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Very Bad Things

Page 5

by Jenika Snow Sam Crescent

  Ryker took over, using his grip on her hair to go as deep as he wanted to in her mouth.

  “Touch yourself. Come for me, Fiona.”

  Sliding a finger over her clit, she closed her eyes at the hit of pleasure she experienced from the touch.

  “Look at me. I want to see your eyes when you come.”

  Opening her eyes, she stared at her captor as he sank his cock into her mouth.

  “I’m going to fuck your pussy today, Fiona. I’m going to fill you with my cum. You want that, don’t you?”

  She moaned her answer. Yes, she wanted whatever he could give her. What the hell was happening to her? She didn’t know, and she didn’t care. All she wanted was to feel the kind of pleasure he could dish out.

  “Come for me.”

  Fiona stroked over her clit twice more, and her orgasm hit her hard. She bobbed her head on his cock, taking as much of him as she could.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come in your mouth, Fiona.”

  His warning touched her. A second later the first wave of his cum hit the back of her throat. She had no choice but to swallow or drown in the essence of him.

  When it was over, she released his cock, resting her head against his thigh.

  “This is what we both want, Fiona.”

  She kept her eyes closed this time. “I know.” Part of her wanted to fight this need, her desires when it came to him. “But this is wrong.”

  “Does it feel wrong when you’re with me?”

  Fiona shook her head. No, it didn’t feel wrong. In her head she knew it was wrong. He’d killed a man in cold blood. She didn’t care why. No one had the right to take a man’s life, not even Ryker. Her attraction to him had no foundation.

  “Then stop fighting what you want. I’ve told you it could be a hell of a lot worse.”

  “What could be worse than fucking a killer?” she asked.

  He bent down, capturing her chin. Fiona had no choice but to look at him.

  “You could be in love with one.”

  She wasn’t in love with Ryker. Her feelings for him were purely physical.

  Pulling out of his hold, she glared at him.

  “I’d be careful if I was you, Fiona. You’re in my house, at my mercy. I can make this go badly for you.”

  “How?” She didn’t know where her sudden courage had come from. Just because he fucked her, and she’d tasted him in her mouth didn’t mean it would change him toward her.

  “I could keep you at the peak of pleasure but never let you find any kind of release.” He ruffled her head, stepping over her.

  She stayed on her knees knowing he would have the last word every time. He held the last word along with the control. Ryker decided if very bad things were going to happen to her. She’d pushed him far enough this morning.

  Fiona doubted he’d take much more crap from her.

  “Put these on,” Ryker said, throwing a pair of sweats and a shirt at her. They landed at her feet. “I’m going to get started on breakfast.”

  She didn’t wait around to test him. Putting the clothes on, she made into the kitchen, and saw Ryker standing by the stove.

  “Tempted to run?” he asked.


  “Good. Make coffee.”

  There was no please or thank you coming from his lips. Fiona didn’t wait for him to say them either. She started looking through the cupboards to locate some mugs.

  “I like plenty of sugar in my coffee and cream.”

  She gritted her teeth but made his coffee how she imagined he’d like it. Ryker was cooking some bacon and eggs. Her mouth was watering and her stomach growling over the smells.

  “Take a seat.”

  Sitting at the table, she traced the pattern in the wood. If it wasn’t for the way they’d met, Fiona wouldn’t have thought he killed a man the night before.

  “Doesn’t it bother you?” Fiona asked.


  “You killed a man last night. I watched you kill him. Don’t you care about what you did?”

  He turned toward her, showing her his full attention.

  “No, I don’t care. Jake’s not the first piece of scum I’ve killed, and he won’t be the last.”

  “I don’t understand how you don’t care. Jake was a living, breathing person.”

  Ryker walked toward her, putting the plate on the table with a loud clatter. “Jake was fucking scum. How you managed to get away with him or even have any fucking hint of feelings toward him astounds me. He used everyone, sold everyone out. It wouldn’t have been long until he used you to help him out. Count yourself lucky, Fiona. He was fucking dangerous, and it would only be a matter of time before you would be on his list of people to use.” He leaned in close so his breath fanned across her face. He looked threatening.

  Her stomach tightened in renewed fear at the menace on his face.

  “I see you didn’t finish the job I set you, Ryker.” Another male’s voice interrupted their moment. She saw Ryker tense. It was only a split second, but she saw it.

  “How did you get in, Tricks?” Ryker asked.

  “Who’s the girl?”

  From the look in Ryker’s eye, this was the last man she wanted to be in the company of. Ryker was a monster, but Tricks was the devil.

  Chapter Ten

  Ryker instinctively moved in front of Fiona. In all honesty he had never cared about protecting anyone but himself. He killed, and that had been the way he lived his life. Growing up in a shitty trailer with his druggie mom and seeing the men she whored herself out to on a nightly basis might have created the monster he was today, but he was never going to change. Yet here was this woman he had just met yesterday, taken her from the shitty little life she had led, and something in him had changed. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, didn’t believe in fate and hope and all that bullshit. He believed in what was right here in front of him, and what was in front of him was a woman that awoke something in his cold, dead fucking heart.

  “I knew all about you, Ryker, but hoped you’d be honest with me. And then you were clipped on the phone, hung up on me, and I knew you were lying.” Tricks inhaled from the cigarette he had between his lips. He exhaled slowly. “Bringing the whore back to your place for a little slap and tickle was a stupid fucking move, Ryker,” Tricks said.

  “She’s no one that you need to be concerned about.” Ryker glanced out the front door that was still partially open from Tricks coming through it, and saw one of the bodyguards his crazy ass employer always traveled with standing on the porch.

  “So what I don’t understand is why you have brought this sweet little piece of pussy to your cabin. I know she lived in the apartment building with that piece of shit junkie, was even affiliated with him, and I know she saw all the shit that went down. She is supposed to be dead right now because she is fucking collateral damage. If you had done your job correctly I wouldn’t have to be here right now explaining this all to you. You’re getting sloppy, Ryker, and all for a piece of cunt.”

  “You don’t know anything, Tricks.” Ryker was stepping on thin ice talking to Tricks that way, and although Ryker could take down his employer without blinking, the behemoth outside would slow him down. But then again Tricks was tweaking right now, and that was clear by the bloodshot and glossy eyes he was sporting, and the fact he was pale and sweaty as fuck.

  Tricks straightened from the counter he was leaning on and cocked his head to the side. “You telling me I don’t need to concern myself with her?” Tricks started laughing. “Moe, get your ass in here. You gotta see the balls on this fucker.”

  Although Tricks was still laughing there was this off look he was sporting. Moe, the big-ass bodyguard that probably weighed a good three-hundred pounds, had a belly on him that stuck out a foot, was bald and wore shades all the time, staggered in. Moe might be strong because of his size, but he was slow, and had no training aside from knocking people on their asses. Ryker was dangerous, violent, and could kill a man with
out blinking. And here he was, about to go head-to-head with a crazy ass motherfucker that had a look in his eyes that screamed torture, rape, and degradation for Fiona.

  All this because of this curvy little brunette with the soulful and frightened grey eyes that looked at him like she wanted to run in the other direction, yet also fall into his arms.

  “Go to the backroom.” Ryker spoke to Fiona and saw Tricks grin. He was definitely off the hinge today. Whatever he’d smoked, snorted, or shot up, was fucking with his head, and someone was going to get hurt right now. Although Ryker knew this was a long time in coming. He might work for Tricks, but the guy challenged Ryker, and if he was being truthful he wasn’t all about the orders Tricks gave him. Ryker was in charge. He held death and life in his hands, and this wasted out junkie himself was going to get a lesson in respect if he tried to fuck with Fiona.

  Fiona went to move out from behind him, but Tricks tsked, stopping her. Ryker held his arm out, pulled her close to his body once more, and braced himself for whatever was about to happen.

  “You think I trust you anymore, Ryker?” Tricks said and moved a step forward. Moe stayed back, but he kept his gaze on them. Ryker didn’t move, but watched Tricks and his psychotic ass as he looked around the kitchen, this evil grin on his face.

  “Since you’ve been on my payroll I’ve had people watching you work, making sure you complete what I tell you.” He chuckled. “But don’t take it personally. I have everyone on my payroll being watched. What can I say?” He shrugged. “I’m a little paranoid.” Tricks started chuckling even louder this time. “I can’t have loose ends, but you’ve always come out on top, Ryker.” Tricks moved closer and stopped right at the edge of the counter, just a few feet from them. Ryker had a gun tucked in his waistband at the small of his back and a gun tucked in the sock at his ankle.

  Ryker didn’t move.

  “But then I thought you might be the one person that was different from all the other wannabe pricks that come through my doors wanting a job.” Tricks tsked again and glanced at Fiona. “And then there is this little gash that somehow makes the hardened killer that I admire on a very depraved level switch on me. You took her even though she saw too much.”

  “I wouldn’t say anything,” Fiona said from behind him, and Ryker tightened his hold on her, urging her to shut the fuck up.

  “Darling, it doesn’t matter what you say to me, how much you beg, or the fact you’re a hot little piece of cunt that I’ll have fun fucking. You just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and the end result will have to be your life in my hands.” Tricks shrugged and ran his fingers over the counter.

  Ryker already knew that he had often been trailed off and on since he started working for Tricks, but was still amazed at the quickness of Tricks’s arrival. Besides, he needed a distraction from this asshole thinking about hurting Fiona, because Ryker needed to get her to a safe room, take out Moe, and finish Tricks if it came down to it.

  “You know I have tails on you, but it wasn’t that hard to make sure you finished the job, especially when you were so preoccupied with her you didn’t even realize you were being followed last night.”

  Tricks was right. Ryker had been so preoccupied with taking Fiona that he hadn’t realized a car had been following him last night. Ryker didn’t like that fact that a woman could make him so blind. But he was still the predator, not the prey, and the fact this waste of space was threatening Fiona, not to mention that Tricks had obviously lost it by showing up here, connecting himself with a hit, had just sealed Tricks’s death warrant.

  “I’m going to give you the option I don’t give many men, Ryker,” Tricks said and grinned. “You give me that sweet piece of ass, and I’ll make sure someone can actually finish the job with her after I’ve had my fun, and you get to live.” Tricks stared hard at Ryker. “Or I can just take you both out right now, and hire another hit-man that can actually shoot a fucking whore when the time calls for it.” Tricks growled out the last word.

  Well, it looked like Tricks wanted to die today, and Ryker was more than willing to make that a reality. He pushed Fiona away hard and fast, reached for the gun at the small of his back, grabbed the gun at his ankle, and aimed it at Moe. Tricks was already getting his gun out, but because he was high he was slow. Blood would run in rivers today, but Ryker was all for it.

  Chapter Eleven

  What the hell had happened? One moment Ryker had been threatening her, getting right into her face, and then in the next moment, this man Tricks entered the cabin. Fiona knew from the look of Ryker that this was bad news for all of them. When Tricks talked about using her as a plaything before killing her, she knew Ryker was the better option.

  Ryker should have killed her back at the apartment, but he hadn’t. He had taken her and made her world feel a little bit better.

  Her fear grew when he pulled her behind him, drawing his weapon. There was no chance of him winning against this man. Breathing in deeply, she stared at Tricks, who had finally drawn his gun. The laughter in his voice matched the crinkles around his eyes. What could be funny about this moment? Ryker held two guns, one pointed at the bodyguard with the other at Tricks. There was no coming back from a bullet wound.

  She gripped Ryker’s back, wishing they could undo the last ten minutes.

  “You’re going to lose your life for a cunt?” Tricks asked.

  “I’m not going to be the one to lose my life today.”

  The guns were drawn, yet no one was shooting. She took a step away from Ryker, hoping to get out of the way. Part of her knew it was what held him back. If she’d gotten to the safe room like he ordered, the fight would have been long over. She didn’t have a clue who would win. Trick’s looked stoned and the other man sloppy. Ryker was a professional in comparison.

  “Her pussy must be something. I truly thought you were worth a hell of a lot more than betraying me over a whore.”

  “You better shut your mouth, Tricks. The job was done. She’s nothing to worry about.”

  “She’s living and breathing. I’ve got rules for a reason, Ryker. No survivors. No one is allowed to be left alive.” Trick’s hand was shaking as he pointed the gun at Ryker.

  Fiona didn’t want him to die. Ryker had come to mean something to her in the last twenty-four hours. It was completely insane, stupid even. He was a cold-blooded killer, a murderer, and yet he made her heart soar with pleasure just by being with him. Yes, he scared the shit out of her, but there was so much more to him than the fear.

  Backing up, she kept her gaze on Tricks. She reached behind her to grab the kettle that had been boiling for their coffee. No one was paying any attention to her.

  Her heart raced as she thought about the chaos her life had turned into. Ryker risked his life to keep her around. She should have died that night in Jake’s apartment surrounded by drugs and deceit.

  He’d taken her instead of killing her. It had to mean something, anything more than a simple fuck.

  “You’re not going to get to her,” Ryker said.

  Tricks started laughing. “You’re being taken down by a pussy. I should have seen the truth about you when you first came to me looking for a job. You were a sniveling little shit, needing Momma to wipe your ass. I could do better than you.”

  She saw Ryker tense up at Trick’s words.

  “Whore for a mother, deadbeat for a dad. You’re nothing, Ryker. You’re a piece of shit that’s been given too much privilege, and it’s time to take that privilege away.”

  Fiona couldn’t let him die. She didn’t know why she’d picked up the kettle or what to do with it. Hearing the spiteful words Trick’s spoke, she wanted to hurt him. Stepping around Ryker, she threw the kettle at Tricks. Hot water spilled out of the kettle causing Tricks to scream.

  “Duck!” Ryker’s yell had her dropping to the floor covering her head. She screamed as shots rang out. Seconds passed, but it felt like a millennium. The shots stopped, the noise going quiet.

nbsp; “Fiona.” A hand touched her shoulder.

  Lifting her head up, she removed her hands to see Ryker smiling down at her.

  “Is it over?” she asked.

  “It’s over.”

  Without thinking she threw herself into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck, and holding on. She didn’t want to let him go. If she let him go then she had to witness the death around her.

  “It’s over,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

  “He was going to kill us.”

  “Yes.” Ryker held her tight against him. His large hands soothed her. Closing her eyes she felt the tears start to fall down her cheeks. “They would have done far worse to you before they granted you death, Fiona.”

  “I know. I know you saved me. I was so scared. I’ve never been that scared before in my life.”

  “Not even with me?”

  “You scared me but not like that. He was going to kill you, and I couldn’t let him do it.”

  Ryker released her, gripping her shoulders, and forcing her to look at him. “What you did was fucking dangerous. I told you to get out not to go and get the fucking kettle.”

  “If I didn’t you’d be dead.”

  “No, I wouldn’t have been, Fiona. The only one at fucking risk was you.”

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw the two dead bodies and the blood leaking out of them. Gasping, she jerked out of his hold, scrambling away from the mess. She hadn’t been given enough time to see Jake dead.

  Her back hit the edge of the counter. She forced herself to stay still as she took in the sight.

  “Fiona, it’s okay. Look at me,” Ryker said.

  “They’re dead.” She pressed a hand to her mouth. Glancing at her fingers, she froze. There on the tips was blood. One of the men had fallen close to her where she’d been sitting and she’d put her fingers in the mess he made.

  “Fiona.” Ryker snapped his fingers in front of her face.

  “How can you not care?” she asked, tears filling her eyes.


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