fingers curled and finer details etched into the stonework. Elementals worked in all directions from the summoner, shaping and creating structures that resembled museums and libraries one might find in New York City.

  The summoner had already spent the morning inputting designs he wanted implemented before they all touched the city core. Heart thumping in his chest, the player was fully immersed in his element, carving out what he wanted to see in his district.

  Several large cathedral-like libraries shifted into place as smaller shops and lodgings filled out the area. Edric’s imagination floated on to the possibilities, images of citizens bringing books and filling the massive libraries, towers and buildings opening to the study of the magical arts and crafts. The player looked forward to creating a district where anyone could come and learn the mystic arts. He pictured players passing through and honing their skills before adventuring to the west. Fantasies played out of great debates and new magical discoveries. The dragons held their knowledge close to the chest but here, Edric would make it the place to be for sharing ideas, and improving their magical studies and skills.

  It was a dream coming true and the player was enjoying every second of it.

  Eyes wide, Edric walked along as his hands moved. He created several hot key actions tied to his fingers to give off the appearance that he was weaving a district from thin air. Elementals worked silently as they followed the pre-programmed directives. The player spent much of his time uploading special designs he wanted to see and they flourished before his eyes. The Mind’s Eye Gear allowed for a diversified play style and it spoke to his needs for detail.

  The city scroll floated by a 2D screen and Edric glanced to it, checking in on the progress of his partners. Faye and Rayna’s districts grew with each passing moment. Snap shots scrolled by of their wondrous designs. The summoner enjoyed the different styles and admired the immense trees lining the southern district while Rayna’s western district took on an eclectic, lively, Northern Euro-style.

  Gold decreased as the player walked along. There was enough to get most of the city built but there was a long road ahead before it was a living and thriving city. The structures would be in place but it all depended on the people who populate it. Arcane shops solidified and the summoner hoped those with crafting skills would arrive so he and the ruling ladies of Elora could purchase or craft beacon crystals. As of this moment, humans would be the only race to naturally begin showing up, a default of initially creating a city core. It would at first only attract those of the race of the creator. The current number of residing families was small but with all the structures in place, others should begin flocking to it.

  Street signs curled outward and solidified, the name “Temple Street” appearing on one. Edric grinned, pleased for naming the main street after himself, and mentally made a note to suggest to the ladies that they do the same if they wished.

  Edric wished the people would simply show up but he was warned when he had the city core created, like many things, it would take time. If the buildings remained empty for too long, decay would spread. If it went too long, the buildings and homes would crumple and have to be rebuilt. The cost for upkeep was too much if there weren’t enough citizens to tax. Despite the initial beauty, Elora could fall to ruin if there were no people to help keep the city beautiful.

  Edric’s eyes slid over to the eastern district, and paused. The scroll showed work progressing on the northern, western and southern districts but the eastern district showed only a road. Eyebrow rising, the player wondered if Claudia was having a problem building her area.

  Tapping at the floating 2D screen, he automated some of the construction. The player would come back later to work on the finer points but something whispered in his mind to check on the green haired lancer. Leaving the elementals to work, the summoner turned and walked up Temple Street to the main keep. Turning onto the eastern main street, the player walked along as the small homes passed by and soon an empty area spread out.

  The summoner looked around, seeing the lake glimmering in the sunlight. The road he walked was cobble stone, green grass on either side. Eyes focused on Claudia’s back as she sat on the street. A 2D screen hovered by her but as the summoner stepped closer. He could see she was resting her chin on her open palm, elbow pressed against her leg. The player cleared his throat and Claudia lifted her head and turned to him with a small smile.

  “I was checking on everyone’s progress and saw that you hadn’t started, I was wondering if I could help.”

  Claudia’s gaze turned downward for a moment before she uncurled her legs and stood up. Edric drank in her long limbed body. Light lancer armor covered her from the neck down but slits ran down the front of her thighs. The summoner could not help but notice some of the tattoo designs on her thighs. The leather and thin metal armor obstructed the symbols inked into her flesh, and the player wondered if it was connected to her class. The jumps she was able to do did defy the normal game physics and he wondered if it would be rude to ask.

  Claudia caught the summoner’s gaze. Hand reaching down, she pulled at the thin open line in the leather and pulled it aside, exposing the tattoo on her creamy thigh.

  “It’s rune magic. It allows me to make those high jumps I can do. Lancers have to take some skills in rune crafting. I can never be a master but it will allow me to increase my body’s ability to jump and increase my strength to a degree.”

  Edric looked up, “I’m sorry if I was rude by staring.”

  Claudia continued to smile, “It’s not rude. If I wanted it totally covered up, I would be wearing a different armor. The slit down the front and back of my legs allows me better movement and agility. Most lancers need tight or form fitting clothes and armor so we don’t get tangled up.”

  Edric stepped closer, trying not to stare at her beautiful and kind features, “Well the armor and clothes suit you.”

  “Thank you,” Claudia tilted her head slightly to the summoner.

  The lancer turned to the empty district, pulling the 2D screen closer. Edric looked down as temples and holy structures scrolled by.

  “I’m having a little trouble deciding on what I want. I didn’t know it was this involved and I can’t settle on a religion.”

  “You mentioned Drallus before. Did you change your mind?”

  Claudia looked to the images scrolling by, “To tell you the truth, I was just throwing it out there. I’m not a religious person in reality. I know it’s important in the game but…..” the lancer trailed off.

  Edric nodded, “It doesn’
t have to be a defining aspect of your district. You can change it to what you want. If you don’t want a place of worship then I can have one built in my district. You should build something you know you’ll enjoy.”

  The lancer looked to the summoner. Claudia drank in the rugged handsome features, eyes taking in the white tips of hair at his temples. Edric had features similar to Harrison Ford but the facial lines were a little gentler. She found herself staring and looked away, taking a few steps forward.

  “Was it something I said?”

  The lancer shook her head, “No, I feel like I’m not in the right head space for this. It should be fun but I keep thinking of a friend of mine.”

  Edric stepped to her side, eyes taking on a gentle edge, “We are all getting used to this but I have always been a good listener. At least that’s what people have said to me.”

  Claudia bit her lip for a moment before turning to Edric. “I had a little too much to drink last night and blurted out an answer for my district. When I thought about it this morning, I wasn’t sure it was something I wanted to do anymore. I had a friend who was very religious and was trying to talk me into joining his church. I was almost going to join because he was so passionate about it…..”

  Edric noticed the word “had” and simply became all ears. The green haired lancer looked away, a painful memory touching her mind and heart.

  “…..I don’t want to be a downer with too many details. He died in an accident on his way to his church. It happened over a year ago and whenever I hear or see anything religious, it reminds me of him.”

  The lancer’s fingers curled into tight fists, “I don’t want to ruin the moment. I was going to go to Faye but you showed up and I had to spill my guts. I’m sorry.”

  Edric could see the worn out pain etched into Claudia’s eyes. He had just met her the other day but a strange connection bloomed between them. The way she stood up at the guild hall, broken hearted that the guild would be no more seemed to writhe under her skin. The way she looked to him when he asked them to join on this kingdom adventure spoke more than any word that was said.


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