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Tolerance (Heart of Stone)

Page 25

by Sidebottom, D H

  Mason grinned at me, his beautiful face displaying every single inch of his happiness and gave them both a kiss “Well done peanuts” he chuckled, very proud of his clever children. “They’ll be stopping with me” he informed Glenda and I spluttered “Mason, I really don’t think that’s a good idea” I grumbled but he just glared at me “I think it’s a wonderful idea” Glenda exclaimed. Yes you would!!

  Mason nodded at her and she winked at him. I grumbled “Mason, all their things are at the cottage, you have nothing at yours and I’m sure I’ll manage them on my own” I argued but he shook his head and ignored me “Daddy will get someone to move your things” he told Katie and kissed her again “Mason…” I warned as I felt my control spiralling away from me “No arguments Ava, you are coming home with me. That way I get to help you and I get to spend time with them before…” he stopped, refusing to let the words out of his mouth.

  I sighed in resignation “Fine but I sleep in the spare room” I told him, he snapped his face round to mine and narrowed his eyes on me. I held my gaze on him, refusing to give in but he just turned away and I rolled my eyes, knowing I would have a struggle on my hands for the next couple of weeks as he placed Katie back in her crib and pulled out his phone and started arranging for someone to transfer the babies and my things over to Masons house.


  We pulled up outside Mason’s house, the babies strapped in their car seats in the back and Mason grabbed my hand “Welcome home baby” he grinned “Mason…” I warned but he shrugged me off and turned to Katie and George “Home peanuts” he declared and climbed out, pulling his seat forward so he could remove George from the rear.

  The front door to the house opened and Kerrie stood in the doorway with a huge smile on her face “Hey Mummy and Daddy” she chuckled as she walked towards us. I hugged her tight “You look better” I said happily and she nodded “They decided that I don’t need any more chemo” she smiled cheerily “I’ve just got to wait and see if they need to do radiotherapy” she declared and went to take George from Mason as he took hold of Katie. I grinned and hugged her again “That’s great. You were really rough when I stopped with you” I said sadly and she nodded “Ava, I never thanked you for that” she said embarrassed “Hey, you don’t need to thank me” I told her and Mason gazed at us, his brow furrowed and I glared at him “Someone had to help her through it while you pissed off to America and forgot about everyone” I snapped and he scowled “She saved my life Mason” Kerrie told him and I shrugged it off “Don’t be silly Kerrie, I just helped” I brushed her off as we entered the house “Well it felt like you saved my life, I dunno how I’d have managed without you. That was the worst reaction yet” she shuddered.

  There were banners and balloons, flowers and streamers everywhere and I smiled and turned to Mason who shrugged shyly and I chuckled “Drink?” he disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a bottle of champagne and three flutes. Kerrie clapped and Mason popped the cork and poured us each a glass “To my amazing children and their beautiful mother” Mason toasted and I scowled at him but clinked glasses with him and Kerrie.

  Kerrie left early evening when we had settled the babies in and Mason called for a take-away as I laid Katie and George into their cribs in the spare room. I was amazed at how fast he had achieved the move; the spare room had been cleared of its furniture and all the babies’ things were now filling the room.

  I kissed them both on the head and quietly shut their door to. Mason was stood on the landing and took hold of my hand and led me into the large bathroom where he had preceded to fill the large bath with lots of soft bubbles and there were dozens of candles lit, bathing the room in a soft glow.

  He kissed me on the forehead, smiled softly and left the room, shutting the door gently behind him. A glass of champagne and some strawberries were on the shelf beside the bath. My mouth hung open and my heart swelled and cracked a little at his loving act.

  I sighed contentedly as I slipped into the hot water and took a sip of wine then rested my head back on the rim of the bath…heaven!!! My body relaxed instantly and my mind calmed as I breathed in the relaxing scent of the candles.

  “Baby” Mason whispered and my eyes fluttered open as soft fingers brushed down my face “Mmmm” I murmured and he chuckled softly as I stretched out in the bath “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep” I sighed “Food’s here baby” he swallowed and turned away as my stretch had displayed my breasts above the foam of the bubbles. I saw his shoulders heave in a deep breath “Okay, I’ll be down in a minute” I said and he nodded and left me to dress. I towel dried and put on my robe and followed the delicious smell into the lounge.

  Mason had placed the take-away containers and two plates on the coffee table and soft music was playing through the speakers. Shit!!

  I smiled at him and sat on the other end of the couch, away from temptation. He scowled to himself and piled the food on to the plates and handed me mine. We made comfortable conversation while we ate and I was secretly smiling to myself as every now and then I would catch him stealthily nudging closer inch by inch until eventually he was sat beside me.

  He leaned forward and picked the bottle of wine off the table and filled my glass “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I smirked and he chuckled “Baby, I don’t need to get you drunk” I raised my eyebrows at him “Really?” I scoffed and he gave me that damn lazy grin of his, the one that lit my core intensely and surged blood to my groin. I coughed slightly and looked away “I have something to say” I swallowed and Mason regarded me sceptically “Am I gonna like it or do I need to be stood at the other side of the room before you tell me?” he bit his lip harshly “I’m not sure” I cringed “Okay, hit me” he braced himself and I rolled my eyes but turned towards him, slipping an ankle under my knee

  “I’ve decided to wait three months before I move out to Portugal” I said bluntly and his eyes shot to mine, a glimmer of hope and relief flashed across them but I held up a finger “I love you Mason, so much but we’re a mess together” he tried to butt in but I held my finger to his lips “Please Mason…let me finish” I pleaded and he exhaled and nodded “Okay” he turned further towards me and he was having serious trouble hiding his grin “Don’t get too cocky” I told him and he frowned “I want us to work but I wanna do things properly” he nodded rapidly and I couldn’t help but melt at his eagerness but I swallowed and carried on “We can’t put the babies through our fuck up of a relationship, they don’t need our arguing and the devastation we trail behind us” I took hold of his hand “You have three months to get off the coke” I warned him and he gripped my hand tighter

  “Baby, I would stop fucking breathing for you, you know that” he declared and I nodded “I mean it Mason, you touch the stuff even once and I’m gone. I won’t let you do that to Katie and George. You’re their father and I need you to be their father” I smiled as he lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it gently “Oh baby, I promise I won’t let you down…I promise Ava” he cupped my face “Even when we row and I do something you don’t like Mason, no coke at all” I warned and he nodded “Okay” and then I sighed “One more thing” he glanced at me as he took a sip of his wine

  “No sex!” I said frankly and he spluttered his wine back into his glass “No sex, I need to go slow Mason. Our whole relationship is built on our intense passion Mason and its explosive, we need to simmer down” his eyes were huge and I was dying to laugh but I had to hold on to this, I needed to do this. I knew it would be hard for us but I hoped it would help.

  “Baby, do you honestly think you can keep your hands off me for three months?” he smirked and I smirked back “I have toys Mason…do you?” I smiled coyly as his jaw dropped “No Ava! That is so not fair” he argued and I bit my lip to hold back my laughter “Oh I’m deadly serious Mason. If you want this then you’ll do what I’m asking” he stared at me “But can I kiss you?” he asked on a puff of breath.

  I smiled softly and kneeled up, frami
ng his face with my hands. I leant forward and brushed my lips over his “Yes” I whispered as I took control and covered his mouth with mine, kissing him long and slow, giving him all my love in that single kiss. His hands slipped into my hair and he pulled me closer to him and I straddled his knee, my robe hung open. He moaned as the kiss grew more demanding and I nibbled on his lower lip and brushed my mouth down his warm neck “Oh Ava” he breathed as his hand came to rest on my bare thigh. I planted little kisses on my way up to his lips and my hands gripped his hair, tugging fiercely as my blood pounded into every part of my body, my arousal surged to a dangerous level and I knew I had to pull away soon. I could feel his fingers trailing upwards and I moaned against his mouth, he replied with a low rumble in his throat “No” I whispered against his mouth “I need you Ava” he rasped as he nibbled on my neck and then slowly and delicately sunk his teeth into me. Oh he was crafty; he knew damn well what that did to me!!

  I groaned loudly and pulled back, calling on every bit of determination I had “No Mason” I breathed and he groaned and held his head in his hands “Baby” he grabbed my hand and placed it over his hard erection. I snatched it back and stood up “If you’re not going to play fair then I won’t play at all” I scowled and he held his hands up “Okay, okay” he sighed and patted his lap for me to sit down. I shook my head slightly and smiled at him and then deposited myself heavily on his knee. He puffed out a large breath “Jesus” he mocked and I slapped his arm “Cheeky” I scowled and he nuzzled into my neck “I’m only messing baby, you’re perfect” he kissed his way up my neck and took my mouth again “Thank you” he whispered against my lips and I smiled “I’m doing this for me as well as you Mason. I need you but I need you clean” I told him as I took his fingers and placed them against my lips and kissed the pad on each one “I love you so much Ava” he breathed as he stroked his thumb across my lip “And me, you Mason, sometimes too much” and then the wailing began!!


  The next six weeks passed in a blur of tears, milk, nappies and vomit but we loved every single minute. We had developed a routine and both knew what was needed of each other. Mason helped as much as he could around work and he came home happy and grinning every night and my heart was slowly but definitely warming again. Courtney had decided to keep her baby but her and Greg hadn’t rekindled their relationship. I think he had hurt Courtney too much with his words and I got the feeling he was regretful and miserable but I kept out of it, I had had my say and now it was up to them. Greg didn’t hold a grudge over the punch and I respected him more for it.

  I was at drinking coffee with Courtney as the babies had their afternoon nap when Mason charged through the door and sprinted into the kitchen “Courtney…” he panted and our heads shot round at the panicked tone of Masons voice “It’s Greg…he’s in hospital” he exclaimed and we both shot up “Which one?” I asked hurriedly “Royal” he told me as I snatched up my bag and ushered her to the front door and gave her the car keys “Get in the car and wait for me” I ordered and she nodded and raced off.

  “What happened?” I turned to Mason who was still puffing on his knees and I realised how seriously out of shape he was or it was the coke withdrawal “Some bastard stabbed him” he eyed me and I could see the need for revenge in them as well as the pain and worry for his friend “Is it bad?” I asked slowly and he held my eyes and nodded before closing his eyes with a sigh “SHIT!!! Who did it?” I asked but he shook his head. He was hiding something, I could tell from the look in his eyes

  “You okay with the babies?” I asked and he nodded but I could see the turmoil in his expression. I calmly walked over to him and cupped his face “If you need…if you need anything please phone Kerrie to babysit and come and find me” I pleaded and he took a breath and nodded “I mean it Mason, you come to me, okay?” he nodded again, more firmly “I promise baby. Now go!” he urged and I kissed him quickly and dashed out of the house to my friend who would need me more than anything now.

  We had been ushered into a waiting room three hours ago. Sam and Greg’s brother were sat with us. I stretched my legs and stood up to crack my back. “God, this is stupid!” I groaned “Coffee?” I asked everyone and Sam stood up “I’ll come with you” he said as I took orders from Courtney and Ryan…I think that was his name anyway, it had been a bit of a blur when we’d been introduced. I squatted down in front of Courtney “You need anything else Hun?” I asked but she shook her head “Just coffee” she said quietly and I kissed her forehead and went in search of coffee.

  “How are you doing Ava?” Sam asked as we were stood by the vending machine “I’m good Sam…really good. I’m just hoping this doesn’t push him back…you know” I told him as I took the plastic cup from the machine and fed it more money for another one. He nodded “He does seem to be doing well” he smiled at me and patted my arm as my phone rang.

  I frowned when I saw Kerries name on the display and I held a breath as I answered “Hey” she said quietly “Hi” I whispered back and closed my eyes “He’s on his way over to you, he’s struggling Ava” she told me and I gulped “Okay, Thanks Kerrie” I said faintly “Ava…I’m hoping he gets to you, he was in a bit of a state” she worried and I exhaled “Okay, listen, I’ll text you as soon as he gets here” I told her and ended the call.

  Sam looked at me and I sighed “I told him to come and find me if he needed me and Kerrie’s just rang to say Mason should be on his way here but he’s in a mess and she’s not sure if he’s gonna get here before…well, before he diverts somewhere else” I grit my teeth and prayed that my man would do the right thing.

  We wandered slowly back to the waiting room and Sam stopped me before we went in “What are you gonna do if he doesn’t turn up Ava?” he asked and I knew he was asking for the whole scenario but I shrugged “Well, he promised and if he doesn’t keep that promise then I don’t think I can live with him… I don’t know what else to do!” I said honestly and he nodded.

  We entered the waiting room to find the doctor talking quietly to Ryan and Courtney, Courtney was crying but nodded every now and again and we hung back and let them have their conversation in private. The doctor patted Courtneys hand and smiled at us before he left.

  “How is he?” I asked as I passed them their drinks “Well, they’ve managed to stop the bleeding but he arrested during surgery” I sagged “He’s okay, they’ve fixed him up but the next 24 hours are critical, so we’ve just gotta wait now” Ryan said whilst he slumped into a chair.

  I walked over to Courtney, who took one look at me and broke down “It’s gonna be fine Courtney” I soothed and she nodded “I love him Ava” she declared between sobs “I know Hun but don’t you think it’s about time you told Greg that?” I urged “But what if he doesn’t want me?” she cried as the room door opened and my wonderful man stood in the doorway.

  I exhaled loudly and I held out my hand to him, he stalked towards me, gazed at me and collapsed beside me on the floor “I’ll be two minutes baby” I kissed him hard on the lips “Thank you” I whispered in his ear, the relief that tore through me nearly stole my breath and my hands started trembling. He smiled painfully and nodded and I knew he needed me more than anything right now.

  “Hun” I turned to Courtney again “He’s crazy about you, even I can see that” I told her as I felt Masons hand start to tremble in mine and I knew he was struggling with himself. I squeezed him tightly and he returned it by clenching my hand securely.

  Courtney eyed Mason sceptically then the light behind her eyes switched on and she realised what was happening “You two get off, I’ll be fine here with Ryan and Sam” she said, giving me a brief nod of her head towards Mason, who was now looking pale and sweat was pouring off his head.

  I gave her a grateful smile and hurriedly rang Kerrie “Hey” I said as she answered “Masons with me, are you okay with the babies for a few hours?” I asked and she exhaled loudly, her own relief palpable “Yeah, we’re good, we’re watching cou
ntdown” she giggled and I couldn’t help but smile at her “Okay. We’ll see you soon” I ended the call then stood up and kissed Courtney “Ring me later with an update” I said and pulled Mason up, who seemed to be in a world of his own.

  Sweat was dripping from his forehead, his free hand was clenched and his jaw was tight “Come on Baby” I said gently and he smiled at me and nodded at everybody in the room as I led him out of the hospital, into my car and took him back to the cottage.

  I unlocked the door and ushered him through and led him up the stairs and into the bedroom. He frowned at me but I started to unbutton my shirt. His eyes widened and dropped to my fingers as his breath hitched. This was the only thing I could think of to take his mind away from his need and craving and besides…I wanted this too, I needed him close and joined with me.

  When I popped the last button I slipped the shirt from my shoulders. He stood, his eyes glazed as he stared at me and I took both of his hands and placed them over my breasts as I stood in close to him and started to undo his shirt.

  His breathing deepened as I kissed the skin that was revealed with every opening of a button. My tongue sneaked out to taste him and a small groan rumbled from his throat as one of his fingers started to trace along the edge of my lace bra. I slid his shirt back and my own breath hitched at the sight of his hard stomach…he was God! I mouthed his nipple and grazed my teeth over it and he returned the gesture by sliding his thumb over my heavy nipple. I moaned and bit down gently on his skin and snaked my mouth down over his stomach, tasting his unique salty and musky flavour “You are so beautiful” I murmured against his abs as I unbuckled his belt and slid it free.


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