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Tolerance (Heart of Stone)

Page 14

by Sidebottom, D H

  “Mason” I whispered after a while “What baby?” he whispered back “Can we have breakfast now?”

  The day flowed wonderfully, fun, laughter, great friends and my man made it the best Christmas ever. Mason had surprised us all and hired a chef and waiting staff for the Christmas lunch and as the evening settled in we were all sat around the fire, wine and chocolate plentiful as we opened our gifts. We took turns to open and it was my turn to open Kades.

  I had purposefully left my phone switched off today as I knew he would ring me. I had made all the calls I had needed to make this morning, so now I could relax and enjoy Christmas without the thought of him ringing while I was with Mason.

  I was a little nervous about opening it, unknowing what he had bought me. I could feel everybody’s face’s on me as I unwrapped the thin square box and I was hoping it wasn’t jewellery but I was sorely disappointed. My breath stuck in my throat as I saw the Cartier name emblazoned across the box “Oh Shit!” I grimaced as I heard Mason’s sharp intake of breath as I took off the lid and was met with a love bracelet, it was a solid 24ct gold bangle and housed regular spaced diamonds and what broke my heart was the inscription on the inside

  My love for you is eternal, Kade

  “Holy Shit” Courtney cringed and Mason stood abruptly, took his coat of the hook and left the house, closing the door quietly behind him.

  I placed my head in my hands and sighed “Fuck!!” I wheezed “I told him it was just a bit of fun, why the hell has he bought me this? It’s way too inappropriate” I rubbed my temples “I’ve hurt Mason so much” I said to the others and Courtney shuffled over to me “No babe, it’s not your fault Kade went too far. You told him” she placated “But now I have to break his heart all over again when I finish things with him” I moaned “But he’s going back to Italy so maybe you can just avoid him until then” she said encouragingly and I raised my eyes to her “I can’t do that to him Courtney, I need to do this face to face. I can’t keep this gift but it will crush him if I return it to him. I don’t know what to do?” I looked towards the front door, my heart aching for Mason. I had hoped that our talk this morning had crushed all the ‘Kade demons’ for Mason but this…now had resurfaced every single one.

  We all paused in our present opening whilst we waited for Masons return and made hot chocolate and ate chocolate cake and everybody stared at me when I covered mine with curry paste “Try it, it’s amazing” I said around a mouthful as the front door opened and Mason walked in. Everybody turned to him, gauging his mood. He was quiet but didn’t seem angry although I noticed huge sores and dried blood on his knuckles.

  I walked over to him and lifted his hand to my mouth, kissing his wounds gently. He swallowed and I caught his eyes. He was hurting, and not from his hand, and I could see each and every painful thought in his expression “Let’s get these cleaned up” I whispered and pulled him behind me upstairs’ and into the bathroom, rooting through the vanity for the first aid kit.

  He was silent as I gently cleaned and sanitised him and I kept shifting my eyes to his but he was in a zone and I wondered if he actually knew I was there “Who did you argue with?” I asked quietly “A tree” he replied impassively. I nodded and kissed each knuckle when I had finished “I’m sorry” I said sincerely and glanced at him. His face had shut down and I knew I wouldn’t break through to him while he was like this “Let’s go back down” I sighed and pulled on his hand.

  He followed me but still remained detached. Courtney gave me a reassuring smile as we all sat back down “You wanna talk?” Sam asked Mason but he shook his head once. The guilt surging through me was unbearable and I knew I had to return Kades gift, for Mason’s sake. I preferred him angry and shouting than being like this; emotionless and distant.

  My friends all got back into the spirit of the day, tearing at paper and hugging and thanking each other but mine was now ruined, my heart breaking for Mason and I could sit and cry but I refused to ruin everyone else’s day.

  It was my last gift and it was Masons. The box was long and thin and I immediately knew it was jewellery and I cringed. If this wasn’t as expensive and impressive as Kades I would die for Mason; it would kill him to be outdone by Kade. I would have been happy with a bloody carrot, it wasn’t the expense of a present but I knew that’s exactly what it was between Mason and Kade.

  I slowly opened the wrapping and glanced up at Mason but he was still staring into space, in a world of his own. A pale blue Tiffany’s box greeted me and my breath caught Wow!! I knew know that this would be special. I pulled the lid off and eased back the silk packaging “Oh!” I wheezed.

  The platinum necklace took my breath away; it was simple, elegant and exquisite. It was attached to an oval locket encased with tiny clear and pink diamonds and I removed it from the box, unclasped it and opened it.

  A choking gurgle erupted from somewhere in my throat “Oh!!” I wheezed. I couldn’t speak as my heart raced and my lungs forgot to draw in air “Breathe Ava” Mason whispered softly in my ear. My wide tear filled eyes found his “W…w.where…?” I stuttered. He traced the back of his fingers tenderly down my face as a tear slipped free “Sam did some digging around” He said softly and my eyes swept to Sam who just smiled and shrugged “What is it?” Courtney asked

  “My parents” I gulped and everyone else gasped. I traced a finger over their faces. The two pictures were of my parents together. One showed their close up faces laughing and smiling lovingly at each other and the second was of the three of us; my mother and father stood side by side and me in the middle, about 7 years old whilst my dad’s hand was on my shoulder and my mother looked down at me with an expression of pure love and happiness as I grinned up at her. Even I hadn’t got a photo of them as they had all been lost when I had moved from home to home. I had mostly forgotten what they had looked like, I hadn’t been sure if the pictures I had of them in my head were real or what I had made up to fill in the gap.

  Mason stood, walked over to a cupboard and removed a small shoe box and placed it in my lap. I frowned up at him but he smiled tenderly and nodded. I removed the lid and choked back a sob. “Oh!” I rasped. That was the only word I could manage as I pulled out the few items in the box.

  There were the two original photographs that Mason had had replicated into the locket, another few photos of my parents and a few of me as a baby and a couple of my early childhood, my birth certificate, a tiny pair of shoes, my christening gown and the final two pieces; my parents’ wedding rings.

  “Oh Mason, I…God…I…” I swallowed and looked up. Courtney was crying, Marcy had tears in her eyes and the two men were sat quietly watching me with affectionate smiles on their faces.

  “Where did you get them Sam?” I asked. “I scoured all your old foster homes and the first one you ever attended had them stored away in their loft, even they had forgotten about them. It was Mason’s idea to look for you” he said gently and I just nodded.

  Masons hand twisted into my hair “Thank you…I…” I shook my head slightly “It’s a pleasure baby” he kissed my forehead and lingered for a short while before pulling away. I took the rings from the box and ran my fingers around the smooth metal on each and then placed them back in the box and returned the lid, locking the items securely away.

  Placing the box on the table I turned back to the locket Mason had bought me and handed it to him “Would you?” I asked and he smiled “Of course baby” I lifted my hair as he placed the chain around my neck and secured the fastening. It dropped to rest at my cleavage, right next to my heart.

  I clenched my hand around the locket, feeling closer than ever to my long gone but forever missed parents. Masons hand covered mine and he turned the locket over in my hand, revealing an inscription on the back

  My little warrior

  You own my heart

  Always, forever and entirely


  I stroked my thumb across the words and smiled up at him “And me, you” I whisper
ed. His whole face softened and lit up at the same time. Leaning in he kissed me with his soul and heart, a slow tender kiss that ached my heart. “Okay, enough. Hot tub time guys” Greg grinned.


  I had gone up to our room before Mason, telling him to hang back in the tub for thirty minutes before he came up. I was nervous for what I was about to do, my stomach fluttering rapidly and my heart racing but this was another part of Mason’s Christmas present and I wanted to do this with him.

  He knocked before he entered and I took a deep breath “Yup” I smiled; mimicking Masons own response to door knocking. He opened the door, took one look at me and his jaw dropped, his eyes widened and his fists clenched “Holy Shit Ava” he breathed, I smiled internally at his instant erection in his swim shorts.

  I was dressed in black leather Basque; it was strapless and half-cupped, the panel straight down the middle was tied with leather laces so I could adjust it over my bump and I wore it with black thigh highs, black 5 inch heels and bright scarlet lipstick.

  I smiled at him “You like it?” I asked softly “Fuck baby, I am so fucking hard right now it’s painful. You look…WOW!” I tipped my head provocatively and stalked towards him, ran my finger over his erection and handed him a small gift bag “Merry Christmas” I whispered in his ear as I bit his lobe gently and tugged. He swallowed heavily and a small groan rumbled in his throat.

  He took the bag from me and peeked inside. I didn’t think his eyes could have grown much wider but…I was wrong “You want to play?” he asked as he traced the edge of the leather over my half exposed nipple. I closed my eyes at his sensitive touch, bit my lip and nodded “Jesus, you never cease to amaze me Ava” he swiped his thumb over my bottom lip and then retraced it with his tongue.

  I was already highly turned on and taking the bag from him, I set it on the bedside table and grabbed both his hands, holding them behind his back as I nibbled on his neck “You taste so good” I murmured and he moaned and tilted his head, giving me better access to his hot, salty skin. I continued nibbling down his throat, across his shoulder blade, down his incredible chest and then squatting down in front of him, my knees wide I swiped my tongue all the way down to the edge of his shorts in one swift lick. Dropping his hands, I removed his shorts, licking my way down and back up his toned leg.

  His cock was huge and solid, pulsating painfully against his belly. Taking his hands and holding them behind him once again I tickled light kisses from his testicles to the tip of him “Oh Jesus Ava” he rasped and sheathing him fully with my mouth, I plunged all the way down on him. He was desperate to grab my hair but my hands still restrained him as I fucked him with my mouth, working him wildly. His head dropped back and his hips jerked him further into me “Shit Ava, I’m gonna come in your hot mouth” he hissed and spurted his warm creamy spunk straight down the back of my throat…Yum!!

  I released his hands as I sucked him dry and at once they wrapped around my hair, twisting my long copper strands around his long fingers and pulled me up gently with a tug. I licked my way back up, kissing him forcefully and feverishly as I cupped his arse and dug my fingers in his hard buttocks, grinning as I felt his cock coming back to life already

  “On the bed” he demanded harshly and just a little huskily. I smiled coyly “Yes Sir” I whispered and bit my bottom lip, looking up at him through my lashes and his cock twitched at my submissiveness.

  I lay on the bed, shoes still on my feet and Mason’s eyes roamed my body “You are a sight for sore eyes Ava, every man’s wet dream” he breathed as he climbed over me, framing my body with his hard, lean form. His teeth grazed my jaw and made their way down my neck, biting and suckling, adorning me with his usual characteristic love bites but this time he made a line of marks from my neck to my breasts and Hell, it made me purr with a deep excitement.

  His teeth tugged on the leather laces and opened them down to my breasts; unwrapping yet another personal gift. He sucked deeply on one of my pert nipples, pulling it between his teeth and elongating it and repeated the same motion with the other, sending hotness straight to my pussy. He growled low in his throat as he perused my body “You are the ultimate Goddess Ava” he breathed as he licked and kissed his way down the leather to my black silk thong, taking it between his teeth and tugging it down my legs and over my shoes.

  I was writhing underneath him, the aroused throb in the pit of my belly becoming just near painful. He swiped his tongue all the way up my right leg until his nose landed in my groin and he inhaled deeply. His hands pushed my legs open to display myself to him “You have the most gorgeous cunt I have ever seen Ava; pink, hot and damn perfect” he moaned as he licked from my anus to my clitoris “Oh God Mason” I whined and I felt his grin against my groove, he repeated the action and then reached over for the gift bag “You sure Ava?” he asked softly and I nodded “Damn sure” I breathed, I had never been this turned on in my life and right now I would do anything for this man…with this man.

  He growled loudly and I felt his cock swell further against my calf and I knew he was harder and firmer than ever and I licked at my dry lips in anticipation for the glorious feeling of it inside me, the way he filled and stretched me.

  He removed the first item, a sleek red vibrator and placed it beside my leg on the bed then took the second item, a tube of lubricant and then retrieved the third and final item, a pure see-through glass butt-plug and sited them next to the vibrator as he threw the bag across the room with a grin.

  He kissed my belly twice and made his way back down to my sex, flicking at my clit as he passed it and plunged his tongue straight into my core prompting a loud moan and a hip jerk from me “Watch Ava” he ordered and I leaned up on my elbows and looked down at him as he picked up the vibrator and swiped the tip of it over my groove, switching it to vibrate as he circled my clit “FUCK!” my hips shot off the bed at the immense stimulation and he slid it into me before I came back down to earth.

  “Oh God!” I cried as he fucked me with it while his tongue worked rapidly at my clit. I was writhing and grinding myself into his face and the vibrator, until I was screaming with pleasure at the orgasm that tore through every single cell in my body “Holy Shit!” I breathed as Mason removed the vibrator and flipped me gently over onto my stomach. He pushed up my knees “Put the pillow under your stomach Ava” he said and I pulled it down to support myself.

  My chest was pressed into the mattress as my ass was pushed up high. I felt his tongue enter me again as his hands kneaded my buttocks roughly “Face to the side Ava” he ordered and I turned my head so my cheek was resting against the other pillow “Suck” he said as he held the butt plug against my bottom lip. I snaked my tongue out and flicked the tip of it. Slap!!! “I said suck!” he snarled as he spanked my arse. I groaned deeply but let him slip the plug into my mouth, the cold glass against my hot tongue felt cold and alien but the smoothness of it relieved some of my nerves “That’s it baby, suck it!” he groaned as he squirted some lube onto his finger and slid it over my anus and worked his finger slowly into me, withdrawing it every few centimetres to add more lube.

  I was still sucking rapidly on the plug as his finger worked into my bottom, the feeling was insane, intense and utterly erotic “Oh God Mason” I groaned as I circled my hips. Slap!!! “Keep still” he warned. God this was so fucking hot!!!

  He took the plug from my mouth and I felt his tongue back at my clitoris as he assaulted it feverishly while he continued to work the lube into my anus. I was groaning, writhing and whimpering and as another orgasm built he removed his finger and slowly and gently inserted the plug, “FUCK FUCK FUCK” I screamed as sparks blasted my eyes and every nerve in my over sensitive body screamed, my skin seemed to shrink against my body as I stopped breathing.

  I felt Mason rest his cock against my entrance and nudge himself gently in “Fuck Ava, you were tight before but like this you feel fucking exquisite” he grunted. I groaned loudly and circled my hips against him, urging him
to move. He slid out slowly and then back in, initiating a deep growl from both of us as he put pressure on the plug. The full feeling was amazing, I thought Mason was huge before but now he just felt damn enormous, stretching every part of me to within my limit and I was on fire, my arousal hitting fever point “Oh God Mason” I yelled “Fuck me harder”.

  One of his large hands gripped my hip tightly as he reared back and then brutally thrust into me, twisting the plug on impact. Holy Shit!!! I orgasmed instantly, screaming my release, as I garbled his name and my mind shut down as my body powered to life; every muscle, every nerve and every pore jolted with electricity and pleasure.

  “Fuckkkkk!!” Mason cried out as he savagely battered into me, fast and hard as I slammed back against him just as brutally. His hand slipped up to my hair and tugged me upwards so my back rested against his chest “Ride me Ava” he snarled and I did just that, working myself up and down him frantically “Yes baby, I’m gonna come so fucking hard Ava” he cried and as he twisted the plug again we both spiralled out of control, he yanked my head back and bit my shoulder as we both violently and ferociously climaxed, screaming each other’s name loudly and bucking and thrashing together wildly.

  “Fuck!” we both said together as the stars subsided and the roaring fire died to an ember. We both laughed “My sentiments exactly” he chuckled “Wow” he breathed as we panted manically. I couldn’t seem to get my breath and sweat was pouring off me “I have a new ‘best ever orgasm’ now” I laughed “Now that’s a challenge. See if we can beat your ‘best orgasm’ at least once a month” he kissed between my shoulder blades as he gently pushed me back down on the bed and slipped himself and the plug out and placed them on the floor beside the bed and curled up behind me, pulling my back against him as his arms enveloped me. “Oooh I like the sound of that” I purred and grinned to myself.


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