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Lewd Kingdoms: Shadow's Edge: A High Fantasy Digital Adventure

Page 24

by Eden Redd

  Edric pulled his whip and flicked it with his wrist. Energy blazed along the length of it as skeletons came at him. Leeta smiled as she heaved up her spiked mace. Summoner and ogre lashed out in unison. Leeta’s mace smashed a skull to points of light. Edric’s whip lashed around a boney neck and pulled. The skeleton burst to shards of greenish light.

  Rayna laughed as she played on. Music filled the theater chamber as light glowed around her companions.

  Song of Protection! You gain +20 Armor!

  Rayna played as a thumb touched the secret button on her lute. A wand slid from the top as she aimed and unleashed lightning bolts. Music swelled as bolts blasted skeletons to pieces.

  Claudia made wide swipes with her spear. The skeletons couldn’t get close enough to land an attack. The lancer glanced over to Faye sending a barrage of attacks on the armored Lyndra. Mace swinging, it was too slow to land a blow on the wood elf as she moved like a dancer in a hurricane.

  Faye dodged and feinted as the armored giant swung her mace back and forth. A green bar appeared over the giant as Faye bent her body and planted her fists and heels against the armor. The monk moved with power and grace against the giant monstrosity but the health bar was still green.

  The wood elf was silent as she pressed her attacks. From the side of the ruined bar, the succubus stood up blade in hand. She launched with a shrill scream at the monk. Faye turned and dodged the incoming sword swings. Lyndra regained her balance as the succubus continued her rapid assault. Leeta pressed forward against the skeletons, smashing them with each swing. Edric turned to see Faye retreating in the face of the wild succubus. Whip up; he lashed it at the succubus’s sword.

  (Melee)14+(Dex)2=16/ (Encounter Roll)34. Attack missed!

  The energy soaked whip missed the sword as the succubus continued her attack. Edric sighed in frustration. He was out of his league. Claudia smashed the last of the skeletons before turning to the giant Lyndra. Rayna spun around as she played, pointing a wand at the giant and unleashing lightning bolt after bolt. Lyndra lifted her mace high above as Sekka continued to keep the monk at bay. The attacks blurred as Faye backed up, unable to counter attack.

  Edric watched as it all unfolded before him. He wanted to help but he didn’t have the power or skill to match the fight. Regret washed over him like cold water as a useless sorrow took hold. He couldn’t protect himself, let along anyone else. Time slowed down as Faye continued to dodge the succubus until the blade slipped through, slashing across her arm. Faye grunted but continued to backpedal. It was then Edric saw his chance.

  Lyndra towered up, mace high above. Glancing to his sides, Rayna shouted defiantly as she unleashed lightning bolts. The bolts struck the armor, causing damage. Claudia planted her feet, eyes steady on the giant Lyndra. Leeta stood at his side, ready to defend her master. A plan slid into place as he looked at Lyndra’s armored leg and the summoner gritted his teeth in determination.

  The summoner coiled his whip in the air and whipped it forward.

  (Melee)14+(Dex)2=16/ (Encounter Roll)7. Attack successful!

  The whip crackled with energy as it coiled around Lyndra’s armored leg. Energy burned against the metal but it didn’t register as the giant brought her mace down.

  “Leeta!” Edric shouted as he threw the whip handle up.

  The ogre saw the whip coiled around the giant’s leg and the handle floating before her. She reached over with her free hand and took hold.

  Edric cast Channel Spell, arcane words spilling from his lips.

  Channel 13 Strength to Leeta! Leeta’s Strength increased to 52!

  Weakness took hold of the summoner as he had one point of strength to keep him standing. The player smiled as Leeta’s yellow eyes surged with new power. She pulled with strength. The whip snapped straight as Lyndra’s purple eyes widened. Sekka halted her attack as she turned to see the ogre pulling her mistress’s leg out from under her. Mace swinging up, it crashed into the stone wall as Lyndra fell. The entire room shook as her shoulder slammed into the cracked wall and fell with scattered debris.

  Claudia bent her knees and launched into the air. Spear in hand; she aimed the point down as she visually locked on a shoulder joint. Edric turned away as the lancer came down and set his eyes on the succubus. Sekka watched as the lancer speeded down to her mistress. Turning her heels, she ran toward her fallen mistress, sword up.

  “I’m just getting started,” Edric leered.

  Arcane words spilled from his mouth as he began a summoning spell.

  (Spell Casting)33+(Int)3=36/ (Encounter Roll)29! Spell successful!

  Summon Demon! Mana: 120/130

  An arcane circle appeared just as Claudia landed on Lyndra’s armored stomach and driving the point of her spear into her shoulder joint. The giant screeched as the blade point sunk deep. Claudia twisted the spear, inflicting more damage. Sekka was airborne, blade aiming for Claudia’s neck when something flashed before her. The succubus’s eyes grew wide as another succubus floated before her with short teal colored hair. The second succubus parried Sekka’s blade and the sound of metal on metal echoed through the chamber.

  “Hi sister!” the succubus grinned.

  “Hi sister,” Sekka said, not amused.

  The two demons flapped their leathery wings and charged at each other, blades ringing out with each attack. Claudia bent her knees and launched into the air, pulling her spear free and doing a back flip onto her feet.

  Lyndra pointed her free hand and energy surged. The lancer was about to launch herself again when black energy burst forth a moment too quickly. Rayna threw her body at the lancer, driving her shoulder into her as they both tumbled out of the way of the energy blast.

  Leeta let go of the whip and charged the giant. Lyndra closed her fist, the dark energy dying as she tried to get back up. The ogre’s spiked mace crackled with energy as she lifted it up and brought it down. The mace dented armor as the ogre slammed it down again and again. An armored arm bent to the giant’s chest and lashed out, striking the ogre across the midsection. Edric felt the pain as he turned to see Leeta bent in half and flying across the room. The ogre hit the opposite walls, cracking it and her body sliding down to the floor.

  Leeta takes damage! Leeta HP: 120/220

  The ogre’s body moved as she attempted to get back to her feet. Edric knew a few more hits like that and they were all done for. The summoner turned his attention to the two fighting succubi. They were nearly evenly matched as blades rung out from their strikes. The summoner lifted a hand and spoke the arcane whispers of his ability.

  (Charm Monster)28+(Cha)3=31/ (Encounter Roll)67! Charm Failed!

  Edric cursed before he looked to his succubus, “Hold her still!”

  The succubus grinned as she closed in for the attack, “I love it when master yells at me.”

  The demons clashed and grabbed at each other. Faye looked to Lyndra as she was standing back up, energy bleeding from her eyes and her health bar still in the green. The wood elf could see what Edric was attempting. Sekka fought with the other succubus as the monk planted her feet and jumped.

  Edric’s succubus crashed into Sekka. Claudia and Rayna looked up to see Faye grab Sekka and hoisted herself up the demon’s body. Sekka struggled, trying to knock the wood elf off when a fist crashed into her jaw. Edric’s succubus reared back and punched again as Faye clamped her arms and legs around Sekka, their combined weight bringing her down.

  The monk held the demon in a lock as Edric’s succubus landed by them and grabbed a fistful of dark hair and pulled. Sekka looked to Edric with wide eyes as she was trapped. The summoner pointed his hand and whispered arcane words.

  (Charm Monster)28+(Cha)3=31/ (Encounter Roll)22! Charm Successful!

  Sekka’s demeanor changed as she went limp in Faye’s hold. Lyndra was to her feet and ready to charge, energy writhing around her armored body. Claudia was to her feet and leaping across the room landing by the captured demon. Spear up; she held the point over Sekka’s ches

  “No!” Lyndra said as she stopped and raised a hand.

  Edric fell to his knees, his strength waning. “My friend will skewer your succubus if you don’t calm down. We just want to talk….”

  Lyndra stayed where she was, purple eyes on the succubus, “What do you want?”

  Edric pointed to the metal doors, “Open the doors and we will release Sekka.”

  Lyndra nodded. The metal doors groaned open slightly.

  “See,” Edric smiled. “That wasn’t too har….” Edric grunted as two arrows sunk into his back.

  Arrow Damage: 44-(Armor)25= 19 Damage! HP: 51/70

  Arrow Damage: 40-(Armor)25=15 Damage! HP: 36/70

  Leeta cried out as the summoner fell forward. Dark elves emerged from the stage, crossbows in hand. The ogre screamed from the deepest part of her digital soul as she rushed the stage. Spike mace swinging, a dark elf turned his crossbow sideways to block. The spike mace shattered the crossbow and caved in the dark elf’s head. It shattered into light as the ogre charged into the incoming dark elf swarm.

  “Sekka…..defend us….” Edric managed with a whisper.

  Faye let go and the succubus leapt up into the air. The demon darted toward the dark elves and crashed into them, blade slicing weapons in half and feet landing on stomachs. A surge of dark elves rushed the mad ogre, pushing her to the edge of the stage as she one-shot elves one at a time. Tipping over, she fell onto the benches, shattering them to kindling.

  The room was a tsunami of attacks. Rayna dove to Edric’s side and grabbed him. Faye rushed over just as Lyndra charged. Claudia bent her knees as the runes on her legs glowed with power. With a burst, she darted through the air, turned her body and slammed her boots into Lyndra’s armored face. The momentum sent the giant stumbling back, mace swinging. Claudia was already flying back and the mace came around and struck her dead on. The lancer went spiraling to the floor, tumbling to a stop.

  “Save….Claudia….”Edric whispered as Faye and Rayna hoisted him up.

  Edric’s succubus nodded as she darted to the lancer’s side. The demon lifted up Claudia and dragged her to the metal doors. Faye and Rayna did the same as they made their way. Dark elves poured out, trying to contain the whirlwind that was Sekka. The succubus fought like a beast unchained as the dark elves tried to restrain her.

  Leeta was up and charging to the metal door, eyes on Edric’s limp body. When she reached them, she snatched Edric into her arms. Edric’s succubus pulled Claudia to them just as Lyndra regained her balance. The giant pointed a hand as dark energy pooled in her palm.

  Faye grabbed and shoved anyone she could through the parted iron doors. When they were all through, Faye slammed the doors shut just as dark energy struck it. The shockwave bent the doors in and sent everyone tumbling down the stairs into the darkness below.


  Thalia sliced through a guard, splitting them in half and their body disintegrating into shards of light. The lamia heaved as cuts crisscrossed her arms and part of her tail. The fighting in the keep had grown to a fevered pitch as the courtesan didn’t know who to trust. Many guards rallied to her side and fought on but every new group they encountered sent a suspicious vibration, causing her tail to tremble.

  The city continued to celebrate, unaware of the fighting taking place in Gray Haven Keep. Thalia cut her way through with a thick squad of guards to reach Ralis’s location. The troll was locked in his room while large troll bodyguards sliced and hammered at anyone who came at them with swords drawn. When they saw the lamia and her guards, they hesitated and she quickly shouted that she was there for their protection.

  The door opened and Ralis looked out, fear in his wide black eyes. Seeing the lamia, he quickly beckoned her in. Thalia slithered between the troll bodyguards and into the diplomat’s chamber.

  “I heard the fighting and put my guards at the front door,” Ralis said quickly.

  Thalia turned and watched the door, “Elora informed me there is a small force working their way up, killing guards and servants not on their side. I believe they are coming for you.”

  The troll looked to the balcony, “That is the only escape route.”

  Thalia shook her head, “We wouldn’t survive the fall. We will make our stand here. I had a number of guards fight their way out of the keep to bring back more of the city guard. We have to hold out until reinforcements arrive.”

  “Can you stop them?” Ralis asked with a fearful edge.

  Thalia pulled a short sword from her belt and pressed it to Ralis’s hand, “We will have to stop them.”

  “I’m not made for fighting,” Ralis said as he held the blade in an awkward manner.

  “I know but tonight we fight side by side for all of our sakes,” Thalia said, red eyes focused on the door.

  Shouts filled the corridor beyond the door. The sound of metal on metal clanged like a storm of swords. The lamia and troll stared as grunts and yelling carried on. The troll moved into a stance next to the lamia. Thalia’s grip tightened around the blade handle.

  “It was an honor to serve you, Master Ralis,” Thalia whispered.

  “It was an honor to know you, beautiful Thalia,” Ralis whispered, his sword hand trembling.

  The grunts twisted into screams. Flashes of light blinked around the door edge. The cries of guards and bodyguards diminished until a knock came at the door. Thalia and Ralis remained silent as someone knocked again.


  The fall down the steps was maddening. Leeta held the summoner closer, her body taking the brunt of damage as they spun down into the darkness. The ogre grunted every time her back struck the steps but that only made her hold the summoner tighter, protecting him.

  When they reached the bottom, bodies sprawled out and slid to a halt. Torches lit with magical flair and light caressed confused senses. Faye and Edric’s succubus were up, glancing around. Claudia moaned as she slowly sat up. Rayna bolted up, hands on her lute and inspecting it. There were chips along the wood and a string was broken. Hands moved with practiced ease as she instantly restrung the lute. When she looked at the top, the wand housed there was broken and leaking drips of fading magical drops. The bard grabbed at it and pulled it off. She opened the lute and pulled out a fire wand, connecting it to the top and leaving it there to be used.

  Leeta uncurled her arms and Edric slipped from her grasp and onto the floor. The player looked to the ogre, covered in scraps, cuts and bruises. She smiled as she stood up and picked up her spiked mace from the floor.

  Leeta takes falling damage! Leeta HP: 46/220

  Edric weakly rummaged through his satchel and pulled out healing potions. He gave two to Leeta and then called out to the others. Faye, Claudia and Rayna took one and greedily drank them down. Leeta drank down both side by side.

  Leeta drinks healing potion! Leeta HP: 146/220

  Edric drank down one, healing himself and then checked his stats.

  Edric drinks healing potion! HP: 70/70

  Edric Temple


  Hit Points- 70/70

  Mana- 110/130

  Armor- 5

  Strength- 1/14(+1)

  Intelligence- 20(+3)

  Wisdom- 17(+2)

  Dexterity- 16(+2)

  Stamina- 20(+3)

  Charisma- 21(+3)

  Spell Abilities

  Charm- 28

  Snare- 26

  Channel- (+STR/HP/DEX)

  Lock Stones (1)

  Leeta (Ogre)- HP-146/220


  Summoning Spell- 10 Mana

  Summon Demon Spell- 2o Mana

  Light Spell- 5 Mana

  Primary Skills

  Spell Casting- 33

  Spell Craft- 12

  Gem Craft- 17

  Rune Craft- 12

  Enchantment- 12

  Melee- 14

  Wilderness Lore- 13


  Lightning Whip- 10 to 15 damage/Gem Slot-Lightning damage 10% S

  Dark Green Robe- 5 Armor

  Healing Potions (4)- Heal 50 HP

  Edric struggled to get up. Having only one point in strength made him incredibly weak. The summoner looked for his whip and it was nowhere to be found. The player sighed as he figured it was still upstairs in the theater room.

  Faye looked to the end of the long wide chamber. An altar stood with a body lying on it. It was a simple stone altar but the figure lay with arms crossed over their chest and eyes closed. The monk started walking, noticing the blue skin and black hair. The figure wore white armor that covered her top, thighs, shins and boots. The rest of the group turned to see the figure, drinking in her peaceful slumber.

  Edric was about to say something when a crash and the sound of twisting metal echoed down the steep stairs. Edric’s succubus moved to his side as did Leeta. Rayna pointed her lute like a rifle and Claudia spun her spear before holding it at the ready.

  Thoughts of Lyndra coming down and killing them all spurred him to action. Hands weaving and arcane words spilling from his lips, he cast another summoning spell.

  (Spell Casting)33+(Int)3=36/ (Encounter Roll)30! Spell Successful!

  Summon Demon! Mana: 90/120

  An arcane circle swirled to life and a red headed succubus rose up. The demon spread her wings, a fire sword appearing in her hand. The red head stood by Edric’s other succubus, swords at the ready.

  Clanking metal filled the stairwell as something big and heavy stepped down. Each footfall grew louder and a moment later, a metal boot appeared at the top of the visible stairs.

  “I don’t know if we can take her,” Claudia said, spear at the ready. “Her health bar was still in the green.”

  Another metal foot came down into view.

  Faye glanced to the sleeping blue skinned woman and turned to the group. “We have to treat this like a raid boss. I’ll tank. Claudia, hit and run tactics. Rayna, Area Of Effect damage.”

  The monk looked to the summoner and the ogre, “Leeta, tank with me. Edric, can you call more demons?”


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