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The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America

Page 45

by Marc Levinson

  Great Depression; consumers during; Federal Reserve Board’s role in; government economic recovery programs during, see New Deal; independent merchants during; onset of; percentage of family income spent on food during; pretax rate of return of A&P during; public attacks on chain stores during; wages during

  Great United States Tea Warehouse

  Great Western Tea Company

  Green, William

  Green-Wood Cemetery (Brooklyn)

  grocery stores; amenities offered by; chain (see also names of specific chains); closings of; credit sales in; employees of; during Great Depression; hours of; immigrants as owners of; locally owned, laws protecting; NRA codes for; nineteenth-century; number of items stocked by; packaging of goods for; perishable items in; populist support for; pricing in; profit margins of; wholesalers and; see also supermarkets

  Gruebele, James W.

  Guaranty Trust Company

  Gulf & Western Corporation

  Hall, Helen

  Hammond (Louisiana)

  Hamtramck (Michigan)

  Harding, Warren G.

  Harper’s Weekly

  Harriman, W. Averell

  Harrison, Pat

  Hartford, Edward V. (George L.’s and John A.’s brother)

  Hartford, George H. (George L.’s and John A.’s father); birth of; branded products introduced by; conversion to Catholicism of; death of; family of; founder legends about; Gilman hires; in leather trail; managerial and financial skills of; marriage of; Orange (New Jersey) home of; partnership agreement of Gilman and; and settlement of Gilman’s estate; political career of; sons come to work for

  Hartford, George L.; aggressive expansion strategy; antitrust cases against; birth of; Byoir and; and chain-store taxes; cherished $7-per-share dividend and; childhood of; death of; Economy Stores opened by; education of; finances of; home and family life of; industry associations avoided by; inheritance of; joins family business; and legends of family business; lobbying avoided by; management approach of; manufacturing operations of; marketing by; and New Deal regulations; paternalism of; personality of; premiums offered by; real estate policy of; restructuring initiative of; strategic shift of; successor chosen by; and supermarkets; Time magazine interview with; unions opposed by; during World War I

  Hartford, Henrietta (Edward’s wife)

  Hartford, Huntington (Edward’s son)

  Hartford, John A.; aggressive expansion strategy of; antitrust cases against; birth of; Byoir and; and chain-store taxes; corporate board memberships of; consumer groups and; death of; Economy Stores opened by; Ewing appointed general counsel by; finances of; Foundation of; industry associations avoided by; inheritance of; joins family business; and legends of family business; lifestyle of; loan to Elliott Roosevelt from; lobbying avoided by; management approach of; manufacturing operations of; marriages of; and New Deal regulations; paternalism of; personality of; premiums offered by; price-setting strategy of; rebranding by; real estate policy of; restructuring initiative of; strategic shift of; successor chosen by; and supermarkets; Time magazine interview with; unions opposed by; during World War I

  Hartford, John S. (George H.’s brother)

  Hartford, Josephine (Edward’s daughter)

  Hartford, Josephine (George L.’s wife)

  Hartford, Josephine (née Ludlum; George L.’s and John S.’s mother)

  Hartford, Joshua B. (George H.’s father)

  Hartford, Maria Josephine (Minnie; George H.’s daughter)

  Hartford, Marie Louise (George H.’s daughter)

  Hartford, Martha (George H.’s mother)

  Hartford, Pauline (née Corwin; John A.’s wife)

  Hartford Suspension Company

  Hartford Courant

  Hartshorn, Maurice

  Harvard University; Business School; Law School


  Hayes, Rutherford B.

  Hearst newspapers

  Henderson, William Kennon

  Henderson Iron Works

  Hershey’s chocolate

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hoffman, Arthur

  Hoffman, L. M., & Company

  Home Insurance Company of New York

  Hoover, Herbert

  Horlick, Harry, and the A&P Gypsies

  Horseheads (New York)

  Hough, Charles

  House of Representatives, U.S.; Banking and Currency Committee; Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee; Judiciary Committee; Rules Committee; Selection Committee on Small Business; Un-American Activities Committee; Ways and Means Committee

  Houston (Texas)

  Howard, N. F.

  Howe, Harriet R.

  Hughes, Mary

  Hughes Springs (Texas)

  Hunter, Thomas P.

  Hurd, Charles

  Hurley, Edward

  Huxtable, Ada Louise


  Illinois, University of

  Independent Business and Professional Men

  Independent Grocers & Meat Dealers




  Ingersoll, Robert H., & Brother

  Insull, Samuel

  International Labor News Service

  International Typographical Union

  Interstate Merchant

  Iona brand


  Irish immigrants

  Italian immigrants

  J. C. Penney stores

  Jackson, Robert H.

  Jacobs, William States

  Jane Parker baked goods

  Japan; in World War II

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jeffersonville (Indiana)

  Jell-O brand gelatin

  Jersey City (New Jersey); A&P headquarters in

  Jewish Community Center (Washington, D.C.)


  Johnson, Lady Bird

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Joliet (Illinois)

  Jones, Jesse

  Jones Brothers Tea Company

  Journal of Commerce

  Justice Department, U.S.

  Kahn, Alfred E.


  Kansas City

  Kansas Retail Grocers Association

  Karnack (Texas)

  Katzman’s grocery store (Washington, D.C.)

  Keller, G. D.

  Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Company


  Kern County (California)

  King, Mildred

  King Kullen Grocery Company

  Kirstein, Louis E.

  Kmart discount stores

  Knox, Henry E.

  Korean War

  Krasdale tomato sauce

  Kresge, S. S.

  Kroger Grocery and Baking Company; advertising allowances of; antitrust complaint filed against; consolidation of small chains into; factories operated by; investment in average store of; manufacturer discounts to; return on investment of

  KWKH radio station

  Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of

  La Guardia, Fiorello

  Landis, Kenesaw Mountain

  Laramie (Wyoming)

  League of Oppressed Nations

  League of Women Voters

  leather industry

  Lebhar, Godfrey

  Lecount, Jona

  Lee, Robert E.

  Libby, McNeill & Libby

  Liberson’s Market (Portsmouth)

  Library of Congress

  Lieber, Philip

  Lindley, Walter C.

  Lipton Tea


  Little Rock (Arkansas)

  Logan, John A.

  Long, Huey

  Lord & Thomas

  Los Angeles

  loss leaders


  Louisiana Farmers’ Protective Union

  Louisville (Kentucky)

  Lubec (Maine)

  Ludlum, Louis

  Ludlum, Mary

  Lyons, Robert W.

  Macfadden, Bernarr

; Machado, Gerardo

  MacMarr chain

  Macy, R. H., & Company

  mail-order business

  Maine; A&P stores in

  Makaroff, Count Vadim

  Managers’ Benefit Association

  Manual For Managers of Economy Stores (G. H. Hartford)

  marketing; by distributors; in leather industry; national; regional; of store brands; of supermarkets; unorthodox approach to; during World War I; see also advertising

  Marvel bread

  Marx, Karl


  Masaryk, Thomas


  May Department Stores

  Mayflower (ship)

  McCall, Charlie

  McCormack, John W.

  McGrath, J. Howard

  McIntyre, Marvin

  McKay, F. H.

  McKeesport (Pennsylvania)

  McKesson & Robbins

  McLaurin, J. H.

  McNair, Malcolm

  Meier, D. F.

  Mellon, Andrew

  Mellon, Richard B.


  Merchants’ Minute Men

  Methodist, The


  Metropolitan Paper-Bag Manufactory


  Miami (Florida)


  milk; canned; restrictions on price of

  Miller-Tydings Act (1937)




  Minton, Sherman

  Miscamble, Wilson D.



  Monsanto Chemical Company


  Montclair (New Jersey)

  Montessori, Maria

  Montgomery Ward


  Morgan, Keith

  Morison, H. Graham

  Morris & Essex Railroad

  Morton Salt

  Muncie (Indiana)

  Munro, David A.

  Musica, Philip

  Mussolini, Benito

  Nakat Packing Company

  Nation, The

  National-American Wholesale Grocers’ Association

  National Anti–Chain Store League

  National Association of Chain Stores

  National Association of Food Chains

  National Association of Grocery Wholesalers

  National Association of Manufacturers

  National Association of Real Estate Boards

  National Association of Retail Druggists; Bureau of Education on Fair Trade

  National Association of Retail Grocers

  National Association of Retail Meat Dealers

  National Bank of Commerce

  National Biscuit Company

  National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

  National Conference of Independent Businessmen

  National Consumers Tax Commission

  National Council of Farmer Cooperatives

  National Distribution Conference (Washington, D.C., 1925)

  National Drainage, Levee, and Irrigation Association

  National Federation of Independent Businesses

  National Food Products Corporation

  National Grange

  National Guard

  National Horse Show

  National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)

  National Labor Relations Act (1935)

  National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

  National League of Wholesale Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Distributors

  National Recovery Administration (NRA); Business Advisory Committee; Consumer Advisory Board; Food and Grocery Code

  National Tea Association

  National Tea Company

  National Union for Social Justice

  Navy, U.S.


  Neel, W. L.

  Neighborhood Stores Inc.

  Newark (New Jersey)

  New Deal; see also Agricultural Adjustment Administration; National Recovery Administration

  New Haven Railroad

  New Jersey

  New Orleans; Retail Merchants’ Bureau

  Newport (Rhode Island)

  New Republic, The

  New York Central Railroad

  New York City; A&P headquarters in, see Graybar Building; A&P stores in; advertising in; antitrust division office in; Board of Trade; chain grocery stores in; consumer activism in; Corn Exchange; Curb Exchange; food merchants in; food safety concerns in; and Gilman’s estate; Great American retail stores in; Hartford family residences in; Huntington Hartford’s gallery in; labor unions in; leather industry in; marketing in; mass transit in; Produce Exchange; social elites in; tea and coffee trade in; wholesalers in

  New York Commercial Association

  New York Herald

  New York State

  New York State Turkey Association

  New York Teacher

  New York Times

  New York World

  Nielsen, A. C.

  Nixon, Richard M.

  Noble, Edward J.

  North Carolina

  Oakland (California)

  Oberlin (Ohio)

  O’Daniel, W. Lee “Pappy”

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

  Ohio; Agricultural Experiment Station


  Oklahoma City

  Olean (New York)

  Omaha (Nebraska)

  O’Neal, Edward

  Orange (New Jersey)

  Orange Chronicle

  Orange Journal


  Orleck, Annelise

  Oswego (New York)

  Otis, Robert

  packaged foods; nineteenth-century; produce; shipping of; technology for

  Paducah (Kentucky)

  Palestine (Texas)

  Palm Beach (Florida)


  Panic of 1907

  Paris (Texas)

  Paris Peace Conference (1919–1920)

  Parr, C. W.

  Patman, Merle

  Patman, Wright; Arnold and; background of; capitalism embraced by; chain-store tax bill of; election to Congress of; McKesson and; special investigating committee on chain stores chaired by; veterans’ bonuses supported by; see also Robinson-Patman Act

  Patterson, W. G.

  Peacock, R. J., Canning Company

  Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on


  Pennsylvania Railroad Company

  Pento’s (Portsmouth)

  Petersburg (Virginia)


  Phillips, Charles F.

  Piggly Wiggly stores

  Pignatelli, Prince Guido


  Plaza coffee

  Plaza Hotel (New York)

  Polk, R. L.

  Ponchatoula (Louisiana)

  Populist movement

  Port Chester (New York)

  Portland (Oregon)

  Portsmouth (New Hampshire)

  Post Office, U.S.


  Powell, Thomas Reed

  President’s Birthday Ball (January 30, 1934)

  price discrimination

  Price Administration, U.S. Office of

  Princeton University

  Printers’ Ink

  produce; distribution system for; farmers’ return on; food code regulations on; national buying operation for, see Atlantic Commission Company; perishability of; prepackaged; refrigeration of; in supermarkets; surplus, promotions to dispose of; wholesalers

  Progressive Grocer, The


  Providence (Rhode Island)

  Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)

  Purity Bakery

  Quaker Maid


  Radio Digest

  Ralphs Grocery Company

  Ralston Purina

  Rayburn, Sam


  Reconstruction Finance Corporation

ation; lack of; of rail cars

  Republican Party; antitrust prosecutions opposed by; in New Jersey local politics; in New York State; in presidential elections; veterans’ bonuses opposed by

  Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union

  Retail Clerks International Advocate

  Retail Clerks International Protective Association

  Richmond Pickling Company

  Robinson, Joseph

  Robinson-Patman Act (1936); A&P charged with violation of; calls for repeal of; introduction of; passage of

  Rockford (Illinois)

  Rockmoor Grocery (Miami)

  Rode’s New York City Directory

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Elliott

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; and antitrust prosecutions; Byoir and; and chain-store tax bill; conservative Democrats’ challenges to; and consumer interests; and loan from John Hartford to Elliott Roosevelt; Miller-Tydings Act opposed by; opposition to chain stores of supporters of; reelection landslide of; Robinson-Patman Act signed by; Supreme Court–packing plan of; veterans’ bonus bill vetoed by

  Roosevelt, G. Hall

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rotary Clubs

  Rowell, George P.

  Royal gelatin

  Rund, George

  Sackett, Ada Taylor

  Sacramento (California)

  Safeway Stores

  St. Benedict’s College

  St. Edward’s College

  St. Louis

  St. Paul (Minnesota)

  salmon, canned

  San Diego (California)

  San Francisco

  Santos (Brazil)

  Sargent, Ignatius and Sarah

  Saunders, Clarence

  Schimmat, Charles

  Schlink, Frederick John

  Schulte, George

  Schulte tobacco stores

  Schumpeter, Joseph

  Schwartzwald, Jacob

  Scrymser, John

  Seamans, Thomas

  Sears, Roebuck & Company


  Second National Bank of Orange

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

  Senate, U.S.; Agriculture Committee; Finance committee

  Sharbrough, Ralph

  Share Our Wealth campaign

  Shaw, Arch


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