The Remedy
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Sewer projects, xvi
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 93
Shibasaburo, Kitasato, 166
Siberian pest, 23
The Sign of Four (Conan Doyle, A.), 156
Silkworm research, 58–59, 79
Smallpox, 12, 17, 64–65, 90, 133
Smith, Herbert Greenhough, 220, 221
Snow, John, 164
Spitting, 94–95, 205–207
Spontaneous generation, 32, 55, 58
Staphylococcus, 14, 30, 49
Stead, W. T., 158
Steam sterilization, 82
Stethoscope, xv, 18–19
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 218
Stoddart, Joseph, 155
Stoker, Bram, 220
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 139
Strand magazine, 212–214, 217,224–225, 235
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 218
Streptococcus, 30, 49
Streptomycin, 245–248
Struck, Heinrich, 51
The Structure of Scientific Revolution (Kuhn), 33
“Studies of Bacteria,” 41
A Study in Scarlet (Conan Doyle, A.), 140–141, 143–146, 150, 153–154, 216
Sulfuric acid, 81
Syme, James, 123
Syphilis, 136–137
Telescopes, 17
Thoreau, Henry David, 93
Thuillier, Louis, 74, 162–163
Tid-Bits, 142, 214
The Time Machine (Wells), 218
Tobacco, 94
Translational medicine, 118
Tuberculosis, ix. See also Lymph system
antibiotics for, 245–248
Arthur Conan Doyle viewing cure, 183–185
bacteria and, 88, 96
basic reproduction number, 97
bovine tuberculosis, 102, 229–233
breeding rounds, 93–95, 97
as cancer, 101
cause of, xiv
climate cures, 170
cure research, 193–194
cures, 167–172
as dated, 248–249
death from, xii, 90–93
endemic disease, 90
eradication societies, 207
experience of, 92–93
heredity theory, 99–101
human verses bovine, 104–105
Louise Conan Doyle contracting, 222–223
MDR-TB, 249–250
pleas for cure, 189–190, 193
record keeping, xi
Robert Koch cure, 172–180, 190
Robert Koch discovery, 87–90, 92, 99, 102–103, 105
Robert Koch nemesis, xviii
sanitariums, 171, 193
sufferers coming to Berlin, ix–x
surgical treatments, 170
symptoms, x
treatments, xiii–xiv
types, 101–102
White Plague, 91
XDR-TB, 250–251
Tyndall, John, xv
Typhoid fever, 9
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 139
Unruhe-Bomst, Baron von, 7, 17, 37
Vaccines, xviii, 17
anthrax, 65–67
antipathy toward, 130–132
modern rates, 133
rabies, 82, 166
smallpox, 133
van Leeuwenhoek, Antonie, 18
Vesalius, Andreas, 6
Victorian England crime, 151–152
Villemin, Jean-Antoine, 104–106
Virchow, Rudolf, 15, 19, 29–30, 37, 175
cell theory of disease, 20
hereditary theory and, 101
on hygiene, 165
pioneering hygienist, 102–103
publications, 21
scorning germ theory, 86, 88
students of, 199
Vollständigkeit, 50
von Behring, Emil, 166, 230–231
von Bergmann, Ernst, 177, 183
von Bleichröder, Gerson, 196
von Gossler, Heinrich, 196
von Humboldt, Alexander, 5
von Leyden, Ernst, 197
von Pettenkofer, Max, 204
Waksman, Selman, 245–247
War of the Worlds (Wells), 218
Warren, Robin, 252
Weigert, Carl, 41
Welch, William Henry, 207–208
Wells, H. H., 218
West Nile virus, 89
White Plague, 91
The White Company (Conan Doyle, A.), 157
Whooping cough, 19
Wilde, Oscar, 155
Williams, C. J. B., 95, 98, 169
Wintle, S. B., 135–136
Wissenschaft, 20, 50, 82
Wound infection studies, 45–46, 48–50
Wright, Elsie, 239–240
XDR-TB (Extensively drug-resistant TB), 250–251
X-ray machine, xvii–xviii, 19
Yeast, 59
Young, Thomas, 92
Zeiss, Carl, 18