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Stepbrother Rogues: A Steamy Three-Story Collection (A Bundle of Standalone Stories featuring Rebel Stepbrothers)

Page 6

by Stephanie Brother

  Well he wasn’t going to get it. Not from Michelle Laurence, anyway.


  Candace’s eyes widened. “Lexington Mitchell is going to be your stepbrother??” Her stunned laughter filled the small cafe. “That guy tortured you every day of our childhood! And your mom’s marrying his dad? I wonder what he looks like now? Is he fat? Pock-marked?” Her voice lowered, eyes full of glee. “Balding? I’ll bet he’s balding!”

  “Shut up Candace!” I hissed. “Yes! She is marrying him. I can’t believe it myself! And yeah, you should see him now. He’s suuuper hot and clearly a complete douchebag.”

  “Wait, you saw him?” She leaned forward. “Tell me everything! What did he say? Were you guys friendly? How hot is he? I have to know!”

  “Geez Louise, calm down,” I took a sip of my coffee and tried to will her to quiet down with my eyes. She was so excitable sometimes. “Yeah, I can’t believe it either. I knew when I was coming back from Texas that things with my mom had changed, that she started seeing someone, but I had no clue that it was Lex’s dad. And wouldn’t you know it, they got engaged. So I fly in this week for some fun ‘mother-daughter’ wedding-planning time, and who is trying freaking wedding cakes with me but Lexington Mitchell! I thought I was going to die.” My mouth twisted a little. “Lucky for me the bastard left early.” And I have to admit, I watched him go. Damn he had a fine ass.

  “Shit!” said Candace. She took a sip of her coffee. “I mean, I’m so sorry. But maybe he’s changed? Is it possible?” The corners of her eyes crinkled and her eyebrows knitted together in concern.

  “Oh he’s changed, all right. He’s like six foot four, and he’s jacked. I mean, not in the body builder way, but perfectly muscled.”

  She leaned back in her chair. “Wow.”

  “Yeah, and his face is kind of the same, still has those killer blue eyes, and long eyelashes, you know.” His face swam in front of my vision. His soft lips, his white teeth. His kissable mouth. I shook my head in disgust at myself.

  “Yeah, I do know,” Candace nodded. “If he wasn’t such a jerk he’d be a real catch! Well might as well forget about it, because he’s going to be your brother now.” She paused for a moment. “But… maybe I should try him out. You know, for science.” She grinned.

  “Don’t you dare!” I mock-hit her arm, in playful outrage.

  “Ok ok, I won’t. But are you sure you don’t like him just a little? I’ve never seen your eyes shine so much.”

  I didn’t know what to say.


  “Open your legs, Michelle,” ordered Lex.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I guess I figured cursing would make me sound tough; older than I was. Than we were.

  “Be quiet, I said. Shut up and open your legs.” Lexington grabbed my ankles and pulled at them to pry them open, trying to see up my poofy skirt. I kicked at him, hard, and then ran away crying, all the way home. I remember it like it was yesterday, my little patent leather party shoes flashing underneath me as I ran home from the birthday party, tears streaking down my face.


  Planning a wedding for your own mother was a strange experience. Not least for me because I kept having dreams about Lex. I would be sleeping, presumably minding my own business, and having normal dreams when in would walk dream-Lex. Half the time he was practically naked, his cut body dripping with water from the pool as he pushed himself out, muscles gracefully elevating him right over to me where he would lay on top of me, kissing me hard and mercilessly, as I felt his body against mine…. Or dream-Lex would be pushing me up against the closet door in my bedroom, covering my protests with kisses and hoisting me up against him, wrapping my legs around his waist. Sometimes dream-Lex was ordering me around, making me bend over as he took me in whatever way he wanted…

  The worst part was that images from these dreams would randomly pop into my head as we were out trying on dresses, or picking out centerpieces. I didn’t understand why my mother was going all out on a second wedding like this, but I didn’t even have the energy to protest at all, when I’d get a flashback and I could feel dream-Lex bending me over the kitchen table. I just would smile wanly and hope the image would pass, nodding at whatever monstrosity of a centerpiece or parting gift she was babbling on about at that moment.

  Luckily I hadn’t seen Lex since that day at the cake place a week ago. As best man, he was supposed to be helping out our parents with some of the arrangements but so far he was late and it looked like a lot of it would fall on me, the maid of honor. I still didn’t know what my mother saw in his dad. Probably part of it was just physical. Lex and his dad Mark shared a lot of the same physical qualities – they were both commanding presences – big framed, handsome men who were a bit domineering. It kind of grossed me out to think of my mother getting as turned on by Mark, as I had to admit was by Lex, but I assume that was most of it.


  The next job on the docket was to look at halls. We didn’t have a heck of a lot of time to plan everything, as the wedding was only in a few months, so there weren’t a lot of choices left. Luckily Mark knew someone who knew someone, and there possibly would be a cancellation coming up soon for our first choice. Even though we weren’t officially on the waiting list, we would be able to get first dibs if the place popped free. It’s who you know, right?

  I stopped the car and took the keys out of the ignition. “You ready, mom?” She was busy putting rosy lipstick on, which could only mean one thing. She hadn’t told me but we were meeting someone there, either Mark or Lex. Or maybe both. She didn’t bother to doll herself up if she wasn’t seeing him.

  “Who’s meeting us, Mom?” I asked.

  “Oh, Mark and maaayyybe his son Lex.” She drew out the word as if to avoid my wrath. She had already picked up on the fact that I wasn’t altogether thrilled to have him as my stepbrother, despite my trying to keep it more on the down low – for her benefit, I might add. I didn’t want her to feel guilty on her special day, and considering that I was getting old enough to move out permanently after I came back from college, who was I to begrudge her moving on with her life? If there was one thing my mother deserved, it was happiness. She was a champ when my father was dying. Took care of him every single day. For that reason alone I tried to keep the sour look off of my face, but I wasn’t altogether successful. “Come on, Michelle, play nice, would you?” my mother pleaded.

  “I’m doing my best, mom.” It was true. Lexington was one big evil ball of sex, and it was enough not to be blowing him this instant. But I couldn’t tell her that.

  We walked into the wedding hall, which was more like a big old house than anything else, featuring lots of little rooms for the reception as well as a great old salon-type hall for the dinner. My mother gasped with happiness. “This is it, Miche, it’s beautiful!” She poked around the corners, taking in the cornices and crown molding, thrilled with the beautiful nooks and crannies of the old place. I was impressed as well. Slowly we each nosed around into different rooms, all decorated with chic period elements, every room a unique treat to behold. I was examining the wood carving on one of the bookshelves, when I felt it: hot breath on my neck. I started and nearly screamed, but a hand slipped across my mouth.

  “Shush, you don’t want to worry your mother, do you?” purred Lex’s voice into my ear. He was so close to me I could feel the heat of his body radiating off of him. He pulled me close to his chest, my back pressed up against it. “Surprise, stepsister,” he said. I could smell his scent and it was intoxicating. Damn it! My mind was reeling, my body filled with pheromones or something – at least nothing rational or controllable. Thanks hormones! It was not only that. My panties were starting to get wet, and my heart rate, instead of going back to normal from the fright, continued to pound heavy in my chest. I could even hear it. He slowly slithered his hand off my mouth and languidly drew it down the front of my neck, pausing on my throat for an extra moment.

  Then he spun me around,
his gorgeous eyes boring into mine.

  “I like this place,” he said. “Lots of places to sneak off to, don’t you think?”

  I cleared my throat, still trying to catch my breath. “Um. Yeah. It seems nice,” I said, confused. The truth was my mind was filled with the thought of Lex’s hands on my neck. I wanted him to hold me down and take me right then and there. This is going to be my stepbrother. Very soon! Why is this happening?

  Frustrated, I pushed past him and ran downstairs. “Mom! What do you think? Are we going to take this place? Where are you?” I called, but heard no answer. The stairs behind me started creaking, so I could tell that Lex was practically right behind me.

  “Take it easy, Miche, jeez!” I heard him say. Tricky bastard. My breath came fast and impatient.

  “Michelle, honey, come here! I have to show you something!” It was my mother, saving me from this bastard, but more importantly, from this incredible desire I was feeling.


  Once everything was planned, there was nothing left to do. That night we had the ‘Stag and Doe’ party, and then the wedding the next Saturday. Neither my mother nor Mark exactly needed the money that a traditional Stag and Doe made, so any donations they got were going to charity, which I thought was a nice touch – sadly both Mark’s first wife and my dad had died of cancer, and they were giving money to the cancer research fund. The only annoying thing was that Lex was the one who was manning the donation table.

  “Hey,” I said, trying not to stare at him. He was looking sharp, dressed in a really nice blue shirt that made his eyes stand out, and a blazer, which accentuated his v-shaped torso. Even his stubble was carefully crafted to make his cheekbones even more sharp and sexy. Goddamn. He could pull it off, too.

  “Hey,” he said. He was uncharacteristically quiet, though.

  “Uhhh, you ok?”

  “Yeah, fine, fine,” he spoke a little too quickly though. There was something going on underneath the surface. This was a different Lexington than I was used to. “You want to make a donation? Or just here to chat?”

  “Nah, I am definitely going to donate. I mean, it’s the least I can do.”

  “Yeah. I’m sorry about your dad,” he offered.

  “I’m sorry about your mom.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” His lips pressed together a little tightly. “Aw well, what are you going to do. It’s over. I suppose it’s nice that my dad found someone at least. “

  “Yeah, for sure. But it would be nice if you know, they had just gotten divorced instead of people dying. I would feel a lot better about this night if I knew I could talk to my dad about it later.” I wasn’t sure why I was telling him all this. It just seemed like some kind of window had opened up between us.

  “Yeah I get that. Hey, do you want a drink? I can go get you some wine.”

  “That’s ok, I can get it. You stay here. But if you want company, I can come back. Either way,” I hedged.

  “Sure, yeah. Grab me a beer while you are at the bar, then, would’ja?”

  “No problem.” I hurried off, wondering to myself, mind racing. So the guy treats you like a person and all of a sudden you are just ok with everything? Just because he is gorgeous? Well he is one of the few people who has gone through the same pain as I have. That has to count for something. But really, you have your best friend to talk about your pain with. You should just call Candace. But Candace doesn’t get it. Both her parents are alive and kicking. She’s probably with them right now.

  I couldn’t help arguing with myself – had he changed? We all grow up don’t we?

  Quickly grabbing the drinks I made my way back to the table. There was a hot chick standing there, and he was smiling at her and touching her hand. I guess I was wrong; maybe we don’t all grow up. I strode over to the table and dropped the beer off to him.

  “Here’s your cock-tail.” I said bluntly and strutted off. Fucking prick. I didn’t look back to see if he was watching, instead I just put my drink down on a speaker and lost myself in the music on the dance floor, forgetting the marriage, my father’s death, and most of all, that dick Lex.

  After a while my mother came up and tapped me on the shoulder, dancing in her mom way, holding my hands and twirling around under them, bringing in my cousins, until we were all laughing together and having fun. They almost helped me to forget that Lex was there, but like your tongue goes to search out your sore tooth, my eyes would unconsciously seek out Lex, wherever he was in the room – mostly at the donation table, to his credit I suppose. He wasn’t talking to that girl anymore, thank heaven, but I tried not to keep tabs on what he was doing. Screw him. I would just do my thing, have my fun and get through this wedding. Then I could go home to college and maybe never come back to this stupid town. Just for holidays, just for Christmas. That would be fine by me. Leave this town and leave Lex.


  A few hours later, when people were leaving, I was standing at the door waiting for my mother. Of course, she was busy saying bye to everyone, putting that personal touch in it all, when Mark was just standing beside her like some kind of silent gargoyle. This whole thing was making me sick. Or maybe it was all the wine I had drunk. My stomach was actually churning. In fact, I was starting to think I was going to throw up.

  Slipping away around the side of the hall, in the glare of the streetlamps, I pulled off my heels and held them in my hand. Propping myself up on my hand, I spit a few times into the sparse shrubbery. Oh God. Why. Tears were threatening to fall. My mother was marrying Lexington, and things were changing, and my dad was dead. And I was drunk on cheap wine, nearly throwing up on the side of a building.

  Gentle hands drew my hair up and away from my face.

  “Go away mom.”

  “It’s not your mom. Sorry.” It was Lex’s voice. He was the one who was holding my hair. I quickly wiped my nose and mouth. I seemed to be leaking from every orifice, or threatening to.

  “What are you doing here? Go away!”

  “I thought you were coming back to donate to the cancer fund. What happened to you?”

  “I thought you wanted company, that maybe we were finally going to connect. What happened to you?”

  “I thought we were too. But then you said that weird thing about my drink and you were gone, partying it up for the rest of the evening. This is the first real chance I’ve had to leave the table and talk to you.

  “You couldn’t leave before?”

  “Well strictly speaking I could have.” He scrunched his eyebrows together and squinted. Looking adorable. “But that would mean I might miss a donation. And as you might understand better than anyone else, these donations are like the most important thing to me about this party.” His hand trailed down the side of my neck and onto my shoulder before he let it fall down to his side, and then rubbed his face hard. “Speaking of which, you owe me.”

  “Yeah, I guess I do.” I wiped my eyes and grabbed my wallet, opening it up to pull out some cash. I didn’t even count it, just gave him the entirety of it and then turned back to the wall.

  “Are you ok?” he asked. “I mean, really?”

  “Well yeah.” I stood up again, a little unsteady. Lex took my arm, winding it around his waist, and pulling me close to him.

  “Lean on me,” he said. “I am going to take you home.”

  I looked over to my mother, who was still locked in conversation, a small crowd gathered around her, waiting to have their special goodbye.

  “Ok.” I leaned on him as we walked to his car, my heels bumping my thigh. He let me into the car, and then smoothly got in. I was still feeling a little queasy, but my head was starting to clear. He started up the car and turned on the radio. It was one of my favorite songs, by AC/DC. I couldn’t help but dance around in my seat a bit.

  Lex put his hand on my bare leg and fixed his eye on me. “Hey girl, careful, you are distracting me with all that dancing.” And then, I don’t know what came over me.

  “Hey yourself!” I put
my own hand on his leg, dangerously close to his crotch. “You want to talk about distracting.” He slowed the car down and parked it under a tree by the side of the road.

  “You sure you know what you’re getting into?” He asked.

  I tightened my grip on his leg. “I do.” In no time he had me pinned against the passenger side window, his arm around me, the other hand making its way up my skirt. He kissed me fiercely as his fingers traced the sides of the crotch my thong underwear, gently slipping his fingers underneath the edges. It made me so wet to have this devastating man tease me and all I wanted to do was mount him. Forget everything, and take him inside me until I was in oblivion.

  “You want this, Miche?” He asked, as he put my hand on his crotch. It was bulging with the massiveness of his hard on, and to know that it was for me was exciting. I rubbed it as he groaned, kissing me, his hand on the side of his face and his thumb on my lips. Suddenly he pulled himself away. “You can’t have it though, not this way.”


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